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ISIJ International, Vol. 39 (1999), No. 3, pp.


Assimilation and Mineral Formation during Sintering for Blends

Containing Magnetite Concentrate and ematite/Piso ite Sintering H I

and L. DAVIS
E-mai[: yang,lisa.lC(7;bhp.com,au
BHPResearch Newcastle Laboratories, POBox 188, Wailsend 2287, Austtalia.
(Received on August 28. 1998, accepted in final form on November. 20. 1998)

Blends for sintering in China commonlycontain domestic magnetite concentrate and imported hematite
or/and pisolite sintering fines. Interactions between these ores wili, no doubt, have an important impact on
sintering performance and sinter quality of these blends. Studies have been carried out to look at assimilation
of sintering fines and mineral formation during sintering of such blends.
The results showthat at given mix composition, pisolite ores are easier to be assimilated than hematite
and magnetite ores while magnetite showsthe least assimilation. For the sameore, the assimilation depends
on melt level and ore porosity. For this reason, higher assimilation was observed
for porous ores or ores
with high gangue content or whenan easy-fusing ore was present in the blend.
Studies on mineral phase formation of blends containing magnetite, hematite and pisolite indicate that
good sinter mineralogy with increasing SFCA(silico-ferrite of calcium and aluminium) content is obtained
with increasing Ore E(hematite). Substitution of Ore J (pisolite) for various hematite ores did not lead to
significant changes in sinter mineralogy. The only change wasthe reduced level of primary hematite owing
to the high reactivity of Ore J.

magnetite; assimilation; SFCA;iron ore sintering; sinter mine~alogy.

measureto improve magnetite slntering as the oxidation

l .
of magnetite in sintering was likely to be lirnited.
Properties of the domestlc ores strongly affect sintering
It is
commonin China that ore blends for sintering
consist of domestic magnetite concentrate, imported behaviour of ore blend. Studies on a complex Chinese
hematite and pisolite sintering fines. Comparedto the ore, whlch contalned significant amounts of slderite,
slntering of domestic ores, higher productlvlty, Iower magnetite and hematite, found that the blended hematite
coke consumption and better sinter quality are often and pisolite sintering fines could be reduced to magnetite
obtained by blending these sintering fines with the by the reducing reagent generated by the decomposition
domestic concentrates. The degree of the Improvements of siderite prior to the major slntering reactions oc-
was found to be dependent on the level of Imported
curring.6) This would retard the SFCA
formation from
sintering fines in the blends and, more importantly on the hematlte during sinterlng. For a very complex ore
sintering operations.1)
There are limited studies on contalnlng about O.80/0 fiuorine and other uncommon
sintering reactions of such blends. The major changes in elements, studies showed that significant amount of
slnter mineralogy observed were the increased SFCA formed as a main bonding phase besides
glassy silicate
content and the presence of primary hematite when SFCAat CaO/Si02= I .8 and Al203 = I .5 o/o in the sinter
Australian hematite ores were blended with magnetlte even under oxidlsing conditlons.7)
concentrates 2~ 4) .
Thus, it is important to understand the interactions
Studies have been carried out for sintering of magnetite between magnetite concentrates and imported ores, and
ore alone.5) It was found that magnetite was less reactive the reactions during sintering in order to use the imported
than hematite and piso]ite, and therefore required high ores more effectively. This work focuses on two main
sinteringtemperature to ensure adequate sinter strength. fundamental aspects in sintering of magnetite, hematite
and blends, interactions of the magnetite
maybe the main reason why a high coke rate pisolite
This is i.e.,

often associated with magnetite ore blend sintering. concentrate with sintering fines-assimilation of the
Under an oxidising atmosphere, however, the magnetite sintering fines; and sinter mineral formation. The work
reactivity was improved significantly, resulting in large would provide ftmdamenta] understanding of such blend
amount of SFCA in the sinter. It
was suggested that slntering.
blending with hematite sintering fines was a practical

239 C 1999 ISIJ

ISIJ International, Vol. 39 (1999), No, 3
Table 1. Chemical composition of the raw materials. 70
~~ 60
Ore type Name Fe FeO Si02 Al203 CaO MgOTi02 K20 F BaO LOI =0
50 -

Magnetite A 65.8 26, l 4.20 0.46 I~ 0.63 0,07 0,033

Concentrate B 58.3 17.? 5lO 0.34 2.9 IJ) 0.18 0.76 043 O
la 30
O 1
D 64.5 24,0 5.8 18 06 .9 0.17 0.034 O
o 20
Hematite E 62.8 4.90 2A:o o,06 0,05 O.
II 0.01 8 22 ,5
F 65 6 4.lO 0.84 0,06 o,03 0.06 0,009 08 E
G 64.9 3.60 l .8
OJ)9 0,02 0.09 O.21 0.6
~ O
Purer Hema. H 682 l,lO 0.59 0,07 o.06 0.05 O.O1 0.6 L G F E t(
fmes i 67.2 0.95 o.s5 0,02 0.02 O.08 0.001 l .9 Sintering Fines
J 58.6 51)o 0.97 OJ)9 0.05 0.05 0.003 9.9
Fig. l. Assimilation ofvarious ores al 1300"C whenadhering
rmes K 5?,l 522 233 0.24 O13 0.18 0.009 9.5 fines were madefrom Ore A (m'agnetite).
Magnetite L 64, l 20s 4.30 l .6 2.5 o.59 0.15 OJ)09 2,0

the initial generated from these adhering fines
melt is
Limestone O.
18 l .60 0.47 53 4 o~3 OJ)2 O,
13 42.8
during sintering via reactions betweeniron ore and fiuxes.
Fluxes Dolomite l lO 0.32 30.0 20.6 0.05 46,l
This melt then assimilates the nuclei particles to produce
Kaolin 0.98 45.7 35.7 038 o46 l,1 0,14 14.2

LOI: Loss on ignition. more melt. Before complete melting is reached, the sin-
tering temperature drops. The melt so]idifies and min-
eral phases precipitate out of the melt forming bond-
2. Experimental
ing phases which cement the unmelted materials and
The entire experiments were carried out using an form lumpy sinter. The chemlcal reactions for melt for-
infrared heating furnace with a working tube of 30mm mation mainly take place in the high temperature zone
in diameter, which has been described in
a previous of the sinter bed in a very short period of time. Obvious]y
study.8) The main feature of the furnace this is an extremely complex process.
was its quick
and precisely controlled heating and cooling rates, The ore assimilation phenomenon,i.e., reactions of
enabling a close simulation of the sintering profile seen iarge ore particles and melts formed from fine particles
in a slnter machine. The experimental atmosphere in the of ores and fluxes, has been studied for hematite ore
sintering.9 ~ I l) The adhering fines used
furnace was also able to be controlled by introducing were either from
a desired gas. The standard temperature profile used sintering fines or chemical reagents. In this work, the
was as follows-heating to 800'C at 5'C/sec and to asslmilation of a varlety of sintering fines wasInvestigated
T~.* (maximumsintering temperature) from 800'C at with the adhering fines madefrom magnetite concentrate
20'C/sec, and cooling at 2'C/sec after holding at Tm** and fluxes (limestone, and dolomite when controlling
for min.2 MgO). Granules, composedof nucleus particles from
the sintering fines (minus I
Granules similar to the quasi particles in sinter mix mmplus 0.7mm) and the
were madefrom the sinter mix and held in a platinum adhering fines, were used to represent a number of
holder. The granules were sintered under the designed granules In close proximity to each other and sintered
temperature profile and controlled atmosphere. The under the simulated sintering profiles in the infrared
sintered samples were studied by optical microscopy and image furnace. The furnace atmosphere was controlled
the mineral composltion was determined by the polnt to be 100/0 02' After sintering, mineral composition
counting technique, which has been described in a recent of the samples was determined. The assimilation was
publication,s) measured as the volume percent of relict ore particles
The materials used are listed in Table I where Ores after being assimilated by the melt.
A, B and D are magnetite concentrates. The sintering The sintering fines studied are listed in Tab]e l, i.e.,
fines include hematite, pisolite and magnetite ores. The hematite sintering fines with relatively higher levels of
pisolite ores contain mainly goethite and volume of gangue (Ores E, F
and G), hematite sintering fines
hematite is also present. Ore A was a relatively simple containing iower lever of gangue(Ores H
and I), pisolite
fines (Ores J and K) and magnetite fines (Ore L).
ore containing quartz and pyroxene as main gangue
minerals, thus the ore was used for most of the studies. 3.1. Effect of Adhering Fines Composition
Ore D is similar to Ore A. Ore B contained 4.4volo/o
fiuorite, and magnetite to hematite ratio was about 2: I
Sinter mlx, with overall CaOISi02
= .8, of 50 Ore
Other gangue minerals included quartz, pyroxene, pyr-

A (magnetite ore) and 500/0 Sintering fines was sintered

rhotite, carbonates, compoundswith rear earth ele-
under the designed temperature profile at T***
= 300'C. 1
The level of the relict ore (primary hematite for the
ments, etc.
hematite ores, primary and pseudo primary hematite for
3. Assimilation of Various Sintering Fines ores, and primary magnetite and oxidised
the pisollte
primary magnetite for the magnetite ore) in the samples
Sinter mixes are granulated prior
to charging onto a was determined by the point-countlng technique and is
sintermachine. During granulation fine particles adhere given in Fig. l. Obviously, the degree of assimilation is
onto the surface of large particles with the assistance of inversely proportional to the level of relict ore. Flgure 1
water lenses to form granules. It is well established that does not give contents of every mlnerals in the sinters,

@1999 ISIJ 240

ISIJ International, Vo]. 39 (1999), No. 3

80 80
:~~:e' E! CaO/Si02=1.8
> RCaOISi02=12
60 60
DRelict hematite ::~~.'

~ ;-
EL 40

o T]V=0.073 T]V=O043 o
a, 20 .
1, 20
~ o
l H o
Sintering Fines G F E K J
Sintering Fines
Fig. 2. Assimilation ofpurer hematite ores at 300'C when 1 Fig. 4. Effect of mix basicity on assimilation when adhering
adhering fines from Ore A
(magnetite). TIV-total
fines from Ore A (magnetite) at 1300"C.
intrusion volume.

80 60
~~~~~rISJ El MgOuncontrolled ,
~; 70
60 DSFCA+GlasS B
io ~~.'

•~ 50 15
o~ 40

E *
oo 30 ~
15 20
*,D 20 o(

i,1~= l,;=

O o
e F
Sintering Fines
Sintering Fines
Fig. 3. Assimllation for 70"/, sintering fines-30"/. adherlng
nnes madefrom Ore A (magnetite) at 1300'C.
Fig. 5. MgOon ore assimilation whenadhering
Effect of fines
from Ore A (magnetite) at 1300'C.

e.g., Ievels of magnetite and secondary hematite are not

indicated. gesting that the asslmilation is dependent on gangue
Figure I shows that the assimilation behaviour a is content for the sameore type.
function of ore type. Hematite ores-Ores E, F and G Whenthe slnter mix was composedof 70 o/, sintering
have similar assimilation behaviour; pisolite ores- fines and 30 o/o adhering fines with the basicity of .8 made I
Ores Jand K-showhigher degrees of assimilation com- A
from Ore and limestone, the assimilation results are
pared to the hematlte ores; and the assimilation de- presented in Fig. 3
for T~*.=1 300'C. The trend for

gree of magnetite ore-Ore L-is lower than the hema- variation of the assimilation degree with ore type is
tite and pisolite ores because magnetite was found to similar to that shown in Fig. l, but the value of the
be less reactive than hematite ores.1) assimilation degree is lower because only a small amount
SFCAand glass contents formed in the sinters are also of fines was added, and subsequently litt]e melt formed
given in Fig. l. For Ores L, G, J, and K, the total melt during the sintering process. Thus, for the sameore, the
level is comparable. However, the degree of assimilation degree of assimilation depends on the amount of melt
for the pisolite ores (Ores J and K) is higher than that formed during sintering, which is consistent with the
for hematite Ore G
and magnetite Ore L. Significant above observatlons.
amounts SFCA
of formed from blends Ore E-Ore A The mix basicity was then varied to investigate the
effect of basicity
and Ore F-Ore A, and would be the good bonding phase on assimilation of the blends of 500/.
for sinter. sintering fines as nuclei and 50 "/* Ore A. The results,
In the same manner, the asslmilation studies were presented in Fig. 4, indicate that the degree of assimilation

carried out for the relatively pure hematite Ores and H drops when the mix basicity varies from 1.8 to l.2 for
I. The sinter mlx with a basicity of l.8 was madefrom the sameore. This is again related to the amountof melt
blends 500/0 Ore and 500/0 Ore A
or 500/0 Ore I. The H formed, e.g., sumof SFCA and glass wasabout 33 vol"/.
relict hematite and melt contents after sintering are at basicity l.8 and about 22volo/, at basicity 1.2 for the
shown in Fig. 2. The total intrusion volume (TIV - a blend of 50 "/. Ore Eand 50 "/* Ore A. Thus, higher degree
representation of porosity determined by the mercury of assimilation was obtained at basicity I .8 for the same
porosimetry, details seen later) for the two ores is also ore.
given in the figure. It is observed that the porous ore Dolomite was added to those sinter mixes studied in
(i.e., higher TIV) has slightly higher assimilation degree. Fig, I to obtain the MgO Ievel of 2 mass"/*. The calculat-
It is observed by comparing Figs. and that for the I 2 ed MgO Ievel
was about 0.3 masso/* without the dolomite
sameore type of hematite sintering fines, the degree of addition. The relict ore levels at the both MgO Ievels are

assimilation of the two purer ores is lower than that of shownin Fig. 5, Indicating that the addition of 2mass"/o
the hematite ores containing higher gangue levels, sug- MgOdid not cause significant changes in ore assimila-
241 C 1999 ISIJ
ISIJ International, Vol. 39 (1 999), No. 3
60 60
.\e :~~~.'

15 15
> >
la'~ 40
C 40

E s 20
O *o Fines from Ore A
O 20 'l'
O~ Fines ftom Ore B

= O
~ o~)2 o,04 o,06 o,08 o1
Porosity ot the ores, Tlv
G e E E J J
sintering Fines Fig. 8. Assimilation orvarious ores as a function ofporosity
of the ores when 'adhering fines were made from
Fig. 6. The ore assimrlation at I '-50 and 1300'c when
adhering fines
ware maderrom Ore A (magnetite).
magnetites A and Bat 1300"C.

Ore Bcomparedto Ore A.

Ore B contains fiuorlne, barium and higher level of
alkalis. Melt would form at earlier stage of sintering
process, and also the melt would have low viscosity or
high fluidity. The melt would morereadily penetrate Into
ore particles, resulting in a higher degree of assimila-
~ tion. Thus, the assimilation of sintering fines is depen-
dent on properties, particularly the fusion property, of
~ the magnetite concentrate in the blend.
The experimental results have shown that the ore
assimllation dependson the type of the ore, ganguelevel
in the ore, porosity of the ore, sintering temperature,
Sintering Fines
mix composition and the magnetite concentrate used
Fig. 7. Assimnation ofv'arious ores whenadhering fines ware for adhering fines. Assimilation Is a process of interac-
madefrom ore B(magnetite) at 1300'c.
tion between ore particles and the melt present. This
tion. interaction involves species transfer and chemical reac-
tions. For such processes to take place, accessibility
3.2. Effect of Sintering Temperature of the melt to the surface of the ore particles is critical.
Assimilation of blends with CaO/Si02=1.8 and At a given slze fraction, the accessibility is dependent
containing 500/0 Sintering fines as nuclei and 50 o/o Ore
on properties of the melt, e.g., fluidity and degree of Fe
A as adhering fines was studied at T~..=1 250 and saturation, and the properties of the ore, e.g., porosity.
l 300'C. The results are presented in Fig. 6. Whenthe Porosities of the sintering fines (i.e., nuclei particles)
temperature increases from 1250 to 1300'C, the relict were determined by the mercury porosimetry method.
hematite level decreases, i.e., the degree of assimilation Partlcles in the size fraction of 2-4mm
were used. After
of the hematite ores increases. This is probably due to sufficlent perlod of time to allow for the complete
high reaction rates between ore particles and melt at saturation of the particles with mercury at a given
high temperature. Significant amounts of SFCA formed pressure, pore size was derived and the total intrusion
at 1250'C, and there was virtually no glass; SFCAcon- volume (TIV) of mercury into the ore particles was
tent decreased and glass formed at 1300'C. This sug- determined. The assimilation results for a number of
gests that at 1250'C, the melt formation was dominat- sintering fines have been presented earlier when the
ing and significant assimilation of larger particles into adhering fines were madefrom Ores A and B. The relict
melt did not occur. The assimilation variation with
ore in these sinters is plotted in Fig. 8 as a function of
sintering temperature for Ore J was only small, and porosity of the sintering fines, i.e., nuclei. It is observed
this is again attributed to the high reactivity of the ore. that the degree of the assimilation increases with ore
3.3. Effect of Magnetite Concentrate porosity in this wide range of porosity. For a given
ore, higher assimilation is observed when the adhering
Ore A in the above blends was replaced with another fines were madefrom Ore B. This is again because the
magnetite concentrate-Ore B, to investigate the effect
adhering fines from Ore Bgenerated more melt (Fig. 7)
of type of magnetite on ore assimilation. The difference
than Ore A, and the presence of fluorine and high
in chemical composition between the two ores is given
in Table l. The results for blends containing 500/0 Ore
contents of alkalis mayresult in a higher fluidity melt.

B and 50 o/o sintering fines at CaO/Si02=I .8 are pre- 4. Mineral Formation from Magnetite/Hematite/Piso-
sented in Fig. 7, showing that the pisolite ores are lite Ore Blends
easier to be assimilated comparedto the hematite ores,
which is consistent with that observed in Fig. The I .
Studies have been carried out for blends consisting of
actual degree of assimilation for a given ore is signifi- magnetite, hematite or/and pisolite ores to understand
cantly higher when the adhering fines are madefrom the mineral formation durlng slntering. The experiments

C 1999 IS]J 242

ISIJ International. Vol. 39 (1999), No. 3

Ore E 80010
40'/o ,a
Ore E a
o 40a/o
20'1e ~E

Ore i o
~s 200/0
oa/a 200/. 40a/o 600lo 80alo I OOo/o
Mineral composition, vololo o'/.

Fig. 9. Mineral composition for Ore A-Ore Eblends sintered o lo 20 30 40 50

at T = 1270'C in air. Level ot ore J in mix, '/.

Fig. Il. Ore J replacing Ore E In 50"/.Ore A-ore E-OreJ

1OO'/o blends sintered in lo"/, o, at T~**=1 270 C C S
dicalcium siucate.

S> formed even under flowing N2, this is attributed to the
io hematite ore-Ore E, which
:~ 600/0 presence of the reacted to
o form SFCAbefore its decomposition.
40ola Figure 9
shows that the SFCAcontent increases with
,, E
the increase of Ore in the blends. Whenthe oxidation
o 200/0 of magnetite is not in favour, as shown in Fig, 10 for
~ the sintering in N2, SFCA still forms in the sinters. This
Oolo is direct]y related to the addition of Ore as SFCA E
N2 10'1,02 air
formation from magnetite is limited,5) suggesting that
Cooling atmosphere after heated in N2
SFCAforms in the presence of hematite in atmospheres
Fig. lO. Blend 60"/oOre A~~OoloOreEheated in N2and coo]ed wlth low oxygen partial pressures. Hence, blending
in02-bearing gases at T~**= 1300 CC S dicalclurn hematite ore in magnetite-based blend is a very practical
way to obtain a considerable amountof SFCAas major
bonding phase in sinter even when the oxidation of
were conducted by using the infrared furnace under the magnetite is not well developed.
designed temperature profile and contro]led atmosphere.
4.2. Magnetite Concentrate (Ore A), Hematite (Ore E)
The sintered samples were analysed by microscopy and and Pisolite (Ore J) Blends
mineral composition was determined by the point
Pisolite ores, e.g., Ore J, are widely used for sintering
counting technique.
In the world due to its low price and abundant deposit.
4.1. Magnetite Concentrate (Ore A) and Hematite (Ore Satisfactory sintering performance has been obtained for
E) Blends blends containing up to 50~/, plsolite ore. Ore Jhas been
Sinter mlxes with a basicity of 1.8 from blends con- used successfully in the magnetite concentrate-based
taining magnetite concentrate Ore A and Ore E (hema- blends in a numberof Chinese steel mills. The mineral
tite ore)
were sintered in air at T~** = 1270'C. The miner- formation during sintering was studied for blends con-
al compositions of the sinters are shownin Fig. 9, where taining magnetite concentrate (Ore A), hematite ore
total SFCAincludes acicular and columnar SFCASand (Ore E) and pisolite ore (Ore J).
precipitated SFCAin glass. The sinters are dominat- At a sinter basicity of I .8, the mineral composition is
ed by SFCAand hematite, and the SFCAcontent in- given in Fig. 11 for blends containing 500/00reA-(O-
creases with increasing Ore in the blends, i.e., blend-
E 50)o/oOreE-(50-0)"/.OreJ sintered in flowing 100/0 02
ing Ore favours the formation of SFCA. at T~**
= 1270'C under the designed temperature pro-
In the sintering process, cooling is undertaken in air file. The results show that SFCAis the major bonding
after heating in a weaker oxidising atmospherecompared phase for all the sinters and primary hematite is pre-
to the cooling stage, due to the coke combustion at high dominant over magnetite and secondary hematite. As
temperature zone. Studies were carried out for the Ore J replaces Ore E in the blends, prlmary hematite
60"/.OreA-40"/.OreE blend by heating the sample in tends to decrease while secondary hematite increases
fiowing N2 up to 300'C and then cooling in a fiowing 1 due to the high reactivity of Ore J. SFCAalso declines
02 bearlng gas of air or lO"/002-Ar mixture. Themineral slightly as a result of the substitution of Ore J for Ore
composition for the sinters with CaO/Si02 I .8 is glven E. Overall, no significant changes are observed in terms
in Fig. 10. The introduction of air or 100/002-Ar mixture of the sinter mineral composition.
during cooling madeslgnificant changes in mineralogy Whenthe sinter mix with CaO/Si02= I.8 from blends
comparedto that in N2' Significant amountsof magnetite containing 50"/oOre A-Ore E-Ore was sintered at J
were oxidised to hematite. Very high level of SFCA 1
T***= 300'C by heating in flowing N2 and cooling in
formed, which was mainly platty and columnar. Some flow, ing air, the sinter mineral composition is shown in
acicular SFCA wasalso observed. It is noticed that SFCA Fig. 12. SFCAis the major bonding phase in all the

243 C 1999 ISIJ

ISIJ International, Vol. 39 (1 999), No, 3

5O'Ie 50'1-

Ore J Ore D

300le E 500/.
2Oolo J Ore B

Ore E
Ore A

Oo/o 200/0 400/a 600/0 800/Q

I OOo/o Oo/. 20a/o 40a/o 60'/o 800/a I OOolo
Mineral compoejtion, volo/o Mineral composition, volole

Fig. 12. Mineral composition of sinters when Ore E was Fig. 14. Sinter mineral composition from blends 500/00re
replaced with 20-50 o/o Ore Jjn 500/00re A-500/00re E J500/00reA or Bor D at 1270'C in 100/0 02'
blends heated in N2 and cooled in air at Tm**~
1300'C. C2S-dicalcium silicate,
under the designed temperature profile in flowing 100/0
02' At a sinter basicity of l.8, the mineral composition
is given in Fig. 14 for blends containing 500/00reJ
30a/e H
2Oolo J 500/00reA or OreB or OreD. The blends with Ores
Ore H
A and D are comparable and the produced sinters are
mainly bonded by SFCA.SFCAis below 20volo/o for
the blend with Ore B and glass becamesignificant. This
G is attributed to the Ore Bproperties as discussed earlier.
Ore G
5. Summary
Assimilation of sintering fines is an important aspect
30'/e F of the sintering process. Perhaps it is moreimportant for
20'/. J the sintering of blends composedof sintering fines and
magnetite concentrates because this is the critical step
Ore F
of the Interactlons between the sinterlng fines and con-
o'/, 20'/, 40'/. 60'/, 80'/, I oo'/. centrate.To a certain extent, this would affect the
Raineral *ompcsition, vet'/,
performance of the sintering fines in the blend or the
Fig, 13. 20"/* OreJsubstitution forhematiteOre ForGor H effective utilisation of the sintering fines. The present
in 50"/,ore A--50"/* hematite blends. C2S-dicalcium study has found that the assimilation depends on ore
type, gangue level In the ore, porosity of the ore, sinter-
Ing temperature, mix composition and the magnetite
sinters. Low primary hematite is observed for the
500/00reJ-500/00reA blend, and consequently, the sec- concentrate used in the blend.
ondary hematite is higher, which agrees with the re- Generaily, piso]ite ore is more easi]y assimilated than
sults shownin Fig. II The mineralogy of all the sinters hematite ore while hematite has a higher assimllation

than magnetite ore. For a given ore type, the degree of

appears to be close to commercial sinters.
Figure II shows the sinter mineralogy when Ore J assimilation increases with rislng ore porosity,
level in the ore, mix basicity and sintering temperature.
replaced Ore E gradually in blends 500100re A-Ore E- Magnetite concentrate also significantly affects the as-
OreJ. 200/0 Ore J substitution for other hematite ores
(Ore F or Gor H) in blends 50 sirnilation behaviour. The complex concentrate studied
Ore A and 500/0 Ore o/o
in this work resulted in
Hor 50 Ore Gor 50 Ore Fhas also been investigated
o/o o/o a high level of melt with low
viscosity, which led to higher degree of,the assimilation
under the designed temperature profile at T~.* 1270'C. a
= for the samesintering fines.
The mineral composition of the sinters is comparedin
Fig. 13 for these blends. Results have shown blending sintering fines (Ore E)
Obviously, no significant changes were caused by the with magnetite concentrate improves mineralogy of the
sinters, i.e., Increase in the SFCAcontent and presence
200/0 substitLution of Ore the hematite ores in the J for of primary hematite. Significant amounts of SFCA
three blends. With addition of Ore J, decrease in primary can
hematite and slight in increase in secondary hematite in form under low oxygen partial pressure as a result

the sinters were observed, which are in line with the of hematite ore (Ore E) present in the system for the
reactive nature of Ore J. blends containing magnetite concentrate and hematite
Therefore, Ore Jcan be used to substitute for hematite ore .

In the blends composedof 50 o/o magnetite concentrate

ores in the blends without causing significant changes in
sinter mineralogy. and hematite (Ore E), l0-500/0 Substitution of pisolite
ore (Ore J) for Ore E has shownno significant changes
4.3. Magnetite Concentrate and Pisolite (Ore J) Blends in sinter mineralogy. Slight deceases in SFCA and pri-
Besides the concentrate Ore A, concentrates Ores B hematite trend
mary were observed. The similar was
and D were blended with Ore J and sintered at 1270'C also observed when20 o/o Ore J replaced other hematite

C 1999 ISIJ 244

ISIJ International, Vol. 39 (1999), No. 3
fines(Ores F, G and H) in the blends containing 500/0
magnetite concentrate. Thus, good sinter mineralogy REFERENCES
can be obtained when a hematite ore is replaced with
L Yangand C. E. Loo: ISIJ Int., 37 (1997). 449.
2) S. Zhang and S. Wang: Ir0,1 Stee!, 27 (1992), N0.7, 7.
the pisolite-Ore J-jn magnetite/hematitelpisolite ore 3) X. Zheng, B. Pan, G. Fengand Z. Ge: I,'on Stee!, 28 (1993), No.
blends. 9, 1.

Blends consisting of magnetite concentrate (Ore A or 4) L. X. Yang. C. E. Loo and J. Ostwald: Trans. Inst. Min. Metal!.
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era]ogy. SFCAformed, however, from the blend of a 5) L. X. Yangand E. Matthews: ISIJ Int., 37 (1997). 1057.

complex magnetite (Ore B) and Ore J was low.

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Acknow]edgements 7) L. X. Yangand E. Matthews: ISIJ Illl., 37 (1997), 854,
8) P. R. Dawson,J. Ostwald and K. M. Hayes: T,'ans. Min.
Authors would like to thank BHPIron Ore and BHP C, 94 (1985), C71.
Research & Technology Deve]opmentfor their permis- 9) C. E. Loo, R. P. Williams and L. T. Matthews: T,'ans. Min.
sion to publish this work. Support from Managers Metct!!. C, 101 (1992), C7.

Technical Marketing Mr. M. F. Hutchens and Mr. R. K. 10) C. E. Loo and L. T. Matthews: Tra,7s. Mi,7. Meta[/. C, 101 (1992),
Williams of BHPIron Ore is greatly appreciated. Dis-
cussions with Dr. C. E. Loo are also acknowledged.
ll) C. ELoo, R. P. Williams and L. T. Matthews: Proc. of the 6th
Int. Iron and Steel Cong., ISIJ. Tokyo, (1990), 31.

245 C 1999 ISIJ

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