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This 3D perspective map illustrates the implementation on 26 August 2008 are identify vessel traffic patterns through the

terns through the June 2008, and IMO resolution adopted 29 Bureau (IMB). Incidents are classified into 3 followed or chased another ship; Note, a

relative spatial density of reported pirate identified. A spatial analysis of the pattern Gulf of Aden. This work was done by Nov. 2007 calling for continued monitoring of main types: 'Hijacking' where pirates have number of reported 'Suspicious Approach'
incidents in the Gulf of Aden for 2008
(current as of 21 November). Incidents that
have occurred within 5km of the Maritime
Security Patrol Area (MSPA) following
changes in attacks has also been
conducted. Satellite imagery has been used
in this analysis for the identification of
suspected hijacked vessel locations, and to
UNOSAT in support of the ongoing
humanitarian operations across the Horn of
Africa, and in response to the UN Security
Council Resolution 1816 (2008) adopted 2
Somali pirate activity. All piracy incident data
has been obtained from open media
sources, specifically the Piracy Reporting
Center (PRC) of the International Maritime
taken control of a ship; 'Attempted Hijacking'
where pirates have deployed weapons &
attempted to board a vessel but failed;
'Suspicious Approach' where a vessel has
incidents may represent accidental vessel
approaches misperceived as a pirate
threat. This is an initial assessment and
has not been independently verified.
Summary of Pirate Incidents within 5km of MSPA (26 August - 21 November 2008)

There have been a total of 84 reported pirate
incidents off the Somali coast following the
implementation of the Maritime Security Patrol Area
on the implementation
26 Aug.08.
Area (MSPA)
of includes
This total
on 26 Aug. for
36 attempted
the Maritime
hijackings and 24
24 vessel
Security Patrol

, ,
suspicious approaches or vessel pursuits. Of been
transit through the Gulf of Aden there have this a total of
total, 42 events have occurred within 5km of the
MSPA, representing 50% of all events off the coast
of Somalia during this time period (26 Aug.-21
Nov.). This subtotal (shown in the pie graph left)
includes 10 hijackings, 17 attempted hijackings and
16 suspicious approaches. There are preliminary
statistical indications that the pirate success rate for


hijacking is slightly lower inside the MSPA than
outside. During the MSPA, the pirate success rate

(successful hijackings / total attempts) was Attempted
approximately 37% inside the MSAP, but 42% Hijackings

Spatial Changes of Pirate Activity After MSPA in the Gulf

Map Inset 1
(Spatial Analysis) F



The implementation of the MSPA has had a dramatic influence on pirate

activity in the Gulf of Aden. As this map illustrates, the spatial distribution
of reported pirate attacks has contracted spatially in pursuit of transit
vessels travelling through MSPA. There are several measurements of this
change. The mean distance between reported attacks has fallen from
30.5km for events before MSPA to 24.6km after (from 26 Aug. -21 Nov).
The standard deviational ellipse of attacks (a measure of event
distribution) before the MSPA narrowed considerably after the MSPA
along the north-south axis. Further, the mean center of attacks has
shifted to the west by approximately 200km. The overall shift has thus

been of a concentration of activity along the MSPA, towards the Yemeni

! coast and to the west.

Map Legend Pirate Incidents within MSPA Data Sources

Pirate Incident Density in 2008 Reported pirate Map Inset 1 (Spatial Analysis) The depiction and use of boundaries,
...... Pirate Incidents Before MSPA
(26 Aug. - 21 Nov. 2008) !
incidents within

, Piracy Data (1) ........ IMB Piracy Reporting Centre (PRC) geographic names and related data shown here
Hijacking + 5km of MSPA Standard Deviational Ellipse of Piracy Data (2) ....... ONI, NATO, IMO, GaroweOnline, AP are not warranted to be error-free nor do they
...... !
Red shift
...... Pirate Incidents Before MSPA ...... Pirate Incidents After MSPA GIS Data .................GEBCO, NGA, GIST, UNOSAT
imply official endorsement or acceptance by the
indicates United Nations. This map was produced by the

! Attack /
...... Failed Hijacking
higher event
activity Maritime Security
Patrol Area (MSPA)
Standard Deviational Ellipse of
...... Pirate Incidents After MSPA !
! Mean Center of Pirate Incidents
...... Before MSPA (1 Jan-25 Aug.08)
Analysis .................. UNOSAT 2008
Map Production .......UNOSAT
Projection ............... Transverse Mercator
United Nations Institute for Training and
Research (UNITAR) Operational Satellite
Applications Program (UNOSAT). UNOSAT
provides satellite imagery & related geographic
Contact Information: info@unosat.org

! Suspicious
...... Approach
26 August 08
The standard deviational ellipse is a spatial
analysis measurement of the distribution
and orientation of point event datasets. !
Mean Center of Pirate Incidents
...... After MSPA (26 Aug.- 21 Nov. 08)
Datum ..................... WGS 1984
Note: Map Scale Varies with Perspective
information to UN humanitarian & development
agencies & their implementing partners.
24/7 Hotline: +41 76 487 4998

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