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Onllne search tool

The BBB in a continued ef­
BILLMOAK fort to create a community of
trustworthy bUSinesses, has

launched a new online search
tool to help consumers find
businesses they can trust
when doing online research
and shopping.
Powered by Azigo's free,
on the rise
downloadable browser plug­

in, the BBB' s Accredited Busi­
THE INCREAS­ ness Locator displays the BBB
ING use of debit Accredited Business seal when
cards (rather than searches for products and
credit cards) and the dramat­ services are made
ic increase in debit card search engines such as
spending, there is also an in­ Google, Yahool and Bing.
crease in credit card fraud. Not only does this seal indi­
Banks across the country are cate that a business is rep­
raiSing concerns about the utable, but it also offers one­
rise in fraud attempts relating click access to the BBB report
to debit cards. for that business. The Accred­
Thieves are creating coun­ ited BUsiness Locator can be
terfeit ATM or debit cards by downloaded at
stealing PINs and other ac­ www.ms.bbb.org.
count data using a technique This powerful new tool pro­
known as skimming. This is vides maximum consumer
accomplished by setting up protection and minimizes the
equipment that captures risk of online fraud. Con­
magnetic stripe and keypad sumers rely on the BBB seal
information when PINs are to quickly and easily identify
used at ATM machines, gas trustworthy businesses. With
pumps, restaurants and retail more than $150 billion being
establishments. spent online last year, we see
The Bett!:t..Susiness Bureau the Accredited Business Loca­
serving Mississippi offers tor as a distinct way to bring
some tips to help protect ac­ our advice and services direct­
count data: ly to consumers at the point
• Don't type your PIN at in time when they need it the
the pump. If you use a debit most - before they buy.
card at the gas pump, select Contact the Mississippi
the option for it to be BBB www.ms.bbb.org or at
processed as a credit card. (800) 987-8280.
This can provide better pro­
tection from fraud liability Bill Moak is president, Better

since card issuers typically Business Bureau ofMississippi.

have "zero liability" policies.

However, these policies some­
times exclude PIN-based
• Stick with ATMs located
at banks. Machines at COD­
venience stores, airports and
isolated locations are easier
targets for attaching skim­
ming devices to gather data.
Generally non-bank locations
have less traffic and no sur­
veillance cameras.
• Monitor your bank ac­
counts closely. Checking
statements online is preferable
instead of waiting fur monthly
statements to arrive in the
mall. Federai law limits your
liabillty for fraudulent debit
card charges to $ 50, but only
if the theft or loss is reported
within two business days of
discovering the problem.
When you have unautho­
rized charges on a credit card,
you won't be out any money
while the disputed charges are
being investigated. However,
when money is stolen from
your bank account, the funds
won't be restored until the
bank finishes an investigation.

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