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Zakat is one of the most important pillars of Islam. It is mandatory for every muslim who is
financially stable, to pay zakat to the poor and needy. Zakat is an act of worship which every
muslim should perform to help the underprivileged muslims. In Quran, zakat is discussed for a
number of times. What Is The Meaning Of Zakat And What Is Zakat In Islam.

“And be steadfast in prayer and regular in charity: And whatever good ye

send forth for your souls before you, ye shall find it with Allah” (Qur’an



Zakat is obligatory on someone who is
1- A free man or woman: A slave does not have to pay Zakat.
2- A Muslim: Zakat is a religious obligation upon Muslims, like the five daily prayers.
3- Sane: The person on whom Zakat becomes obligatory must be of sound mind
according to Imam Abu Hanifa.
4- Zakat must be paid by Muslim adults who are mentally sane and in possession of
an amount of wealth (net assets) above the Nisab.

“And be steadfast in prayer and regular in charity: And

whatever good ye send forth for your souls before you, ye shall
find it with Allah” (Qur’an 2:110)

Conditions of ZAKAT:

1) Zakat must be paid by Muslim adults who are mentally sane.

2) Zakat must be paid by Muslim adults who have wealth above the Nisab.
3) To be eligible to receive zakat, the recipient must be poor and/or needy. A
poor person is someone whose property, in excess of his basic requirements,
does not reach the Nisab threshold.
4) The recipient must not belong to your immediate family; your spouse,
children, parents and grandparents cannot receive your zakat. Other
relatives, however, can receive your zakat.
5) The money given to the poor as zakat should be earned in a HALAL manner.
6) Zakat means a must to do transfer of ownership of some of the wealth or
property of the giver, according to the estimated rate of 2.5%, to the needy or
poor Muslims in any part of the world
7) If all of your wealth is in gold, the value of the gold you own must be at – or
above – the gold nisab in order to be eligible to pay Zakat.

1. Al-Fuqara: They don’t have enough wealth to meet the basic
necessities of life.
2. Al-Masakin: These people don’t have any type of income or
3. Zakat Collectors: The administrators or organizations who are
authorized to receive zakat to distribute among the poor people.
4. Those who converted to Islam: People who newly converted to
Islam and have no means to survive because of detachment from
5. Slaves and Captives: Those who are kept as slaves. Your zakat can
help freeing captives or slaves.
6. Debt-Ridden: Those who have no means to pay off their debts.
7. In the cause of Allah: Those who are fighting in the path of Allah are
entitled to receive zakat.
8. The Wayfarer: A traveler who is left alone in another land and is in
dire need of money to get back to his home.


“The alms are only for the poor and the needy, and those who collect them,
and those whose hearts are to be reconciled, and to free the captives and
the debtors, and for the cause of Allah, and (for) the wayfarers; a duty
imposed by Allah. Allah is knower, Wise.” (The Holy Qur’an 9:60).
Sadaqa describes a voluntary charitable act towards another being, whether through
generosity, love, compassion or faith. These acts are not always physical or monetary;
simple things like a good deed, a helping hand, a smile, guiding others towards the right
path and preventing evil are all seen as acts of Sadaqah.

These acts are carried out with Allah SWT in mind.


Zakat is an obligatory charity while sadaqa is a non-obligatory charity.

NAFLI SADAQA (sadaqa-e-jariya):

Nafli sadaqah is charity that is optional in nature. This type includes alms given for the
removal of difficulties, philanthropic (to give out of mercy to the less fortunate), the
general giving of any Halal item to any one etc ... Charity above the amount of Zakah
and Sadaqah Wajibah.

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