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Reference list

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Video case study; example typical FJS presentation

(used in cluster video)


Overview: John Small, 28 yom. Occupation: labourer, plumber. He has a history of repetitive

micro-trauma due to the nature of his job.

Location: Right sided lower back, unilateral.

Onset: Insidious, over the last 5 years, though it is acute when flare-up occurs.

Duration: Flare-up occurred 3/7 ago.

Course: Intermittent, flare-ups come and go roughly 1/12.

Type: Constant pain, VAS 5/10: described as local, sharp on the (R). Pain when sitting/still, VAS

8/10: Dull band of pain refers across lower lumbar region, and ache into buttocks. During certain

movements, VAS 8/10: Stiffness with spasms in the spinal muscles at times.

Radiation: No. Nothing below knee, rarely into thigh’s.

Relieving factors: Sitting with a pillow/forward lean (avoiding extension), laying/rest after work,

short walks and supine knees to chest before getting out of bed in the morning helps.

Aggravating factors: Reaching up overhead in the kitchen (extending the spine) and prolonged

sitting or standing. Getting up in the morning, getting up from sitting, and rotation brings on

spasm-like muscle pain and exacerbates the local sharpness.

Previous episodes: Yes, over the past 5 years.

Previous treatment: Previous chiropractic treatment has helped the acute flare-up, but not

decreased the occurrence of episodes.

Associated factors: Family history of LB issues: mother has OA, which is associated with FJS due

to denigrative changes impacting the facet joints No excessive lordosis is noted.

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