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Positive Affirmations for Job Interview Success

Job interviewing can be a daunting experience for job-seekers, and can fill the most
confident of us with dread and anxiety.

The law of attraction says that our thinking creates and brings to us whatever we
think about, so if you belong to a group of job seekers, try to think of the
result, when it comes to a job interview or anything else.
Remember, there is no reason to get stressed – just relax. If you fail your first
interview, you can succeed at the second or third interview. Do not give up! That’s
the key. Never give up.

Learn to deal with the stress or anxiety before the job interview using positive

 Everything is in perfect order

 I feel great
 I am good at job interviews
 I am eager to start this new job
 I am perfectly prepared
 I am relaxed and confident
 I am impressive and charismatic
 I always give a great first impression
 I got the job
 I am a great worker
 I love job interviews
 Job interviews are easy
 I have a lot to contribute
 I have excellent communication skills
 I’ve got everything under control
 I am confident and believe in myself
 I find it easy to be interviewed for a job
 I am grateful for a successful job interview

AFFIR THIS DAILY …7 times…and see the positive result…Stay Happy….Stay Positive…

Thanks Divine…
Reiki and Karmic Healing
The word ‘Karma’ carries with it a negative connotation. It is often associated with
suffering and pain. Many view it as a kind of punishment for their misdeeds. Some
also believe that this punishment is imposed by God or a higher power who decides
what is right and what is wrong. Many children are frightened into believing that if
they do not comply, God will punish them for being bad. This belief is taken as truth
and causes deep rooted fear.

And then there is the parallel belief that the more good one does, the more good
karma he or she accumulates. It is believed that good karma is rewarded while bad
karma invites punishment.

Karmic principles and laws are valid but they are not something to fear or to be taken
literally. There is no one up there who is judging every thought, word and action of
ours and making a note of how we must be punished for our so called sins.

We Create our Own Reality

We create our karma. Period.
Though it does not appear so, the deepest truth is that we have been creating our
own reality since the beginning of time. We have operated from a state of non-
awareness for eons of time, which may amount to several incarnations for many of
us. In every incarnation of ours (including the present one), we have created karmic
patterns, some positive and some negative. This was created by our relationship with
our selves, with others and with the whole of existence. It is not always easy to accept
that we create our own reality, especially when faced with issues like severe illness,
abuse or something else that happened to us for no seeming fault of ours. However,
with power comes responsibility and there is no easy way out. If we take
responsibility for our lives, we also receive the power to heal karmic issues. If we
choose to blame others, we give our power away and continue to remain stuck in
karmic loops.

Karma can be of varied kinds such as:

1. Individual Karma – This is karma that is limited to an individual. It can show up as
struggles with health, relationships, finances and the like.
2. Collective Karma – When a group of related or unrelated people share a similar
issue, they are said to be recipients of collective karma. Victims of war, accidents and
other unfortunate group incidents fall into this category.
3. Ancestral Karma – This is where patterns are passed on from generation to
generation. Genetic illnesses, early deaths, frequent miscarriages, abuse, violence,
dysfunctional relationships and the like fall into this category.
Every karmic experience has a lesson in store for us. Once we learn the lesson, the
pattern drops away of its own accord and the karma is healed. This is easier said than
done as it can be mind boggling to analyse the dynamics of karma. However, in order
to heal karma, it is not necessary to know what happened in each of our lifetimes or
even to ponder over everything that happened in our current lifetime.

People often wonder if Reiki helps with karmic healing. The good news is that it most
certainly does. It is not necessary for us to do anything special in order to heal karmic
issues with Reiki. All it needs is that we surrender to the energy of Reiki and then go
with the flow.
It is important to remember that once we heal, we break free from the respective
karmic cycle. It is not necessary that every other person who is karmically involved
with us must also heal at the same time.
How Reiki Helps with Karmic Issues
 The Reiki attunement opens us up and we invite more divine energy to flow through our
bodies. This contact with Reiki increases our awareness quotient. We become aware of
self limiting patterns in our lives, which is the first and most important step towards
healing karmic patterns.
 Reiki heals at the cellular level and goes right to the root cause of every issue. It brings
up hidden patterns and memories that need healing from across space and time. It gives
us opportunities to heal past life issues, without always having to be aware of what
exactly happened.
 If we need to see some past lives in order for karmic healing to occur, Reiki helps even
with that. It leads us to the right resources and teachers who may help us go back in time
and heal.
 Some amount of karmic healing automatically happens after being attuned to each level
of Reiki. By the time one reaches the Master Level, one can expect to have healed plenty
of individual karma. Karmic healing can continue even after the Master Level but that is
often tailored to healing oneself for a global cause or a larger purpose.
 Reiki also invites Divine grace into our lives. Often, a touch of divine grace can help ease
the process of karmic healing and reduce the number of bumps on the road.
 In cases of ancestral karma, by choosing to heal ourselves, we also contribute to healing
our family tree. Our decision to heal an unhealthy pattern can bring healing to many
generations before and after us.
We have all chosen to make Reiki a part of our lives. So, let us surrender to the
energy and allow it to lead us. Let the energy lead us right back to our own inner
light, where we finally discover that all karma is of our own doing. So we may then
wake up from our dream, whole and healed. And possibly enjoy a hearty laugh at the
end of it!
Healing Past Karma with Reiki
When one is faced with difficulties that don’t make any sense, one is often prompted to ask
where the trigger of such a problem might lie. Today, many people find themselves asking if
these problems are due to previous karma and if this is the case, how can such karma be

What is Past Karma?

There are two types of karmic baggage that we bring with us from the past. One is the
type where we have hurt others in some way, and this is coming back to haunt us. The
other is where someone has hurt us, and we have refused to forgive, thereby carrying
a conscious or subconscious desire to hurt the other, or see the other ‘learn a lesson’.

While the first type might be impacting our present, the second type more likely
impacts our future.

How Does Karma Work?

Karma is nothing but attachment, and the circumstances around it propagate a
continuation of this attachment. For instance, if a person A loves some object, say a
vintage pot, and person B breaks this pot in a fit of anger, karma is created. Not so
much due to the breakage of the item, but because of the person’s attachment to it.
Person A now wants to teach the other a lesson. So eventually, they exchange roles,
and just for the sake of the example, let us assume that again, a pot is broken – this
time by person A. Now person B wants to teach A a lesson, and the story continues.

These things get further complicated when we want to punish ourselves. When we are
very attached to our sense of right and wrong, we not only want others to be punished,
but we are also much harsher on ourselves. At the time of death, many of us review our
mistakes and decide to punish ourselves. The healing of this aspect is of prime
importance with regards to healing ones past lives.

Will this Make my Problems Go Away?

People very commonly mistake karma for problems. They are not the same thing.
Every action has a set consequence, and nothing can change that. For example, if one
is trying to come to the USA from Australia, there is going to be an ocean to cross. It is
absolutely impossible to drive all the way. Every journey has its share of obstacles, and
if anything, these obstacles only help us grow, evolve and mature. Taking away our
problems will take away our potential to grow.

Karma does not bring problems. It brings suffering. Suffering distracts, and prevents
us from seeing clearly and finding an easy solution. Healing your past karma may or
may not clear your problem entirely, but it will help you come to terms with what is
going on, and deal with it the best you possibly can.
How Can I Let it Go?
Karma, as I mentioned, is nothing but a continuation of attachment. Unless we let go
of our own attachments – either attachments to certain people or objects or the
attachment to the idea of seeing someone else learn a lesson and improve, the karma
cannot be completely cleared.

The Process
Bringing oneself in complete acceptance of the present situation along with the
emotions that are being triggered is the most effective way to dissolve all karma.
However this is not always easy, so here’s a process that you can follow to reduce your
karmic impact on a difficult current situation.

Deepen your Insight: The first step would be to obtain a deeper insight into what
impact the situation is having on us. Writing helps tremendously with this process,
and I suggest spending some time writing for a few days, about what your feelings
about your current situation are. Write only about your own feelings, and not about
what others should or should not be doing. As you write about your feelings, ask
yourself if there is another emotion hiding underneath what you are feeling. For
example, one might be angry at first, but on further investigation, might realize that it
was actually humiliation or helplessness that was being masked by the anger. A little
time spent in investigation everyday can take you very deep and greatly enhance your
Embrace your Feelings: Once you are clear what feelings this situation invokes,
the next step is relaxing in these feelings. It is when we try to escape feeling a certain
way that we get deeper into trouble. So, although it may sound counter intuitive, think
about your current situation, feel the way it makes you feel, and allow this to happen.
I would suggest not trying to rush through the process – it may take you a few days of
practice to be able to relax into the feeling. By this, I mean that you will be comfortable
with the feelings that come up, without a desire to make the feeling go away by doing
or saying something to somebody.
You could also combine this process with your self-healing, allowing the feeling to
come up just before you begin, and then going through your Reiki self-healing, so that
Reiki can help with your process.

Dissolve the Past: Once you are comfortable in the feeling, it is time to heal the past.
Bring your energy to your Heart chakra, and request Reiki to:
1. Connect you with all events that are contributing to the current situation in your life (and
then draw the distant healing symbol if you have completed level 2).
2. Heal all emotions associated with these situations and people (and then draw the
emotional healing symbol if you have completed level 2).
3. And to help to retain your focus in your heart, so that you can view everything through the
perspective of love, faith and compassion (and then draw the physical healing symbols if
you have completed level 2).
4. If other people are also involved in your situation, imagine them all sitting in front of you
and flood them with love and energy.
5. Sit quietly for some time, allowing your body to settle into the new energies.
The deepest healing does not occur in a sudden burst, but is the result of continuous
dedication. Done over a period of time, this process will help you release much of the
karma that is holding you back in life.
Karmic Reiki
We have all heard the proverbs “As you sow, so shall you reap” or” What goes around
comes around.” To most people these proverbs appear simple, but they are actually
talking about the Universal Law of Cause and Effect – Karma. The word ‘Karma’ is a
Sanskrit word which means action.

Karma can be good or bad. The effects therefore will come as rewards or lessons and
punishments. However, the law of Karma states that for every deed that is committed
by a person, its corresponding effect might not happen in the same lifetime, but can
be in other lifetimes. We often experience obstacles, setbacks in our life though we
put in hard work. That is our Karma!

Our soul’s purpose of taking birth and rebirth is to heal our Karma. This can be in
various forms. Trauma in a past life, can lead to illnesses in the present life. Or a
negative relationship in a past life can lead to failing relationships in the next life.

The Karmic debris we bring with us during birth can have “energy objects” found in
our Aura. Objects such as knives, ropes, tar etc. in the Aura of course represents
negative energy in the body. This energy enters our chakras and causes various
diseases. PCOD, Fibroid, Syphilis, etc. are considered karmic diseases. Reiki heals
and releases negative energy and blocks from the Aura to the chakras.

Karmic Reiki Symbols:

Karmic Reiki is a beautiful and gentle form of Reiki to heal and cleanse our Karma.
The symbols work on emotional, mental, physical, spiritual and Auric levels. There
are 5 symbols in Karmic Reiki. There are 2 symbols which ease the effect of
“anonymous karma” or unknown karma and there are 3 sister symbols which are
very powerful and can reveal astonishing details from a person’s past lives.

1. The Emotional Butterfly – Channeled Symbol –Karmic Cleanser

This symbol heals emotions attached with negative Karma. It is similar to a

combination of Sei Hei Ki and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. It brings subconscious feelings
to the surface. It should be drawn on the heart chakra and your palms for healing.
Emotional outburst may happen during karmic cleansing.

2. Taoist Grace – Channeled Karmic Symbol

Grace is used to remove repetitive patterns of behavior such as negative thinking or

birth trauma. Grace neutralizes the negative energy in the body and works at the root
cause. Draw it on the whole body of the client or on your palms.

The 3 Karmic Sister Symbols:

1. Karmic Blockage Vaporizer – Mei Ku Do (May Koo Doe)

This symbol is very powerful. It helps in removing “energy objects” such as knives,
ropes, tar, etc. from the aura by vaporizing it like a Fire extinguisher. Only faint
traces of the karmic symptom will remain. This symbol might create pressure, fear,
etc. as the healing is very intense.

2. Karmic Shadow Cleanser – Mei Tu nyo (May Too En Joh)

This symbol helps in clearing the shadow left behind in the aura after the Karmic
block vaporizer is used. It restores normal flow of energy. Interestingly, this symbol
may create burst of laughter and Euphoria.
3. The Guide connection – Shi te Myo (She They Me Oh)

This symbol creates a closer connection with our Reiki guide hence intensifying the
treatment. It works well in Co-dependency issues on Individual and Relationships.
This symbol should be used cautiously as its frequency is even higher than the
Master Symbol.

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