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Good morning with everyone, my name is Marcia Evas, I will be your guide of

the "Church of Fatima". We are going to know some information about this
place. Pay attention please.
Zamora Chinchipe – El pangui “Iglesia Nuestra Señora de Fátima”
Canton: The Pangui
Population: 8,619 inhabitants (eight thousand seventy nineteen)
Temperature: 20ºC to 24ºC(Cenigraid)
Cantonization: February 14
It is 64 km from the city of Zamora
The name of the canton El Pangui comes from the Shuar terminology "PANKI"
which means boa since this animal lived by the Zamora river.
Located on Av. Luis Imaicela. There is the Church of Our Lady of Fatima, it has
two towers, in one it has the image of the Divine Child and that of the Virgin of
the Swan; and in the second one there is a clock on 4 sides.
In the middle of the towers sits the image of the Virgin of Fatima.
These places represent the civic and religious spirit of this noble people.
In front of the church is the central park of the city, which preserves a
multicolored presentation thanks to the natural ornamentation in every corner.
The celebration in honor of the Virgin of Fatima is celebrated on May 13
Provincia de Zamora Chinchipe, Cantón Yantzaza, parroquia Chicaña
"El Salado" space for adventure tourism, thanks to the presence of cascades
and caves, whose paths show exotic wonders typical of an Amazonian forest
with plants and birds that captivate tourists.
Within the El Salado sector, walking approximately 60 minutes is the largest
cave, it is 40 meters deep, 4 meters high and 10 meters wide, there is an
underground creek. Its light reaches up to 20 m deep. Its name is called El
Guayacán because there are a large number of Guayacán trees around the
caves. Inside the cave you can find natural formations made by water droplets
through the passage of many years and other very innovative as: the duck, lion
and among others.
Dress appropriately, as well as in shoes and clothing.
Take a camera
No Smoking
Do not litter
Walk the path
Respect and care for nature
Access roads:
Morona Santiago – San Juan Bosco “Río EL TRIUNFO”
It is located 4.6 km from the parish of "Pan de azúcar".
The temperature usually varies from day to night.
Large river flows on its banks contain large amounts of large rocks. An island is
formed on the site, which for the most part is covered with reed, grass.
The vegetation that surrounds the attraction conserves the characteristics of the
Tropical Rainforest. The main fauna species are mahogany trees, matapalo,
saike, copal, yumbingue, guabo, palms such as chonta and pambil. Guabo, a
tree that gives edible fruits.
It is frequent the sighting of birds such as: black earwig, black-headed gallinazo,
bugles, water patillo, blackbird, tiles, among others.
Sport fishing
Environmental interpretation
Photography, among others.
Morona Santiago – Pablo Sexto “Río Namakim”
Distance from the canton 10 km
This river crosses the territories of several communities, Kunkup, Yamanunka,
Shawi, Sangay, etc.
It is not very plentiful, it has several natural pools, its waters are clear, it forms
small beaches, its edges are surrounded by thick vegetation.
This river flows like many others into the Palora River, which allows it to be the
largest and most abundant.
Here we can find plants like:
Pumamaqui, myrtle, alder, olive, cedar, laurel, guayacán, pantza, licopodios,
palma palms, palma real, copales, mahogany, chuquiraguas, gentians, neurole-
pis, chontaduro, camphor, tagua, achupallas and pajonal; and a great variety of
orchids and bromeliads.
 And in fauna we can find: Spectacled bear, mountain tapir, Eastern tapir,
anteater, deer, howler monkey, machin, chichico, jaguar, porcupine, guanta.
Among the birds stand out the roosters of the rock, pauji-les, tangaras, etc.
Activities that can be performed
Sport fishing
Observation of flora and fauna
Photography, etc.
Morona Santiago – Huamboya “Trapiche”
It is called trampiche to the extraction of cane juice and pa-nela production.
In Huamboya there are about 164 agricultural production units and 145
hectares of cane crops. The inhabitants are dedicated to growing canes
Panela in Mesoamerica is also known as sweet tied, empani-zao, piloncillo or
Panela contains glucose, fructose, proteins, calcium, iron and phosphorus.
Elaboration of the Panela is first: Cutting of the cane, Transportation, Pre-
Cleaning, Extraction of the juice, Bagasse, Addition of raft, Cleaning, Cachaça,
Steam, Concentration, See the cooking point, Chilled, Packing and finally the

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