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Prose narratives in prehistoric Philippines consisted largely

or myths, hero tales, fables and legends. Their function was

Thousands of maxims, proverbs, epigrams, and the like have to explain natural phenomena, past events, and
been listed by many different collectors and researchers contemporary beliefs in order to make the environment less
from many dialects. Majority of these reclaimed from fearsome by making it more comprehensible and, in more
oblivion com from the Tagalos, Cebuano, and Ilocano instances, to make idle hours less tedious by filling them
dialects. And the bulk are rhyming couplets with verses of with humor and fantasy. There is a great wealth of mythical
five, six seven, or eight syllables, each line of the couplet and legendary lore that belongs to this period, but
having the same number of syllables. The rhyming practice preserved mostly by word of mouth, with few written down
is still the same as today in the three dialects mentioned. A by interested parties who happen upon them.
good number of the proverbs is conjectured as part of
longer poems with stanza divisions, but only the lines The most significant pieces of oral literature that may
expressive of a philosophy have remained remembered in safely be presumed to have originated in prehistoric times
the oral tradition. Classified with the maxims and proverbs are folk epics. Epic poems of great proportions and lengths
are allegorical stanzas which abounded in all local abounded in all regions of the islands, each tribe usually
literature. They contain homilies, didactic material, and having at least one and some tribes possessing traditionally
expressions of homespun philosophy, making them often around five or six popular ones with minor epics of unknown
quoted by elders and headmen in talking to inferiors. They number.
are rich in similes and metaphors. These one stanza poems
were called Tanaga and consisted usually of four lines with Filipinos had a culture that linked them with the Malays in

seven syllables, all lines rhyming. the Southeast Asia, a culture with traces of Indian, Arabic,
and, possibly Chinese influences. Their epics, songs, short
The most appreciated riddles of ancient Philippines are poems, tales, dances and rituals gave them a native Asian
those that are rhymed and having equal number of syllables perspective which served as a filtering device for the
in each line, making them classifiable under the early Western culture that the colonizers brought over from
poetry of this country. Riddles were existent in all Europe.
languages and dialects of the ancestors of the Filipinos and
cover practically all of the experiences of life in these

Almost all the important events in the life of the ancient

peoples of this country were connected with some religious
observance and the rites and ceremonies always some
poetry recited, chanted, or sung. The lyrics of religious
songs may of course be classified as poetry also, although
the rhythm and the rhyme may not be the same.

Drama as a literary from had not yet begun to evolve among

the early Filipinos. Philippine theater at this stage
consisted largely in its simplest form, of mimetic dances
imitating natural cycles and work activities. At its most
sophisticated, theater consisted of religious rituals
presided over by a priest or priestess and participated in
by the community. The dances and ritual suggest that
indigenous drama had begun to evolve from attempts to
control the environment. Philippine drama would have taken
the form of the dance-drama found in other Asian

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