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Age Fetal Development Approximate Approximate

Length Weight

By 8 Head and heart grow rapidly 2.5 2 grams

weeks Head is larger than trunk centimeters
Central hemispheres appear
Face elongates
Eyelid folds have developed by eyes are still far apart
Flat nose and recognizable mouth
External ears look similar to final appearance
Arms, legs, fingers and toes are distinct
Heart and liver are prominent

The end of the eighth week marks the end of the "embryonic period"
and the beginning of the "fetal period"
By 12 Intestinal villi form  7 centimeters 28 grams
weeks Bladder and urethra separate from rectum 
Kidneys begin to secrete urine that makes up the amniotic fluid 
Bronchioles branch and pleural; lungs assume definitive shape 
Pericardial cavities appear 
Thyroid and pancreas begin to secrete hormones 
Red blood cells are produced in the liver 
Sex distinguishable 
Bone ossification occurs; tooth buds appear 
Able to suck and swallow 
Eyelids close and will not reopen until about the 28th week 
By 16 Joint cavities are present  10-17 15-120 grams
weeks Bile is secreted  centimeters
Intestines assume normal position; meconium is made 
Kidneys in proper position
Lanugo develops on the head 
Testes begin to descend into inguinal canal
Skin is almost transparent 
Sucking motions are made with the mouth 
By 20 Brain grossly formed  16-25 225-300
weeks Spinal cord myelinization begins  centimeters grams
Lanugo hair covers entire body 
Eyebrows and lashes appear 
Nails appear on the fingers and toes 

The mother can feel the baby moving 

The fetal heartbeat can be heard with a stethoscope 

By 24 External genitalia discernible  24-28 680-1000
weeks Skin red and wrinkled  centimeters grams
Lungs begin to produce surfactant 
Meconium present in rectum 
Eyes are structurally complete 
By 28 Rapid brain development occurs  35-38 1000-1200
weeks Face matures  centimeters grams
Eyelids open and close 
The baby has a hand and startle reflex 
Immature respiratory system can support gas exchange 
Viable as a neonate with intensive care 
By 32 Increase in subcutaneous fat  43-48 2400-2800
weeks Hair evident  centimeters grams
Still covered with vernix caseosa 
Can turn head side-to-side 
Skin begins to smooth out
Bones are fully developed, but soft and pliable 
Chance of survival outside utero increases 
By 36 Lanugo begins to disappear  43-48 2400-2800
weeks Subcutaneous fat continues to increase  centimeters grams
Elongation of spinal cord almost complete 
Good chance of survival 
By 40 Baby is full term  48-52 2800 grams or
weeks Both testes have descended in the male  centimeters more
Lanugo has disappeared 
All organ systems have developed 

Fetal circulation normally ceases to exist after birth:

By removing the placenta reservoir, the baby's venous resistance/blood pressure goes up

By filling the lungs with air, the blood pressure in the lung arteries does down; this
eventually leads to the closing of the two areas for shunting:

Patent foramen ovale - the circulation in the lungs increases and more blood
flows into the left atrium of the heart; this increased pressure causes the foramen ovale to close
and blood circulate normally

Patent ductus arteriosus - because the ductus arteriosus (the normal connection
between the aorta and the pulmonary artery) is no longer needed, it begins to constrict and
close off

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