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Методическая разработка урока

Environmental Protection

Дмитрий Викторович,
иностранного языка

1. ВВЕДЕНИЕ стр. 3
2. ЦЕЛИ УРОКА стр. 4
3. ХОД УРОКА стр. 5
5. ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ стр. 14


Экология стала важнейшей проблемой для всего человечества.

Нет необходимости говорить о том, как важно заинтересовать этой
темой обучающихся, научить их бережно относиться к окружающей среде,
препятствуя её дальнейшему загрязнению и разрушению.
В настоящее время экологический аспект становится неотъемлемой
частью уроков иностранного языка. Работа над экологическими проблемами
на уроках английского языка не только важнейший стимул изучения
иностранного языка – это стремление к расширению общего кругозора
В любом учебнике по английскому языку обязательно присутствует
один или несколько разделов, посвященных проблеме окружающей среды и
раскрывающих различные аспекты этой темы в соответствии с возрастом
обучающихся и их уровнем владения языком. Обобщение этих разделов с
привлечением ресурсов Интернета, дополнительных учебных пособий на эту
тему, а также собственных разработок позволяет выстроить
последовательную систему экологического образования обучающихся на
уроках английского языка.
Цель работы над данной темой - развитие экологической культуры
учащихся средствами английского языка, развитие логического,
критического мышления, познавательной активности, практика во всех ВРД
по теме.

Цели урока:
-расширять кругозор обучающихся по теме «Защита окружающей среды»;
- формировать лексическо-грамматические навыки;
-формировать навыки чтения и умение анализировать прочитанное.
- способствовать развитию аналитического, критического мышления через
использование проблемных ситуаций;
- развивать умение работать в группе.
- формировать уважительное отношение к природе;
- осознание роли человека во взаимодействии с природой;
- формировать способность осознать экологические проблемы и желание
помочь природе;
- поддерживать других и быть к ним благожелательными.
Тип урока:комбинированный
Вид урока: стандартный (урок с элементами игры)
Традиционные методы:
Словесные методы – рассказ, объяснение, описание, беседа, демонстрация
видеоролика, чтение.
Наглядные методы – работа с дидактическим материалом.
Практические методы – выполнение заданий.
Интерактивные методы:
–использование информационно- коммуникативных технологий;
- метод кооперативного обучения (работа в группах).
Приёмы: упражнение “Chaneword”(словесная цепочка),упражнение
«Магический квадрат».
Принципы: доступности, логичности, практичности.
Учебно-методическое оборудование: презентация, видеоролик, мини-
конспекты, карточки-задания, схемы.
Материально-техническое оборудование: мультимедийный проектор,
экран, колонки, компьютер.
Основные понятия: environmental protection (защита окружающей
среды),global warming (глобальное потепление),greenhouse effect (парниковый

Ход урока
I. Организационный момент.
1) Введение в иноязычную атмосферу.
T. Good morning, dear friends! I`m very glad to see you are well and ready to
work hard at our today`s lesson. Let`s start our lesson. What date is it today?
Who`s absent from the class today?
T. What did we speak about at our last lesson?
Ps. We spoke about ecology, recycling, pollution, environmental problems.
T. At our lesson today we are going to speak about the most urgent problem of
humanity. It’s a problem of the environmental protection. We are going to discuss
how to prevent our Earth from rubbish and pollution. (слайд 2)

T. Look at the epigraph of our lesson. What do you think about this quotation?
(слайд 4)
S1.We should save water.
S2.We should save electricity , wood, paper, gas.
S3.We should save natural resources.
S4.I think we should know the worth of all we have.
2) Warming-up.(Chainword) (слайд 5)

T. Let`s play a game which is connected with the topic of our lesson. So, I
call a word and one of you says the word which starts with the last letter of my
word and so on. But you should use only words correlated with the topic. Do you
have any questions? Let’s do it in chain.

(Environment – temperature – ecology – garbage – Earth – heat – trouble –

extinction – nature – end).
Tongue-twister (Скороговорка). Don`t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.
II. Актуализация опорных знаний. Мотивация деятельности учащихся
(критерии оценивания).

Brain storming (Мозговой штурм). Т.Which words do you associate with the
definition “Environment”? (слайд 6)

Схема 1.


land water

plants Environment People

animals wastes


T. And now before to check up your home , students, I’ll give you some smiles
like these and at the end of our lesson you should choose a smile for your own
according to your work at the lesson.

I did all my best! Excellent! I tried as much as I could. Rather good!

I should learn English better!

ІІІ. Проверка домашнего задания. (слайды 8-11)

T. What was your home task for today?

Ps. To find information about Environmental groups: Greenpeace, Friends of the
Earth, WWF.
(Обучающиеся читают свои сообщения)
ІV. Изучение и закрепление нового лексического материала.
T. Now we are going to study new vocabulary of our lesson. Look at the screen.
Let`s read the words and put down their translation. (Обучающиеся записывают
перевод новых слов в своих рабочих тетрадях). (слайд 12)

To endanger, to reduce, to contaminate, carbon dioxide, dump, harmful, poison,
fertilizer, reason, consequences.
T. Dear friends. I’d like to start our presentation with a quotation: “What gets us
into trouble is not we don’t know. It’s what we know for sure that’s just ain’t so”
(Mark Twain).
But there is an unpleasant side of our so called “knowing the-world-around-us”
– nature is under threat. Today the state of the world is such that humanity won`t
die in a nuclear nightmare, it will suffocate in their own waste as Nils Boor said.
What do we know about our planet? How fragile is it? How patient is it? Change
of weather and climate impacts on our planet now! The situation is getting worse
day by day. Oceans levels are raising and we are seeing more extreme weather
conditions. What is the reason for? Let`s watch one of the problem. (слайды 13-
Аудирование (Listening). (слайд 17)

T. I`d like you to watch this video and answer the questions.
(на доске: Mr. Sun Beam – Мистер Солнечный Луч,
Greenhouse gases – парниковые газы).
What environmental problem is spoken about?
Ps. Global warming.
T. Why couldn`t Mr. Sun Beam come back to the sun?
Ps. Because greenhouse gases stopped him.
T. What harmful gases prevent heat from escaping into space?
Ps. Carbon dioxide, methane.
T. How to solve the problem?
Ps. We should reduce carbon emission into the atmosphere.

1) Лексическая игра «Магический квадрат». (слайды 20, 21)

T. Students are divided into three groups. Each group receives a square cut into
nine small squares with English and Russian words written on their sides. The
task is to join small squares to make a correct translation of English and
Russian equivalents.
Схема 2.

2) Чтение и письмо (Reading and writing).
T. What do you think the most serious environmental problems are?
(обучающиеся дают свои ответы) (слайд 22)
T.Each group receives the text, reads it and fills in the table.
(приложение 1) (слайды 23-24)
Group 1.


Water Pollution
Water pollution is a prominent environmental problem observed across the
globe. In some cases, water pollution occurs when pollutants drain into rivers,
streams, lakes and other bodies of water. Moreover, some countries use seas as a
dump. The world sees a lot of accidents when oil from tanks leaks out into the sea.
People often use washing powder and other chemicals near rivers and lakes.
Farmers use fertilizers and pesticides to grow crops which can be washed by
rainwater into bodies of water. Factories and plants discharge sewage into rivers.
As a result fish and water birds die because there is not enough oxygen in water.
Water pollution is not safe for swimming. People can become sick. There are
several preventative steps that can be taken to reduce water pollution:
- avoid using excessive amounts of fertilizers and pesticides on lawns;
- pick up litter which can injure wildlife if it enters lakes, rivers and streams;
- governments must pass laws to make factories owners put filters to reduce
pollution of water bodies.
Group 2.

Air Pollution
Air pollution is another environmental problem that seen throughout the world.
Air pollution can be created by factories that release pollutants with smoke into the
air. People burn rubbish because there is not enough room for garbage dump in
cities and towns. Exhaust fumes from cars are the main reason of poor air quality.
This problem is especially bad in big cities where the number of cars is increasing
every year. We cut down trees and burn them in fires. Smoke from burning forests
damage the ozone layer. The gases from the burning of coal, gas and oil add to the
Greenhouse effect. As the result, there is less oxygen and more carbon dioxide in
the air. Air pollution is harmful for people because too much smoke in the air hurts
our lungs especially for those people who smoke. It can lead to lung cancer. What
can be done to lessen air pollution? We should stop deforestation and prevent
forest fires. Governments must pass the laws to reduce polluting activities and
encourage people to use public transport more to lessen amount of cars in cities.
Group 3.

Land Pollution
Land pollution is another serious problem all over the world. It is the result
of dumping garbage waste, and the toxins making the land contaminated or
polluted. The source of land pollution comes from the human elements such as
littering and sewage outlets. Another factor contributing to this type of pollution
is acid rains. People produce a lot of rubbish. People leave some rubbish in the
countryside. Some countryside is awful to look at. Some left rubbish can poison
plants and animals. People hunt and kill animals. The surface of our Earth is
also contaminated by poor agricultural practices (fertilizers, pesticides), mining,
and industrial wastes. Urbanization and industrialization are major reasons of
land pollution. There are fewer rainforests. If we destroy them, we will never
find the cure for cancer and AIDs. Animals are becoming endangered. What
can be done to lessen land pollution? We must reduce consumption of natural
resources. People should stop littering in streets and countryside. Governments
must pass stricter laws against hunting, land pollution and for recycling.

Таблица 1

T. So what are the main sources of pollution? (слайд 25)

3) Обсуждение проблемы (Discussion).
T. Let`s see what we can do to protect the environment.(слайды 26 – 29)
What else can you suggest?
Ps. Don`t make fires in forests.
Save water and electricity.
Don`t leave rubbish in the countryside.

T. And now we are going to revise some words on the topic with their definitions
(слайд 30).
Таблица 2

1) Ecology a) a gas that makes up about 21% of
the Earth’s atmosphere;
2) Environment b) the study of the relation of plants
and animals to their environment;
3) Atmosphere c) when harmful gases from cars and
power stations are released into the air
and fall back to the Earth;
4) Oxygen d) the layer of gases surrounding the
5) Acid rain e) when gases from factories, electric
power plants and cars trap the sun’s
heat and warm up the Earth;
6) Greenhouse effect f) the air, water, land on the Earth
(Global warming) which can be harmed by man’s

V. Подведение итогов урока. Оценивание .

T. What have you found out at our lesson today?
Ps. - greenhouse effect
- global warming
- land, water and air pollution
- What we should do to stop pollution.

T. The topic of our today's conversation was very serious. There are a lot of
problems but, unfortunately, we don’t have enough time to discuss all of them.
The life of future generations depends on our attitude towards environment and
the way each of us treats nature (слайды 30, 31).
Thanks for your ideas, work and active participation at the lesson! Choose a
smile for your own according to your work at the lesson. Be objective! Your
marks are…

VI. Домашнее задание.

T. Be ready to write a test on the topic.
1. Vocabulary test.
2. Grammar test (word order).
3. A short composition on the topic (6-8 sentences).

Источники информации:
htpp://www. nsportal .ru
http://skyteach ru.
htpp:// www. infourok.ru.


1. В. П. Кузовлев и др. Английский язык. 10-11 классы: Учебник для

общеобразовательных организаций. – 15-е изд. – М.: Просвещение, 2013. –
351 с.
2. О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева и другие . «Английский в фокусе».
Английский язык.10 класс. Книга для учителя - М: «Просвещение», 2014. –
3. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. Upstream: ElementaryA2. Teacher’s Book. –
Express Publishing, 2005. – С. 152.

Методические рекомендации по подготовке и проведению урока

Разработка урока предполагает использование презентации в
PowerPoint “Enviranmental Protection”. Урок сопровождается обучающим
видео, раздаточным материалом (смотрите приложение), индивидуальными
пакетами с заданием для использования на этапе закрепления лексических
единиц (ЛЕ) по теме.
При подготовке к уроку следует активировать знания обучающихся по
теме «Защита окружающей среды», полученные в младших и средних
классах средней школы, как на уроках иностранного языка, так и по другим
При написании методической разработки использовались как
общепедагогические источники, так и специально- предметные. В плане
выбора стратегии урока интересны следующие пособия:
- Кульневич С.В. Совсем необычный урок;
- Е.М Мельникова: Проблемный урок или как открывать знания с учениками;
- Морева Н.А. Основы педагогического мастерства;
Определенная информация по теме урока имеется на следующих
сайтах htpp://www. nsportal .ru и htpp:// www. infourok.ru.
Для организации данного учебного занятия необходимы ресурсы:
- технические: ноутбук, мультимедийный проектор, экран, колонки, флэшка с
информацией, мультимедийная презентация;
- дидактические: раздаточный материал, индивидуальный пакет с заданием,
значки-символы, жетоны – баллы.
Особенностью данного урока является то, что он основан на
межличностном взаимодействии между всеми обучающимися.
Преподаватель выполняет функцию организатора и координатора учебных
действий. Урок носит интерактивный характер.
Рекомендуется заранее разделить группу или класс на три
экологические группы:
 Greenpeace
 Friends of the Earth
 WWF (World Wild Fund for Nature)
Каждая группа получает в качестве домашнего задания найти
информацию о своей экологической группе и внести данные в таблицу
(приложение 2). За каждый правильный ответ во время урока группы
получают жетоны-баллы в виде изображения Земли (приложение 3). В конце
урока группа, которая заработала больше жетонов получает приз.

Приложение 1.

Problem Reason Consequences How to solve

Приложение 2.

Organization and Date of Aims Actions against

its status Foundation pollutions

Приложение 3.

Приложение 4.

Приложение 5.
New Vocabulary
to endanger - угрожать
to pass the laws – принимать законы
to reduce – сокращать, уменьшать
to contaminate = to pollute
carbon dioxide – углекислый газ
dump – свалка
shortage – нехватка
harmful – вредный
poison – яд, отрава
fertilizer - удобрение
reason – причина
consequences - последствия

Приложение 6.

Water Pollution
Water pollution is a prominent environmental problem observed across the
globe. In some cases, water pollution occurs when pollutants drain into rivers,
streams, lakes and other bodies of water. More over , some countries use seas as a
dump. The world sees a lot of accidents when oil from tanks leaks out into the sea.
People often use washing powder and other chemicals near rivers and lakes.
Farmers use fertilizers and pesticides to grow crops which can be washed by
rainwater into bodies of water. Factories and plants discharge sewage into rivers.
As a result fish and water birds die because there is not enough oxygen in water.
Water pollution is not safe for swimming. People can become sick. There are
several preventative steps that can be taken to reduce water pollution:
- avoid using excessive amounts of fertilizers and pesticides on lawns;
- pick up litter which can injure wildlife if it enters lakes, rivers and streams;
- governments must pass laws to make factories owners put filters to reduce
pollution of water bodies.

prominent – ведущий
observed – наблюдаемый
occurs – происходить
streams – ручьи
accidents – аварии
grow crops – выращивать урожай
discharge sewage – выбрасывать нечистоты
leak out - вытекать
preventative steps – предупредительные меры

Air Pollution
Air pollution is another environmental problem that seen throughout the world.
Air pollution can be created by factories that release pollutants with smoke into the
air. People burn rubbish because there is not enough room for garbage dump in
cities and towns. Exhaust fumes from cars are the main reason of poor air quality.
This problem is especially bad in big cities where the number of cars is increasing
every year. We cut down trees and burn them in fires. Smoke from burning forests
damage the ozone layer. The gases from the burning of coal, gas and oil add to the
Greenhouse effect. As the result there is less oxygen and more carbon dioxide in
the air. Air pollution is harmful for people because too much smoke in the air hurts
our lungs especially for those people who smoke. It can lead to lung cancer. What
can be done to lessen air pollution? We should stop deforestation and prevent
forest fires. Governments must pass the laws to reduce polluting activities and
encourage people to use public transport more to lessen amount of cars in cities.
release pollutants – выбрасывать загрязнители
not enough room – недостаточно места
еxhaust fumes – выхлопные газы
increase – увеличиваться
add – прибавлять
lung cancer – рак легких
prevent – предупредить
encourage – побуждать
amount of – количество

Land Pollution
Land pollution is another serious problem all over the world. It is the result
of dumping garbage waste, and the toxins making the land contaminated or
polluted. The source of land pollution comes from the human elements such as
littering and sewage outlets. Another factor contributing to this type of pollution
is acid rains. People produce a lot of rubbish. People leave some rubbish in the
countryside. Some countryside is awful to look at. Some left rubbish can poison
plants and animals. People hunt and kill animals. The surface of our Earth is
also contaminated by poor agricultural practices (fertilizers, pesticides), mining,
and industrial wastes. Urbanization and industrialization are major reasons of
land pollution. There are fewer rainforests. If we destroy them, we will never
find the cure for cancer and AIDs. Animals are becoming endangered. What
can be done to lessen land pollution? We must reduce consumption of natural
resources. People should stop littering in streets and countryside. Governments
must pass stricter laws against hunting, land pollution and for recycling.
sewage outlets – утечка нечистот
countryside – сельская местность
littering – бросание мусора
produce – производить
cure for cancer – средство от рака
consumption – потребление


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