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Homework – Automation


—Download UiPath Community edition, Studio version

(not StudioX)
—Create a new blank process
—Add a Flowchart, Activity, open the Flowchart
—Add 3 Sequences and name them “Init”,
“Processing” and “Results”
—In the Init Sequence, add an Input Dialog activity.
Create a variable named “str_search_product” and
store the output of the input dialog in this variable.
—HINT1: create variables more easily by using the
CTRL+K shortcut
—HINT2: go to the Variables pane in the lower side
of the screen and change the Scope of your
variables from “Init” to “Flowchart” so that they
are visible in your entire project
—Add another Input Dialog with 3 options to select
from: “Amazon”, “Emag” and “Both”. HINT: Add
options using the following structure –
—Save the Output in a variable named
“str_search_sites” (don’t forget to change the
variable scope to “Flowchart”)
—Open the Processing Sequence and add a Switch
activity. Add str_search_sites as the Expression to
be evaluated (make sure that the Expression type is
—Add 3 cases (one for each option).
—Using an Open Browser Activity, navigate to Emag /
Amazon respectively.
—Use a Type Into Activity to search for the desired
product (str_search_product)
—Using the Data Scrapping Wizard from the top
ribbon, scrape the data from the website (the first
100 results should be enough)
—Copy/cut the generated “Data Scrapping” sequence
and place it in its respective Swich Case Sequence
—Save the scrapped data (the default variable for
storing scrapped data is called ExtractDataTable) in
an Excel File using Write Range (Workbook) and
find a way to name it uniquely (ex. use
—HINT: Store your filepath in a string variable. You
will need it later!
—For the “Both” case, simply copy both the other two
cases and place them one after the other.
—Go to the results Sequence and add a Send Outlook
Mail Message activity.

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—Attach your Excel file/files to your email (click
attach file and add your file path)
—Add your email as recipient and add a meaningful
subject and a sample text email body (ex. Subject
“EMAG – Samsung Galaxy S11 – 5/5/2020 – 12:12
PM” and Body “Please find attached the search
results for EMAG - Samsung Galaxy S11 – 5/5/2020
– 12:12 PM)
—If you do not have an Outlook mail address, select
the Send Outlook Mail Message activity you created
and press CTRL+D to disable it.
—Finally, add a Message Box activity to signal the
end of the process.

476747490.docx Document Classification: KPMG Confidential 3

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