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The Liberating Bliss of the Communio in Christo (Prayer)

Friday (10-01-2020) - S. 309/P.460 

Reflection on the prayer prepared by Fr. Thomson Pazhayachirapeedikayil
In the lives of the saints, we can be inspired by the last moments of men and women
who lived completely for God. Even under the most painful and terrible circumstances, their
dying words reveal a peace that can only come from knowing that they will soon see the One
they lived for and loved so much. And the last prayer Mother written is heart touching
because mother writes it with full conviction and gratitude that Mother has fulfilled the
mission she was entrusted by God almighty.

Mother says „I see the moment of my death when I awake, enveloped in light.” When
I have gone through the life of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity she also speaks about the light at
the hour of her death. She says “I am going to the light, to love, to life!’ They were her last
intelligible words.”

In the Gospel of St. John Chapter 8 Verse 12 we read “When Jesus spoke again to the
people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,
but will have the light of life.’” Here it is very clear that Jesus is the light. Apart from Jesus,
we live in darkness. When mother says she was enveloped in light it means she was away
from the darkness of sin. When somebody or something is enveloped or surrounded by light,
the others can see only the light. The Author of Light- God has the authority to illuminate His
creation in its truest form.

A boat needs navigational lights to avoid running into the shore, aground or into other
vessels at night. Light prevents aimless drifting. Captains follow blinking channel markers
and lighthouses at night. Now, GPS coordinates steer ships, but the Captain and crew still
need to know how to navigate by the stars, buoys and lights in case of an electrical

At the last prayer when mother says she is enveloped in light it means the message and
life of mother stands always as a light which is illuminated by the Holy Spirit to find the
problems of the church which is like a boat wavering in the middle sea. Just as ships follow
lights to ensure safe passage, so we rely on the Light.

And in the prayer we see all the mystical elevation and fullfillness of mother. In the
book Beyond Mysticism by James R. Horne we read “Mysticism as a kind of salvation in
which members of the human race evolve to a new level of consciousness “ and he explains
the change in consciousness can be found in some characteristics .

Some of them are:

a. The subjective light. That we have already explained now.

b. The moral elevation. That we see when mother prays “Powerfully You freed me from
captivity, saving me with your blood. You revealed Your love to me and let me see that
nothing on earth is of value unless founded on Jesus Christ.” Christian morality is completely
established on the law of love; this law is the basis and summit of it.

c. The intellectual illumination. That we see when mother prays “My intellect attains total
comprehension. I view my whole life in the unity of body and soul.”

d. The sense of immortality. That we see when mother prays “I listened to You in faith.
Hopefully I trusted in a life after death...”

e. The loss of the fear of death. There is but one gift given to us that enables us to honour
You: gratitude, the great sign of love, in which we lovingly recognize our Redeemer and
comprehend the meaning of the Cross. When mother says comprehending the meaning of the
cross means the loss of the fear of death.

On the cross Jesus faced death in all of its dimensions. He was killed by suffocation and
torture, but this was only the physical cause of his death. As he died he bore the wages of sin,
suffered the malice of the evil one, and experienced the holy wrath of God. He, the innocent
one, willingly died for the guilty. When he freely gave up his life, death was slain by God,
and Jesus rose to new life. God’s grace destroyed the destroyer, and death was thrown into
hell. Because of Jesus, life has the last say. Because of Jesus you don’t have to experience
death as he did. He has already paid for your sins. You will die physically, but rise to life
eternal (John 3:16).

f. The loss of the sense of sin. That we see when mother prays “The world of light reveals its
colors, becoming existence. Powerfully you freed me from captivity, saving me with Your

So from the last prayer it is very clear that mother is an extra ordinary Saint and Mystic. And
mothers life is an exemplary life in this modern age ……

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