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Intravenous Fluids and

Jessica Spellman • Jack S. Shanewise

Total body water and electrolytes are divided between the four phenotypes throughout the body. In the liver, spleen,
intracellular and extracellular compartments. The major and marrow, sinusoidal capillaries have large EGL p ores
electrolytes in the intracellular compartment are potas-sium, and open fenestrations allowing macromolecules to pass
magnesium, calcium, and phosphate. The extracel-lular between plasma and the interstitial space. The glomeruli
compartment consists of the interstitial, plasma, and have open capillary fenestrations with the effective pore
transcellular fluid components, where sodium and chlo-ride size reduced by overlying EGL. Endocrine, choroid plexus,
are the major electrolytes. Fluid movement between these and gut mucosa vascular endothelial cells have inducible
spaces, and thus the effect of fluid therapies, depends on fenestrations. Nerve, muscle, connective tissue, and lung
the levels of water, electrolytes, and colloid proteins among have nonfenestrated or continuous capillaries so that lit-
them and the composition and permeability of the tle transvascular filtration into the interstitium occurs in
membranes that separate them. these tissues. In states of inflammation, changes in the en-
dothelial cells and an increase in the number of large pores
in the capillaries increase the amount of protein passing
Total Body Fluid Composition from vascular into interstitial spaces. The transcapillary es-
cape rate of albumin to tissues is normally 5% per hour but
The adult body is composed of approximately 60% water, can double during surgery and increase to 20% in sepsis.1
with some variation with age and gender, as well as signifi- Fluid in the interstitial space is returned to the circulation
cant variation among different tissues. For example, muscle as lymph.2 The cell membrane prevents sodium, the pri-
is about 75% water, whereas adipose tissue only 10%. mary extracellular cation, from moving into the cell, except
About two-thirds of total body fluid is intracellular and one- for a small amount by active pump transport, but isotonic
third extracellular (Fig. 17-1). The intracellular compartment fluids containing sodium added to the vascular space are
is rich in potassium (the major cation), magnesium, cal- distributed throughout the ECV so that only 20% of the
cium, phosphate (the major anion), and proteins. Extracel- 3
volume infused remains in the plasma.
lular volume (ECV) includes interstitial fluids (about 80% of
the ECV), plasma (about 20%), and transcellular fluids,
which are anatomically separate fluid spaces, such as the Intravenous Fluid Types
intraocular, gastrointestinal, and cerebrospinal fluids, and
are not available for water and solute exchange with the re- Crystalloids
mainder of the ECV. Extracellular fluids are rich in sodium Crystalloids are fluid solutions containing ion salts and other
(the major cation) and chloride (the major anion). These and low-molecular-weight substances. Crystalloids can be
other small ions move freely between plasma and in- categorized based on their tonicity or osmotic pressure of
terstitium in the extracellular compartment. The plasma also the solution with respect to that of plasma. Examples are
contains proteins, such as albumin and globulins, which listed in Table 17-1. Administering large volumes of normal
create the colloid oncotic pressure. Plasma proteins are saline (NS) c an result in hyperchloremic meta-bolic
prevented from freely moving from vascular to inter-stitial acidosis.4 “Balanced” or “physiologic” crystalloid solutions
space by the interplay of the vascular endothelial cells and contain a composition approximating that of ex-tracellular
the endothelial glycocalyx layer (EGL) c oating the inside of fluid but are usually slightly hypotonic because of lower
the vascular space. Macromolecule move-ment out of the sodium concentration. Administering large vol-umes of
vascular space is dependent on the type of EGL pores and balanced salt solutions can result in hyperlactate-mia,
endothelial cell junctions, which have metabolic alkalosis, hypotonicity, and cardiotoxicity

Chapter 17  • Intravenous Fluids and Electrolytes 433

FIGURE 17-1  Body fluid compartments with main ion distribution. ECF, extracellular fluid; ICF, intracellular fluid. (Reused from
Doherty M, Buggy DJ. Intraoperative fluids: how much is too much? Br J Anaesth. 2012;109:69–79, with permission.)

due to acetate. Calcium-containing balanced salt 10 hours to reduce viral transmission. It is expensive to
solution may cause formation of microthrombi when produce and distribute as compared to semisynthetic
infused with citrate-containing banked blood. col-loids and crystalloid solutions. The incidence of
anaphy-lactoid reactions to albumin is 0.011%.
The comparative effectiveness of fluid resuscitation with
Colloids colloid versus crystalloid has been a long-standing
Colloid solutions contain macromolecules suspended in controversy, which has been the subject of much recent
electrolyte solutions. These macromolecules, such as plant clinical research. In the Saline versus Albumin Fluid Eval-
or animal polysaccharides or polypeptides, remain in the uation (SAFE) study, a multicenter, randomized, double-
plasma compartment longer than crystalloid solutions; blind trial of 6,997 i ntensive care unit (ICU) patients, the
however, their distribution has been shown to be context effect of fluid resuscitation with albumin 4% or NS was
sensitive, with larger percentages of the volume admin- evaluated. The primary outcome was death within 28 days.
istered remaining intravascular in hypovolemic patients as There was no significant increase in mortality (p 5 .87). The
compared to normovolemic patients.3 Semisynthetic colloid two groups also had similar rates of new single organ and
multiple organ failure (p 5 .85), days spent in ICU (p 5 .44),
solutions are metabolized and excreted and thus have a s
days spent in hospital (p 5 .3), days of mechanical
horter duration of effect than human albumin solutions.2 ventilation (p 5 .74), and days of renal replacement therapy
Examples are listed in Table 17-2.
(p 5 .41).6 In a p ost hoc analysis of the SAFE study, of 460
Albumin (4% to 5%) patients with traumatic brain injury, the primary outcome of
Albumin solution is produced from human blood and mortality was increased in the albumin-treated group
suspended in saline. It is heat-pasteurized at 60°C f or (33.2%) versus the NS group
434 Part III   • Circulatory System
Table 17-1
Common Crystalloid Solutions
Osmolarity Calories Na1 Cl2 K1 Ca11 Mg11 Glucose Lactate Acetate Gluconate
Solution (mOsm/L) Tonicity pH (kcal/L) (mEq/L) (mEq/L) (mEq/L) (mEq/L) (mEq/L) (g/L) (mEq/L) (mEq/L) (mEq/L)
NS 308 Iso 5 154 154
D5NS 560 Hyper 4 170 154 154 50
D51/2NS 406 Hyper 4 170   77   77 50
LR 273 Iso 6.5   9 130 109 4 3 28
D5LR 525 Hyper 4.9 179 130 109 4 3 50 28
Plasmalyte 294 Iso 140   21 140   98 5 3 27 23
D, dextrose; LR, lactated Ringer’s; NS, normal saline.
From Warren BB, Durieux ME. Hydroxyethyl starch: safe or not? Anesth Analg. 1997;84:206–212.
Table 17-2
Common Colloid Solutions
Osmolarity Na1 Cl2 K1 Ca11 Mg11 Lactate Acetate Octonate Malate
Fluid Trade Name Source (mOsm/L) (mmol/L) (mmol/L) (mmol/L) (mmol/L) (mmol/L) (mmol/L) (mmol/L) (mmol/L) (mmol/L)
Albumin 4% Albumex Human 250 148 128 6.4
Albumin 5% Human 309 154 154
HES 10% Hemohes Potato 308 154 154

Chapter 17 • Intravenous Fluids and Electrolytes 435

(200/0.5) starch
HES 6% Hextend Maize 304 143 124 3 5 0.9 28
(450/0.7) starch
HES 6% Voluven Maize 308 154 154
(130/0.4) starch
HES 6% Volulyte Maize 286 137 110 4 1.5 34
(130/0.4) starch
HES 6% Venufundin Potato 308 154 154 2.5 1 24
(130/0.42) starch
HES 6% Tetraspan Potato 296 140 118 4 5
(130/0.42) starch
HES, hydroxyethyl starch.
From Myburgh JA, Mythen MG. Resuscitatiouids. N Engl J Med. 2013;369:1243–1251.
436 Part III   • Circulatory System

(20.4%, p 5 .03).7 In an additional subgroup analysis of as an endoamylase cleaving within the polyglucose chain
1,218 patients with severe sepsis, albumin administration instead of acting at the ends of the molecule, resulting in
was associated with a d ecreased risk of death as com- polydispersity and varying molecular weights of the
remaining HES molecules in the plasma. Thus, pharma-
pared to NS with an adjusted odds ratio of 0.71 (95% CI,
cokinetic parameters of plasma clearance and half-life will
0.52–0.97; p 5 .03).8 A more recent multicenter, open-label, change over time, cannot be rigorously defined, and must
randomized trial of 1,818 ICU patients with severe sepsis, not be interpreted as efficacy half-lives or contrib-uting to
the Albumin Italian Outcome Sepsis study, of 20% albumin the pharmacodynamics of volume effect of HES solutions.11
and crystalloid versus crystalloid alone with pri-mary Additionally, the hydroxyethyl groups re-tard hydrolysis of
outcome measure of death found no erence in survival at 28 the compound by amylases, allowing longer presence in the
or 90 days (p 5 .29).9 plasma. Plasma levels of amylase are elevated after HES
Semisynthetic Colloid Solutions administration for 72 hours, with-out evidence of increased
pancreatic production, owing to decreased renal elimination
Solutions include hydroxyethyl starch (HES) s olutions,
succinylated gelatin, urea-linked gelatin–polygeline prep- of amylase as it remains complexed to HES. 5 The
arations, and dextran solutions. HES, the most commonly pharmacokinetic profile of some HES solutions after single
used semisynthetic colloid solutions, are created by at- dose and multiple infusions in healthy volunteers is
taching hydroxyethyl groups to carbons 2, 3, or 6 of the described in Tables 17-311 and 17-4,11 and in impaired
glucose moieties of starches of sorghum, maize, or pota- renal function in Table 17-5.12
toes. HES solutions vary with respect to HES concentra- HES compounds have effects on coagulation with
tions (6% t o 10%), molecular weights (70 t o 670 kD a), re-ductions in factor VIII, von Willebrand factor, and
molar substitution ratios (0.3 t o 0.75), and crystalloid carrier plate-let function, although the exact mechanisms are
solutions. The concentration influences the initial volume unclear. Coagulation effects are noted even when
effect with 6% s olutions being iso-oncotic and 10% used below rec-ommended maximum doses.
solutions hyperoncotic. HES a re polydisperse with particles Solutions with more rapid degradation are associated
in a wide range of molecular mass (dispersity is a measure 10
with less effects on coagula-tion. The incidence of
of the heterogeneity of sizes of molecules or particles in a 6
anaphylactoid reactions with HES use is 0.085%.
mixture); thus, the molecular weight is av-eraged by either
HES solutions carry a U.S. Food and Drug Administra-
weight or number, with high molecular weight preparations
tion black box warning with the following recommenda-tions:
being associated with alterations in coagulation. The
Do not use HES solutions in critically ill adult patients
substitution ratio indicates the average fraction of glucose
including those with sepsis and those admitted to the ICU;
moieties bearing a hydroxyethyl group. HES can also be
avoid use in patients with preexisting renal dysfunction;
named hexa- (0.6), penta- (0.5), or tetra-(0.4) starches for
discontinue use of HES at the first sign of renal injury; need
this level of substitution. Substitution increases the solubility
for renal replacement therapy has been reported up to 90
of the starch in water and inhibits the destruction of the
days after HES administration, continue to monitor renal
starch by amylase, thus prolonging intravascular retention.
function for at least 90 days in all patients; avoid use in
HES can also be categorized with respect to the pattern of
patients undergoing open heart surgery in association with
hydroxyethylation of the C2 and C6 carbon atoms. cardiopulmonary bypass due to excess bleeding; dis-
Hydroxyethyl groups in the C2 position inhibit amylase continue use of HES a rst sign of coagulopathy.13
access to the starch more effectively than hydroxyethyl The Crystalloid versus Hydroxyethyl Starch Trial
groups at the C6 position; thus, high C2/C6 ratios would be evaluated HES v ersus NS i n a m ulticenter, prospective,
expected to hydrolyze more slowly. The maximum daily blinded, parallel-group, randomized controlled trial of over
dose of HES is limited to 20 to 50 mL/kg of body weight/day
7,000 adult ICU patients.14 Patients were randomized to
but varies by solution.10 receive either HES (6% [130/0.4] Voluven, Fresenius Kabi
HES is removed from the circulation by redistribution Norge AS, Halden, Norway) solution or NS until ICU
and renal excretion. Redistribution of HES results in tem- discharge, death, or 90 days following randomization. Pri-
porary storage in the skin, liver, and kidneys. Skin depo- mary outcome was death 90 days after randomization, and
sition results in non–histamine-associated pruritus. After
secondary outcomes were acute kidney injury, failure, and
hours, 23% of the total dose is interstitial and at 26 weeks,
treatment with renal replacement therapy. There was no
trace amounts of HES are still detectable.6 HES molecules significant erence in mortality during the study period (18%
with greater molecular weights and increased substitution in the HES group and 17% in the NS group, p 5 .26) or renal
ratios tend to be stored more than those with more rapid
failure (HES g roup 10.4% a nd 9.2% NS g roup, p 5 .12);
clearance and deposition appears to be dose-dependent.10 however, significant erences in renal injury (34.6% HES
Renal excretion of HES o ccurs in two phases: group and 38% NS group, p 5 .005) and renal replacement
immediate glomerular fi ltration of HES p olymers less than therapy use (7% HES group, 5.8% NS group, p 5 .04) were
59 kDa and delayed glomerular filtration after HES found. Additionally, HES was associated with significantly
metabolism by plasma a-amylase. This amylase functions more adverse events (0.3% vs. 2.8%, p ,.001).
Chapter 17  • Intravenous Fluids and Electrolytes 437

Table 17-3
Pharmacokinetic Parameters after a Single Dose of Different Hydroxyethyl Starch Types in Healthy
HES Type Cmax t½/2 t½/2 t½/2central AUC∞ CL Infusion
(concentration) Dose (g) (mg/mL) (h) (h) (h) (mg h/mL) (mL/min) Time (min)
a b c
670/0.75 (6%) 0.6/kg 13 6.3 46.4 NA 926.0 0.98 20
d e
450/0.7 (6%) 30 7.8 NA 300 NA NA NA 60
200/0.62 (6%) 30 5.2 5.08 69.7 44.42 NA 1.23 30
200/0.5 (10%) 50 8.0 3.35 30.6 7.12 NA 9.24 30
f g
200/0.5 (6%) 30 6 NA NA NA NA 4.88  15
f g
200/0.5 (10%) 50 14 5.2 39.1 NA NA 6.38  15
h h
130/0.4 (6%) 26.3 3.7 1.39 12.1 1.55 14.3 31.4 30
130/0.4 (10%) 44.1 6.5 h h 1.82 28.8 26.0 30
1.54 12.8
Mean for 0–8 hours.
Mean for 7–10 hours.
Calculated for 70 kg body weight.
Product label declaration, however de facto similar to 670/0.75.
For days 7–28 post-treatment.
Mean for 0–24 hours.
BLood letting of 400 mL prior to infusion.
Model independent.
AUC∞, area under the plasma concentration-time curve from time zero to infinity; CL, total body clearance; Cmax, maximum plasma concentration; NA,
not available; t½a, initial/distribution half-life; t½b, terminal/elimination half-life; t½central, elimination half-life from the central compartment.
From Jungheinrich C, Neff TA. Pharmacokinetics of hydroxyethyl starch. Clin Pharmacokinet. 2005;44:681–699.

Table 17-4
Pharmacokinetic Parameters and Residual Plasma Concentrations after Multiple Infusions of Different
Types of Hydroxyethyl Starch in Healthy Volunteers
Concentration AUC
24 h after Last t1/2b t1/2 (mg h/mL)
Cumulative Treatment Administration CL t1/2a
HES Type day 1 a
Dose (g) Period (mg/mL) (mL/min) (h) (h) (h) Last Day
450/0.7   90   3 days (3 3 30 g) 9.6 1 NA NA NA NA day1
b c
200/0.62 150   5 days (5 3 30 g) 7.8 0.983 0.568 11.6 211 508 day1
b c
200/0.5 250   5 days (5 3 50 g) 3.4 4.86 0.389 6.98 113 171 day1
200/0.5 250   5 days (5 3 50 g) 3.4 NA NA NA NA 62.6 96.2
70/0.5 250   5 days (5 3 50 g) 3.0 NA NA NA NA NA day1
130/0.4 500 10 days (10 3 50 g) 0.5 d e e f 32.8 35.7
22.8 1.14 9.1 NA
Day 3, 5, or 10 according to length of treatment period.
Three-compartment modelling.
Taking days 1–5 into account.
Day 1: 23.7; day 10: 21.8.
Means from days 1 and 10.
Not applicable for two-compartment modelling used; three-compartment modelling would yield a value of 33 hours.
AUC, area under the plasma concentration-time curve; CL, total body clearance; NA, not available; t1/2a, initial/distribution half-life, t1/2 ,
terminal/elimination half-life; t1/2 , terminal/elimination half-life in a three-compartment model; , indicates much greater than.
From Jungheinrich C, Neff TA. Pharmacokinetics of hydroxyethyl starch. Clin Pharmacokinet. 2005;44:681–699.
438 Part III   • Circulatory System

In the Efficacy of Volume Substitution and Insulin

Table 17-5 Therapy in Severe Sepsis multicenter, randomized trial
evaluating adult ICU patients with severe sepsis, patients
Pharmacokinetic Parameters after a Single Dose
were randomized to receive either intensive insulin ther-apy
of Hydroxyethyl Starch 6% (130/0.4) 500 mL in
or conventional insulin therapy in addition to either HES
Different States of Renal Insufficiency
10% pentastarch, HES 200/0.5, or lactated Ringer’s for fluid
resuscitation. Primary endpoints were death and mean
Renal Mean (CV %) score for organ failure. There were 537 p atients who were
Variable a (Geometric) 95% CI evaluated and the trial was stopped early due to increased
severe hypoglycemia events in the intensive in-sulin therapy
AUC(0 inf) 15 30 41.1 (19.9) (33.4, 50.6) group, but the comparison between HES and lactated
(mg h/mL) 30 50 35.1 (13.9) (28.1, 43.8) Ringer’s was continued with all patients receiving
50 80 20.0 (6.8) (18.4, 21.8) conventional insulin therapy. HES therapy was associated
80 120 25.5 (21.3) (18.3, 35.4) with higher rates of acute renal failure (34.9%, 22.8% in the
All subjects 29.8 (34.4) (25.3, 35.0) lactated Ringer’s group, p 5 0.002) and renal replace-ment
Cmax (mg/mL) 15 30 4.68 (17.4) (3.90, 5.62)
therapy than lactated Ringer’s (18.3%, 9.2% lactated
30 50 4.37 (14.1) (3.50, 5.46)
50 80 3.48 (12.5) (2.99, 4.05) Ringer’s group).16
80 120 5.11 (25.4) (3.45, 7.57)
All subjects 4.34 (21.9) (3.91, 4.81)
Total plasma 1530 0.73 (20.3) (0.59, 0.90) Assessing Fluid
clearance 30 50 0.85 (12.8) (0.69, 1.05) Responsiveness
(L/h) 50 80 1.52 (6.9) (1.40, 1.65)
80 120 1.19 (21.3) (0.86, 1.65) Fluid responsiveness may be defined as a 15% i ncrease in
All subjects 1.02 (34.9) (0.87, 1.20) cardiac output following a 500-mL IV fluid bolus, in-dicating
Volume of 15 30 14.2 (18.4) (11.7, 17.2) that the patient is still on the ascending limb of the cardiac
distribution 30 50 15.4 (12.7) (12.7, 18.7) output/end diastolic volume curve, also re-
at steady 50 80 27.1 (6.6) (24.9, 29.5) ferred to as the cardiac function curve17 (Fig. 17-2). Fluid -
state (L) 80 120 19.9 (23.1) (13.8, 28.7) administration to a patient on the plateau part of the curve
All subjects 18.4 (31.2) (15.9, 21.3) may be of little benefit and result in adverse effects. Filling
Terminal half- 15 30 15.9 (8.8) (14.5, 17.4) pressure measures, particularly central venous pressure,
life (h) 30 50 15.5 (9.6) (13.3, 18.0)
50 80 15.9 (5.4) (14.8, 17.1)
80 120 17.2 (6.8) (15.4, 19.2)
All subjects 16.1 (8.1) (15.5, 16.7)
HES, hydroxyethyl starch, CV, coefficient of variation, CI,
confidence interval; AUC, area under the time
concentration curve; Cmax, peak concentration.
 Defined according to measurements of creatinine clearance
(mL/min/ 1.73 m2).
From Jungheinrich C, Scharpf R, Wargenau M, et al. The pharmacokinet-
ics and tolerability of an intravenous infusion of the new hydroxyethyl
starch 130/0.4 (6%, 500 mL) in mild-to-severe renal impairment.
Anesth Analg. 2002;95:544–551.

HES (6% [130/0.42] Tetraspan, B. Braun Melsungen AG,

Melsungen, Germany) has also been evaluated in a multi-
center, parallel-group, blinded, randomized trial of 798 adult
ICU patients with severe sepsis versus Ringer’s acetate in the
FIGURE 17- 2  Schematic representation of Frank–Starling
Scandinavian Starch for Severe Sepsis/Septic Shock trial. Pri- relationship between ventricular preload and stroke volume. A
mary outcomes measured were death or end-stage kidney given change in preload induces a larger change in stroke
failure at 90 days. Death was greater at 90 days in the HES volume when the ventricle operates on the ascending portion of
the relationship (A, condition of preload dependence) than
group (51% vs. 43%, p 5 .03). One patient in each group had
when it operates on the flat portion of the curve (B, condition of
end-stage kidney failure; however, in the 90-day period, 22% of preload independence). (From Michard F, Teboul JL. Using
HES patients were treated with renal replacement therapy heart-lung interactions to assess fluid responsiveness during
15 mechanical ventilation. Critical care. 2000;4:282–289).
versus 16% in the Ringer’s acetate group (p 5 .04).
Chapter 17  • Intravenous Fluids and Electrolytes 439

correlate poorly with blood volume, and changes in central body magnesium in the extracellular fluid and only 0.3% in
venous pressure have been shown to poorly predict he- the plasma.23 Most intracellular magnesium is bound to
modynamic response to fluid challenge. Stroke volume adenosine 5’-triphosphate and DNA, with less than 3%
changes due to increases or decreases in right ventricular being in solution and ionized immediately available for
preload may be used to assess fluid responsiveness. Posi- intracellular magnesium homeostasis.24 Plasma magne-
tive pressure ventilation decreases right ventricular stroke sium level is normally 1.7 to 2.4 mg/dL, where it is found in
volume by decreasing venous return to the right heart and three states: ionized (62%), protein bound (33%), and
increasing right ventricular afterload. The decrease in right complexed to anions (5%).23 Given these distributions,
ventricular stroke volume is passed on to the left ventricle
plasma magnesium measurements may not be represen-
over subsequent cardiac cycles and if the left ventricle is tative of total body magnesium stores. Also, magnesium
preload dependent, decreases in the left ventricle stroke measurements can be falsely elevated with hemolysis of the
volume will cause a decrease in the arterial pulse pressure. blood sample, which releases the intracellular elec-trolytes.
These cyclic changes associated with positive airway pres- Ingested magnesium is absorbed in the small intestines,
sure are greater when the ventricles are functioning on the
primarily the ileum (75%),24 via passive con-centration
steep, ascending portion of the cardiac function curve.
Variation in the arterial pulse pressure (PPV) can be de- effects and in the colon by active transcellular absorption. 25
rived from analysis of the arterial pressure waveform and Excretion occurs via the kidney with more than 95% of the
variation greater than 12% to 13% is predictive of volume filtered magnesium being reabsorbed in the renal tubules,
with this mechanism effectively regulat-ing the plasma level.
responsiveness.19 Other measures of these positive pres-
Reabsorption occurs primarily (70%) in the ascending loop
sure–associated stroke volume changes include systolic
of Henle via passive mechanisms with a small amount
pressure variation of the arterial waveform, stroke volume
occurring in both the proximal tubule via passive
variation (SVV) derived from arterial pulse contour anal-ysis,
mechanisms and distal convoluted tubules via active
pleth variability index derived from pulse oximeter waveform
analysis, inferior vena cava diameter variation measured by mechanisms.24 Bone, as the primary store of total body
echocardiography, and descending aortic blood velocity magnesium, provides a b uffer for plasma mag-nesium
measured by esophageal Doppler. Measures dependent on levels through poorly understood mechanisms controlling
variations caused by positive pressure ven-tilation are magnesium incorporation into bone by os-teoblasts and
limited by the presence of arrhythmia, spon-taneous removal by osteoclasts.25 Genetic mutations in colon
breathing, tidal volume settings (8 mL/kg i deal body weight transport channels25 and loop of Henle junction proteins24
minimum required for PPV and SVV), low can both result in hypomagnesemia.
lung compliance (,mL/cm H 2O), increased abdomi- Role of Magnesium
nal pressure, and open chest surgery.
Magnesium plays a key role in many biologic processes
The end-expiratory occlusion test is useful in ventilated
including protein synthesis, neuromuscular function, and
patients with cardiac arrhythmias, mild amplitude sponta-
nucleic acid stability. It is involved in adenosine 5
neous breathing activity, or low tidal volume positive pres-
-triphosphatase function, antagonizes N-methyl-d-as-partate
sure ventilation. The test assesses the effect of a 15-second
(NMDA) glutamate receptors, inhibits catechol-amine
interruption in the ventilation on cardiac preload.
release, and is involved in the regulation of other
A increase in pulse contour cardiac output (sensitivity
electrolytes. For instance, magnesium antagonizes the
91%, specificity 100%) or pulse pressure (sensitivity 87%,
21 uptake and distribution of calcium and modulates so-dium
specificity 100%) is suggestive of volume responsiveness.
and potassium currents thru nicotinic acetylcholine
Passive leg raising maneuvers (PLR) can be used to as-
receptors, NMDA receptors, and ion pumps, thus affect-ing
sess preload responsiveness in spontaneously breathing
membrane potentials. Magnesium has antiarrhythmic
patients with arrhythmias but is limited in patients with
intraabdominal hypertension. The test is performed in a properties related to calcium channel antagonism.24 Intra-
supine patient by elevating the legs to 45 d egrees while venous (IV) magnesium administration can exert muscle-
assessing cardiac output or stroke volume over 30 t o relaxing effects, enhance nondepolarizing neuromuscular
seconds. Cardiac output measures during PLR are more blockers, attenuate muscle fasciculations and potassium
accurate in predicting fluid responsiveness than arterial release with administration of succinylcholine, and precip-
22 itate skeletal muscle weakness in patients with Lambert-
pressure measurements during the maneuver.
Eaton syndrome and myasthenia gravis. It has been used to
reduce anesthetic requirements and attenuate cardiovascu-
Important Fluid Constituents lar effects of laryngoscopy and intubation. Magnesium has
been shown to vasodilate blood vessels in many vascular
Magnesium beds (mesenteric, skeletal muscle, uterine, cerebral, coro-
nary, and the aorta). It also decreases blood–brain barrier
Magnesium is almost all intracellular in bone (53%), mus-cle
disruption and limits cerebral edema formation after brain
(27%), and soft tissues (19%), with less than 1% of total
injury.26 Side effects of IV administration include burning
440 Part III   • Circulatory System

or pain on injection, drowsiness, nausea, headache, dizzi- section (RR, 1.05; CI, 1.01–1.1) but does not clearly af-
ness, muscle weakness, hypotension, and bradycardia. fect maternal morbidity, stillbirth, or neonatal death or
neurosensory disability at age 18 months. Reductions in
maternal death were found to be nonsignificant.28
Hypomagnesemia may result from dietary defi iency (as
seen in chronic alcoholism), gastrointestinal malab- Cardiac Dysrhythmias
sorption or secretion (diarrhea, vomiting, laxative use), Excess magnesium blocks myocardial calcium influx re-
renal losses (medication effects, nephrotoxic agents, - sulting in decreased sinus node activity, prolonged atrio-
endocrine disease, diabetic nephropathy), and chelation ventricular (AV) conduction time, and increased AV node
(citrate binding in the case of massive transfusion). 24 It is refractoriness. Arrhythmias associated with hypomagne-
seen in as many as 11% of hospitalized patients and semia are often29 accompanied by hypokalemia. Normal-
65% of patients in the ICU. Clinical manifestations of ization of both electrolytes is recommended. 23 Magnesium
hypomag-nesemia result in cardiac and neuromuscular administration may decrease the incidence of severe
disorders and include symptoms of nausea, vomiting, arrhythmia after myocardial infarction but use is limited by
weakness, convulsions, tetany, fasciculations, as well as the incidence of hypotension.24 Th re is no evidence that
electrocar-diogram (ECG) abnormalities (prolonged PR magnesium infusion during human cardiopulmonary
and QT intervals, diminished T-wave morphology, resuscitation increases survival to hospital discharge; how-
torsades de pointes, and others) and accompanying ever, magnesium is recommended for patients with poly-
hypokalemia and hypocalcemia. morphic wide complex tachycardia associated with familial
or acquired long QT syndrome (torsades de pointes). 30 For
digoxin-induced tachyarrhythmias in hypomagnesemic
Hypermagnesemia is rare and most commonly occurs patients, magnesium should be administered while await-
with excessive administration of magnesium for thera- ing digoxin antibodies.24 Prophylactic administration of
peutic purposes. Clinical manifestations include QRS magnesium during cardiopulmonary bypass has been
widening, hypotension, narcosis, diminution of deep shown to decrease the incidence of postoperative atrial
tendon refle es, respiratory depression from paralysis fibrillation after coronary artery bypass graft urgery.
of muscles of ventilation, heart block, and cardiac
arrest. Immediate treatment of life-threatening Analgesia
hypermagnese-mia is with calcium gluconate, 10 to 15 Magnesium has antinociceptive effects when admin-
mg/kg IV, followed by diuretics or dialysis, along with istered IV or intrathecally, possibly due to inhibition of
appropriate respiratory and circulatory support. calcium influx, antagonism of NMDA receptors, or
pre-vention of NMDA signaling. Data to support the
use of magnesium as an analgesic or for preventative
Magnesium appears to improve the clinical symptoms of 24
preeclampsia by causing systemic, vertebral, and uter-ine analgesia at this point is conflicting.
vasodilation via direct effects on vessels as well as by Asthma
increasing concentrations of endogenous vasodila-tors Magnesium causes bronchodilatation via inhibition
(endothelium-derived relaxing factor and calcitonin gene–
of calcium-mediated smooth muscle contraction,
related peptide) and attenuating endogenous vaso-
inhibi-tion of histamine release from mast cells, and
constrictors (endothelin-1). Suggested dosing regimens of
inhibition of nicotinic acetylcholine release. IV
magnesium sulfate based on randomized trial data are 4 g
IV loading dose over 10 to 15 minutes followed by infu-sion
magnesium (not inhaled) has been reported to
of 1 g per hour for 24 hours or 4 g IV l oading dose with 10 improve bronchodilatation when standard therapies
g i ntramuscular (IM) followed by 5 g IM e very 4 hours for have failed; however, responses are variable.
24 hours. Many other dosing regimens exist. 27 Infusions or Pheochromocytoma
repeat dosing should be combined with clini-cal monitoring Magnesium’s arteriolar-dilating effects combined
of urine output, respiratory rate, and deep tendon refle es. with re-duction in catecholamine release may be
Serum monitoring of magnesium levels should be beneficial in the management of patients with
performed for signs of toxicity or renal impair-ment.
pheochromocytoma prior to tumor excision and in
Magnesium crosses the placenta and may result in neonatal 32,33
lethargy, hypotension, and respiratory depres-sion if hemodynamic catecholamine crisis.
administered for prolonged duration (more than 48 hours).24
In a Cochrane Summaries review, magnesium was shown Calcium
to decrease the risk of progression to eclamp-sia (RR, 0.41; As an important component of the skeleton, there is more
CI, 0.29–0.58), decrease the risk of placental abruption calcium in the body than any other mineral. The plasma
(RR, 0.64; CI, 0.5–0.83), and increase caesarean concentration of calcium is maintained between 4.5 and
Chapter 17  • Intravenous Fluids and Electrolytes 441

5.5 mEq/L (8.5 to 10.5 mg/dL) by an endocrine control 41

calcium gluconate which provides 9 mg. IV c
system involving vitamin D, parathyroid hormone, and alcium chloride may cause local irritation and
calcitonin, which regulate intestinal absorption, renal necrosis if extrava-sated into the subcutaneous
reabsorption, and bone turnover. Total plasma calcium tissues and therefore is best administered centrally.
consists of calcium bound to albumin and proteins (40%),
calcium complexed with citrate and phosphorus ions Hypercalcemia
34 Hyperparathyroidism is the most important cause of
(9%), and freely diffusible ionized calcium (51%). It is
the ionized fraction of calcium that produces physiologic hypercalcemia and may be primary from parathyroid
effects and is normally 2 to 2.5 mEq/L. The ionized con- adenoma (85%), parathyroid hyperplasia (10%) which may
centration of calcium depends on arterial pH, with acido- be associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia syn-
sis increasing and alkalosis decreasing the dromes, or, rarely (,1%), parathyroid carcinoma. Second-ary
concentration. Additionally, plasma albumin binds hyperparathyroidism results from abnormal feedback loops
nonionized calcium, thus, in low albumin states, less present in renal failure and tertiary hyperparathy-roidism
nonionized calcium is protein bound making more from overactive responses to normal negative feedback
available to return to stor-age sites, such as bone and mechanisms. Malignancies, such as squamous cell lung,
teeth. This may decrease the total plasma calcium, but breast, prostate, colon, adult T-cell, and multiple myeloma,
may result in release of parathyroid hormone– related
symptoms of hypocalcemia do not occur unless the
peptide from tumor cells, resulting in inappropri-ate
ionized calcium concentration is also decreased. Thus,
nonionized plasma calcium levels must be interpreted hypercalcemia.41 Malignancy-related hypercalcemia may
with knowledge of the plasma albu-min concentration also result from osteolytic activity at sites of skeletal
and can be corrected according to the following formula: metastases commonly seen in breast cancer, multiple my-
corrected Ca11 (mg/dL) 5 measured Ca11 (mg/dL) 1 [0.8 3 eloma, and lymphoma, and, rarely, malignancy-related hy-
(4.0 2 albumin (mg/dL)].35 How-ever, calculations to percalcemia may result from tumor release of vitamin D.35
correct serum nonionized calcium for hypoalbuminemia Hypercalcemia may be associated with benign familial
36 hypocalciuric hypercalcemia syndrome resulting from a
may not be reliable in critically ill patients.
mutation in calcium-sensing receptors. Hypercalcemia is
Role of Calcium also associated with granulomatous diseases such as sar-
The majority of total body calcium (.99%) is present in bone coidosis, tuberculosis, leprosy, coccidioidomycosis, and
and provides the skeleton with strength and a reser-voir to histoplasmosis and may result from excessive dietary sup-
maintain the intracellular and extracellular calcium plement or medication side effects as a result of diuretic or
concentrations. Calcium is important for neuromuscular lithium administration. Symptoms of hypercalcemia result
transmission, skeletal muscle contraction, cardiac muscle from smooth muscle relaxation in the gut (consti-pation,
contractility, blood coagulation, and intracellular sig-naling in anorexia, nausea, vomiting), decreased neuromus-cular
its function as a second messenger. In cardiac myocytes, transmission (lethargy, hypotonia, confusion), renal effects
calcium regulates contraction, relaxation, and electrical (polyuria, dehydration, nephrolithiasis), cardiac rhythm
abnormalities (QTc shortening, J waves following QRS
signals that determine rhythm and triggers hypertrophy via
complex), as well as pancreatitis.41
calcineurin mechanisms.37 In vascular smooth muscle,
Treatment of hypercalcemia depends on the exact eti-
calcium induces a change in contractile state, increasing
ology but usually includes promoting renal excretion of
and decreasing vessel diameter.38 calcium with IV fluids and loop diuretics while avoiding
Hypocalcemia dehydration that would worsen any renal injury. Medica-
Hypocalcemia can result from decreased plasma concen- tions contributing to hypercalcemia should be discon-tinued
tration of albumin, hypoparathyroidism, acute pancreati-tis, and parathyroidectomy performed if indicated.
vitamin D deficiency, chronic renal failure associated with Corticosteroids can be used to lower excessive calcium
hyperphosphatemia, citrate binding of calcium (in the case levels by inhibiting the effects of vitamin D, reducing
of transfused blood, particularly in hepatic fail-ure and intestinal absorption, and increasing renal excretion.
reduced citrate metabolism39,40 or use of citrate in dialysis Hydrocortisone 200 to 400 mg IV per day for 3 to 5 days 41
or plasmapheresis41), sepsis, and critical illness.41 or prednisone 40 t o 100 m g per day orally are recom-
mended treatments for hypercalcemia associated with
Malabsorptive states rarely result in hypocalcemia as serum
levels are maintained by bone calcium stores. Symptoms of lymphoma and myeloma.35 IV bisphosphonates to inhibit
hypocalcemia include neuromuscular ex-citability, including osteoclast bone resorption may be useful: pamidronate 60
muscle twitching, spasms, tingling, numbness, carpopedal to 90 mg IV or zoledronate 4 mg IV. Gallium nitrate 100 to
spasm, tetany, seizures, and car-diac dysrhythmias.42 200 mg/mL/day IV infusion for 5 days is used to inhibit
Calcium can be administered by oral or IV route. IV osteoclastic bone resorption for paraneoplastic hypercal-
preparations include calcium chlo-ride which provides 27 mg cemia refractory to bisphosphonate therapy.35 Calcitonin 4
of elemental calcium/mL and to 8 International Units/kg subcutaneously or IM every
442 Part III   • Circulatory System

hours is less effective than bisphosphonates35 or gallium The phosphate groups of bisphosphonates, like inorganic
nitrate and works by inhibiting bone resorption and in- pyrophosphate, bind hydroxyapatite crystals and become
creasing renal calcium excretion. Mithramycin 25 mg/kg IV incorporated into sites of active bone remodeling, thus in-
blocks bone resorption by inhibiting osteoclast RNA hibiting calcification. The hydroxyl group attached to the
synthesis, but its use is limited by frequent dosing and central carbon further increases bisphosphonate’s ability to
toxicity (renal, hepatic, and hematologic). 35 Hemodialysis bind calcium, and the final structural grouping is attached to
may also be used to treat acute, severe hypercalcemia. the central carbon to determine the bisphosphonate’s
potency for inhibition of bone resorption. First-genera-tion
Bone Composition bisphosphonates (etidronate, clodronate, tiludronate),
Bone is composed of an organic matrix that is strength- similar to inorganic pyrophosphate, become incorporated
ened by deposits of calcium salts. The organic matrix is into adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by class II aminoacyl-
greater than 90% collagen fibers, and the remainder is a transfer RNA synthetases after osteoclast-mediated uptake
homogeneous material called ground substance. from bone and mineral surface. This abnormal ATP cannot
Ground substance is composed of proteoglycans that be hydrolyzed, accumulates, and is believed to be cytotoxic
include chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid. Salts to osteoclasts. Second- and third-generation bisphospho-
deposited in the organic matrix of bone are composed nates (alendronate, risedronate, ibandronate, pamidronate,
principally of calcium and phosphate ions in a and zoledronic acid) contain nitrogen or amino groups in this
combination known as hydroxyapatites. position, which increases the antiresorptive potency by
The initial stage of bone production is the secretion by binding and inhibiting farnesyl pyrophosphate syn-thase,
osteoclasts of collagen and ground substance. Calcium leading to osteoclast apoptosis. Second- and third-
salts precipitate on the surfaces of collagen fibers, forming generation bisphosphonate–induced osteoclast apoptosis
nidi that grow into hydroxyapatite crystals. Bone is con- can be detected by a r eduction in biochemical markers of
tinually being deposited by osteoblasts and is constantly bone resorption; maximum suppression occurs within 3
being absorbed where osteoclasts are active. The bone- months of initiation of oral therapy. Suppression is noted to
absorptive activity of osteoclasts is regulated by the para- be more rapid following IV administration. Duration of effect
thyroid gland. Except in growing bones, the rate of bone is a function of potency for mineral matrix binding, with
deposition and absorption are equal, so the total mass of zolendronic acid suppressing biochemical markers of bone
bone remains constant. resorption for up to 1 year in women with post-menopausal
Because physical stress stimulates new bone forma- osteoporosis.
tion, calcium is deposited by the osteoblasts in proportion to
the compression load that the bone must carry. The de- Clinical Uses
position of bone at points of compression may be caused by Bisphosphonates are useful in treating clinical
small electrical currents induced by stress, called the conditions characterized by increased osteoclast-
piezoelectric effect, stimulating osteoblastic activity at the mediated bone re-sorption, for example: osteoporosis,
negative end of current flow. Osteoblasts are maximally Paget disease of bone, osteogenesis imperfecta,
activated at a bone fracture, the resulting bulge of osteo- hypercalcemia, and malignant bony metastasis.
blastic tissue and new bone matrix being known as callus.
Osteoblasts secrete large amounts of alkaline phos- Pharmacokinetics
phatase when they are actively depositing bone matrix. As a Oral bioavailability of bisphosphonates is low as they are
result, the rate of new bone formation is reflected by hydrophilic with less than 1% absorbed after an oral
elevation of plasma concentration in alkaline phos-phatase.
dose. About 50% of the absorbed drug is retained in the
Alkaline phosphatase concentrations are also in-creased by
skel-eton, depending on renal function, rate of bone
any disease process that causes destruction of bone (e.g.,
turnover, and binding site availability, and the remainder
metastatic cancer, osteomalacia, and rickets).
Calcium salts almost never precipitate in normal tis- of drug is eliminated unchanged in the urine.43,44
sues other than bone. A notable exception, however, is Side Effects
atherosclerosis, in which calcium precipitates in the walls Hypocalcemia may follow IV b isphosphonate infusion;
of large arteries. Calcium salts are also frequently treatment is supportive with calcium and vitamin D sup-
depos-ited in degenerating tissues or in old blood clots. plementation. Ten percent to 42% o f patients receiving
nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates IV may experience an
acute phase reaction44 with fever, myalgias, arthralgias,
Bisphosphonates are drugs with a p hosphorus-carbon- headaches, and influenza-like symptoms. The incidence of
phosphorus (P-C-P) chemical structure that resemble this reaction decreases with each subsequent infusion;
inorganic pyrophosphate (Fig. 17-3).43 Inorganic pyro- pretreatment with antihistamines and antipyretics44 can
phosphate is involved in regulation of bone mineralization by reduce the incidence and severity of symptoms. Severe
binding hydroxyapatite crystals, inhibiting calcification. musculoskeletal pain may occur at any point after initiating
Chapter 17  • Intravenous Fluids and Electrolytes 443

FIGURE 17-3  Inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) and bisphosphonates. (Reused from Drake MT, Clarke BL, Khosla S. Bisphos-
phonates: mechanism of action and role in clinical practice. Mayo Clin Proc. 2008;83:1032–1045, with permission.)

bisphosphonates. Ocular inflammation (conjunctivitis, minute because IV therapy may lead to rapid
uveitis, episcleritis, scleritis) has been associated with both deterioration of renal function. Serious atrial fibrillation
oral and IV bisphosphonate. Symptoms resolve within a few (life-threaten-ing or resulting in hospitalization or
weeks of discontinuation. Esophageal irritation and erosion disability) occurred more often in patients treated with
can occur with oral bisphosphonate therapy, particularly in zoledronic acid than placebo (1.3% vs. 0.5%, p ,.001) in
the presence of gastroesophageal reflux dis-ease or the Health Outcomes and Reduced Incidence with
esophageal stricture; thus, it is often recommended that Zoledronic Acid Once Yearly trial; however, there was no
upright posture be maintained for minutes after ingestion erence in the overall num-ber of atrial fibrillation events
and that oral preparations be taken with a full glass of in the two groups, and post hoc analysis of other trials
water.44 Osteonecrosis of the jaw is associated with high- have not yielded an associa-tion. 44 Hepatotoxicity has
dose IV b isphosphonate use, primarily zoledronic acid and
pamidronate, for oncologic conditions with an in-cidence of been reported with alendronate and zolendronate. 44
1 to 10 per 100 patients. Associated risk factors for this Denosumab
complication include poor oral hygiene, history of recent Denosumab is another antiresorptive therapy for meta-bolic
dental procedures, denture use, and prolonged exposure to bone diseases. It is a human monoclonal antibody against
high IV bisphosphonate doses. The condition is rare for oral RANKL, a r eceptor activator required to differ-entiate and
therapy of osteoporosis (1 in 10,000 to 1 in activate osteoclasts. Denosumab is reversible, administered
100,000).43,44 Bisphosphonate dosing should be adjusted in biannually via subcutaneous route, and is not eliminated by
patients with renal insufficiency, and its use is cautioned in the kidneys. Like the bisphosphonates, it is also associated
patients with creatinine clearance less than 30 mL p er
with osteonecrosis of the jaw.45
444 Part III   • Circulatory System

Potassium b agonists may be useful in the treatment of hyperkalemia.

Theophylline also causes potassium to move into cells, and
Potassium is the second most common cation in the
hypokalemia should be anticipated in the presence of the-
body and the principal intracellular cation. Approximately
ophylline toxicity. Insulin induces potassium to move into
3,500 mEq of potassium are present in the body of a 70-
cells and is used to treat severe hyperkalemia. Hypokale-
kg patient (40 to 50 mE q/kg). With 98% of the body’s
mia is caused by gastrointestinal losses of potassium from
po-tassium being intracellular,46 the concentration in the
chronic laxative abuse or overaggressive bowel prepara-tion
extracellular fluid is about 4 mEq/L, and the intracellular
for abdominal surgery. Large doses of penicillin and its
concentration is 150 mEq/L. Because of this huge differ-
synthetic derivatives increase excretion of potassium in the
ence in concentration, estimation of total body potassium
urine, and the direct nephrotoxicity of aminoglycoside
content from serum potassium values is inaccurate, even
antibiotics can also lead to excessive potassium loss.
though the vast majority of potassium (.90%) is read-ily
exchangeable between the intra- and extracellular Drugs Causing Hyperkalemia
Drugs that increase serum potassium concentrations do so
Role of Potassium by redistribution, suppression of aldosterone secretion,
Potassium has an important influence on the control of inhibition of potassium secretion in the distal collecting duct,
osmotic pressure and is a catalyst of numerous or by direct cell destruction. Extracellular move-ment of
enzymatic reactions. It is involved in the function of potassium can result in plasma hyperkalemia without an
excitable cell membranes (nerves, skeletal muscles, increase in total body potassium. For example,
cardiac muscle) and is directly involved in the function of succinylcholine causes a release of potassium from skel-
the kidneys. In car-diac cells, potassium decreases etal muscle cells, resulting in an increase of the serum
action potential duration, electrical inhomogeneity, and potassium concentration by as much as 0.5 mEq/L. Digi-
risk of digoxin toxicity. Potassium is an endothelial- talis toxicity can cause hyperkalemia by preventing potas-
dependent vasodilator; it decreases vascular smooth sium entry into cells. b-Adrenergic antagonists can cause a
muscle cell proliferation and inhibits thrombus formation modest increase in the serum potassium concentration by
and platelet activation.46 Disturbances of potassium virtue of an extracellular shift. Nonsteroidal antiin-
homeostasis contribute to car-diac dysrhythmias, skeletal flammatory drugs may cause hyperkalemia by preventing
muscle weakness, and acid– base disturbances. aldosterone release. Potassium-sparing diuretics such as
The kidney is the principal organ involved in body po- spironolactone inhibit the secretion of potassium in the distal
tassium homeostasis, primarily through control of active collecting duct and can cause clinical hyperkalemia. Abrupt
potassium secretion in the urine. This is erent from most cell lysis from chemotherapy for acute blood cell proliferative
other electrolytes, which are regulated by control of malignancies can cause hyperkalemia through the release
reabsorption in the distal tubule. A number of hormones of intracellular potassium.
influence renal potassium secretion including aldosterone,
glucocorticoids, catecholamines, and arginine vasopressin. Hypokalemia
Aldosterone acts at the renal collecting duct to increase Skeletal muscle weakness and a predisposition to cardiac
reabsorption of sodium ions, which favors potassium se- dysrhythmias are the most prominent symptoms of clini-cally
cretion. Arginine vasopressin also increases secretion of significant hypokalemia. At the cellular level, hypo-kalemia
potassium at the distal collecting tubule. Glucocorticoids causes hyperpolarity, increases resting potential, hastens
depolarization, and increases automaticity and excitability of
influence renal potassium secretion by a direct action in the
renal parenchyma. Catecholamines decrease renal cardiac cells,47 predisposing to tachydys-rhythmias,
including torsade de pointes and atrial fibrilla-tion47, and
secretion of potassium by an effect on the distal collect-ing
system. Acidosis opposes and alkalosis favors potas-sium sudden cardiac death particularly in the setting of acute
secretion. When uremia develops, gastrointestinal secretion myocardial infarction.46 Potassium depletion also produces
of potassium increases, and when creatinine clearance is diastolic dysfunction of the myocardium.46
less than 20% of normal, gastrointestinal po-tassium loss
can approach 20% of uptake. Treatment
It is important to determine the cause of hypokalemia before
Drugs Causing Hypokalemia aggressive potassium replacement is initiated. For example,
Diuretics that induce renal potassium loss are probably the if serum potassium concentrations are acutely decreased
most common cause of hypokalemia, but there are a num- due to intracellular redistribution and potas-sium therapy is
ber of other drugs that may result in this condition. Cate- initiated, potentially serious hyperkalemia could occur. If
cholamines shift potassium intracellularly, predominantly total body depletion is the cause of hypo-kalemia, the
into the liver and skeletal muscle cells, and administration of amount of increase in the plasma concentra-tion of
b-adrenergic agonists in the treatment of bronchial asthma potassium produced by supplementation may be small due
or premature labor may cause hypokalemia; in fact, to rapid redistribution into intracellular sites.
Chapter 17  • Intravenous Fluids and Electrolytes 445

Life-threatening hypokalemia, presenting as malig- infusion (50 mL o f 50% glucose plus 10 units of regular
nant cardiac dysrhythmias, acute digitalis intoxication, or insulin) produces a sustained transfer of extracellular po-
extreme neuromuscular collapse, requires supplemen-tal tassium into cells, resulting in a 1.5 to 2.5 mEq/L
IV potassium administration. The rate of potassium decrease in the serum potassium concentration after
infusion depends on the urgency of the indication, with a approximately 30 minutes. Sodium polystyrene sulfonate
common recommendation being administration of IV (Kayexalate) is an orally or rectally administered sodium
potassium no greater than 10 mEq per hour peripher-ally exchange resin used to remove extracellular potassium
and 20 mEq per hour centrally in adults. Morbidity in exchange for sodium in the large intestine. Potassium
associated with supplemental potassium therapy is not removal from the body also may be achieved by loop
trivial. Patients with diminished internal potassium regu- diuretics or, most rap-idly and effectively, hemodialysis.
lation, especially diabetics and renal failure patients, are
at risk for accidental treatment-induced hyperkalemia.
Hyperkalemia Phosphate is the major intracellular anion. The majority
The earliest sign of hyperkalemia is peaked T w aves on (85%) of total body phosphate is stored in the bone as
ECG, which typically occurs when the serum potassium hydroxyapatite crystals within the organic matrix. Most of
concentration reaches 6 mEq/L. As the extracellular con- the remainder is stored in soft tissue as phosphate, with
centration increases further, the transmembrane gradient is only 1% located in the plasma.49 The normal plasma
decreased, with prolongation of the P-R interval and QRS con-centration of phosphate is 3.0 to 4.5 mg/dL,
widening on the ECG. At this point, the risk of asystole or accounting for both organic and inorganic forms.
ventricular fibrillation due to cardiac conduction blockade Phosphate is important in energy metabolism, intra-
increases dramatically. Asystole may also occur due to de- cellular signaling (cyclic adenosine monophosphate and
cyclic guanosine monophosphate), cell structure (phos-
creased automaticity in the sinoatrial node. Occasionally,
pholipids), oxygen delivery (2,3-disphosphoglycerate),
hyperkalemia presents with neuromuscular symptoms such
regulation of the glycolytic pathway, the immune system, the
as paresthesias and skeletal muscle weakness.
coagulation cascade, and buffering to maintain normal acid–
base balance. Phosphorus regulation is a r esult of the
interplay of phosphate and calcium levels, vitamin D, and
The decision to treat hyperkalemia, in contrast to hypo- parathyroid hormone on gastrointestinal absorption, renal
kalemia, is based on the degree of increase in the serum reabsorption, and bone storage. Phosphorous ab-sorption
potassium concentration and the symptoms and signs from the gastrointestinal tract and reabsorption in the kidney
that are present. If ECG changes other than peaked T proximal convoluted tubules is stimulated by Vitamin D, and
waves occur, or if the serum potassium concentration is renal reabsorption of phosphorous is inhibited by the effects
greater than 6.5 mEq/L, the incidence of serious cardiac of parathyroid hormone. Renal disease disrupts this
compro-mise is high and rapid intervention is indicated. regulation, and ectopic tissue calcifi-cation as well as
Calcium is administered to rapidly offset the adverse
hyperphosphatemia may result.34
effects of potassium on cardiac conduction and contrac-
A decrease in the plasma concentration of phosphate
tility. Calcium activates calcium ion channels so that ion flux
permits the presence of a higher plasma concentration of
through these channels generates an action potential and
restores myocardial contractility, eff ctively antago-nizing calcium and inhibits deposition of new bone salts. Hypo-
the adverse cardiac effects of hyperkalemia. The IV phosphatemia (phosphorus concentration ,1.5 mg/dL)
administration of 10 to 20 mL of a 10% calcium chloride causes a decrease in the concentration of ATP and 2,3-di-
solution restores myocardial contractility in 1 to 2 min-utes phosphoglycerate in erythrocytes. Profound skeletal muscle
and lasts for 15 to 20 minutes. Some prefer calcium weakness sufficient to contribute to hypoventilation may be
gluconate over the chloride form because it induces more caused by hypophosphatemia, as well as central nervous
potassium secretion by the renal tubules. The IV adminis- system dysfunction and peripheral neuropathy. Causes of
tration of calcium must be slower in patients on digitalis hypophosphatemia include alcohol abuse; prolonged par-
preparations because acute hypercalcemia can precipitate enteral nutrition; medications such as acetazolamide, cate-
digitalis toxicity. Serum potassium concentrations are not cholamines, and theophylline; paracetamol overdose; large
significantly changed by IV administration of calcium. burns; recovery from hypothermia; hemodialysis; salicylate
Other measures to treat hyperkalemia include IV ad- poisoning; and gram-negative bacteremia.49
ministration of sodium bicarbonate, glucose-insulin mix-
tures, and b agonists to shift extracellular potassium ions
into the cells. Alkalization of the blood with sodium
bicarbonate, 0.5 to 1.0 mEq/kg IV, rapidly moves potas- Iron present in food is absorbed from the proximal small
sium into cells, decreasing the serum potassium level for intestine, especially the duodenum, into the circu-lation,
as long as the arterial pH i s increased. Glucose-insulin where it is bound to transferrin. Transferrin is a
446 Part III   • Circulatory System

glycoprotein that delivers iron to specific receptors on iron-deficiency anemia. Because iron-deficiency anemia
cell membranes. Approximately 80% of the iron in is so common in infants, menstruating females, and re-
plasma en-ters the bone marrow to be incorporated into cent parturients, mild anemia in these patients is typically
new eryth-rocytes. In addition to bone marrow, iron is treated empirically with iron supplementation before
incorporated into reticuloendothelial cells of the liver and pursuing a more exhaustive diagnostic workup. However,
spleen. Iron is also an essential component of many in males and postmenopausal females, iron deficiency is
enzymes neces-sary for energy transfer. A normal range much less common so it is important to search for a
for the plasma iron concentration is 50 to 150 mg/dL. cause of blood loss whenever anemia is present.
Iron that is stored in tissues is bound to protein as ferri-
tin or in an aggregated form known as hemosiderin. Hemo- Treatment
globin synthesis is the principal determinant of the plasma Prophylactic use of iron preparations should be
iron turnover rate. When blood loss occurs, hemoglobin reserved for individuals at high risk for developing iron
concentration is maintained by mobilization of tissue iron deficiency, such as pregnant and lactating females,
stores. Indeed, hemoglobin concentrations become chron- low-birth-weight infants, and females with heavy
ically decreased only after these iron reserves are depleted. menses. The inappropri-ate prophylactic use of iron
For this reason, the presence of a normal hemoglobin con- should be avoided in adults because excessive
centration is not a sensitive indicator of tissue iron stores. accumulation of iron may damage tissues.
The infant, parturient, and menstruating female may have In iron-deficiency anemia, administration of medici nal
iron requirements exceeding amounts available in the diet iron increases the rate of erythrocyte production, resulting in
and develop iron-deficiency anemia. Absorption of iron from a r ise in hemoglobin concentration within 72 hours. If the
the gastrointestinal tract is increased by ascorbic acid concentration deficit of hemoglobin before treatment is more
(vitamin C) or in the presence of iron deficiency. Antacids than 3 g/dL, therapeutic doses of oral or parenteral iron
bind iron and impair its systemic absorption. should increase the hemoglo-bin about 0.2 g/dL/day. An
increase of 2 g/dL or more in the plasma concentration of
Iron Deficiency hemoglobin within 3 weeks is evidence of a positive
Iron deficiency is estimated to be present in 20% to 40% response to iron. If this response to iron therapy is not seen,
of menstruating females but only about 5% of adult other causes of anemia should be considered, such as the
males and postmenopausal females. Attempts to prevent chronic blood loss, infectious process, or impaired
this de-ficiency of iron in large parts of the population gastrointestinal iron absorption.
include the addition of iron to flour, use of iron-fortified There is no justification for continuing iron therapy
formulas for infants, and the prescription of iron- beyond 3 weeks if a favorable response has not
containing vitamin supplements during pregnancy. occurred. If a r esponse to iron therapy is demonstrated,
the iron should be continued until the hemoglobin
Causes concentration is normal and continued for 4 to 6 more
Causes of iron-defi iency anemia include inadequate dietary weeks to rees-tablish iron stores. Full replenishment of
intake of iron, increased iron requirements due to tissue iron stores requires several months of therapy.
pregnancy or blood loss, or interference with absorption
from the gastrointestinal tract. Most nutritional iron defi- Oral Iron
ciency in the United States is mild. Severe iron deficiency is Ferrous sulfate administered orally is the most frequent
usually the result of blood loss, either from the gastro- choice for the treatment of iron-deficiency anemia and is
intestinal tract or, in females, from the uterus. Partial gas- available as syrup, pills, or tablets. Ferric salts are less
trectomy,50 malabsorptive bariatric surgery,51 and sprue are efficiently absorbed than ferrous salts from the gastroin-
causes of inadequate iron absorption. testinal tract. Although other salts of the ferrous form of
iron are available, they offer little or no advantage over
Diagnosis sulfate preparations. The usual therapeutic dose of iron
Iron deficiency initially results in a decrease in iron stores for adults to treat iron-deficiency anemia is 2 to 3 mg/ kg
and a parallel decrease in the erythrocyte content of iron. (200 m g daily) in three divided doses. Prophylaxis and
Depleted iron stores are indicated by decreased plasma treatment of mild nutritional iron deficiency can be
concentrations of ferritin and the absence of reticuloen- achieved with modest dosages of iron, such as 15 to 30
dothelial hemosiderin in a bone marrow aspirate. Plasma mg daily.
ferritin concentrations of less than 12 mg/dL are diagnos-tic Nausea and upper abdominal pain are the most fre-
of iron deficiency. Iron-deficiency anemia is defined as quent side effects of oral iron therapy, particularly if the
depletion of total body iron associated with a decreased red dosage is greater than 200 mg daily. Hemochromatosis is
cell hemoglobin concentration. The large physi-ologic unlikely to result from oral iron therapy that is admin-istered
variation in hemoglobin concentration, however, makes it to treat nutritional anemia. Fatal poisoning from overdose of
difficult to reliably identify all individuals with iron is rare, but children 1 to 2 years of age are
Chapter 17  • Intravenous Fluids and Electrolytes 447

most vulnerable. Symptoms of severe iron poisoning may patients or during periods of increased requirements as
occur within 30 minutes as vomiting, abdominal pain, and in growing children, pregnancy, lactation, or infection.
diarrhea. In addition, there may be sedation, hyperventi- Severe zinc deficiency occurs most often in the
lation due to acidosis, and cardiovascular collapse. Hem- presence of malabsorption syndromes. Symptoms of
orrhagic gastroenteritis and hepatic damage are often zinc defi-ciency include disturbances in taste and smell,
prominent at autopsy in fatal iron toxicity. If iron over-dose is suboptimal growth in children, hepatosplenomegaly,
suspected, a plasma concentration of greater than 0.5 alopecia, cutane-ous rashes, glossitis, and stomatitis.
mg/dL confirms the presence of a life-threatening sit-uation,
which should be treated with deferoxamine.
Parenteral Iron Chromium is important in a cofactor complex with insulin
Parenteral iron acts similarly to oral iron but should and thus is involved in normal glucose utilization.
be used only if patients cannot tolerate or do not Deficiency has been accompanied by a diabetes-like
respond to oral therapy. In addition, tissue iron syn-drome, peripheral neuropathy, and encephalopathy.
stores may be restored more rapidly with parenteral
iron than oral therapy. Th re is no evidence,
however, that the increase in hemoglobin is more Selenium
prompt with parenteral iron than with oral iron. Selenium is a constituent of several metabolically impor-
Iron dextran injection contains 50 mg/mL of iron and tant enzymes. A selenium-dependent glutathione per-
is available for IM or IV use. After absorption, the iron oxidase is present in human erythrocytes. There seems
must be split from the glucose molecule of dextran to to be a close relationship between vitamin E and sele-
become available to tissues. IM injection is painful, and nium. Deficiency of selenium has been associated with
there is concern about malignant changes at the cardiomyopathy, suggesting the need to add this trace
injection site. For these reasons, IV administration of iron element to supplements administered during prolonged
is pre-ferred over IM injection. A dose of 500 mg of iron hyperalimentation.
can be infused over 5 to 10 minutes.
The principal major adverse effect of parenteral iron
therapy is the rare occurrence of a severe allergic reaction, Manganese
presumably due to the presence of dextran. Less severe Manganese is concentrated in mitochondria, especially in
reactions include headache, fever, generalized lymphade- the liver, pancreas, kidneys, and pituitary. It influences
nopathy, and arthralgias. Hemosiderosis is more likely to the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides, stimulates
occur with parenteral iron therapy because it bypasses hepatic synthesis of cholesterol and fatty acids, and is a
gastrointestinal absorptive regulatory mechanisms. c ofac-tor in many enzymes. Deficiency is unknown
clinically, but supplementation is recommended during
prolonged hyperalimentation.
Copper is present in ceruloplasmin and is a constituent
of other enzymes, including dopamine b-hydroxylase and Molybdenum
cytochrome C oxidase. It is bound to albumin and is an Molybdenum is an essential constituent of many
essential component of several proteins. Copper is enzymes. It is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal
thought to act as a catalyst in the storage and release of tract and is present in bones, liver, and kidneys.
iron from hemoglobin. It is believed to be essential for the Deficiency is rare, whereas excessive ingestion has
formation of connective tissues, hematopoiesis, and been associated with a gout-like syndrome.
function of the central nervous system. Copper
deficiency is rare in the presence of an adequate diet.
Supplements of copper should be given during prolonged References
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