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Gavin McGee

Mrs. Cramer

Comp 1


The High Price Of Energy Drinks

Energy drinks are non-alcoholic drinks that contain high levels of sugar and caffeine,

often much more than soft drinks. High levels of sugar and caffeine can be dangerous for

anyone, especially children. Which is why some countries including England are choosing to ban

energy drinks for children under-sixteen, and ban selling to children under-sixteen because of

health concerns. The following sources show that energy drinks should have age limits raised to

sixteen years of age, the benefits of banning them, and the potential risks of consuming energy


Energy drinks should have an age limit, specifically sixteen years of age, because of

growing concern of consumption of unhealthy amounts of energy drinks in children and young

adults. The ban on energy drinks was a welcome ban according to BBC News, and also states

“The move follows calls by campaigners for a complete ban on energy drinks, and after MP

Maria Caulfield asked Prime Minister Theresa May to consider a UK-wide ban earlier this year”.

Many stores have also stopped selling energy drinks to under-sixteens because of health risks.

Many energy drinks even say on the can “Not recommended for children”. Proven scientific data

even shows that if you have ADHD or ADD you are at a higher risk for heart attack, and even

heart murmur. Why should we prohibit energy beverages below the age of 16?

This says that almost any energy drink is' not recommended for children ' but 69 percent

of teens and 24 percent of children who are ten years of age and are drinking them. When they

can cost just 25p, it's not shocking. Nevertheless, as well as high levels of caffeine and sugar that
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have significant health effects, a recent study found that 55.4% of young people reported having

encountered health issues. Energy drink consumption has also been associated with measures of

educational disadvantage. Students who consume energy drinks are also more likely to

participate in risk taking activities such as practicing unsafe sex and extreme sporting activities.

Energy drink companies have interest to use powerful ingredients to has led children and young

adults to consume drinks that contain up to four times the amount of caffeine as normal soft

drinks. These energy drinks have extremely dangerous stimulants that have effects that lead to

addiction and devastating health conditions.

The benefits of banning energy drinks are numerous, for instance, reduced health issues,

reduced obesity, and reduced anxiety and sleep deprivation. Energy drinks cause many health

problems such as mental health problems in the form of anxiety and stress. Other health issues

caused by energy drinks include, increased blood pressure, obesity, kidney damage, and trends of

mixing energy drinks with alcohol which could be fatal. The risks of drinking energy drinks are

greater than the reward, consumption of high amounts of caffeine and sugar could even be fatal

if not handled correctly. Scientists have even found that energy drinks alter the electrical activity

of the consumers heart and raised blood pressure. Caffeine increases activity and heightens

attention and awareness which also can be a reason why young people consume energy drinks,

they buy into the brand, or want a boost that can keep them going all day. They don’t see the

dark side of caffeine, which causes direct anxiety and its symptoms, and sleep deprivation.

Young people need more sleep than adults, approximately eight to ten hours. This doesn’t mean

energy drinks are healthy, but it means they are better for adults because they aren't reducing as

many necessary things, such as sleep, as they would for young adults and or children consuming

energy drinks. A ban on energy drinks is likely to spark a debate on which negative benefits

outweigh the pros, vice versa. The Huffington Post states “we hope that this forthcoming
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consultation will provide further learning on the positive and negative health benefits. That said,

where health concerns are raised, I do believe we have a duty to children to err on the side of

caution. Some supermarkets and stores have already taken steps to ban the sale of energy drinks

to children and I think that should be applauded’. This shows that many companies and even

countries have started to choose caution over money by limiting or banning the sale of energy

drinks.All in all, if energy drinks were banned, we would have with better wellbeing, who slept

better, who are more productive at school and or work, and probably less obese because of

energy drinks’ link with sugar.

The potential risks of consuming energy drinks include liver damage, tooth erosion, and

heart problems. According to Medical News Today, “Although energy drinks are often perceived

as harmless, a new case report links the beverages to liver damage, after a previously healthy

man developed hepatitis from consuming too many. ... As for the contents of an energy drink, it

is believed that caffeine and sugar pose the greatest threat to consumers' health” (Nov 2, 2016).

Liver damage is also common in people who regularly consume energy drinks. Tooth erosion

can happen while drinking energy drinks because of the acid in the beverages can erode the

protective enamel, resulting in tooth decay/erosion. Dentists are especially worried about teens,

30-50% of who are consuming energy drinks that can result in irreversible damage to the enamel.

Heart problems can also become a problem when drinking energy beverages because of high

amounts of sugar and caffeine and cause raised blood pressure. These symptoms can greatly

increase chance of heart attack and stroke, other dangerous heart problems have been linked to

energy drinks, even in children.

The following sources show that energy drinks should have age limits raised to sixteen

years of age, the benefits of banning them, and the potential risks of consuming energy drinks.
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Energy drink age limits should be raised to sixteen years of age to prevent major health problems

such as stroke, high blood pressure, damage to the protective enamel of teeth, and obesity.

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