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Properties of Pure Substances

Prepared by
Engr. Joseph R. Ortenero
Mapua Institute of Technology at Laguna
Malayan Colleges Laguna
*A pure substance is homogeneous. It may exist in more than one
phase, but each phase must have the same chemical
Example: Water, CO2, methanol
*The diagramatic representation in the phase changes of a pure
substances as heat is added to the cylinder.
* The T-V diagram of a pure substance as heat is added.
*A three-dimensional surface rendering of the data obtained from
actual experiment.
*The P-v-T surface projected unto the P-V plane, T-V plane and
the P-T plane.
o Saturated liquid
o Saturated vapor
o Critical point
o Triple point
o Superheated Vapor
o Compressed liquid/ subcooled liquid
*For a state of a system under liquid-vapor equilibrium, the total
volume occupied by the mixture is the sum of the volume
occupied by the liquid and that occupied by the vapor.
mV = mlVl + mvVv

Quality (x)  the ratio of the mass of saturated vapor to the

total mass of the mixture.
x = mv/m
*Introduce the use of steam table for calculations involving
liquid water and steam.

Determine the enthalpy change when 0.25 kg of saturated
water is completely vaporized at a pressure of (a) 1.1 kPa, (b)
115 kPa (c) 8.25 MPa
1.25 kg of water is placed in an enclosed volume of 0.3 m3. Heat
is added until the temperature is 150C. Find (a) the pressure, (b)
the mass of vapor and (c) the volume of the vapor

2.8 kg of water is heated at a pressure of 650.16 kPa to produce a
mixture with quality x =0.66. Determine the final volume
occupied by the mixture.
*When the vapor of a substance has relatively low density, the
pressure, specific volume, and temperature are related by the
simple equation:
PV = nRT
This equation is an equation of state in that it relates the state
properties P, V, and T; any gas for which this equation is valid is
called an ideal or perfect gas
Other forms of the ideal gas equation are:
PVM = mRT PM = ρRT PV = nRT

* For air, the use of ideal gas equation is accurate for a wide range
of temperatures and pressures; less than 1% error is
encountered for pressures as high as 3000 kPa at room
temperature, or for temperatures as low as -130C at
atmospheric pressure.
Helps in determining whether or not the ideal gas equation can
be used for a given situation.

*The compressibility factor can be used by using generalized

compressibility chart. In this chart the reduced pressure PR and
reduced temperature TR must be used.
PR = P/Pc TR = T/Tc

Compressibility diagram for nitrogen is shown.

The temperature in the atmosphere near the surface of the earth
(up to an elevation of 15 000m) can be approximated by T(z)
= 15 – 0.00651z °C. Determine the pressure at an elevation
of 3000 m if at z = 0, P = 101 kPa.
*Non-ideal gas behavior occurs when the pressure is relatively
high (> 4 MPa for many gases) or when the temperature is near
saturation temperature.

Van der Waal’s EOS

 Intended to account for the volume occupied by the gas
molecules and for the attractive forces between molecules
*The constants a and b are related to the critical point by the
following equations:

Redlich-Kwong EOS
 Improved equation introduced in 1949
Virial EOS
Represents the product PV as a series expansion. The most
common expansion is:

Interest is focused on B(T) since it represents the first-order

correction to the ideal gas law. The functions B(T), C(T), etc.,
must be specified for the particular gas.
Calculate the pressure of steam at a temperature of 450C and a
density of 24 kg/m3 using (a) the ideal gas equation (b) the van
der Waal’s equation (c) the Redlich-Kwong equation, (d) the
steam table.
For steam: (Table B.1, Van Ness, et. al.)
Pc=220.55 bar Tc=647.1 K

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