Вы находитесь на странице: 1из 68

09/01/10 05:09:05.

718 PM UCM:1240 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty

05/07/10 05:09:20.937 PM UCM:1252 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
05/07/10 06:11:32.640 PM UCM:684 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
05/07/10 06:11:33.218 PM UCM:1260 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
05/07/10 06:12:57.750 PM UCM:668 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
05/07/10 06:13:04.468 PM UCM:1424 3 ERROR Location profile is going to be applie
05/07/10 06:13:04.468 PM UCM:1428 3 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Offi
05/07/10 06:13:04.484 PM UCM:1432 3 ERROR Starting run applications
05/07/10 06:13:04.484 PM UCM:1436 3 ERROR Trying to get currently active profile
and run all defined applications
05/07/10 06:13:04.484 PM UCM:1440 3 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications w
hich should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
05/07/10 06:13:04.484 PM UCM:1444 3 ERROR No applications defined
05/07/10 06:13:04.484 PM UCM:1448 3 ERROR Trying to set default printer
05/07/10 06:13:04.500 PM UCM:1452 3 ERROR Default printer is not specified
05/07/10 06:13:04.500 PM UCM:1456 3 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
05/07/10 06:13:04.531 PM UCM:1476 3 ERROR Check if browser is available
05/07/10 06:13:04.531 PM UCM:1484 3 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
05/07/10 06:13:04.531 PM UCM:1488 3 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001.
05/07/10 06:13:04.531 PM UCM:1492 3 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200.
05/07/10 06:13:04.546 PM UCM:1496 3 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
05/07/10 06:13:04.546 PM UCM:1500 3 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww46
05/07/10 06:13:04.546 PM UCM:1504 3 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: True

05/07/10 06:13:04.546 PM UCM:1508 3 ERROR Save settings as system default

05/07/10 06:13:04.562 PM UCM:1472 3 ERROR Applying default browser settings
05/07/10 06:13:04.578 PM UCM:1600 3 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled st
05/07/10 06:13:04.796 PM UCM:1604 3 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
05/07/10 06:13:05.109 PM UCM:1624 3 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
05/07/10 06:13:19.250 PM UCM:1732 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
05/07/10 06:26:43.484 PM UCM:556 4 ERROR An established connection was aborted b
y the software in your host machine
Stack trace: at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Send(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset
, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Send(Byte[] buffer, Int32 size, SocketFlags sock
at SmithMicro.Common.SocketPort.SendMessageToPort(Byte[] message)

05/07/10 06:26:43.484 PM UCM:652 4 ERROR An established connection was aborted b

y the software in your host machine
Stack trace: at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginReceive(Byte[] buffer, Int3
2 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags, AsyncCallback callback, Object st
at SmithMicro.Common.SocketPort.SocketReadCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)

05/07/10 06:26:45.656 PM UCM:644 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetTechnologyProfileList" Clien
tID="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3572" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-07-05T18:26:40.6
5625+03:00" CommandToken="2080621247">
05/07/10 08:05:07.218 PM UCM:1208 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
05/07/10 08:15:41.625 PM UCM:1228 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
06/07/10 04:29:33.125 AM UCM:1380 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
06/07/10 04:29:44.703 AM UCM:440 10 ERROR Location profile is going to be applie
06/07/10 04:29:44.718 AM UCM:1476 10 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Off
06/07/10 04:29:44.734 AM UCM:1480 10 ERROR Starting run applications
06/07/10 04:29:44.750 AM UCM:1484 10 ERROR Trying to get currently active profil
e and run all defined applications
06/07/10 04:29:44.765 AM UCM:1488 10 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications
which should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
06/07/10 04:29:44.828 AM UCM:1492 10 ERROR No applications defined
06/07/10 04:29:44.843 AM UCM:1496 10 ERROR Trying to set default printer
06/07/10 04:29:44.859 AM UCM:1500 10 ERROR Default printer is not specified
06/07/10 04:29:44.875 AM UCM:1504 10 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
06/07/10 04:29:44.937 AM UCM:1524 10 ERROR Check if browser is available
06/07/10 04:29:44.937 AM UCM:1532 10 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
06/07/10 04:29:44.937 AM UCM:1536 10 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001
06/07/10 04:29:44.953 AM UCM:1540 10 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200
06/07/10 04:29:44.953 AM UCM:1544 10 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
06/07/10 04:29:44.953 AM UCM:1548 10 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww4
06/07/10 04:29:44.968 AM UCM:1552 10 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: Tru
06/07/10 04:29:44.968 AM UCM:1556 10 ERROR Save settings as system default
06/07/10 04:29:44.984 AM UCM:1672 10 ERROR Applying default browser settings
06/07/10 04:29:45.000 AM UCM:1840 10 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled s
06/07/10 04:29:45.203 AM UCM:1844 10 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
06/07/10 04:29:45.468 AM UCM:1352 10 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
06/07/10 04:29:59.156 AM UCM:1640 11 ERROR VPN profile is empty
06/07/10 06:21:28.062 AM UCM:1204 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
06/07/10 06:01:34.671 PM UCM:1248 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
06/07/10 06:01:54.703 PM UCM:1280 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
06/07/10 08:08:40.796 PM UCM:1204 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
06/07/10 08:09:01.484 PM UCM:1296 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
06/07/10 08:32:18.984 PM UCM:732 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3064" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-07-06T20:31:49.296
875+03:00" CommandToken="1131764386">
<key />
06/07/10 08:32:24.312 PM UCM:736 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3064" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-07-06T20:32:19.312
5+03:00" CommandToken="805428290">
<key />
06/07/10 08:32:29.312 PM UCM:760 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3064" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-07-06T20:32:24.312
5+03:00" CommandToken="544927100">
<key />
06/07/10 08:32:29.906 PM UCM:808 11 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration544927100. It might have been removed due to timeout.
06/07/10 08:32:29.906 PM UCM:812 10 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration805428290. It might have been removed due to timeout.
06/07/10 08:32:29.906 PM UCM:508 8 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID:
GetSystemConfiguration1131764386. It might have been removed due to timeout.
06/07/10 08:32:56.468 PM UCM:604 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
07/07/10 12:25:15.187 AM UCM:788 13 ERROR VPN profile is empty
07/07/10 10:23:01.953 AM UCM:1412 13 ERROR VPN profile is empty
08/07/10 04:52:32.250 PM UCM:1400 13 ERROR VPN profile is empty
08/07/10 04:52:33.406 PM UCM:896 13 ERROR Location profile is going to be applie
08/07/10 04:52:33.421 PM UCM:1520 13 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Off
08/07/10 04:52:33.437 PM UCM:1524 13 ERROR Starting run applications
08/07/10 04:52:33.453 PM UCM:1528 13 ERROR Trying to get currently active profil
e and run all defined applications
08/07/10 04:52:33.468 PM UCM:1532 13 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications
which should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
08/07/10 04:52:33.484 PM UCM:1536 13 ERROR No applications defined
08/07/10 04:52:33.500 PM UCM:1540 13 ERROR Trying to set default printer
08/07/10 04:52:33.531 PM UCM:1544 13 ERROR Default printer is not specified
08/07/10 04:52:33.546 PM UCM:1548 13 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
08/07/10 04:52:33.703 PM UCM:1568 13 ERROR Check if browser is available
08/07/10 04:52:33.718 PM UCM:1576 13 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
08/07/10 04:52:33.734 PM UCM:1580 13 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001
08/07/10 04:52:33.750 PM UCM:1584 13 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200
08/07/10 04:52:33.765 PM UCM:1588 13 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
08/07/10 04:52:33.781 PM UCM:1592 13 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww4
08/07/10 04:52:33.781 PM UCM:1596 13 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: Tru
08/07/10 04:52:33.796 PM UCM:1600 13 ERROR Save settings as system default
08/07/10 04:52:33.875 PM UCM:1716 13 ERROR Applying default browser settings
08/07/10 04:52:33.937 PM UCM:1884 13 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled s
08/07/10 04:52:34.312 PM UCM:1888 13 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
08/07/10 04:52:34.484 PM UCM:1912 13 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
08/07/10 10:26:04.484 PM UCM:1256 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
08/07/10 10:26:05.703 PM UCM:1280 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
08/07/10 10:32:44.546 PM UCM:1360 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
09/07/10 05:51:55.500 AM UCM:1296 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
09/07/10 12:49:17.187 PM UCM:560 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|4056" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-07-09T12:48:35.812
5+03:00" CommandToken="1992258787">
<key />
09/07/10 12:49:17.281 PM UCM:568 14 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1992258787. It might have been removed due to timeout.
09/07/10 12:50:05.703 PM UCM:1396 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
10/07/10 06:26:15.062 PM UCM:556 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty
10/07/10 10:28:18.062 PM UCM:1324 14 ERROR VPN profile is empty
11/07/10 08:36:51.296 AM UCM:1420 11 ERROR VPN profile is empty
11/07/10 11:05:26.015 PM UCM:1436 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
12/07/10 08:50:49.062 AM UCM:1268 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
12/07/10 08:58:01.296 AM UCM:512 11 ERROR VPN profile is empty
12/07/10 09:31:32.406 AM UCM:1252 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
12/07/10 01:41:09.265 PM UCM:536 4 ERROR An existing connection was forcibly clo
sed by the remote host
Stack trace: at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndReceive(IAsyncResult asyncRes
at SmithMicro.Common.SocketPort.SocketReadCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)

14/07/10 12:43:05.640 AM UCM:1388 14 ERROR VPN profile is empty

14/07/10 06:20:04.140 AM UCM:1316 13 ERROR VPN profile is empty
14/07/10 11:22:29.484 PM UCM:1324 11 ERROR VPN profile is empty
14/07/10 11:22:40.468 PM UCM:1348 12 ERROR Location profile is going to be appli
14/07/10 11:22:40.484 PM UCM:1472 12 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Off
14/07/10 11:22:40.515 PM UCM:1476 12 ERROR Starting run applications
14/07/10 11:22:40.531 PM UCM:1480 12 ERROR Trying to get currently active profil
e and run all defined applications
14/07/10 11:22:40.546 PM UCM:1484 12 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications
which should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
14/07/10 11:22:40.578 PM UCM:1488 12 ERROR No applications defined
14/07/10 11:22:40.609 PM UCM:1492 12 ERROR Trying to set default printer
14/07/10 11:22:40.625 PM UCM:1496 12 ERROR Default printer is not specified
14/07/10 11:22:40.625 PM UCM:1500 12 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
14/07/10 11:22:40.875 PM UCM:1324 12 ERROR Check if browser is available
14/07/10 11:22:40.875 PM UCM:1472 12 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
14/07/10 11:22:40.890 PM UCM:1484 12 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001
14/07/10 11:22:40.890 PM UCM:1508 12 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200
14/07/10 11:22:40.890 PM UCM:1500 12 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
14/07/10 11:22:40.906 PM UCM:1476 12 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww4
14/07/10 11:22:40.906 PM UCM:1512 12 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: Tru
14/07/10 11:22:40.921 PM UCM:1488 12 ERROR Save settings as system default
14/07/10 11:22:40.921 PM UCM:1604 12 ERROR Applying default browser settings
14/07/10 11:22:41.000 PM UCM:1772 12 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled s
14/07/10 11:22:41.140 PM UCM:1776 12 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
14/07/10 11:22:41.531 PM UCM:1780 12 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
14/07/10 11:22:54.906 PM UCM:1892 11 ERROR VPN profile is empty
17/07/10 12:00:13.781 PM UCM:840 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2168" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-07-17T11:59:15.25+
03:00" CommandToken="923972047">
<key />
17/07/10 12:00:13.906 PM UCM:848 13 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration923972047. It might have been removed due to timeout.
17/07/10 12:00:58.359 PM UCM:1352 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
17/07/10 12:08:09.265 PM UCM:1524 3 ERROR Location profile is going to be applie
17/07/10 12:08:09.296 PM UCM:1528 3 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Offi
17/07/10 12:08:09.328 PM UCM:1532 3 ERROR Starting run applications
17/07/10 12:08:09.375 PM UCM:1540 3 ERROR Trying to get currently active profile
and run all defined applications
17/07/10 12:08:09.390 PM UCM:1536 3 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications w
hich should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
17/07/10 12:08:09.468 PM UCM:1544 3 ERROR No applications defined
17/07/10 12:08:09.500 PM UCM:1548 3 ERROR Trying to set default printer
17/07/10 12:08:09.546 PM UCM:1552 3 ERROR Default printer is not specified
17/07/10 12:08:09.578 PM UCM:1556 3 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
17/07/10 12:08:09.625 PM UCM:1576 3 ERROR Check if browser is available
17/07/10 12:08:09.640 PM UCM:1584 3 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
17/07/10 12:08:09.671 PM UCM:1588 3 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001.
17/07/10 12:08:09.687 PM UCM:1592 3 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200.
17/07/10 12:08:09.703 PM UCM:1596 3 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
17/07/10 12:08:09.734 PM UCM:1600 3 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww46
17/07/10 12:08:09.750 PM UCM:1604 3 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: True

17/07/10 12:08:09.765 PM UCM:1608 3 ERROR Save settings as system default

17/07/10 12:08:09.812 PM UCM:1724 3 ERROR Applying default browser settings
17/07/10 12:08:10.015 PM UCM:1892 16 ERROR VPN profile is empty
17/07/10 12:08:10.062 PM UCM:1904 3 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled st
17/07/10 12:08:10.375 PM UCM:1900 3 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
17/07/10 12:08:10.593 PM UCM:1908 3 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
17/07/10 12:58:32.500 PM UCM:1212 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
17/07/10 10:40:50.578 PM UCM:1184 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
18/07/10 12:38:28.968 PM UCM:1256 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
18/07/10 12:38:55.687 PM UCM:1264 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
18/07/10 10:56:22.640 PM UCM:1300 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
19/07/10 09:43:06.640 AM UCM:1276 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
19/07/10 09:43:48.859 AM UCM:1308 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
19/07/10 09:43:57.796 AM UCM:1320 3 ERROR Location profile is going to be applie
19/07/10 09:43:57.828 AM UCM:1440 3 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Offi
19/07/10 09:43:57.843 AM UCM:1444 3 ERROR Starting run applications
19/07/10 09:43:57.875 AM UCM:1448 3 ERROR Trying to get currently active profile
and run all defined applications
19/07/10 09:43:57.906 AM UCM:1452 3 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications w
hich should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
19/07/10 09:43:57.921 AM UCM:1456 3 ERROR No applications defined
19/07/10 09:43:57.953 AM UCM:1460 3 ERROR Trying to set default printer
19/07/10 09:43:57.984 AM UCM:1464 3 ERROR Default printer is not specified
19/07/10 09:43:58.000 AM UCM:1468 3 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
19/07/10 09:43:58.046 AM UCM:1488 3 ERROR Check if browser is available
19/07/10 09:43:58.062 AM UCM:1496 3 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
19/07/10 09:43:58.078 AM UCM:1500 3 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001.
19/07/10 09:43:58.125 AM UCM:1504 3 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200.
19/07/10 09:43:58.140 AM UCM:1508 3 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
19/07/10 09:43:58.171 AM UCM:1512 3 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww46
19/07/10 09:43:58.187 AM UCM:1516 3 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: True

19/07/10 09:43:58.203 AM UCM:1520 3 ERROR Save settings as system default

19/07/10 09:43:58.296 AM UCM:1636 3 ERROR Applying default browser settings
19/07/10 09:44:01.843 AM UCM:1796 3 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled st
19/07/10 09:44:03.656 AM UCM:1800 3 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
19/07/10 09:44:06.718 AM UCM:1824 3 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
20/07/10 07:26:50.734 PM UCM:1780 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
20/07/10 07:27:16.890 PM UCM:1776 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
21/07/10 06:57:26.156 AM UCM:1248 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
22/07/10 06:27:06.312 PM UCM:1300 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
24/07/10 10:27:21.718 PM UCM:880 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2936" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-07-24T22:26:29.906
25+03:00" CommandToken="1157843499">
<key />
24/07/10 10:27:22.328 PM UCM:888 12 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1157843499. It might have been removed due to timeout.
24/07/10 10:27:55.359 PM UCM:1348 14 ERROR VPN profile is empty
25/07/10 12:14:08.046 AM UCM:1280 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
25/07/10 08:07:55.921 PM UCM:1236 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
27/07/10 07:25:24.875 PM UCM:684 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3084" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-07-27T19:25:02.078
125+03:00" CommandToken="13226827">
<key />
27/07/10 07:25:25.265 PM UCM:784 10 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration13226827. It might have been removed due to timeout.
27/07/10 07:26:00.078 PM UCM:564 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty
29/07/10 06:29:41.171 AM UCM:1408 12 ERROR An existing connection was forcibly c
losed by the remote host
Stack trace: at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndReceive(IAsyncResult asyncRes
at SmithMicro.Common.SocketPort.SocketReadCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)

30/07/10 04:24:15.093 AM UCM:1272 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty

31/07/10 10:07:18.640 AM UCM:1024 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2560" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-07-31T10:06:21.109
375+03:00" CommandToken="229396839">
<key />
31/07/10 10:07:22.078 AM UCM:1028 20 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request I
D: GetSystemConfiguration229396839. It might have been removed due to timeout.
31/07/10 10:08:08.921 AM UCM:1560 19 ERROR VPN profile is empty
31/07/10 11:10:18.218 AM UCM:1044 19 ERROR VPN profile is empty
31/07/10 11:10:18.578 AM UCM:276 19 ERROR Location profile is going to be applie
31/07/10 11:10:18.593 AM UCM:852 19 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Offi
31/07/10 11:10:18.593 AM UCM:848 19 ERROR Starting run applications
31/07/10 11:10:18.609 AM UCM:844 19 ERROR Trying to get currently active profile
and run all defined applications
31/07/10 11:10:18.609 AM UCM:840 19 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications w
hich should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
31/07/10 11:10:18.625 AM UCM:856 19 ERROR No applications defined
31/07/10 11:10:18.625 AM UCM:832 19 ERROR Trying to set default printer
31/07/10 11:10:18.640 AM UCM:828 19 ERROR Default printer is not specified
31/07/10 11:10:18.640 AM UCM:824 19 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
31/07/10 11:10:18.656 AM UCM:460 19 ERROR Check if browser is available
31/07/10 11:10:18.671 AM UCM:792 19 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
31/07/10 11:10:18.671 AM UCM:768 19 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001.
31/07/10 11:10:18.671 AM UCM:644 19 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200.
31/07/10 11:10:18.687 AM UCM:420 19 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
31/07/10 11:10:18.687 AM UCM:1200 19 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww4
31/07/10 11:10:18.703 AM UCM:668 19 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: True

31/07/10 11:10:18.703 AM UCM:512 19 ERROR Save settings as system default

31/07/10 11:10:18.718 AM UCM:1684 19 ERROR Applying default browser settings
31/07/10 11:10:18.765 AM UCM:1852 19 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled s
31/07/10 11:10:20.656 AM UCM:1856 19 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
31/07/10 11:10:20.765 AM UCM:1860 19 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
02/08/10 12:45:42.390 AM UCM:1616 19 ERROR VPN profile is empty
02/08/10 12:46:08.703 AM UCM:1616 24 ERROR VPN profile is empty
02/08/10 08:21:40.593 AM UCM:704 22 ERROR VPN profile is empty
02/08/10 08:22:03.046 AM UCM:476 22 ERROR VPN profile is empty
02/08/10 04:58:03.421 PM UCM:1200 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
02/08/10 08:11:42.531 PM UCM:532 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
02/08/10 08:12:33.343 PM UCM:1280 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
02/08/10 08:12:45.390 PM UCM:1292 10 ERROR Location profile is going to be appli
02/08/10 08:12:45.406 PM UCM:1412 10 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Off
02/08/10 08:12:45.421 PM UCM:1416 10 ERROR Starting run applications
02/08/10 08:12:45.437 PM UCM:1420 10 ERROR Trying to get currently active profil
e and run all defined applications
02/08/10 08:12:45.437 PM UCM:1424 10 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications
which should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
02/08/10 08:12:45.453 PM UCM:1428 10 ERROR No applications defined
02/08/10 08:12:45.468 PM UCM:1432 10 ERROR Trying to set default printer
02/08/10 08:12:45.484 PM UCM:1436 10 ERROR Default printer is not specified
02/08/10 08:12:45.484 PM UCM:1440 10 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
02/08/10 08:12:45.515 PM UCM:1460 10 ERROR Check if browser is available
02/08/10 08:12:45.531 PM UCM:1468 10 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
02/08/10 08:12:45.531 PM UCM:1472 10 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001
02/08/10 08:12:45.531 PM UCM:1476 10 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200
02/08/10 08:12:45.546 PM UCM:1480 10 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
02/08/10 08:12:45.546 PM UCM:1484 10 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww4
02/08/10 08:12:45.562 PM UCM:1488 10 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: Tru
02/08/10 08:12:45.562 PM UCM:1492 10 ERROR Save settings as system default
02/08/10 08:12:45.578 PM UCM:1608 10 ERROR Applying default browser settings
02/08/10 08:12:45.640 PM UCM:1776 10 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled s
02/08/10 08:12:46.062 PM UCM:1560 10 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
02/08/10 08:12:47.593 PM UCM:1564 10 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
02/08/10 08:12:56.281 PM UCM:1500 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
03/08/10 08:17:45.500 AM UCM:1272 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
03/08/10 08:26:47.125 PM UCM:1724 11 ERROR VPN profile is empty
03/08/10 08:39:00.640 PM UCM:1352 11 ERROR VPN profile is empty
03/08/10 08:39:08.812 PM UCM:1028 11 ERROR Location profile is going to be appli
03/08/10 08:39:08.828 PM UCM:1024 11 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Off
03/08/10 08:39:08.859 PM UCM:1020 11 ERROR Starting run applications
03/08/10 08:39:08.890 PM UCM:1016 11 ERROR Trying to get currently active profil
e and run all defined applications
03/08/10 08:39:08.906 PM UCM:1032 11 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications
which should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
03/08/10 08:39:08.937 PM UCM:1008 11 ERROR No applications defined
03/08/10 08:39:08.953 PM UCM:1004 11 ERROR Trying to set default printer
03/08/10 08:39:08.984 PM UCM:1000 11 ERROR Default printer is not specified
03/08/10 08:39:09.000 PM UCM:996 11 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
03/08/10 08:39:09.046 PM UCM:976 11 ERROR Check if browser is available
03/08/10 08:39:09.078 PM UCM:968 11 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
03/08/10 08:39:09.109 PM UCM:964 11 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001.
03/08/10 08:39:09.156 PM UCM:960 11 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200.
03/08/10 08:39:09.187 PM UCM:956 11 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
03/08/10 08:39:09.218 PM UCM:972 11 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww46
03/08/10 08:39:09.250 PM UCM:948 11 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: True

03/08/10 08:39:09.281 PM UCM:944 11 ERROR Save settings as system default

03/08/10 08:39:09.343 PM UCM:844 11 ERROR Applying default browser settings
03/08/10 08:39:09.421 PM UCM:1836 11 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled s
03/08/10 08:39:09.671 PM UCM:1840 11 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
03/08/10 08:39:10.359 PM UCM:1844 11 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
03/08/10 08:39:23.187 PM UCM:1852 11 ERROR VPN profile is empty
04/08/10 12:06:48.109 PM UCM:1836 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
04/08/10 12:07:13.671 PM UCM:844 33 ERROR VPN profile is empty
05/08/10 02:54:43.890 PM UCM:660 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2508" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-08-05T14:53:56.968
75+03:00" CommandToken="713063113">
<key />
05/08/10 02:54:48.984 PM UCM:716 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2508" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-08-05T14:54:43.984
375+03:00" CommandToken="156633625">
<key />
05/08/10 02:54:53.984 PM UCM:760 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2508" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-08-05T14:54:48.984
375+03:00" CommandToken="132283052">
<key />
05/08/10 02:54:58.984 PM UCM:788 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2508" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-08-05T14:54:53.984
375+03:00" CommandToken="1959355572">
<key />
05/08/10 02:55:01.078 PM UCM:856 9 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID:
GetSystemConfiguration156633625. It might have been removed due to timeout.
05/08/10 02:55:01.125 PM UCM:864 7 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID:
GetSystemConfiguration713063113. It might have been removed due to timeout.
05/08/10 02:55:01.171 PM UCM:868 13 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1959355572. It might have been removed due to timeout.
05/08/10 02:55:01.421 PM UCM:872 11 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration132283052. It might have been removed due to timeout.
05/08/10 02:55:49.421 PM UCM:1336 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
10/08/10 04:57:23.640 PM UCM:1408 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
11/08/10 04:37:41.109 PM UCM:1272 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty
14/08/10 07:19:42.640 PM UCM:1372 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty
15/08/10 04:25:57.562 PM UCM:984 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3168" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-08-15T16:24:20.421
875+03:00" CommandToken="1071941925">
<key />
15/08/10 04:25:58.171 PM UCM:992 18 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1071941925. It might have been removed due to timeout.
15/08/10 04:26:51.546 PM UCM:1428 16 ERROR VPN profile is empty
17/08/10 12:51:16.687 AM UCM:1304 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
21/08/10 06:54:54.796 PM UCM:1320 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
22/08/10 03:17:47.875 AM UCM:716 4 ERROR An existing connection was forcibly clo
sed by the remote host
Stack trace: at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndReceive(IAsyncResult asyncRes
at SmithMicro.Common.SocketPort.SocketReadCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)

22/08/10 10:59:32.250 PM UCM:1356 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty

23/08/10 11:56:58.437 PM UCM:1308 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3452" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-08-23T23:55:08.093
75+03:00" CommandToken="893996148">
<key />
23/08/10 11:56:59.046 PM UCM:1140 30 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request I
D: GetSystemConfiguration893996148. It might have been removed due to timeout.
23/08/10 11:57:53.250 PM UCM:1128 27 ERROR VPN profile is empty
24/08/10 04:11:16.781 PM UCM:1548 17 ERROR VPN profile is empty
24/08/10 11:38:47.156 PM UCM:696 4 ERROR An existing connection was forcibly clo
sed by the remote host
Stack trace: at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndReceive(IAsyncResult asyncRes
at SmithMicro.Common.SocketPort.SocketReadCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)

25/08/10 04:09:35.343 PM UCM:1108 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3224" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-08-25T16:08:19.453
125+03:00" CommandToken="438396156">
<key />
25/08/10 04:09:38.046 PM UCM:1112 24 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request I
D: GetSystemConfiguration438396156. It might have been removed due to timeout.
25/08/10 04:10:21.140 PM UCM:1612 13 ERROR VPN profile is empty
28/08/10 04:01:54.906 AM UCM:472 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|1628" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-08-28T04:01:17.328
125+03:00" CommandToken="30669593">
<key />
28/08/10 04:02:00.000 AM UCM:852 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|1628" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-08-28T04:01:55+03:
00" CommandToken="1631114715">
<key />
28/08/10 04:02:05.000 AM UCM:960 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|1628" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-08-28T04:02:00+03:
00" CommandToken="989565968">
<key />
28/08/10 04:02:10.000 AM UCM:1004 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|1628" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-08-28T04:02:05+03:
00" CommandToken="2080907460">
<key />
28/08/10 04:02:13.953 AM UCM:932 17 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1631114715. It might have been removed due to timeout.
28/08/10 04:02:13.968 AM UCM:920 20 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration989565968. It might have been removed due to timeout.
28/08/10 04:02:13.968 AM UCM:788 14 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration30669593. It might have been removed due to timeout.
28/08/10 04:02:13.968 AM UCM:792 21 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration2080907460. It might have been removed due to timeout.
28/08/10 04:02:44.328 AM UCM:1552 19 ERROR VPN profile is empty
28/08/10 11:13:54.000 PM UCM:1352 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
29/08/10 04:16:43.359 AM UCM:1340 14 ERROR VPN profile is empty
30/08/10 07:15:37.406 PM UCM:1384 11 ERROR VPN profile is empty
08/09/10 03:44:17.093 PM UCM:1348 14 ERROR VPN profile is empty
09/09/10 02:28:54.500 AM UCM:996 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3568" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-09T02:28:03.968
75+03:00" CommandToken="187107705">
<key />
09/09/10 02:28:59.578 AM UCM:1024 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3568" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-09T02:28:54.546
875+03:00" CommandToken="1193322167">
<key />
09/09/10 02:29:04.593 AM UCM:1048 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3568" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-09T02:28:59.578
125+03:00" CommandToken="2055986324">
<key />
09/09/10 02:29:06.296 AM UCM:1136 21 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request I
D: GetSystemConfiguration1193322167. It might have been removed due to timeout.
09/09/10 02:29:06.375 AM UCM:1144 23 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request I
D: GetSystemConfiguration2055986324. It might have been removed due to timeout.
09/09/10 02:29:06.453 AM UCM:1148 16 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request I
D: GetSystemConfiguration187107705. It might have been removed due to timeout.
09/09/10 02:30:06.390 AM UCM:1588 22 ERROR VPN profile is empty
09/09/10 02:30:06.453 AM UCM:1628 22 ERROR VPN profile is empty
09/09/10 02:30:32.578 AM UCM:1448 15 ERROR Location profile is going to be appli
09/09/10 02:30:32.625 AM UCM:1744 15 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Off
09/09/10 02:30:32.734 AM UCM:1748 15 ERROR Starting run applications
09/09/10 02:30:32.765 AM UCM:1752 15 ERROR Trying to get currently active profil
e and run all defined applications
09/09/10 02:30:33.078 AM UCM:1756 15 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications
which should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
09/09/10 02:30:33.421 AM UCM:1760 15 ERROR No applications defined
09/09/10 02:30:33.578 AM UCM:1764 15 ERROR Trying to set default printer
09/09/10 02:30:33.625 AM UCM:1768 15 ERROR Default printer is not specified
09/09/10 02:30:33.656 AM UCM:1772 15 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
09/09/10 02:30:33.750 AM UCM:1792 15 ERROR Check if browser is available
09/09/10 02:30:33.781 AM UCM:1800 15 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
09/09/10 02:30:33.843 AM UCM:1804 15 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001
09/09/10 02:30:33.875 AM UCM:1808 15 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200
09/09/10 02:30:33.906 AM UCM:1812 15 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
09/09/10 02:30:33.921 AM UCM:1816 15 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww4
09/09/10 02:30:33.968 AM UCM:1820 15 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: Tru
09/09/10 02:30:34.015 AM UCM:1824 15 ERROR Save settings as system default
09/09/10 02:30:34.109 AM UCM:1940 15 ERROR Applying default browser settings
09/09/10 02:30:35.125 AM UCM:2112 15 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled s
09/09/10 02:30:36.078 AM UCM:2116 15 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
09/09/10 02:30:36.312 AM UCM:2120 15 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
09/09/10 02:30:46.218 AM UCM:2128 27 ERROR VPN profile is empty
09/09/10 03:42:32.921 AM UCM:1780 27 ERROR VPN profile is empty
12/09/10 01:27:05.500 PM UCM:804 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3000" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-12T13:25:24.906
25+03:00" CommandToken="1215846904">
<key />
12/09/10 01:27:11.078 PM UCM:808 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3000" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-12T13:27:06.078
125+03:00" CommandToken="342865192">
<key />
12/09/10 01:27:16.109 PM UCM:852 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3000" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-12T13:27:11.093
75+03:00" CommandToken="1618068577">
<key />
12/09/10 01:27:21.140 PM UCM:896 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3000" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-12T13:27:16.140
625+03:00" CommandToken="1682433200">
<key />
12/09/10 01:27:26.171 PM UCM:920 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3000" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-12T13:27:21.171
875+03:00" CommandToken="547202669">
<key />
12/09/10 01:27:31.187 PM UCM:964 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3000" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-12T13:27:26.187
5+03:00" CommandToken="861455361">
<key />
12/09/10 01:27:36.187 PM UCM:988 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3000" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-12T13:27:31.187
5+03:00" CommandToken="997915719">
<key />
12/09/10 01:27:41.281 PM UCM:1012 11 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request I
D: GetSystemConfiguration1215846904. It might have been removed due to timeout.
12/09/10 01:27:41.281 PM UCM:668 16 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1618068577. It might have been removed due to timeout.
12/09/10 01:27:41.296 PM UCM:436 19 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration547202669. It might have been removed due to timeout.
12/09/10 01:27:41.296 PM UCM:620 21 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration861455361. It might have been removed due to timeout.
12/09/10 01:27:41.312 PM UCM:896 18 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1682433200. It might have been removed due to timeout.
12/09/10 01:27:41.312 PM UCM:764 14 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration342865192. It might have been removed due to timeout.
12/09/10 01:27:41.328 PM UCM:964 22 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration997915719. It might have been removed due to timeout.
12/09/10 01:28:55.109 PM UCM:1472 12 ERROR VPN profile is empty
13/09/10 09:16:56.250 AM UCM:784 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|1976" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-13T09:16:12.843
75+03:00" CommandToken="1446731098">
<key />
13/09/10 09:16:58.406 AM UCM:788 11 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1446731098. It might have been removed due to timeout.
13/09/10 09:17:42.531 AM UCM:720 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
14/09/10 05:52:46.937 PM UCM:1264 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
14/09/10 07:23:18.359 PM UCM:1196 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
15/09/10 08:33:50.546 AM UCM:1116 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2124" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-15T08:32:32.656
25+03:00" CommandToken="760701676">
<key />
15/09/10 08:33:55.968 AM UCM:1120 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2124" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-15T08:33:50.968
75+03:00" CommandToken="231802797">
<key />
15/09/10 08:33:56.734 AM UCM:716 27 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration231802797. It might have been removed due to timeout.
15/09/10 08:33:56.875 AM UCM:992 22 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration760701676. It might have been removed due to timeout.
15/09/10 08:34:40.265 AM UCM:1620 17 ERROR VPN profile is empty
15/09/10 08:35:14.484 AM UCM:1700 17 ERROR VPN profile is empty
15/09/10 08:35:22.390 AM UCM:1820 17 ERROR Location profile is going to be appli
15/09/10 08:35:22.453 AM UCM:1824 17 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Off
15/09/10 08:35:22.484 AM UCM:1828 17 ERROR Starting run applications
15/09/10 08:35:22.515 AM UCM:1832 17 ERROR Trying to get currently active profil
e and run all defined applications
15/09/10 08:35:22.546 AM UCM:1836 17 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications
which should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
15/09/10 08:35:22.578 AM UCM:1840 17 ERROR No applications defined
15/09/10 08:35:22.593 AM UCM:1844 17 ERROR Trying to set default printer
15/09/10 08:35:22.625 AM UCM:1848 17 ERROR Default printer is not specified
15/09/10 08:35:22.656 AM UCM:1852 17 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
15/09/10 08:35:22.703 AM UCM:1872 17 ERROR Check if browser is available
15/09/10 08:35:22.734 AM UCM:1880 17 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
15/09/10 08:35:22.765 AM UCM:1884 17 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001
15/09/10 08:35:22.781 AM UCM:1888 17 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200
15/09/10 08:35:22.812 AM UCM:1892 17 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
15/09/10 08:35:22.843 AM UCM:1896 17 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww4
15/09/10 08:35:22.875 AM UCM:1900 17 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: Tru
15/09/10 08:35:22.890 AM UCM:1904 17 ERROR Save settings as system default
15/09/10 08:35:22.937 AM UCM:1964 17 ERROR Applying default browser settings
15/09/10 08:35:23.125 AM UCM:2016 17 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled s
15/09/10 08:35:24.281 AM UCM:2020 17 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
15/09/10 08:35:24.562 AM UCM:2024 17 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
15/09/10 08:35:36.890 AM UCM:2132 31 ERROR VPN profile is empty
15/09/10 08:44:09.031 AM UCM:1164 1 INFO Unable to get provider info. [] GpsMoeG
roupBox is disabled.
16/09/10 12:07:17.984 AM UCM:1328 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
16/09/10 12:08:10.078 AM UCM:1328 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
16/09/10 12:09:46.031 AM UCM:1304 13 ERROR VPN profile is empty
16/09/10 12:12:11.890 AM UCM:808 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
16/09/10 12:12:59.046 AM UCM:1360 13 ERROR VPN profile is empty
16/09/10 02:40:10.875 AM UCM:632 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetTechnologyProfileList" Clien
tID="CPC476-TSD1047|0|1856" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-16T02:40:03.7
5+03:00" CommandToken="104878108">
16/09/10 02:40:11.296 AM UCM:640 4 ERROR An established connection was aborted b
y the software in your host machine
Stack trace: at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginReceive(Byte[] buffer, Int3
2 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags, AsyncCallback callback, Object st
at SmithMicro.Common.SocketPort.SocketReadCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)

16/09/10 02:40:16.156 AM UCM:636 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetActiveTechnologyProfiles" Cl
ientID="CPC476-TSD1047|0|1856" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-16T02:40:1
1.09375+03:00" CommandToken="2043048816">
<key />
16/09/10 07:44:23.375 AM UCM:1240 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
16/09/10 06:46:32.171 PM UCM:1660 29 ERROR VPN profile is empty
16/09/10 06:46:48.875 PM UCM:1684 18 ERROR Location profile is going to be appli
16/09/10 06:46:48.906 PM UCM:1804 18 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Off
16/09/10 06:46:48.937 PM UCM:1808 18 ERROR Starting run applications
16/09/10 06:46:48.968 PM UCM:1812 18 ERROR Trying to get currently active profil
e and run all defined applications
16/09/10 06:46:48.984 PM UCM:1816 18 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications
which should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
16/09/10 06:46:49.015 PM UCM:1820 18 ERROR No applications defined
16/09/10 06:46:49.062 PM UCM:1824 18 ERROR Trying to set default printer
16/09/10 06:46:49.078 PM UCM:1828 18 ERROR Default printer is not specified
16/09/10 06:46:49.109 PM UCM:1832 18 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
16/09/10 06:46:49.187 PM UCM:1852 18 ERROR Check if browser is available
16/09/10 06:46:49.203 PM UCM:1860 18 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
16/09/10 06:46:49.234 PM UCM:1864 18 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001
16/09/10 06:46:49.265 PM UCM:1868 18 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200
16/09/10 06:46:49.281 PM UCM:1872 18 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
16/09/10 06:46:49.328 PM UCM:1876 18 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww4
16/09/10 06:46:49.343 PM UCM:1880 18 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: Tru
16/09/10 06:46:49.375 PM UCM:1884 18 ERROR Save settings as system default
16/09/10 06:46:49.406 PM UCM:2000 18 ERROR Applying default browser settings
16/09/10 06:46:49.562 PM UCM:2156 18 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled s
16/09/10 06:46:51.640 PM UCM:2160 18 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
16/09/10 06:46:51.828 PM UCM:1964 18 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
16/09/10 06:47:02.156 PM UCM:1896 29 ERROR VPN profile is empty
17/09/10 07:16:09.156 PM UCM:748 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3380" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-17T19:15:13.593
75+03:00" CommandToken="548182785">
<key />
17/09/10 07:16:14.281 PM UCM:752 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3380" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-17T19:16:09.281
25+03:00" CommandToken="709186534">
<key />
17/09/10 07:16:19.296 PM UCM:756 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3380" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-17T19:16:14.296
875+03:00" CommandToken="1255337077">
<key />
17/09/10 07:16:24.296 PM UCM:772 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3380" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-17T19:16:19.296
875+03:00" CommandToken="1692382193">
<key />
17/09/10 07:16:27.312 PM UCM:832 12 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration709186534. It might have been removed due to timeout.
17/09/10 07:16:27.312 PM UCM:784 15 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1692382193. It might have been removed due to timeout.
17/09/10 07:16:27.312 PM UCM:880 13 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1255337077. It might have been removed due to timeout.
17/09/10 07:16:27.312 PM UCM:884 11 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration548182785. It might have been removed due to timeout.
17/09/10 07:18:06.359 PM UCM:1360 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
18/09/10 08:08:22.453 AM UCM:1280 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
18/09/10 08:10:52.031 AM UCM:524 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
18/09/10 08:10:58.781 AM UCM:1420 7 ERROR Location profile is going to be applie
18/09/10 08:10:58.843 AM UCM:1424 7 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Offi
18/09/10 08:10:58.937 AM UCM:1428 7 ERROR Starting run applications
18/09/10 08:10:58.968 AM UCM:1432 7 ERROR Trying to get currently active profile
and run all defined applications
18/09/10 08:10:58.984 AM UCM:1436 7 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications w
hich should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
18/09/10 08:10:59.000 AM UCM:1440 7 ERROR No applications defined
18/09/10 08:10:59.031 AM UCM:1444 7 ERROR Trying to set default printer
18/09/10 08:10:59.062 AM UCM:1448 7 ERROR Default printer is not specified
18/09/10 08:10:59.125 AM UCM:1452 7 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
18/09/10 08:10:59.250 AM UCM:1472 7 ERROR Check if browser is available
18/09/10 08:10:59.734 AM UCM:1480 7 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
18/09/10 08:10:59.765 AM UCM:1484 7 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001.
18/09/10 08:10:59.781 AM UCM:1488 7 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200.
18/09/10 08:10:59.796 AM UCM:1492 7 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
18/09/10 08:10:59.828 AM UCM:1496 7 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww46
18/09/10 08:10:59.843 AM UCM:1500 7 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: True
18/09/10 08:10:59.843 AM UCM:1504 7 ERROR Save settings as system default
18/09/10 08:10:59.859 AM UCM:1620 7 ERROR Applying default browser settings
18/09/10 08:10:59.921 AM UCM:1788 7 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled st
18/09/10 08:11:00.203 AM UCM:1792 7 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
18/09/10 08:11:00.406 AM UCM:1796 7 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
18/09/10 08:11:13.171 AM UCM:1908 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
18/09/10 06:52:24.093 PM UCM:1400 16 ERROR VPN profile is empty
18/09/10 07:08:01.765 PM UCM:1404 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
18/09/10 07:08:14.640 PM UCM:1540 5 ERROR Location profile is going to be applie
18/09/10 07:08:14.656 PM UCM:1544 5 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Offi
18/09/10 07:08:14.687 PM UCM:1548 5 ERROR Starting run applications
18/09/10 07:08:14.718 PM UCM:1552 5 ERROR Trying to get currently active profile
and run all defined applications
18/09/10 07:08:14.734 PM UCM:1556 5 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications w
hich should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
18/09/10 07:08:14.765 PM UCM:1560 5 ERROR No applications defined
18/09/10 07:08:14.781 PM UCM:1564 5 ERROR Trying to set default printer
18/09/10 07:08:14.812 PM UCM:1568 5 ERROR Default printer is not specified
18/09/10 07:08:14.843 PM UCM:1572 5 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
18/09/10 07:08:14.890 PM UCM:1592 5 ERROR Check if browser is available
18/09/10 07:08:14.937 PM UCM:1600 5 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
18/09/10 07:08:14.968 PM UCM:1604 5 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001.
18/09/10 07:08:15.000 PM UCM:1608 5 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200.
18/09/10 07:08:15.031 PM UCM:1612 5 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
18/09/10 07:08:15.046 PM UCM:1616 5 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww46
18/09/10 07:08:15.078 PM UCM:1620 5 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: True

18/09/10 07:08:15.109 PM UCM:1624 5 ERROR Save settings as system default

18/09/10 07:08:15.156 PM UCM:1740 5 ERROR Applying default browser settings
18/09/10 07:08:15.265 PM UCM:1908 5 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled st
18/09/10 07:08:15.531 PM UCM:1912 5 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
18/09/10 07:08:15.718 PM UCM:1916 5 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
18/09/10 07:08:28.843 PM UCM:2024 16 ERROR VPN profile is empty
19/09/10 08:22:51.984 AM UCM:792 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3692" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-19T08:21:28.593
75+03:00" CommandToken="1557517816">
<key />
19/09/10 08:22:52.812 AM UCM:796 11 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1557517816. It might have been removed due to timeout.
19/09/10 08:24:03.406 AM UCM:1320 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
19/09/10 07:14:01.750 PM UCM:988 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3456" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-19T19:12:35.328
125+03:00" CommandToken="719037629">
<key />
19/09/10 07:14:06.968 PM UCM:1032 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3456" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-19T19:14:01.921
875+03:00" CommandToken="677948806">
<key />
19/09/10 07:14:12.000 PM UCM:1096 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3456" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-19T19:14:06.968
75+03:00" CommandToken="1908364185">
<key />
19/09/10 07:14:14.984 PM UCM:1160 18 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request I
D: GetSystemConfiguration719037629. It might have been removed due to timeout.
19/09/10 07:14:15.015 PM UCM:1120 23 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request I
D: GetSystemConfiguration677948806. It might have been removed due to timeout.
19/09/10 07:14:15.015 PM UCM:884 26 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1908364185. It might have been removed due to timeout.
19/09/10 07:21:22.312 PM UCM:1276 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
19/09/10 11:16:43.500 PM UCM:1204 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
20/09/10 08:13:44.593 AM UCM:1008 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2628" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-20T08:12:08.265
625+03:00" CommandToken="1785337200">
<key />
20/09/10 08:13:50.046 AM UCM:1032 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2628" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-20T08:13:44.937
5+03:00" CommandToken="1889578455">
<key />
20/09/10 08:13:55.046 AM UCM:1096 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2628" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-20T08:13:50.046
875+03:00" CommandToken="138085415">
<key />
20/09/10 08:13:58.656 AM UCM:436 26 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration138085415. It might have been removed due to timeout.
20/09/10 08:13:58.671 AM UCM:1140 18 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request I
D: GetSystemConfiguration1785337200. It might have been removed due to timeout.
20/09/10 08:13:58.671 AM UCM:880 23 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1889578455. It might have been removed due to timeout.
20/09/10 08:15:00.000 AM UCM:1616 23 ERROR VPN profile is empty
20/09/10 08:15:33.734 AM UCM:1608 23 ERROR VPN profile is empty
20/09/10 08:15:46.718 AM UCM:1676 5 ERROR Location profile is going to be applie
20/09/10 08:15:46.765 AM UCM:1772 5 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Offi
20/09/10 08:15:46.812 AM UCM:1776 5 ERROR Starting run applications
20/09/10 08:15:46.828 AM UCM:1780 5 ERROR Trying to get currently active profile
and run all defined applications
20/09/10 08:15:46.843 AM UCM:1784 5 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications w
hich should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
20/09/10 08:15:46.875 AM UCM:1788 5 ERROR No applications defined
20/09/10 08:15:46.890 AM UCM:1792 5 ERROR Trying to set default printer
20/09/10 08:15:46.921 AM UCM:1796 5 ERROR Default printer is not specified
20/09/10 08:15:46.937 AM UCM:1800 5 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
20/09/10 08:15:46.984 AM UCM:1820 5 ERROR Check if browser is available
20/09/10 08:15:47.015 AM UCM:1828 5 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
20/09/10 08:15:47.031 AM UCM:1832 5 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001.
20/09/10 08:15:47.062 AM UCM:1836 5 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200.
20/09/10 08:15:47.078 AM UCM:1840 5 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
20/09/10 08:15:47.093 AM UCM:1844 5 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww46
20/09/10 08:15:47.125 AM UCM:1848 5 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: True

20/09/10 08:15:47.140 AM UCM:1852 5 ERROR Save settings as system default

20/09/10 08:15:47.171 AM UCM:1968 5 ERROR Applying default browser settings
20/09/10 08:15:47.343 AM UCM:2144 5 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled st
20/09/10 08:15:48.125 AM UCM:2148 5 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
20/09/10 08:15:48.515 AM UCM:1792 5 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
20/09/10 08:16:00.765 AM UCM:1836 23 ERROR VPN profile is empty
20/09/10 06:17:24.953 PM UCM:1348 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
20/09/10 10:23:19.265 PM UCM:920 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2676" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-20T22:20:53.796
875+03:00" CommandToken="1208262431">
<key />
20/09/10 10:23:25.703 PM UCM:944 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2676" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-20T22:23:20.562
5+03:00" CommandToken="1214416790">
<key />
20/09/10 10:23:28.515 PM UCM:1008 21 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request I
D: GetSystemConfiguration1214416790. It might have been removed due to timeout.
20/09/10 10:23:28.531 PM UCM:1012 17 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request I
D: GetSystemConfiguration1208262431. It might have been removed due to timeout.
20/09/10 10:24:37.312 PM UCM:1496 11 ERROR VPN profile is empty
21/09/10 07:08:07.250 AM UCM:952 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2680" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-21T07:07:04.296
875+03:00" CommandToken="1988284449">
<key />
21/09/10 07:08:11.765 AM UCM:976 16 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1988284449. It might have been removed due to timeout.
21/09/10 07:10:05.984 AM UCM:1016 19 ERROR VPN profile is empty
21/09/10 08:12:24.625 AM UCM:800 23 ERROR VPN profile is empty
21/09/10 08:12:38.765 AM UCM:688 23 ERROR Location profile is going to be applie
21/09/10 08:12:38.921 AM UCM:712 23 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Offi
21/09/10 08:12:39.093 AM UCM:1468 23 ERROR Starting run applications
21/09/10 08:12:39.125 AM UCM:1524 23 ERROR Trying to get currently active profil
e and run all defined applications
21/09/10 08:12:39.156 AM UCM:1340 23 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications
which should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
21/09/10 08:12:39.187 AM UCM:1328 23 ERROR No applications defined
21/09/10 08:12:39.218 AM UCM:1380 23 ERROR Trying to set default printer
21/09/10 08:12:39.265 AM UCM:1376 23 ERROR Default printer is not specified
21/09/10 08:12:39.296 AM UCM:1532 23 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
21/09/10 08:12:39.609 AM UCM:1556 23 ERROR Check if browser is available
21/09/10 08:12:39.843 AM UCM:1572 23 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
21/09/10 08:12:39.859 AM UCM:1576 23 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001
21/09/10 08:12:39.890 AM UCM:1580 23 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200
21/09/10 08:12:39.906 AM UCM:1584 23 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
21/09/10 08:12:39.937 AM UCM:1588 23 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww4
21/09/10 08:12:39.953 AM UCM:1592 23 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: Tru
21/09/10 08:12:39.968 AM UCM:1596 23 ERROR Save settings as system default
21/09/10 08:12:40.281 AM UCM:1712 23 ERROR Applying default browser settings
21/09/10 08:12:41.062 AM UCM:1888 23 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled s
21/09/10 08:12:41.890 AM UCM:1880 23 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
21/09/10 08:12:42.328 AM UCM:1892 23 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
21/09/10 08:12:46.484 AM UCM:2000 11 ERROR VPN profile is empty
21/09/10 08:14:41.859 AM UCM:2000 23 ERROR VPN profile is empty
21/09/10 08:15:15.828 AM UCM:688 11 ERROR VPN profile is empty
21/09/10 07:08:11.812 PM UCM:1060 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2640" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-21T19:06:31.546
875+03:00" CommandToken="1957685673">
<key />
21/09/10 07:08:12.437 PM UCM:1068 17 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request I
D: GetSystemConfiguration1957685673. It might have been removed due to timeout.
21/09/10 07:09:11.593 PM UCM:1568 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
23/09/10 10:48:52.781 AM UCM:1276 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
23/09/10 10:53:06.296 AM UCM:528 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
23/09/10 10:53:08.453 AM UCM:1292 8 ERROR Location profile is going to be applie
23/09/10 10:53:08.484 AM UCM:1412 8 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Offi
23/09/10 10:53:08.515 AM UCM:1416 8 ERROR Starting run applications
23/09/10 10:53:08.546 AM UCM:1420 8 ERROR Trying to get currently active profile
and run all defined applications
23/09/10 10:53:08.593 AM UCM:1424 8 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications w
hich should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
23/09/10 10:53:08.625 AM UCM:1428 8 ERROR No applications defined
23/09/10 10:53:08.687 AM UCM:1432 8 ERROR Trying to set default printer
23/09/10 10:53:08.718 AM UCM:1436 8 ERROR Default printer is not specified
23/09/10 10:53:08.750 AM UCM:1440 8 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
23/09/10 10:53:08.828 AM UCM:1460 8 ERROR Check if browser is available
23/09/10 10:53:08.859 AM UCM:1468 8 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
23/09/10 10:53:08.890 AM UCM:1472 8 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001.
23/09/10 10:53:08.937 AM UCM:1476 8 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200.
23/09/10 10:53:08.968 AM UCM:1480 8 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
23/09/10 10:53:09.015 AM UCM:1484 8 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww46
23/09/10 10:53:09.031 AM UCM:1488 8 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: True

23/09/10 10:53:09.062 AM UCM:1492 8 ERROR Save settings as system default

23/09/10 10:53:09.093 AM UCM:1608 8 ERROR Applying default browser settings
23/09/10 10:53:09.328 AM UCM:1776 8 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled st
23/09/10 10:53:09.734 AM UCM:1780 8 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
23/09/10 10:53:09.921 AM UCM:1784 8 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
23/09/10 07:29:14.296 PM UCM:1052 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|556" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-23T19:26:50.7812
5+03:00" CommandToken="1446198782">
<key />
23/09/10 07:29:16.109 PM UCM:1008 26 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request I
D: GetSystemConfiguration1446198782. It might have been removed due to timeout.
23/09/10 07:30:27.812 PM UCM:1604 28 ERROR VPN profile is empty
25/09/10 08:14:13.890 AM UCM:536 12 ERROR VPN profile is empty
25/09/10 08:18:45.437 AM UCM:520 12 ERROR VPN profile is empty
25/09/10 08:18:46.343 AM UCM:1336 12 ERROR Location profile is going to be appli
25/09/10 08:18:46.375 AM UCM:1456 12 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Off
25/09/10 08:18:46.406 AM UCM:1460 12 ERROR Starting run applications
25/09/10 08:18:46.421 AM UCM:1464 12 ERROR Trying to get currently active profil
e and run all defined applications
25/09/10 08:18:46.453 AM UCM:1468 12 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications
which should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
25/09/10 08:18:46.468 AM UCM:1472 12 ERROR No applications defined
25/09/10 08:18:46.484 AM UCM:1476 12 ERROR Trying to set default printer
25/09/10 08:18:46.515 AM UCM:1480 12 ERROR Default printer is not specified
25/09/10 08:18:46.531 AM UCM:1484 12 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
25/09/10 08:18:46.609 AM UCM:1504 12 ERROR Check if browser is available
25/09/10 08:18:46.625 AM UCM:1512 12 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
25/09/10 08:18:46.656 AM UCM:1516 12 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001
25/09/10 08:18:46.671 AM UCM:1520 12 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200
25/09/10 08:18:46.687 AM UCM:1524 12 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
25/09/10 08:18:46.718 AM UCM:1528 12 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww4
25/09/10 08:18:46.734 AM UCM:1532 12 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: Tru
25/09/10 08:18:46.765 AM UCM:1536 12 ERROR Save settings as system default
25/09/10 08:18:46.828 AM UCM:1652 12 ERROR Applying default browser settings
25/09/10 08:18:46.953 AM UCM:1820 12 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled s
25/09/10 08:18:47.171 AM UCM:1824 12 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
25/09/10 08:18:47.312 AM UCM:1828 12 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
25/09/10 06:30:09.500 PM UCM:880 5 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID:
GetTechnologyProfileList188404109. It might have been removed due to timeout.
25/09/10 06:30:09.921 PM UCM:540 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetTechnologyProfileList" Clien
tID="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3340" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-25T18:29:51.5
625+03:00" CommandToken="188404109">
25/09/10 06:32:01.109 PM UCM:1336 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
26/09/10 07:56:55.890 AM UCM:428 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
26/09/10 07:57:04.515 AM UCM:888 14 ERROR Location profile is going to be applie
26/09/10 07:57:04.531 AM UCM:1476 14 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Off
26/09/10 07:57:04.562 AM UCM:1480 14 ERROR Starting run applications
26/09/10 07:57:04.593 AM UCM:1484 14 ERROR Trying to get currently active profil
e and run all defined applications
26/09/10 07:57:04.609 AM UCM:1488 14 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications
which should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
26/09/10 07:57:04.640 AM UCM:1492 14 ERROR No applications defined
26/09/10 07:57:04.656 AM UCM:1496 14 ERROR Trying to set default printer
26/09/10 07:57:04.734 AM UCM:1500 14 ERROR Default printer is not specified
26/09/10 07:57:04.750 AM UCM:1504 14 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
26/09/10 07:57:04.812 AM UCM:1524 14 ERROR Check if browser is available
26/09/10 07:57:04.828 AM UCM:1532 14 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
26/09/10 07:57:04.859 AM UCM:1536 14 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001
26/09/10 07:57:04.875 AM UCM:1540 14 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200
26/09/10 07:57:04.890 AM UCM:1544 14 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
26/09/10 07:57:04.921 AM UCM:1548 14 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww4
26/09/10 07:57:04.937 AM UCM:1552 14 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: Tru
26/09/10 07:57:04.968 AM UCM:1556 14 ERROR Save settings as system default
26/09/10 07:57:05.000 AM UCM:1632 14 ERROR Applying default browser settings
26/09/10 07:57:05.109 AM UCM:1612 14 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled s
26/09/10 07:57:05.406 AM UCM:1616 14 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
26/09/10 07:57:05.781 AM UCM:1536 14 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
26/09/10 07:57:17.750 AM UCM:1756 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
26/09/10 11:56:55.000 PM UCM:1244 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
27/09/10 08:08:08.812 AM UCM:1256 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
27/09/10 08:08:33.765 AM UCM:1268 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
27/09/10 07:10:33.546 PM UCM:836 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3236" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-27T19:09:57.125
+03:00" CommandToken="948518755">
<key />
27/09/10 07:10:34.046 PM UCM:840 10 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration948518755. It might have been removed due to timeout.
27/09/10 07:11:56.234 PM UCM:1180 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
28/09/10 05:43:17.015 AM UCM:740 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2568" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-28T05:42:03.343
75+03:00" CommandToken="553325325">
<key />
28/09/10 05:43:18.125 AM UCM:908 12 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration553325325. It might have been removed due to timeout.
28/09/10 05:45:07.890 AM UCM:1396 16 ERROR VPN profile is empty
28/09/10 08:20:16.875 AM UCM:1076 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3900" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-28T08:19:07.343
75+03:00" CommandToken="794080821">
<key />
28/09/10 08:20:17.359 AM UCM:1080 20 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request I
D: GetSystemConfiguration794080821. It might have been removed due to timeout.
28/09/10 08:20:26.187 AM UCM:436 23 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetTechnologyProfileList" Clien
tID="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3900" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-28T08:20:20.8
59375+03:00" CommandToken="1456069581">
28/09/10 08:20:31.187 AM UCM:940 23 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetActiveTechnologyProfiles" Cl
ientID="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3900" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-28T08:20:2
6.1875+03:00" CommandToken="518876957">
<key />
28/09/10 08:20:36.187 AM UCM:1080 23 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetLocationProfileList" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3900" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-28T08:20:31.187
5+03:00" CommandToken="1472532268">
28/09/10 08:20:41.203 AM UCM:944 23 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetActiveLocationProfiles" Clie
ntID="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3900" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-28T08:20:36.
203125+03:00" CommandToken="1438406234">
<key />
28/09/10 08:21:04.312 AM UCM:360 23 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetTechnologyProfileList1456069581. It might have been removed due to timeout.

28/09/10 08:21:07.375 AM UCM:1124 27 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request I
D: GetActiveLocationProfiles1438406234. It might have been removed due to timeou
28/09/10 08:21:08.937 AM UCM:1136 25 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request I
D: GetActiveTechnologyProfiles518876957. It might have been removed due to timeo
28/09/10 08:21:08.984 AM UCM:1156 26 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request I
D: GetLocationProfileList1472532268. It might have been removed due to timeout.
28/09/10 08:22:00.562 AM UCM:1600 26 ERROR VPN profile is empty
28/09/10 08:24:43.031 AM UCM:1232 27 ERROR Invalid message was received while tr
ying to Activate Location. (maybe Global Location activated).
28/09/10 08:24:43.046 AM UCM:1228 26 ERROR Invalid message was received while tr
ying to Activate Location. (maybe Global Location activated).
28/09/10 08:24:43.078 AM UCM:1556 27 ERROR VPN profile is empty
28/09/10 08:24:43.937 AM UCM:1620 27 ERROR Location profile is going to be appli
28/09/10 08:24:43.953 AM UCM:1740 27 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Off
28/09/10 06:31:17.093 PM UCM:1300 11 ERROR VPN profile is empty
29/09/10 08:19:32.484 AM UCM:1188 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2836" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-29T08:18:00.390
625+03:00" CommandToken="1096775284">
<key />
29/09/10 08:19:35.875 AM UCM:1212 28 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request I
D: GetSystemConfiguration1096775284. It might have been removed due to timeout.
29/09/10 08:20:23.203 AM UCM:1688 15 ERROR VPN profile is empty
29/09/10 08:21:35.265 AM UCM:1604 29 ERROR VPN profile is empty
29/09/10 08:21:47.312 AM UCM:1856 29 ERROR Location profile is going to be appli
29/09/10 08:21:47.328 AM UCM:1860 29 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Off
29/09/10 08:21:47.343 AM UCM:1864 29 ERROR Starting run applications
29/09/10 08:21:47.359 AM UCM:1868 29 ERROR Trying to get currently active profil
e and run all defined applications
29/09/10 08:21:47.359 AM UCM:1872 29 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications
which should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
29/09/10 08:21:47.375 AM UCM:1876 29 ERROR No applications defined
29/09/10 08:21:47.375 AM UCM:1880 29 ERROR Trying to set default printer
29/09/10 08:21:47.390 AM UCM:1884 29 ERROR Default printer is not specified
29/09/10 08:21:47.390 AM UCM:1888 29 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
29/09/10 08:21:47.406 AM UCM:1908 29 ERROR Check if browser is available
29/09/10 08:21:47.421 AM UCM:1916 29 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
29/09/10 08:21:47.421 AM UCM:1920 29 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001
29/09/10 08:21:47.437 AM UCM:1924 29 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200
29/09/10 08:21:47.437 AM UCM:1928 29 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
29/09/10 08:21:47.453 AM UCM:1932 29 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww4
29/09/10 08:21:47.453 AM UCM:1936 29 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: Tru
29/09/10 08:21:47.468 AM UCM:1940 29 ERROR Save settings as system default
29/09/10 08:21:47.484 AM UCM:2060 29 ERROR Applying default browser settings
29/09/10 08:21:47.781 AM UCM:2228 29 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled s
29/09/10 08:21:48.000 AM UCM:2232 29 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
29/09/10 08:21:48.312 AM UCM:2236 29 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
29/09/10 08:22:02.109 AM UCM:2352 15 ERROR VPN profile is empty
29/09/10 08:14:37.562 PM UCM:840 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2716" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-29T20:14:04.187
5+03:00" CommandToken="1595039412">
<key />
29/09/10 08:14:38.109 PM UCM:844 10 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1595039412. It might have been removed due to timeout.
29/09/10 08:15:00.750 PM UCM:436 1 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetProfileOrder" ClientID="CPC4
76-TSD1047|0|2716" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-09-29T20:14:55.734375+03:
00" CommandToken="777447097">
<key />
29/09/10 08:15:00.765 PM UCM:716 1 ERROR UI ProfileManager: Faild to get Technol
ogyProfile Order from Service.
Empty List is going to be returned to future TechnologyProfileOrder property cal
29/09/10 08:15:02.921 PM UCM:524 12 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetProfileOrder777447097. It might have been removed due to timeout.
29/09/10 08:16:03.515 PM UCM:1288 12 ERROR VPN profile is empty
30/09/10 06:06:39.281 AM UCM:1256 12 ERROR VPN profile is empty
01/10/10 03:59:11.640 AM UCM:1320 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
02/10/10 08:01:42.421 AM UCM:1268 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
02/10/10 08:03:39.656 AM UCM:1292 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
02/10/10 08:03:40.015 AM UCM:1304 3 ERROR Location profile is going to be applie
02/10/10 08:03:40.031 AM UCM:1424 3 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Offi
02/10/10 08:03:40.062 AM UCM:1428 3 ERROR Starting run applications
02/10/10 08:03:40.078 AM UCM:1432 3 ERROR Trying to get currently active profile
and run all defined applications
02/10/10 08:03:40.078 AM UCM:1436 3 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications w
hich should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
02/10/10 08:03:40.093 AM UCM:1440 3 ERROR No applications defined
02/10/10 08:03:40.093 AM UCM:1444 3 ERROR Trying to set default printer
02/10/10 08:03:40.109 AM UCM:1448 3 ERROR Default printer is not specified
02/10/10 08:03:40.109 AM UCM:1452 3 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
02/10/10 08:03:40.171 AM UCM:1472 3 ERROR Check if browser is available
02/10/10 08:03:40.171 AM UCM:1456 3 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
02/10/10 08:03:40.187 AM UCM:1460 3 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001.
02/10/10 08:03:40.187 AM UCM:1464 3 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200.
02/10/10 08:03:40.203 AM UCM:1424 3 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
02/10/10 08:03:40.203 AM UCM:1468 3 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww46
02/10/10 08:03:40.218 AM UCM:1436 3 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: True

02/10/10 08:03:40.218 AM UCM:1472 3 ERROR Save settings as system default

02/10/10 08:03:40.234 AM UCM:1552 3 ERROR Applying default browser settings
02/10/10 08:03:40.531 AM UCM:1712 3 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled st
02/10/10 08:03:40.734 AM UCM:1716 3 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
02/10/10 08:03:41.062 AM UCM:1724 3 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
02/10/10 10:00:04.062 PM UCM:832 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|1012" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-10-02T21:59:31.296
875+03:00" CommandToken="2068588719">
<key />
02/10/10 10:00:04.468 PM UCM:840 5 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID:
GetSystemConfiguration2068588719. It might have been removed due to timeout.
03/10/10 03:49:32.500 AM UCM:1436 12 ERROR VPN profile is empty
03/10/10 08:13:18.781 AM UCM:656 12 ERROR VPN profile is empty
03/10/10 08:13:34.890 AM UCM:648 12 ERROR Location profile is going to be applie
03/10/10 08:13:35.046 AM UCM:656 12 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Offi
03/10/10 08:13:35.109 AM UCM:648 12 ERROR Starting run applications
03/10/10 08:13:35.140 AM UCM:640 12 ERROR Trying to get currently active profile
and run all defined applications
03/10/10 08:13:35.156 AM UCM:680 12 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications w
hich should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
03/10/10 08:13:35.187 AM UCM:1576 12 ERROR No applications defined
03/10/10 08:13:35.203 AM UCM:1580 12 ERROR Trying to set default printer
03/10/10 08:13:35.281 AM UCM:1584 12 ERROR Default printer is not specified
03/10/10 08:13:35.296 AM UCM:1588 12 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
03/10/10 08:13:35.390 AM UCM:1608 12 ERROR Check if browser is available
03/10/10 08:13:35.421 AM UCM:1616 12 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
03/10/10 08:13:35.437 AM UCM:1620 12 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001
03/10/10 08:13:35.468 AM UCM:1624 12 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200
03/10/10 08:13:35.500 AM UCM:1628 12 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
03/10/10 08:13:35.531 AM UCM:1632 12 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww4
03/10/10 08:13:35.578 AM UCM:1636 12 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: Tru
03/10/10 08:13:35.625 AM UCM:1640 12 ERROR Save settings as system default
03/10/10 08:13:35.671 AM UCM:1756 12 ERROR Applying default browser settings
03/10/10 08:13:38.187 AM UCM:1916 12 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled s
03/10/10 08:13:39.859 AM UCM:1920 12 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
03/10/10 08:13:40.125 AM UCM:1948 12 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
03/10/10 08:13:45.562 AM UCM:2044 11 ERROR VPN profile is empty
03/10/10 11:52:31.015 PM UCM:788 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty
03/10/10 11:52:51.937 PM UCM:788 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
04/10/10 07:57:01.828 AM UCM:1876 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty
04/10/10 07:57:42.015 AM UCM:896 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty
05/10/10 08:13:56.484 AM UCM:872 10 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetNetworkDeviceState1424152600. It might have been removed due to timeout.
05/10/10 08:14:00.046 AM UCM:1944 7 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetNetworkDeviceState" ClientID
="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3320" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-10-05T08:13:50.9687
5+03:00" CommandToken="1424152600">
05/10/10 08:14:00.078 AM UCM:1880 7 ERROR Error in processing request GetNetwork
DeviceState CommandStatus = Timeout
07/10/10 09:29:16.218 AM UCM:708 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3744" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-10-07T09:28:43.937
5+03:00" CommandToken="1594416535">
<key />
07/10/10 09:29:21.390 AM UCM:712 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3744" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-10-07T09:29:16.312
5+03:00" CommandToken="702488862">
<key />
07/10/10 09:29:26.390 AM UCM:716 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3744" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-10-07T09:29:21.390
625+03:00" CommandToken="1234371283">
<key />
07/10/10 09:29:30.500 AM UCM:724 5 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID:
GetSystemConfiguration1234371283. It might have been removed due to timeout.
07/10/10 09:29:30.500 AM UCM:720 8 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID:
GetSystemConfiguration1594416535. It might have been removed due to timeout.
07/10/10 09:29:30.500 AM UCM:772 7 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID:
GetSystemConfiguration702488862. It might have been removed due to timeout.
07/10/10 09:30:41.359 AM UCM:1272 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
08/10/10 06:50:13.390 AM UCM:648 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2964" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-10-08T06:49:37.437
5+03:00" CommandToken="1471655018">
<key />
08/10/10 06:50:14.203 AM UCM:608 5 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID:
GetSystemConfiguration1471655018. It might have been removed due to timeout.
08/10/10 06:51:45.437 AM UCM:1192 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
08/10/10 04:47:05.609 PM UCM:864 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
08/10/10 09:47:15.734 PM UCM:1108 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
09/10/10 08:00:49.718 AM UCM:884 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2092" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-10-09T08:00:20.218
75+03:00" CommandToken="2009675786">
<key />
09/10/10 08:00:53.656 AM UCM:912 13 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration2009675786. It might have been removed due to timeout.
09/10/10 08:01:17.250 AM UCM:840 1 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2092" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-10-09T08:01:12.25+
03:00" CommandToken="1890231887">
<key />
09/10/10 08:01:17.250 AM UCM:880 1 ERROR Failed to get System Configuration
09/10/10 08:01:22.281 AM UCM:844 1 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="WWAN_GetActivationInfo" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2092" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-10-09T08:01:17.281
25+03:00" CommandToken="588333377">
<key />
09/10/10 08:01:27.546 AM UCM:864 1 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetDeviceHardwareDetails" Clien
tID="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2092" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-10-09T08:01:22.5
46875+03:00" CommandToken="473251455">
09/10/10 08:01:27.562 AM UCM:872 1 ERROR Cannot get Device Hardware Details.
09/10/10 08:01:32.562 AM UCM:884 1 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetNetworkDeviceState" ClientID
="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2092" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-10-09T08:01:27.5625
+03:00" CommandToken="1782108025">
09/10/10 08:01:32.562 AM UCM:436 1 ERROR Error in processing request GetNetworkD
eviceState CommandStatus = Timeout
09/10/10 08:01:33.250 AM UCM:972 3 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID:
GetSystemConfiguration1890231887. It might have been removed due to timeout.
09/10/10 08:01:33.609 AM UCM:964 3 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID:
WWAN_GetActivationInfo588333377. It might have been removed due to timeout.
09/10/10 08:01:33.703 AM UCM:976 10 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetNetworkDeviceState1782108025. It might have been removed due to timeout.
09/10/10 08:01:33.750 AM UCM:980 3 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID:
GetDeviceHardwareDetails473251455. It might have been removed due to timeout.
09/10/10 08:02:33.125 AM UCM:1364 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
10/10/10 08:04:56.796 AM UCM:960 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2696" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-10-10T08:04:12.312
5+03:00" CommandToken="357962549">
<key />
10/10/10 08:05:02.703 AM UCM:964 14 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration357962549. It might have been removed due to timeout.
10/10/10 08:05:38.562 AM UCM:356 21 ERROR VPN profile is empty
10/10/10 08:08:08.015 AM UCM:1464 21 ERROR VPN profile is empty
10/10/10 08:08:25.500 AM UCM:1516 18 ERROR Location profile is going to be appli
10/10/10 08:08:25.531 AM UCM:1636 18 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Off
10/10/10 08:08:25.578 AM UCM:1640 18 ERROR Starting run applications
10/10/10 08:08:25.609 AM UCM:1644 18 ERROR Trying to get currently active profil
e and run all defined applications
10/10/10 08:08:25.640 AM UCM:1648 18 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications
which should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
10/10/10 08:08:25.687 AM UCM:1652 18 ERROR No applications defined
10/10/10 08:08:25.718 AM UCM:1656 18 ERROR Trying to set default printer
10/10/10 08:08:25.765 AM UCM:1660 18 ERROR Default printer is not specified
10/10/10 08:08:25.796 AM UCM:1664 18 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
10/10/10 08:08:25.875 AM UCM:1684 18 ERROR Check if browser is available
10/10/10 08:08:25.937 AM UCM:1692 18 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
10/10/10 08:08:25.984 AM UCM:1696 18 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001
10/10/10 08:08:26.015 AM UCM:1700 18 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200
10/10/10 08:08:26.046 AM UCM:1704 18 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
10/10/10 08:08:26.093 AM UCM:1708 18 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww4
10/10/10 08:08:26.125 AM UCM:1712 18 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: Tru
10/10/10 08:08:26.156 AM UCM:1716 18 ERROR Save settings as system default
10/10/10 08:08:26.203 AM UCM:1664 18 ERROR Applying default browser settings
10/10/10 08:08:27.875 AM UCM:1892 18 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled s
10/10/10 08:08:29.812 AM UCM:1896 18 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
10/10/10 08:08:30.718 AM UCM:1924 18 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
10/10/10 08:08:39.515 AM UCM:2032 23 ERROR VPN profile is empty
11/10/10 08:18:20.578 AM UCM:924 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2892" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-10-11T08:16:57.484
375+03:00" CommandToken="830108788">
<key />
11/10/10 08:18:21.187 AM UCM:928 14 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration830108788. It might have been removed due to timeout.
11/10/10 08:19:47.031 AM UCM:1452 11 ERROR VPN profile is empty
11/10/10 11:06:53.781 PM UCM:1416 11 ERROR VPN profile is empty
12/10/10 08:15:21.718 AM UCM:756 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
12/10/10 07:45:26.234 PM UCM:1052 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty
13/10/10 08:18:55.765 AM UCM:540 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty
13/10/10 08:19:31.062 AM UCM:1408 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
15/10/10 06:23:35.953 AM UCM:756 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty
15/10/10 06:24:02.687 AM UCM:656 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty
16/10/10 07:35:00.062 AM UCM:536 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
16/10/10 08:21:30.859 AM UCM:1420 11 ERROR VPN profile is empty
16/10/10 08:21:58.625 AM UCM:1444 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
16/10/10 09:31:38.000 PM UCM:472 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
16/10/10 09:32:16.703 PM UCM:460 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
16/10/10 09:58:09.687 PM UCM:648 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
17/10/10 04:26:58.843 PM UCM:524 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2012" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-10-17T16:25:55.765
625+03:00" CommandToken="1018874171">
<key />
17/10/10 04:26:59.390 PM UCM:532 16 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1018874171. It might have been removed due to timeout.
17/10/10 04:28:34.468 PM UCM:1408 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
17/10/10 04:30:43.093 PM UCM:528 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
17/10/10 04:30:44.734 PM UCM:1444 7 ERROR Location profile is going to be applie
17/10/10 04:30:44.796 PM UCM:1564 7 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Offi
17/10/10 04:30:44.859 PM UCM:1568 7 ERROR Starting run applications
17/10/10 04:30:44.906 PM UCM:1572 7 ERROR Trying to get currently active profile
and run all defined applications
17/10/10 04:30:44.968 PM UCM:1576 7 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications w
hich should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
17/10/10 04:30:45.015 PM UCM:1580 7 ERROR No applications defined
17/10/10 04:30:45.046 PM UCM:1584 7 ERROR Trying to set default printer
17/10/10 04:30:45.078 PM UCM:1588 7 ERROR Default printer is not specified
17/10/10 04:30:45.125 PM UCM:1592 7 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
17/10/10 04:30:45.187 PM UCM:1612 7 ERROR Check if browser is available
17/10/10 04:30:45.218 PM UCM:1620 7 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
17/10/10 04:30:45.281 PM UCM:1624 7 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001.
17/10/10 04:30:45.312 PM UCM:1628 7 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200.
17/10/10 04:30:45.375 PM UCM:1632 7 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
17/10/10 04:30:45.437 PM UCM:1636 7 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww46
17/10/10 04:30:45.484 PM UCM:1640 7 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: True

17/10/10 04:30:45.531 PM UCM:1644 7 ERROR Save settings as system default

17/10/10 04:30:45.687 PM UCM:1760 7 ERROR Applying default browser settings
17/10/10 04:30:46.187 PM UCM:1928 7 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled st
17/10/10 04:30:48.953 PM UCM:1932 7 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
17/10/10 04:30:49.078 PM UCM:1936 7 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
17/10/10 06:11:57.671 PM UCM:1408 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty
17/10/10 08:49:19.703 PM UCM:616 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3320" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-10-17T20:47:56.312
5+03:00" CommandToken="1002912025">
<key />
17/10/10 08:49:20.671 PM UCM:840 16 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1002912025. It might have been removed due to timeout.
17/10/10 08:50:17.453 PM UCM:844 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
18/10/10 08:20:17.671 AM UCM:760 16 ERROR VPN profile is empty
18/10/10 08:20:26.250 AM UCM:280 3 ERROR Location profile is going to be applied
18/10/10 08:20:26.281 AM UCM:1500 3 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Offi
18/10/10 08:20:26.312 AM UCM:1504 3 ERROR Starting run applications
18/10/10 08:20:26.343 AM UCM:1508 3 ERROR Trying to get currently active profile
and run all defined applications
18/10/10 08:20:26.359 AM UCM:1512 3 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications w
hich should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
18/10/10 08:20:26.390 AM UCM:1516 3 ERROR No applications defined
18/10/10 08:20:26.453 AM UCM:1520 3 ERROR Trying to set default printer
18/10/10 08:20:26.500 AM UCM:1524 3 ERROR Default printer is not specified
18/10/10 08:20:26.531 AM UCM:1528 3 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
18/10/10 08:20:26.640 AM UCM:1548 3 ERROR Check if browser is available
18/10/10 08:20:26.671 AM UCM:1556 3 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
18/10/10 08:20:26.703 AM UCM:1560 3 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001.
18/10/10 08:20:26.718 AM UCM:1564 3 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200.
18/10/10 08:20:26.750 AM UCM:1568 3 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
18/10/10 08:20:26.765 AM UCM:1572 3 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww46
18/10/10 08:20:26.796 AM UCM:1576 3 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: True

18/10/10 08:20:26.812 AM UCM:1580 3 ERROR Save settings as system default

18/10/10 08:20:26.828 AM UCM:1696 3 ERROR Applying default browser settings
18/10/10 08:20:27.109 AM UCM:1856 3 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled st
18/10/10 08:20:27.437 AM UCM:1860 3 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
18/10/10 08:20:27.609 AM UCM:1864 3 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
18/10/10 08:20:39.453 AM UCM:1968 16 ERROR VPN profile is empty
19/10/10 12:33:03.656 AM UCM:1668 15 ERROR VPN profile is empty
19/10/10 04:01:50.234 PM UCM:1680 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
20/10/10 07:39:33.125 PM UCM:1004 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3688" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-10-20T19:38:38.203
125+03:00" CommandToken="367417863">
<key />
20/10/10 07:39:33.343 PM UCM:1008 18 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request I
D: GetSystemConfiguration367417863. It might have been removed due to timeout.
20/10/10 07:40:43.187 PM UCM:1528 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
20/10/10 07:53:47.281 PM UCM:1140 14 ERROR VPN profile is empty
20/10/10 07:53:47.765 PM UCM:664 14 ERROR Location profile is going to be applie
20/10/10 07:53:47.828 PM UCM:1640 14 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Off
20/10/10 07:53:47.875 PM UCM:1644 14 ERROR Starting run applications
20/10/10 07:53:47.921 PM UCM:1648 14 ERROR Trying to get currently active profil
e and run all defined applications
20/10/10 07:53:47.953 PM UCM:1652 14 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications
which should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
20/10/10 07:53:47.984 PM UCM:1656 14 ERROR No applications defined
20/10/10 07:53:48.015 PM UCM:1660 14 ERROR Trying to set default printer
20/10/10 07:53:48.062 PM UCM:1664 14 ERROR Default printer is not specified
20/10/10 07:53:48.109 PM UCM:1668 14 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
20/10/10 07:53:48.171 PM UCM:1688 14 ERROR Check if browser is available
20/10/10 07:53:48.203 PM UCM:1696 14 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
20/10/10 07:53:48.234 PM UCM:1700 14 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001
20/10/10 07:53:48.265 PM UCM:1704 14 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200
20/10/10 07:53:48.296 PM UCM:1708 14 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
20/10/10 07:53:48.328 PM UCM:1712 14 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww4
20/10/10 07:53:48.343 PM UCM:1716 14 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: Tru
20/10/10 07:53:48.390 PM UCM:1720 14 ERROR Save settings as system default
20/10/10 07:53:48.484 PM UCM:1836 14 ERROR Applying default browser settings
20/10/10 07:53:48.718 PM UCM:2004 14 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled s
20/10/10 07:53:49.375 PM UCM:2008 14 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
20/10/10 07:53:49.546 PM UCM:1672 14 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
20/10/10 09:22:31.140 PM UCM:1772 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
20/10/10 09:22:54.671 PM UCM:1640 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
20/10/10 09:41:32.890 PM UCM:1488 20 ERROR VPN profile is empty
20/10/10 09:48:14.640 PM UCM:1492 20 ERROR VPN profile is empty
21/10/10 07:51:12.359 AM UCM:640 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|1748" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-10-21T07:50:36.875
+03:00" CommandToken="950544700">
<key />
21/10/10 07:51:12.671 AM UCM:656 5 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID:
GetSystemConfiguration950544700. It might have been removed due to timeout.
21/10/10 07:51:46.484 AM UCM:612 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
23/10/10 08:27:41.718 AM UCM:1228 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
23/10/10 08:28:07.750 AM UCM:1248 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
24/10/10 03:30:15.640 PM UCM:1252 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
24/10/10 06:38:52.937 PM UCM:1520 22 ERROR VPN profile is empty
24/10/10 06:42:04.218 PM UCM:1500 22 ERROR VPN profile is empty
24/10/10 06:42:04.562 PM UCM:1480 22 ERROR Location profile is going to be appli
24/10/10 06:42:04.593 PM UCM:1664 22 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Off
24/10/10 06:42:04.625 PM UCM:1668 22 ERROR Starting run applications
24/10/10 06:42:04.656 PM UCM:1672 22 ERROR Trying to get currently active profil
e and run all defined applications
24/10/10 06:42:04.671 PM UCM:1676 22 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications
which should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
24/10/10 06:42:04.703 PM UCM:1680 22 ERROR No applications defined
24/10/10 06:42:04.734 PM UCM:1684 22 ERROR Trying to set default printer
24/10/10 06:42:04.750 PM UCM:1688 22 ERROR Default printer is not specified
24/10/10 06:42:04.781 PM UCM:1692 22 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
24/10/10 06:42:04.828 PM UCM:1712 22 ERROR Check if browser is available
24/10/10 06:42:04.859 PM UCM:1720 22 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
24/10/10 06:42:04.906 PM UCM:1724 22 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001
24/10/10 06:42:04.937 PM UCM:1728 22 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200
24/10/10 06:42:04.968 PM UCM:1732 22 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
24/10/10 06:42:04.984 PM UCM:1736 22 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww4
24/10/10 06:42:05.015 PM UCM:1740 22 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: Tru
24/10/10 06:42:05.046 PM UCM:1744 22 ERROR Save settings as system default
24/10/10 06:42:05.093 PM UCM:1860 22 ERROR Applying default browser settings
24/10/10 06:42:05.203 PM UCM:2032 22 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled s
24/10/10 06:42:05.406 PM UCM:2036 22 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
24/10/10 06:42:05.562 PM UCM:1852 22 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
24/10/10 06:52:17.250 PM UCM:1984 21 ERROR VPN profile is empty
25/10/10 08:15:05.968 AM UCM:876 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2556" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-10-25T08:14:35.609
375+03:00" CommandToken="593743618">
<key />
25/10/10 08:15:06.640 AM UCM:884 12 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration593743618. It might have been removed due to timeout.
25/10/10 08:15:36.562 AM UCM:472 12 ERROR VPN profile is empty
25/10/10 08:16:43.937 AM UCM:1260 12 ERROR VPN profile is empty
25/10/10 08:17:01.875 AM UCM:1380 12 ERROR Location profile is going to be appli
25/10/10 08:17:02.093 AM UCM:1504 12 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Off
25/10/10 08:17:02.281 AM UCM:1508 12 ERROR Starting run applications
25/10/10 08:17:02.468 AM UCM:1504 12 ERROR Trying to get currently active profil
e and run all defined applications
25/10/10 08:17:02.671 AM UCM:1260 12 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications
which should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
25/10/10 08:17:02.734 AM UCM:1380 12 ERROR No applications defined
25/10/10 08:17:02.812 AM UCM:1508 12 ERROR Trying to set default printer
25/10/10 08:17:02.890 AM UCM:356 12 ERROR Default printer is not specified
25/10/10 08:17:03.046 AM UCM:1004 12 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
25/10/10 08:17:03.296 AM UCM:1528 12 ERROR Check if browser is available
25/10/10 08:17:03.484 AM UCM:1536 12 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
25/10/10 08:17:03.546 AM UCM:1540 12 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001
25/10/10 08:17:03.609 AM UCM:1544 12 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200
25/10/10 08:17:03.656 AM UCM:1548 12 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
25/10/10 08:17:03.765 AM UCM:1552 12 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww4
25/10/10 08:17:03.890 AM UCM:1556 12 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: Tru
25/10/10 08:17:04.031 AM UCM:1560 12 ERROR Save settings as system default
25/10/10 08:17:04.671 AM UCM:1676 12 ERROR Applying default browser settings
25/10/10 08:17:06.593 AM UCM:1848 12 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled s
25/10/10 08:17:11.359 AM UCM:1852 12 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
25/10/10 08:17:11.984 AM UCM:1856 12 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
25/10/10 08:17:14.640 AM UCM:1960 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty
26/10/10 12:11:15.578 PM UCM:1252 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
27/10/10 08:18:16.296 AM UCM:776 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2596" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-10-27T08:17:28.093
75+03:00" CommandToken="1677992504">
<key />
27/10/10 08:18:18.343 AM UCM:784 10 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1677992504. It might have been removed due to timeout.
27/10/10 08:19:19.625 AM UCM:720 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
30/10/10 08:54:48.218 AM UCM:1484 19 ERROR VPN profile is empty
31/10/10 06:41:52.500 AM UCM:1252 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
31/10/10 04:48:16.593 PM UCM:1000 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2900" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-10-31T16:47:07.718
75+03:00" CommandToken="176081210">
<key />
31/10/10 04:48:16.937 PM UCM:1008 15 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request I
D: GetSystemConfiguration176081210. It might have been removed due to timeout.
31/10/10 04:49:14.171 PM UCM:1436 14 ERROR VPN profile is empty
01/11/10 06:13:10.734 AM UCM:952 16 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration154521759. It might have been removed due to timeout.
01/11/10 06:13:11.062 AM UCM:956 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2356" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-11-01T06:12:15.453
125+03:00" CommandToken="154521759">
<key />
01/11/10 06:14:15.312 AM UCM:1456 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
01/11/10 09:44:56.984 AM UCM:952 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2440" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-11-01T09:44:05.218
75+03:00" CommandToken="545195527">
<key />
01/11/10 09:44:57.140 AM UCM:960 16 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration545195527. It might have been removed due to timeout.
01/11/10 09:46:03.609 AM UCM:1400 16 ERROR VPN profile is empty
02/11/10 07:36:52.703 AM UCM:1068 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2544" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-11-02T07:35:30.156
25+03:00" CommandToken="1571115581">
<key />
02/11/10 07:36:57.593 AM UCM:1072 22 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request I
D: GetSystemConfiguration1571115581. It might have been removed due to timeout.
02/11/10 07:37:44.796 AM UCM:1572 16 ERROR VPN profile is empty
04/11/10 09:22:46.031 AM UCM:912 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2984" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-11-04T09:21:47.5+0
3:00" CommandToken="1118789498">
<key />
04/11/10 09:22:46.312 AM UCM:916 15 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1118789498. It might have been removed due to timeout.
04/11/10 09:23:47.859 AM UCM:1400 15 ERROR VPN profile is empty
06/11/10 08:03:47.671 AM UCM:932 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2636" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-11-06T08:02:39.046
875+03:00" CommandToken="1638444963">
<key />
06/11/10 08:03:48.812 AM UCM:972 14 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1638444963. It might have been removed due to timeout.
06/11/10 08:04:40.109 AM UCM:1408 15 ERROR VPN profile is empty
06/11/10 03:15:25.078 PM UCM:524 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty
06/11/10 03:15:37.000 PM UCM:284 9 ERROR Location profile is going to be applied
06/11/10 03:15:37.015 PM UCM:1500 9 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Offi
06/11/10 03:15:37.031 PM UCM:1504 9 ERROR Starting run applications
06/11/10 03:15:37.046 PM UCM:1508 9 ERROR Trying to get currently active profile
and run all defined applications
06/11/10 03:15:37.046 PM UCM:1512 9 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications w
hich should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
06/11/10 03:15:37.062 PM UCM:1516 9 ERROR No applications defined
06/11/10 03:15:37.062 PM UCM:1520 9 ERROR Trying to set default printer
06/11/10 03:15:37.078 PM UCM:1524 9 ERROR Default printer is not specified
06/11/10 03:15:37.093 PM UCM:1528 9 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
06/11/10 03:15:37.125 PM UCM:1512 9 ERROR Check if browser is available
06/11/10 03:15:37.140 PM UCM:1520 9 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
06/11/10 03:15:37.156 PM UCM:1500 9 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001.
06/11/10 03:15:37.156 PM UCM:1508 9 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200.
06/11/10 03:15:37.171 PM UCM:1528 9 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
06/11/10 03:15:37.171 PM UCM:784 9 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww465
06/11/10 03:15:37.187 PM UCM:764 9 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: True
06/11/10 03:15:37.203 PM UCM:1532 9 ERROR Save settings as system default
06/11/10 03:15:37.218 PM UCM:1648 9 ERROR Applying default browser settings
06/11/10 03:15:37.468 PM UCM:1820 9 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled st
06/11/10 03:15:37.765 PM UCM:1824 9 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
06/11/10 03:15:37.968 PM UCM:1828 9 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
06/11/10 03:15:51.734 PM UCM:1944 15 ERROR VPN profile is empty
07/11/10 08:22:28.031 AM UCM:744 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2508" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-11-07T08:21:44.703
125+03:00" CommandToken="1366258715">
<key />
07/11/10 08:22:34.375 AM UCM:748 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2508" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-11-07T08:22:29.312
5+03:00" CommandToken="1025919330">
<key />
07/11/10 08:22:39.421 AM UCM:792 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2508" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-11-07T08:22:34.421
875+03:00" CommandToken="1082504331">
<key />
07/11/10 08:22:44.453 AM UCM:836 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2508" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-11-07T08:22:39.437
5+03:00" CommandToken="811362427">
<key />
07/11/10 08:22:49.468 AM UCM:880 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2508" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-11-07T08:22:44.468
75+03:00" CommandToken="1303944854">
<key />
07/11/10 08:22:54.531 AM UCM:360 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2508" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-11-07T08:22:49.531
25+03:00" CommandToken="178879093">
<key />
07/11/10 08:22:59.562 AM UCM:944 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2508" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-11-07T08:22:54.562
5+03:00" CommandToken="1660010091">
<key />
07/11/10 08:23:04.578 AM UCM:988 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2508" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-11-07T08:22:59.578
125+03:00" CommandToken="605701990">
<key />
07/11/10 08:23:09.750 AM UCM:1032 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2508" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-11-07T08:23:04.75+
03:00" CommandToken="1254664821">
<key />
07/11/10 08:23:14.781 AM UCM:1056 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2508" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-11-07T08:23:09.781
25+03:00" CommandToken="1436359871">
<key />
07/11/10 08:23:19.968 AM UCM:1080 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2508" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-11-07T08:23:14.968
75+03:00" CommandToken="2098203333">
<key />
07/11/10 08:23:24.984 AM UCM:1104 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2508" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-11-07T08:23:19.984
375+03:00" CommandToken="1828430547">
<key />
08/11/10 08:08:13.859 AM UCM:952 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3992" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-11-08T08:07:09.984
375+03:00" CommandToken="1117879970">
<key />
08/11/10 08:08:14.500 AM UCM:956 16 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1117879970. It might have been removed due to timeout.
08/11/10 08:09:14.125 AM UCM:1404 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
08/11/10 08:15:08.468 AM UCM:1436 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
08/11/10 08:15:19.859 AM UCM:1436 13 ERROR VPN profile is empty
08/11/10 08:15:41.921 AM UCM:1456 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
08/11/10 08:15:42.265 AM UCM:1592 3 ERROR Location profile is going to be applie
08/11/10 08:15:42.281 AM UCM:1596 3 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Offi
08/11/10 08:15:42.281 AM UCM:1600 3 ERROR Starting run applications
08/11/10 08:15:42.296 AM UCM:1604 3 ERROR Trying to get currently active profile
and run all defined applications
08/11/10 08:15:42.296 AM UCM:1608 3 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications w
hich should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
08/11/10 08:15:42.312 AM UCM:1612 3 ERROR No applications defined
08/11/10 08:15:42.312 AM UCM:1616 3 ERROR Trying to set default printer
08/11/10 08:15:42.328 AM UCM:1620 3 ERROR Default printer is not specified
08/11/10 08:15:42.343 AM UCM:1612 3 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
08/11/10 08:15:42.359 AM UCM:1616 3 ERROR Check if browser is available
08/11/10 08:15:42.359 AM UCM:1456 3 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
08/11/10 08:15:42.375 AM UCM:1608 3 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001.
08/11/10 08:15:42.375 AM UCM:1604 3 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200.
08/11/10 08:15:42.390 AM UCM:1468 3 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
08/11/10 08:15:42.390 AM UCM:1624 3 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww46
08/11/10 08:15:42.406 AM UCM:1472 3 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: True

08/11/10 08:15:42.406 AM UCM:1628 3 ERROR Save settings as system default

08/11/10 08:15:42.421 AM UCM:1744 3 ERROR Applying default browser settings
08/11/10 08:15:43.093 AM UCM:1908 3 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled st
08/11/10 08:15:44.828 AM UCM:1912 3 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
08/11/10 08:15:44.921 AM UCM:1916 3 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
08/11/10 12:25:19.484 PM UCM:868 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
08/11/10 04:55:43.734 PM UCM:1324 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
09/11/10 04:28:03.000 PM UCM:348 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
09/11/10 04:28:03.859 PM UCM:532 5 ERROR Location profile is going to be applied
09/11/10 04:28:03.859 PM UCM:1452 5 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Offi
09/11/10 04:28:03.875 PM UCM:1456 5 ERROR Starting run applications
09/11/10 04:28:03.906 PM UCM:1460 5 ERROR Trying to get currently active profile
and run all defined applications
09/11/10 04:28:03.906 PM UCM:1464 5 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications w
hich should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
09/11/10 04:28:04.015 PM UCM:1468 5 ERROR No applications defined
09/11/10 04:28:04.031 PM UCM:1472 5 ERROR Trying to set default printer
09/11/10 04:28:04.078 PM UCM:1476 5 ERROR Default printer is not specified
09/11/10 04:28:04.234 PM UCM:1480 5 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
09/11/10 04:28:04.328 PM UCM:1500 5 ERROR Check if browser is available
09/11/10 04:28:04.375 PM UCM:1508 5 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
09/11/10 04:28:04.421 PM UCM:1512 5 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001.
09/11/10 04:28:05.187 PM UCM:1516 5 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200.
09/11/10 04:28:05.468 PM UCM:1520 5 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
09/11/10 04:28:05.562 PM UCM:1524 5 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww46
09/11/10 04:28:05.593 PM UCM:1528 5 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: True

09/11/10 04:28:05.890 PM UCM:1532 5 ERROR Save settings as system default

09/11/10 04:28:05.921 PM UCM:1648 5 ERROR Applying default browser settings
09/11/10 04:28:06.125 PM UCM:1820 5 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled st
09/11/10 04:28:06.687 PM UCM:1824 5 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
09/11/10 04:28:06.984 PM UCM:1456 5 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
09/11/10 04:28:18.140 PM UCM:1572 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
10/11/10 07:37:20.109 AM UCM:1792 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
10/11/10 12:42:03.421 PM UCM:1792 11 ERROR VPN profile is empty
11/11/10 06:55:54.125 AM UCM:1216 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
11/11/10 09:25:25.015 AM UCM:812 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2236" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-11-11T09:24:35.187
5+03:00" CommandToken="8045511">
<key />
11/11/10 09:25:25.937 AM UCM:816 10 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration8045511. It might have been removed due to timeout.
11/11/10 09:26:41.109 AM UCM:1264 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
11/11/10 10:48:37.953 AM UCM:1392 11 ERROR VPN profile is empty
11/11/10 10:48:39.015 AM UCM:1412 11 ERROR Location profile is going to be appli
11/11/10 10:48:39.031 AM UCM:1532 11 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Off
11/11/10 10:48:39.046 AM UCM:1536 11 ERROR Starting run applications
11/11/10 10:48:39.062 AM UCM:1540 11 ERROR Trying to get currently active profil
e and run all defined applications
11/11/10 10:48:39.062 AM UCM:1544 11 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications
which should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
11/11/10 10:48:39.078 AM UCM:1548 11 ERROR No applications defined
11/11/10 10:48:39.093 AM UCM:1552 11 ERROR Trying to set default printer
11/11/10 10:48:39.109 AM UCM:1556 11 ERROR Default printer is not specified
11/11/10 10:48:39.125 AM UCM:1560 11 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
11/11/10 10:48:39.250 AM UCM:1580 11 ERROR Check if browser is available
11/11/10 10:48:39.250 AM UCM:1588 11 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
11/11/10 10:48:39.265 AM UCM:1592 11 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001
11/11/10 10:48:39.265 AM UCM:1596 11 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200
11/11/10 10:48:39.281 AM UCM:1600 11 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
11/11/10 10:48:39.281 AM UCM:1604 11 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww4
11/11/10 10:48:39.296 AM UCM:1608 11 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: Tru
11/11/10 10:48:39.312 AM UCM:1612 11 ERROR Save settings as system default
11/11/10 10:48:39.328 AM UCM:1728 11 ERROR Applying default browser settings
11/11/10 10:48:39.390 AM UCM:1900 11 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled s
11/11/10 10:48:39.828 AM UCM:1904 11 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
11/11/10 10:48:40.187 AM UCM:1908 11 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
11/11/10 11:20:09.265 AM UCM:1320 11 ERROR VPN profile is empty
11/11/10 11:23:26.109 AM UCM:1320 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
11/11/10 11:56:38.609 AM UCM:660 8 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID:
GetActiveLocationProfiles2004673775. It might have been removed due to timeout.

11/11/10 11:56:39.015 AM UCM:696 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetActiveLocationProfiles" Clie
ntID="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2492" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-11-11T11:56:15.
75+03:00" CommandToken="2004673775">
<key />
11/11/10 11:57:44.453 AM UCM:1280 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
21/11/10 08:08:11.015 AM UCM:796 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2760" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-11-21T08:07:33.953
125+03:00" CommandToken="17707714">
<key />
21/11/10 08:08:13.625 AM UCM:800 5 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID:
GetSystemConfiguration17707714. It might have been removed due to timeout.
21/11/10 08:09:24.296 AM UCM:1272 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
21/11/10 08:20:36.375 AM UCM:1292 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
21/11/10 08:20:36.718 AM UCM:1316 10 ERROR Location profile is going to be appli
21/11/10 08:20:36.750 AM UCM:1440 10 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Off
21/11/10 08:20:36.781 AM UCM:1444 10 ERROR Starting run applications
21/11/10 08:20:36.828 AM UCM:1448 10 ERROR Trying to get currently active profil
e and run all defined applications
21/11/10 08:20:36.875 AM UCM:1452 10 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications
which should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
21/11/10 08:20:36.906 AM UCM:1456 10 ERROR No applications defined
21/11/10 08:20:36.937 AM UCM:1460 10 ERROR Trying to set default printer
21/11/10 08:20:36.953 AM UCM:1464 10 ERROR Default printer is not specified
21/11/10 08:20:36.984 AM UCM:1468 10 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
21/11/10 08:20:37.046 AM UCM:1488 10 ERROR Check if browser is available
21/11/10 08:20:37.078 AM UCM:1496 10 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
21/11/10 08:20:37.109 AM UCM:1500 10 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001
21/11/10 08:20:37.140 AM UCM:1504 10 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200
21/11/10 08:20:37.187 AM UCM:1508 10 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
21/11/10 08:20:37.203 AM UCM:1512 10 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww4
21/11/10 08:20:37.234 AM UCM:1516 10 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: Tru
21/11/10 08:20:37.265 AM UCM:1520 10 ERROR Save settings as system default
21/11/10 08:20:37.312 AM UCM:1636 10 ERROR Applying default browser settings
21/11/10 08:20:37.515 AM UCM:1808 10 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled s
21/11/10 08:20:38.109 AM UCM:1812 10 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
21/11/10 08:20:38.468 AM UCM:1816 10 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
21/11/10 02:44:23.937 PM UCM:1236 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
21/11/10 02:55:25.656 PM UCM:564 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
22/11/10 08:21:23.453 AM UCM:876 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2292" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-11-22T08:20:42.796
875+03:00" CommandToken="1388611365">
<key />
22/11/10 08:21:24.125 AM UCM:888 10 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1388611365. It might have been removed due to timeout.
22/11/10 08:21:58.125 AM UCM:852 1 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2292" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-11-22T08:21:53.125
+03:00" CommandToken="1036192073">
<key />
22/11/10 08:21:58.125 AM UCM:748 1 ERROR Failed to get System Configuration
22/11/10 08:21:59.015 AM UCM:888 10 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1036192073. It might have been removed due to timeout.
22/11/10 08:23:06.515 AM UCM:1308 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
22/11/10 08:25:49.812 AM UCM:1364 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
22/11/10 08:26:01.906 AM UCM:1376 10 ERROR Location profile is going to be appli
22/11/10 08:26:01.921 AM UCM:1496 10 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Off
22/11/10 08:26:01.937 AM UCM:1500 10 ERROR Starting run applications
22/11/10 08:26:01.953 AM UCM:1504 10 ERROR Trying to get currently active profil
e and run all defined applications
22/11/10 08:26:01.968 AM UCM:1508 10 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications
which should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
22/11/10 08:26:01.968 AM UCM:1512 10 ERROR No applications defined
22/11/10 08:26:01.984 AM UCM:1516 10 ERROR Trying to set default printer
22/11/10 08:26:02.000 AM UCM:1520 10 ERROR Default printer is not specified
22/11/10 08:26:02.000 AM UCM:1524 10 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
22/11/10 08:26:02.015 AM UCM:1544 10 ERROR Check if browser is available
22/11/10 08:26:02.031 AM UCM:1552 10 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
22/11/10 08:26:02.031 AM UCM:1556 10 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001
22/11/10 08:26:02.046 AM UCM:1560 10 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200
22/11/10 08:26:02.046 AM UCM:1564 10 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
22/11/10 08:26:02.062 AM UCM:1568 10 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww4
22/11/10 08:26:02.078 AM UCM:1572 10 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: Tru
22/11/10 08:26:02.078 AM UCM:1576 10 ERROR Save settings as system default
22/11/10 08:26:02.093 AM UCM:1692 10 ERROR Applying default browser settings
22/11/10 08:26:02.468 AM UCM:1864 10 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled s
22/11/10 08:26:03.484 AM UCM:1584 10 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
22/11/10 08:26:03.671 AM UCM:1512 10 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
22/11/10 08:26:15.453 AM UCM:1364 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
23/11/10 08:30:48.218 AM UCM:1288 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
23/11/10 08:33:22.593 AM UCM:1152 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
23/11/10 08:33:33.484 AM UCM:1296 8 ERROR Location profile is going to be applie
23/11/10 08:33:33.531 AM UCM:1440 8 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Offi
23/11/10 08:33:33.578 AM UCM:1444 8 ERROR Starting run applications
23/11/10 08:33:33.625 AM UCM:1448 8 ERROR Trying to get currently active profile
and run all defined applications
23/11/10 08:33:33.656 AM UCM:1452 8 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications w
hich should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
23/11/10 08:33:33.687 AM UCM:1456 8 ERROR No applications defined
23/11/10 08:33:33.718 AM UCM:1460 8 ERROR Trying to set default printer
23/11/10 08:33:33.765 AM UCM:1464 8 ERROR Default printer is not specified
23/11/10 08:33:33.812 AM UCM:1468 8 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
23/11/10 08:33:34.093 AM UCM:1488 8 ERROR Check if browser is available
23/11/10 08:33:34.140 AM UCM:1496 8 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
23/11/10 08:33:34.171 AM UCM:1500 8 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001.
23/11/10 08:33:34.203 AM UCM:1504 8 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200.
23/11/10 08:33:34.250 AM UCM:1508 8 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
23/11/10 08:33:34.281 AM UCM:1512 8 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww46
23/11/10 08:33:34.312 AM UCM:1516 8 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: True

23/11/10 08:33:34.359 AM UCM:1520 8 ERROR Save settings as system default

23/11/10 08:33:34.453 AM UCM:1636 8 ERROR Applying default browser settings
23/11/10 08:33:34.859 AM UCM:1808 8 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled st
23/11/10 08:33:35.359 AM UCM:1812 8 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
23/11/10 08:33:35.812 AM UCM:1500 8 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
23/11/10 08:33:48.015 AM UCM:1244 12 ERROR VPN profile is empty
27/11/10 09:12:06.750 PM UCM:1588 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty
30/11/10 11:25:07.546 AM UCM:1776 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
30/11/10 11:25:19.031 AM UCM:1776 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
30/11/10 11:26:52.218 AM UCM:1776 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
01/12/10 06:26:40.250 AM UCM:1576 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
01/12/10 07:38:52.406 AM UCM:1364 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
01/12/10 02:18:30.421 PM UCM:1840 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
01/12/10 02:22:00.656 PM UCM:1840 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
01/12/10 04:38:19.890 PM UCM:520 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
01/12/10 04:39:10.625 PM UCM:520 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
02/12/10 05:18:06.343 PM UCM:1816 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty
03/12/10 12:52:29.265 AM :456 1 INFO Sending message to the running instance to
03/12/10 12:52:30.406 AM :2444 1 INFO WndProc got show command.
03/12/10 12:52:33.140 AM :480 1 ERROR Message sent.
04/12/10 08:45:19.078 AM UCM:1460 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
04/12/10 08:46:59.093 AM UCM:1820 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty
04/12/10 09:11:33.312 AM UCM:1464 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
04/12/10 07:05:45.656 PM UCM:1656 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty
04/12/10 07:09:33.796 PM UCM:1656 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty
05/12/10 04:02:11.046 AM UCM:784 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|224" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-12-05T04:00:51.6093
75+03:00" CommandToken="349468548">
<key />
05/12/10 04:02:13.828 AM UCM:864 14 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration349468548. It might have been removed due to timeout.
05/12/10 04:03:43.859 AM UCM:1392 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
05/12/10 08:14:24.640 AM UCM:716 16 ERROR VPN profile is empty
05/12/10 09:24:58.953 AM UCM:772 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
06/12/10 04:32:34.062 AM UCM:700 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
06/12/10 06:03:14.812 AM UCM:1208 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
06/12/10 08:11:57.843 AM UCM:1208 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
06/12/10 08:13:17.859 AM UCM:1208 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
06/12/10 08:42:16.250 PM UCM:1236 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
06/12/10 08:42:38.781 PM UCM:1240 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
07/12/10 08:12:05.343 AM UCM:1276 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
07/12/10 08:12:27.687 AM UCM:1284 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty
07/12/10 10:26:12.953 PM UCM:1276 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty
07/12/10 10:26:35.671 PM UCM:1364 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty
07/12/10 11:07:37.015 PM UCM:1224 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
08/12/10 08:27:02.390 AM UCM:1192 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
08/12/10 08:27:50.750 AM UCM:1180 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
10/12/10 02:31:24.593 PM UCM:1364 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
10/12/10 02:31:55.828 PM UCM:1248 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
11/12/10 04:39:09.937 PM UCM:1452 12 ERROR VPN profile is empty
12/12/10 03:36:48.984 PM UCM:1456 16 ERROR VPN profile is empty
14/12/10 04:44:35.859 AM UCM:1300 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
16/12/10 04:59:57.984 AM UCM:1448 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
18/12/10 08:09:40.078 AM UCM:1472 19 ERROR VPN profile is empty
18/12/10 08:09:47.453 AM UCM:1440 19 ERROR Location profile is going to be appli
18/12/10 08:09:47.484 AM UCM:1560 19 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Off
18/12/10 08:09:47.515 AM UCM:1564 19 ERROR Starting run applications
18/12/10 08:09:47.546 AM UCM:1568 19 ERROR Trying to get currently active profil
e and run all defined applications
18/12/10 08:09:47.578 AM UCM:1572 19 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications
which should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
18/12/10 08:09:47.593 AM UCM:1576 19 ERROR No applications defined
18/12/10 08:09:47.625 AM UCM:1580 19 ERROR Trying to set default printer
18/12/10 08:09:47.875 AM UCM:1584 19 ERROR Default printer is not specified
18/12/10 08:09:47.890 AM UCM:1588 19 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
18/12/10 08:09:48.140 AM UCM:1608 19 ERROR Check if browser is available
18/12/10 08:09:48.156 AM UCM:1616 19 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
18/12/10 08:09:48.171 AM UCM:1620 19 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001
18/12/10 08:09:48.203 AM UCM:1624 19 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200
18/12/10 08:09:48.234 AM UCM:1628 19 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
18/12/10 08:09:48.265 AM UCM:1632 19 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww4
18/12/10 08:09:48.281 AM UCM:1636 19 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: Tru
18/12/10 08:09:48.312 AM UCM:1640 19 ERROR Save settings as system default
18/12/10 08:09:48.328 AM UCM:1756 19 ERROR Applying default browser settings
18/12/10 08:09:48.593 AM UCM:1932 19 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled s
18/12/10 08:09:48.875 AM UCM:1936 19 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
18/12/10 08:09:49.187 AM UCM:1940 19 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
18/12/10 08:10:02.046 AM UCM:820 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
19/12/10 11:13:47.875 PM UCM:1736 16 ERROR VPN profile is empty
19/12/10 11:14:33.078 PM UCM:520 18 ERROR VPN profile is empty
21/12/10 09:57:23.281 PM UCM:1896 16 ERROR VPN profile is empty
22/12/10 04:05:06.796 PM UCM:1368 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
22/12/10 04:40:04.015 PM UCM:1384 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
25/12/10 11:48:22.640 AM UCM:1280 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
26/12/10 05:59:40.937 AM UCM:968 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|2984" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-12-26T05:58:19+03:
00" CommandToken="1744996459">
<key />
26/12/10 05:59:43.250 AM UCM:836 16 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration1744996459. It might have been removed due to timeout.
26/12/10 06:00:25.203 AM UCM:1444 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
26/12/10 09:20:45.125 PM UCM:964 10 ERROR VPN profile is empty
26/12/10 09:20:57.640 PM UCM:280 10 ERROR Location profile is going to be applie
26/12/10 09:20:57.687 PM UCM:1500 10 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Off
26/12/10 09:20:57.750 PM UCM:1500 10 ERROR Starting run applications
26/12/10 09:20:57.828 PM UCM:280 10 ERROR Trying to get currently active profile
and run all defined applications
26/12/10 09:20:57.859 PM UCM:964 10 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications w
hich should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
26/12/10 09:20:57.921 PM UCM:944 10 ERROR No applications defined
26/12/10 09:20:57.984 PM UCM:936 10 ERROR Trying to set default printer
26/12/10 09:20:58.281 PM UCM:1504 10 ERROR Default printer is not specified
26/12/10 09:20:58.375 PM UCM:1508 10 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
26/12/10 09:20:58.531 PM UCM:1528 10 ERROR Check if browser is available
26/12/10 09:20:58.593 PM UCM:1536 10 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
26/12/10 09:20:58.625 PM UCM:1540 10 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001
26/12/10 09:20:58.703 PM UCM:1544 10 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200
26/12/10 09:20:58.750 PM UCM:1548 10 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
26/12/10 09:20:58.796 PM UCM:1552 10 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww4
26/12/10 09:20:58.859 PM UCM:1556 10 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: Tru
26/12/10 09:20:58.937 PM UCM:1560 10 ERROR Save settings as system default
26/12/10 09:20:59.406 PM UCM:1676 10 ERROR Applying default browser settings
26/12/10 09:21:00.734 PM UCM:1848 10 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled s
26/12/10 09:21:01.484 PM UCM:1852 10 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
26/12/10 09:21:01.890 PM UCM:1856 10 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
26/12/10 09:21:12.140 PM UCM:1956 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
26/12/10 09:39:03.187 PM UCM:992 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
27/12/10 07:43:46.000 AM UCM:1284 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
27/12/10 07:57:34.703 AM UCM:528 8 ERROR VPN profile is empty
27/12/10 07:57:43.687 AM UCM:1416 8 ERROR Location profile is going to be applie
27/12/10 07:57:43.703 AM UCM:1420 8 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Offi
27/12/10 07:57:43.718 AM UCM:1424 8 ERROR Starting run applications
27/12/10 07:57:43.734 AM UCM:1428 8 ERROR Trying to get currently active profile
and run all defined applications
27/12/10 07:57:43.750 AM UCM:1432 8 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications w
hich should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
27/12/10 07:57:43.765 AM UCM:1436 8 ERROR No applications defined
27/12/10 07:57:43.765 AM UCM:1440 8 ERROR Trying to set default printer
27/12/10 07:57:43.781 AM UCM:1444 8 ERROR Default printer is not specified
27/12/10 07:57:43.796 AM UCM:1448 8 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
27/12/10 07:57:43.828 AM UCM:1468 8 ERROR Check if browser is available
27/12/10 07:57:43.843 AM UCM:1476 8 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
27/12/10 07:57:43.859 AM UCM:1480 8 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001.
27/12/10 07:57:43.875 AM UCM:1484 8 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200.
27/12/10 07:57:43.875 AM UCM:1488 8 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
27/12/10 07:57:43.890 AM UCM:1492 8 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww46
27/12/10 07:57:43.890 AM UCM:1496 8 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: True
27/12/10 07:57:43.906 AM UCM:1500 8 ERROR Save settings as system default
27/12/10 07:57:43.921 AM UCM:1616 8 ERROR Applying default browser settings
27/12/10 07:57:44.187 AM UCM:1788 8 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled st
27/12/10 07:57:44.546 AM UCM:1792 8 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
27/12/10 07:57:44.640 AM UCM:1796 8 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
27/12/10 07:57:58.609 AM UCM:1244 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
27/12/10 10:21:45.812 AM UCM:1212 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
27/12/10 08:42:03.421 PM UCM:1128 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3084" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-12-27T20:40:29.359
375+03:00" CommandToken="190510951">
<key />
27/12/10 08:42:06.296 PM UCM:988 22 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration190510951. It might have been removed due to timeout.
27/12/10 08:43:05.000 PM UCM:1612 19 ERROR VPN profile is empty
28/12/10 08:33:30.140 PM UCM:1384 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty
29/12/10 10:25:22.359 AM UCM:1212 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
29/12/10 10:25:26.812 AM UCM:1212 3 ERROR Location profile is going to be applie
29/12/10 10:25:26.828 AM UCM:1204 3 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Offi
29/12/10 10:25:26.843 AM UCM:1172 3 ERROR Starting run applications
29/12/10 10:25:26.859 AM UCM:1160 3 ERROR Trying to get currently active profile
and run all defined applications
29/12/10 10:25:26.875 AM UCM:1180 3 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications w
hich should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
29/12/10 10:25:26.875 AM UCM:1168 3 ERROR No applications defined
29/12/10 10:25:26.890 AM UCM:1380 3 ERROR Trying to set default printer
29/12/10 10:25:26.906 AM UCM:1384 3 ERROR Default printer is not specified
29/12/10 10:25:26.906 AM UCM:1388 3 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
29/12/10 10:25:26.921 AM UCM:1408 3 ERROR Check if browser is available
29/12/10 10:25:26.937 AM UCM:1416 3 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
29/12/10 10:25:26.953 AM UCM:1420 3 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001.
29/12/10 10:25:26.953 AM UCM:1424 3 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200.
29/12/10 10:25:26.968 AM UCM:1428 3 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
29/12/10 10:25:26.968 AM UCM:1432 3 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww46
29/12/10 10:25:26.984 AM UCM:1436 3 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: True

29/12/10 10:25:27.015 AM UCM:1440 3 ERROR Save settings as system default

29/12/10 10:25:27.031 AM UCM:1556 3 ERROR Applying default browser settings
29/12/10 10:25:27.093 AM UCM:1704 3 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled st
29/12/10 10:25:27.421 AM UCM:1708 3 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
29/12/10 10:25:27.515 AM UCM:1712 3 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
29/12/10 10:25:39.046 AM UCM:1812 5 ERROR VPN profile is empty
29/12/10 07:36:13.734 PM UCM:628 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|288" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-12-29T19:35:58.2968
75+03:00" CommandToken="844881140">
<key />
29/12/10 07:36:20.250 PM UCM:652 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|288" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-12-29T19:36:15.1406
25+03:00" CommandToken="1630886203">
<key />
29/12/10 07:36:25.343 PM UCM:632 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|288" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-12-29T19:36:20.3281
25+03:00" CommandToken="323522638">
<key />
29/12/10 07:36:30.500 PM UCM:664 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|288" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2010-12-29T19:36:25.4531
25+03:00" CommandToken="1018536579">
<key />
29/12/10 07:36:35.218 PM UCM:664 7 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID:
GetSystemConfiguration1630886203. It might have been removed due to timeout.
29/12/10 07:36:35.250 PM UCM:432 8 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID:
GetSystemConfiguration323522638. It might have been removed due to timeout.
29/12/10 07:36:35.296 PM UCM:652 5 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID:
GetSystemConfiguration844881140. It might have been removed due to timeout.
29/12/10 07:36:35.328 PM UCM:628 7 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID:
GetSystemConfiguration1018536579. It might have been removed due to timeout.
29/12/10 07:37:04.171 PM UCM:536 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
30/12/10 07:51:21.890 AM UCM:1264 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
31/12/10 08:53:34.328 PM UCM:1332 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
02/01/11 07:29:09.859 PM UCM:524 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|656" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2011-01-02T19:28:28.7968
75+03:00" CommandToken="919907148">
<key />
02/01/11 07:29:10.468 PM UCM:528 14 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration919907148. It might have been removed due to timeout.
02/01/11 07:30:47.859 PM UCM:1260 13 ERROR VPN profile is empty
04/01/11 04:37:15.984 AM UCM:968 3 ERROR Command Timeout: 5 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SMApplicationMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln
s:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TypeId="GetSystemConfiguration" ClientI
D="CPC476-TSD1047|0|3816" Username="47601047" Timestamp="2011-01-04T04:36:16.656
25+03:00" CommandToken="999470003">
<key />
04/01/11 04:37:16.265 AM UCM:972 16 ERROR Cannot find Wait Handle for Request ID
: GetSystemConfiguration999470003. It might have been removed due to timeout.
04/01/11 04:38:08.656 AM UCM:1440 7 ERROR VPN profile is empty
04/01/11 08:28:21.468 AM UCM:1268 3 ERROR VPN profile is empty
04/01/11 08:28:23.953 AM UCM:1424 3 ERROR Location profile is going to be applie
04/01/11 08:28:24.093 AM UCM:1428 3 ERROR ID of new location is YSSA Jubail Offi
04/01/11 08:28:24.234 AM UCM:1432 3 ERROR Starting run applications
04/01/11 08:28:24.281 AM UCM:1440 3 ERROR Trying to get currently active profile
and run all defined applications
04/01/11 08:28:24.312 AM UCM:1452 3 ERROR Trying to get a list of applications w
hich should be started after new location YSSA Jubail Officec is applied
04/01/11 08:28:24.359 AM UCM:1192 3 ERROR No applications defined
04/01/11 08:28:24.421 AM UCM:1220 3 ERROR Trying to set default printer
04/01/11 08:28:24.484 AM UCM:1268 3 ERROR Default printer is not specified
04/01/11 08:28:24.515 AM UCM:1228 3 ERROR Trying to apply Internet settings
04/01/11 08:28:24.640 AM UCM:1464 3 ERROR Check if browser is available
04/01/11 08:28:24.687 AM UCM:1472 3 ERROR Default browser is Internet Explorer
04/01/11 08:28:24.718 AM UCM:1476 3 ERROR Setting homepage: http://adv465-bh001.
04/01/11 08:28:24.765 AM UCM:1480 3 ERROR Setting proxy address/port: 10.25.200.
04/01/11 08:28:24.812 AM UCM:1484 3 ERROR Proxy enabled: True
04/01/11 08:28:24.859 AM UCM:1488 3 ERROR Proxy exception list:;aww46
04/01/11 08:28:24.984 AM UCM:1492 3 ERROR Bypass proxy for local addresses: True

04/01/11 08:28:25.031 AM UCM:1496 3 ERROR Save settings as system default

04/01/11 08:28:25.406 AM UCM:1612 3 ERROR Applying default browser settings
04/01/11 08:28:26.765 AM UCM:1760 3 ERROR Trying to set Bluetooth to disabled st
04/01/11 08:28:29.515 AM UCM:1764 3 ERROR Trying to set uwb to disabled state
04/01/11 08:28:29.656 AM UCM:1780 3 ERROR Trying to set File Sharing to False
04/01/11 08:22:17.671 PM UCM:1448 9 ERROR VPN profile is empty

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