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Boala serului:
1. Fever.
2. General ill feeling.
3. Hives.
4. Itching.
5. Joint pain.
6. Rash.
7. Swollen lymph nodes.

Probabil nu, este un fel de reactie alergica la un antigen, copilul nu avea istoric
de imunisari sau modificari in alimentatie. In plus din ce imagini am gasit rashul
nu pare a fi maculo papilar si majoritatea erau imagini cu membre, al nostru are
pe torace.
Si nici celelalte simptome destul de specifice nu le are.

8. red creases in the armpits, elbows, and knees (Pastia's lines)
9. flushed face.
10. strawberry tongue, or a white tongue with red dots on the surface.
11. red, sore throat with white or yellow patches.
12. fever above 101°F (38.3°C)
13. chills.
14. headaches.
15. swollen tonsils.

Probabil nu e scarlatina, rashul ar fi trebuit sa inceapa la fata, sa fie pe tot

corpul, nu are durere la degutitie, limba zmeurie si ce mai zice la simptome

III. Endocardita bacteriana

 heart murmur, which is an abnormal heart sound of turbulent blood flow
through the heart.
 pale skin.
 fever or chills.
 night sweats.
 muscle or joint pain.
 nausea or decreased appetite.
 a full feeling in the upper left part of your abdomen.
 unintentional weight loss.

Nici asta nu cred ca e, nu are transpiratii, sufluri cardiace, dureri articulare sau
greata, plus rashul nu seamana cu cel descris in anamneza, nici da localizare
nici aspect

 bloody diarrhea
 abdominal pain
 pale skin
 irritability
 fatigue
 fever
 unexplained bruises or bleeding
 decreased urination
 abdominal swelling
 blood in the urine
 confusion
 vomiting
 swollen face
 swollen limbs
 seizures (uncommon)
Nici SHU nu cred ca e, nu a avut nici diaree nici varsaturi si nici rashul nu se
potriveste descrierii
V. Meningococcemie
 fever.
 headache.
 rash consisting of small spots.
 nausea.
 irritability.
 anxiety.
Nici asta, rashul nu se potriveste, capilul avea papule, asta e doar macular.
Durerea de cap e si ea foarte caracteristica dar ar fi cam greu de evaluat la un
copil de 11 luni
VI. Kawasaki
 high fever that persists for five or more days.
 rash on the torso and groin.
 bloodshot eyes, without crusting.
 bright red, swollen lips.
 “strawberry” tongue, which appears shiny and bright with red spots.
 swollen lymph nodes.
 swollen hands and feet.
 red palms and soles of the feet.
Asta ar putea fi, rashul se potriveste descrierii, are o parte din simptome, nu are
adenopatie, maini sau picioare umflate sau rosii.
VII. Sdr soc toxic
 A sudden high fever.
 Low blood pressure.
 Vomiting or diarrhea.
 A rash resembling a sunburn, particularly on your palms and soles.
 Confusion.
 Muscle aches.
 Redness of your eyes, mouth and throat.
 Seizures.

Asta nu cred, nu are toate simptomele, iar rashul nu se potriveste, in soc toxic
zice ca ar fi ca o arsura solara, pe tot corpul si care se decoloreaza cand e apasat
VIII. Rubeola
 Fever.
 Dry cough.
 Runny nose.
 Sore throat.
 Inflamed eyes (conjunctivitis)
 Tiny white spots with bluish-white centers on a red background found inside
the mouth on the inner lining of the cheek — also called Koplik's spots.
Desi rashul se potriveste nici asta nu cred ca e, avand in vedere ca erau scrise
evidentiat tusea seaca si rinoreea pe care copilul nu le are
IX. Roseola infantum
 Fever. Roseola typically starts with a sudden, high fever — often greater
than 103 F (39.4 C). Some children also may have a sore throat, runny nose or
cough along with or preceding the fever. ...
 Rash. Once the fever subsides, a rash typically appears — but not always.
Roseola infantum is a viral infection of infants or very young children that causes a high
fever followed by a rash. Roseola infantum is caused by human herpesvirus-6. Typical
symptoms include high fever that begins suddenly and sometimes a rash that develops after
the temperature returns to normal.
Si asta ar putea fi, rashul se potriveste descrierii, insa nu prea e valabila in cazul
nostru acea succesiune de febra inalta, normalizare apoi rash + desi nu zice ca ar
fi neaparat prezente sunt amintite si tusea seaca si rinoreea care sunt absent

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