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1. Deshabilitar = to Disable
2. Deshacer = to Undo
3. Desinstalar = to Deinstall, to Uninstall 
4. Desplazar = to Move
5. Digitalizar = to Digitize
6. Digitizar = to Digitize

English – Spanish

7. to Deactivate = Desactivar
8. to Degrade = Degradar
9. to Deinstall = Desinstalar
10. to Delete = Borrar, eliminar, suprimir
11. to Dial = Marcar
12. to Digitize, = Digitalizar, digitizar
13. to Dim = Atenuar
14. to Disable = Deshabilitar, inhibir, inhabilitar, desconectar, desactivar
15. to Disconnect = Desacoplar, desconectar, inhibir
16. Double-click = Hacer doble clic
17. to Download = Bajar, tele cargar (de central a satélite)., descargar
18. Drag and drop = Arrastrar y soltar, arrastrar y colocar
19. to Drag = Arrastrar

20. Editar = to Edit
21. Eliminar = to Delete
22. Encender = to Turn on
23. Enchufar = to  Plug
24. Enchufar y usar = Plug and Play
25. Enlazar = to Link
26. Enviar = to Send
27. Escoger = to Select
28. Escribir = to Write
29. Examinar = to Browse
30. Explorar = to Scan 
31. Exportar = to Export 

English – Spanish
32. to Edit = Editar
33. to Enter = Introducir
34. to Erase = Borrar, suprimir
35. to Exit = Salir
36. to Export = Exportar


37. Finalizar la sesión = to Hang up

38. Formatear = to Format

7English - Spanish

39. to Format = Formatear


40. Guardar = to Save, to Archive

9English - Spanish


41. Hacer una copia de seguridad = to Backup  

11English - Spanish

42. to Hang up = Finalizar la sesión, quedarse un ordenador colgado

43. to Highlight = Resaltar, realzar
44. to Hold down = Mantener (una tecla) pulsada


45. Imprimir = to Print 

46. Inhabilitar = to Disable
47. Inhibir = to Inhibit,  to disable
48. Inicializar = to Startup, to Initialize
49. Iniciar sesión = to Sign on
50. Insertar = to Insert
51. Instalar = to Install 
52. Interconectar = to Interface
53. Introducir = to Enter

12English - Spanish

54. to Initialize = Inicializar

55. to insert = Insertar
56. to Install = Instalar
57. to Interface = Interconectar

13Spanish –English

14English - Spanish

58. Liberar = to Unfreeze,

15English - Spanish

59. to Link = Enlazar, vincular, unir

60. to Log = Registrar
61. to Log on = Entrada en el sistema, conectarse al sistema
62. to Log out = Salida en el sistema

16Spanish -English

63. Mejorar = to Update

64. Mover = to Move

English - Spanish



65. Ordenar = to Sort

English - Spanish

66. Pegar = to Paste 

67. Previsualizar = to Preview
68. Probar = to Test 
69. to Paste = Pegar
70. to Plug = Enchufar
71. to Point = Apuntar
72. to Preview = Previsualizar, visualizar
73. to Print = Imprimir


74. Quedarse un ordenador colgado = to Hang up

75. Quitar la selección = to Deselect

English - Spanish

76. Quit = Salir, abandoner

77. Rastrear = to Browse
78. Realzar = to Highlight
79. Rearrancar = to Reboot
80. Recuperar = to Recover, to Retrieve 
81. Recuperar = to Unerase
82. Redimensionar = to Resize
83. Reemplazar = to Replace
84. Registrar = to Log, to Record  
85. Reinicializar = to Reboot, to Restart
86. Reiniciar = to Reboot, to Restart 
87. Reinstalar = to Reinstall
88. Renombrar = to Rename
89. Reparar = to Repair
90. Resaltar = to Highlight 

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