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1) To compare the heat capacities of a coffee cup calorimeter and a copper calorimeter
2) To determine the standard enthalpy of formation of magnesium oxide, ∆Hºf


Hess’s Law state that the total enthalpy changes for reaction is the sums of all changes
happen in a reaction regardless the number of step or stage it takes for the reaction to
complete. In this experiment, the standard enthalpy of formation of magnesium oxide will be
determined using the Hess’s Law. Standard enthalpy of formation is the enthalpy change
when 1 mole of a compound is formed from their constituent elements in their standard state.
The equation for the formation of magnesium oxide is:

MgO + ½ O2(g) MgO(s)

There are three reactions that will conduct in order to obtain the standard enthalpy of
formation of the magnesium oxide. The first reaction is the reaction between the magnesium
with the hydrochloric acid. From this reaction, we obtain the chemical equation of:

Mg(s) + 2HCl (aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2 (g)

The second reaction is the reaction between the reactions between the magnesium
oxide with the hydrochloric acid. The chemical equation that we obtain from this reaction is:

MgO(s) + 2HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2O(l)

The last reaction is the reaction between hydrogen gas and the oxygen gas. The
chemical equation for this reaction is:

H2(g) + ½ O2(g) H2O(l)

The heat capacity of the calorimeter will be obtained by measuring the temperature
change when a known weight of hot water is added to a known amount of cold water in the

q(hot) = q(cold) + q(cal)

q(hot) = m(h) x c x (T(h)- T(f)) = heat lost by hot water

q(cold) = m(c) x c x (T(f) - T(c)) = heat gained by cold water

q(cal) = C(cal) x (T(f)- T(c)) = heat gained by calorimeter


c = specific heat of water = 4.18 J/ gºC

C (cal) = heat capacity of the calorimeter

T (h) = temperature of hot water

T (c) = temperature of cold water

T (f) = final temperature after mixing

m = mass of water (hot or cold)


1) Thermometer (2).
2) Styrofoam cup with cardboard cover lid (2).
3) Copper calorimeter with insulating cover (1).
4) 100cm3 beaker.
5) 100cm3 graduated cylinder.

1) 2.0M hydrochloric acid.

2) Magnesium oxide powder.
3) Magnesium powder.


A. Heat capacity of calorimeter

1) The double nested Styrofoam cup was ensured that it was clean and dry.
2) 50 cm3 of tap water was exactly delivered into the calorimeter by using a burette. The
cover and thermometer was replaced and the water temperature was recorded for four
minutes at one minute intervals.
3) 50 cm3 of hot water (40-50ºC above the room temperature) was measured using a
graduated cylinder and was poured into the beaker. The temperature of the hot water
was quickly recorded by using another thermometer and was poured completely into
the calorimeter (containing the cold water) at the fifth minutes. The temperature was
recorded every 15 seconds for next three minutes.
4) Steps (1) and Steps (2) were repeated by using copper calorimeter.

B. Reaction 2: Magnesium with Hydrochloric Acid

1) Magnesium powder was weighed between 1.0-1.1 g and the exact weight used was
2) 50 cm3 of 2M HCl was drained into the calorimeter using a burette. The cover and
thermometer was replaced and the temperature of the HCl was recorded every
minutes for four minutes. The magnesium powder was poured into the HCl at the fifth
minute. The lid was carefully replaced and the content in the calorimeter was
carefully stirred by using the thermometer. The temperature was recorded for the next
three minutes at 15 seconds intervals.

C. Reaction 3: Magnesium oxide with Hydrochloric Acid

1) Magnesium oxide was weighed between 1.6-1.8 g and the exact weight used was
2) 50 cm3 of 2M HCl was drained into the calorimeter using a burette. The cover and
thermometer was replaced and the temperature of the HCl was recorded every
minutes for four minutes. The magnesium powder was poured into the HCl at the fifth
minute. The lid was carefully replaced and the content in the calorimeter was
carefully stirred by using the thermometer. The temperature was recorded for the next
three minutes at 15 seconds intervals.

D. Reaction 4: Hydrogen gas with Oxygen gas

For safety reasons, this value will not be experimentally determined in the laboratory.
It has been professionally determined and verified and the value is listed in standard reference


1. Tabulate all your results

-Refer attachment-

2. Make necessary temperature-time plots to obtain the corrected temperature change.

Extrapolate the straight line portions of the graph to the fifth minute. The difference
between the temperature at the fifth minute corresponds to the corrected temperature
-Refer attachment-

3. Calculate the heat capacity of both calorimeters.

Coffee-cup calorimeter:

q(hot) = q(cold)

mc∆T = mc∆T + C∆T

(50g)(4.18 J/gºC)(46ºC-33ºC) = (50g)(4.18J/gºC)(34ºC-25.2ºC) + C(34ºC-25.2ºC)

2717 J = 1839.2 J + 8.8C

2717 J - 1839.2 J = 8.8C

877.8 J / 8.8ºC = C

C = 99.75 J/ºC

Copper calorimeter:

q(hot) = q(cold)

mc∆T = mc∆T + C∆T

(50g)(4.18 J/gºC)(46ºC-34ºC) = (50g)(4.18 J/gºC)(36ºC-25.4ºC) + C(36ºC- 25.4ºC)

2508 J = 2215.4 J + 10.6C

2508 J - 2215.4 J = 10.6C

292.6 J/ 10.6ºC = C

C = 27.60 J/ºC
4. Calculate the heats of reaction for Reactions 2 and 3 in kJ/mol

Reactions 2

Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)

q = mc∆T + C∆T

q = (50g)(4.18 J/gºC)(75ºC-28ºC) + (99.75 J/ºC)(75ºC-28ºC)

q(solution) = 14.511 kJ

mole = mass/ molar mass

n = 1.1g/ 24.32g/mol

= 0.045 mol

∆H = - 14.511 kJ/ 0.045 mol

∆H = - 322.47 kJ/mol

Reactions 3

MgO(s) + 2HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2O(l)

q = mc∆T + C∆T

q = (50g)(4.18 J/gºC)(44ºC-28ºC) + (99.75 J/ºC)(44ºC-28ºC)

q(solution) = 4.940 kJ

mole = mass/ molar mass

n = 1.63g/ (24.32 g/mol + 16.00 g/mol)

n = 0.0404 mol
∆H = - 4.940 kJ/0.0404 mol

∆H = - 122.28 kJ/mol

5. Show how chemical Equations 2,3 and 4 can be added to produce chemical Equation
1 (refer to equations under introduction on page 2)

Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2(g) ∆Hºf = - 322.47 kJ/mol

MgO(s) + 2HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2O(l) ∆Hºf = - 122.28 kJ/mol
H2(g) + ½ O2 (g) H2O(l) ∆Hºf = - 286 kJ/mol

Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2(g) ∆Hºf = - 322.47 kJ/mol

MgCl2(aq) + H2O(l) MgO(s) + 2HCl(aq) ∆Hºf = 122.28 kJ/mol
H2(g) + ½ O2(g) H2O(l) ∆Hºf = - 286 kJ/mol

Mg(s) + ½ O2 MgO(s)

6. Show how the heats of reaction (kJ/mol value) for Reactions 2, 3 and 4 can be added
to yield the heat of reaction for Reaction 1.

∆H = (-322.47 kJ/mol) + (122.28 kJ/mol) + (-286 kJ/mol)

= - 486.19 kJ/mol

7. Calculate the percent error

% error = | Experimental value - Theoretical value| / |Theoretical Value| x 100%

= | - 486.19 kJ/mol - (-601.6kJ/mol)| / |-601.6kJ/mol| x 100%
= 19.18%

Based on the experiment that has been conducted, two types of calorimeter were used
which is coffee-cup calorimeter and copper calorimeter. The objective of this experiment was
to compare the heat capacities of a coffee cup calorimeter and a copper calorimeter and to
determine the standard enthalpy of formation of magnesium oxide, ∆Hºf. From the
temperature-time plotted graphs, we can identify the corrected temperature changes due to
extrapolate of the straight line portions at the fifth minute that corresponds to the corrected
temperature changes. The decreasing of slope is due to heat loss to the calorimeter and the
best fit line was achieved as expected for coffee-cup calorimeter, copper calorimeter,
reactions of Mg and HCl and reactions of MgO and HCl. Heat capacity can be calculated by
using the value in the graph that was plotted. Coffee-cup calorimeter was calculated that it
was higher heat capacity compared to copper calorimeter which is 99.75 J/ºC and 27.60 J/ºC
by using the formula given:

q(hot) = q(cold) + q(cal)

q(hot) = m(h) x c x (T(h)- T(f)) = heat lost by hot water

q(cold) = m(c) x c x (T(f) - T(c)) = heat gained by cold water

q(cal) = C(cal) x (T(f)- T(c)) = heat gained by calorimeter


c = specific heat of water = 4.18 J/ gºC

C (cal) = heat capacity of the calorimeter

T (h) = temperature of hot water

T (c) = temperature of cold water

T (f) = final temperature after mixing

m = mass of water (hot or cold)

Coffee-cup calorimeter was expected to have higher heat capacity compared to copper
calorimeter as same as the theory due to the presence of metal in the copper calorimeter
which able to absorb heat in this reaction causing the heat capacity become less compared to
coffee-cup calorimeter. The temperature change was expected to get same for both
calorimeter but from this experiment it different due to the coffee-cup calorimeter which are
not closed properly by using the cardboard cover lid which enable the surrounding
temperature which are more colder causing a slightly different temperature change compared
to copper calorimeter which are constant pressure and the heat cannot flow outside of the
calorimeter which it was isolated compared to the coffee-cup calorimeter.

From, the graph for reaction between Mg and HCl and MgO and HCl can be used to
find the final temperature of the reaction and the heats of reaction can be found using the
same equation as above. From this experiment, Mg and HCl heats of reaction was - 322.47
kJ/mol and for MgO and HCl was - 122.28 kJ/mol. It is proving that both of the reaction was
exothermic since the enthalpy change that resulted was a negative value, therefore the
experiment was successful. So, from these 3 reactions we can find the heat reaction of
Reaction 1 by using the Hess’s Law method. Reaction 1 yielded the heat of reaction by
-486.19 kJ/mol. From the literature, we found that the value for the heat of formation of
magnesium oxide was - 601.6 kJ/mol. The percentage error that calculated was 19.18% by
using the formula:

% error = | Experimental value - Theoretical value| / |Theoretical Value| x 100%

The sources of error in this case would have been quite minimal resulting in small change
that led to a value lower than the expected value. One error that may have caused a lower
enthalpy change value than expected could have been that heat escaped from the calorimeter
used during the experiment. The lid was not as tight as it could have been since it simply
snapped on to the container being used as a calorimeter and was not air tight, which also
allowing some heat to escape. These conditions lead to a lower final temperature value. To
prevent even the slightest anomalies, in future any holes on the calorimeter can be covered by
tape or another item that that could block the passage. The top of the calorimeter could also
be covered with aluminium, this would secure the space under the lid so any heat that may
escape would stay within the area due to the aluminium. Aluminium could also be tucked in
the space between the lid and the calorimeter to once again lock the heat in. This way, the
calorimeter will be more effective and maintain all the heat of the reaction resulting in values
that are completely accurate and decreasing even the slightest errors. Another discrepancy
that may have occurred during the experiment was that the magnesium powder may have
reacted with oxygen in the air before it was poured into the calorimeter. This error would
only be specific to the magnesium as the magnesium oxide has already reacted with oxygen
and no further reaction would occur. The procedure for the experiment does state that the HCl
is to be measured first then the magnesium, the importance of this step is not emphasized. So
as the magnesium was being carried from the measuring area to the workstation or while it
was sitting or being poured in, it could react with oxygen in the atmosphere and combusted.
Consequently, this would lead to a decrease in mass of magnesium, one that would be
unknown at the time. This would have led to a lower temperature value for the reaction. In
the future, the procedure should emphasize the importance of measuring and pouring the
magnesium after HCl has been measured and poured into the calorimeter, this would prevent
the reactions from occurring. For copper calorimeter, the heat of formation of magnesium
oxide that recorded was - 447.2 kJ/mol which includes the heat reaction of Mg and HCl
which is -214 kJ/mol and MgO and HCl heat reaction which is -52.80 kJ/mol that was lesser
compared to coffee-cup calorimeter due to the presence of metal in the copper calorimeter
which able to absorb heat in this reaction causing the heat capacity become less compared to
coffee-cup calorimeter. It yields more low compared to coffee-cup calorimeter due to its
metal state and vacuum. There are few precautions that needed while doing the experiment
such as, wearing glove, goggles, lab coat, proper shoes to protect the body from hazard in the
laboratory which are important in all laboratories.

1. (a) Which of the two calorimeters: coffee cup calorimeter or copper calorimeter has a
higher heat capacity?
Coffee cup calorimeter

(b) What conclusion can you make regarding the relationship of heat capacity of
calorimeter with temperature change of the reactions?
If the reaction releases heat (q(rxn) < 0), then heat is absorbed by the calorimeter (q
calorimeter > 0) and its temperature increases. Conversely, if the reaction absorbs heat
(q(rxn) > 0), then heat is transferred from the calorimeter to the system
(q(calorimeter) < 0) and the temperature of the calorimeter decrease.

2. For the following problems, assume that the volume of the final solution is 200cm3,
the density of the solution is 1.00g/ml and the specific heat capacity of the solution is
the same as water (4.184 J/gºC).

(a) When 0.800g of Ca metal is added to 200cm3 of 0.500M HCl(aq) according to the
method described in Procedure B, a temperature increase of 13.0ºC is observed. What
is ∆Hrxn at room temperature for the reaction of Ca(s) + 2H+(aq)?

Ca(s) + 2HCl(aq) CaCl2(aq) + H2(g)

q = mc∆T + C∆T

q = (200g)(4.184 J/gºC)(13.0ºC) + (99.75 J/ºC)(13.0ºC)

q(solution) = 12.175 kJ

mole = mass/ molar mass

n = 0.8g/40.08 g/mol
= 0.02 mol

∆H = - 12.175 kJ/ 0.02 mol

∆H = - 608.75 kJ/mol

(b) When 1.12g of CaO is added to 200cm3 of 0.500M HCl(aq) according to the
method described in Procedure B, a temperature increase of 4.62ºC is observed. What
is ∆Hrxn at room temperature for the reaction of CaO(s) + 2H+?

CaO(s) + 2HCl(aq) CaCl2(aq) + H2(g)

q = mc∆T + C∆T

q = (200g)(4.184 J/gºC)(4.62ºC) + (99.75 J/ºC)(4.62ºC)

q(solution) = 4.327 kJ

mole = mass/ molar mass

n = 1.12g/56.08 g/mol

= 0.02 mol

∆H = - 4.327 kJ/ 0.02 mol

∆H = - 216.35 kJ/mol

3. A student carelessly inserts the thermometer while assembling the coffee cup
calorimeter and a large hole is torn in the plastic lid. How will this affect his
experimental results?
Due to the large hole is torn causing a large amount of heat would have escaped
which causing changes that would occur much like in the case of this experiments.
The value of heat changes will become inaccurate and increasing the slightest errors.


In conclusion, calorimeter can be used to detect the heat changes of formation which
consists of two types of calorimeter which is coffee cup calorimeter and copper calorimeter.
From this experiment, coffee cup calorimeter was higher in heat capacity compared to copper
calorimeter which is 99.75 J/ºC and 27.60 J/ºC. From this experiment, we also can determine
the standard enthalpy of formation of magnesium oxide by using Hess’s Law which gives out
-486.19 kJ/mol differs with the theoretical value which is -601.6 kJ/mol. Percentage
difference of both value was 19.18%.


1) School Work Helper. (2009). Heat of reaction for the formation of magnesium oxide
lab answers. Retrieved from, School Work Helper:

2) Ramsey, A. (2008). Thermochemistry and Hess’s law. Retrieved from,


3) Shaharudin, D. M. & Kantasamy, N. (2017). Introduction to Physical Chemistry.

Shah Alam. UiTM Press.

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