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A Brief Orientation to Christiac Merkaba Mechanics

(Extract from “The Forbidden Testaments of Revelation” Workshop Handbook: Feb. 2003)

Copyright A’shayana & A’hzayana Deane, 2003, All Rights Reserved

Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings TM Series

(Please note: The following is a very basic overview of Christiac Merkaba structure and function, and does not address
the extensive corresponding EOMC data pertaining to Christiac Merkaba geometries/spin rates/Phase- building,
Manifestation Mechanics, First-Creation Physics, the DNA Template, chemical DNA,
Personal/planetary/galactic/universal 15-Dimensional Anatomy, Star Gate Ascension Maps, advanced Bio-Spiritual
Evolution Veca technologies and Eternal Flame Body Activation presently available within the EOMC Maharata Texts
“Dance For” Programs.)

If one had training in natural Base-12 Christos Merkaba Mechanics, those taught on Earth by Jesus Christ
between 1OAD-27AD and also taught by the true Grail Line races throughout Atlantian and pre-Atlantian
history (and by the Christos Founders Races in our Time Matrix for over 950 Billion Years), one would
understand the organic structure and purpose of Merkaba and how it fits in directly with the “Science of the
Shields", the “Eternal Flame Body”, DNA Template Mechanics, Universal Radial Body structure, 15-
Dimensional Bio-spiritual Anatomy, the Maps of the "Ascension" Star Gates, the creation of Electrons,
Protons, Neutrons and Atoms AND the role that the Christiac Merkaba Field and Merkaba Vehicle play in
relation to Core First-Creation Mechanics. One would know the differences between a Merkaba SPIRAL,
Merkaba FIELD, Merkaba VEHICLE, and the Base, Actual, Peripheral, and Parameter FIELDS of the Merkaba.
One would also understand the various Merkaba Vehicle Phases and how each Phase directly corresponds to
a specific matter density level, set of DNA Strand Templates, level of personal Bio-spiritual identity, level of
Shield (Manifestation Template) structure, AND space-time cycle coordinate, angular-rotation-of-particle-spin
and set of corresponding Universal Star Gates.

If one does not understand the CONTEXT, purpose and Cosmic Order within which Merkaba FIELDS exist, one
will be reciprocally unable to comprehend the context, purpose, organic structure or natural FUNCTION of the
personal Merkaba VEHICLE, activation of which is required to achieve Eternal Life, Ascension, time travel or
Star Gate passage. The Merkaba VEHICLE is a transient Merkabic structure of interwoven, spiralling electro-
magnetic fields that, when activated, allows for molecular cohesion of the physically manifest atomic body
structure during Star Gate travel and ascension. Activation of the personal Merkaba Vehicle is ALSO required,
and under natural conditions occurs automatically, at specifically set time intervals, in order to replenish the
natural supply of Life Force energies through which the Immortal "Breatharian", original "Angelic Human”
and “Indigo-Oraphim" Eternal Life body forms are perpetually maintained. Unlike the Merkaba VEHICLE, the
Merkaba FIELD is not a transient Merkabic structure; the Merkaba FIELD is a permanent, and highly ordered
natural structure of inter-connected electro-magnetic energy spirals that exist as an integral part of ALL
CREATION. The personal Merkaba Field is a specifically structured, intrinsic part of the natural 15-Dimensional
Anatomy of every life-form and manifest matter form.

The personal Merkaba Field represents the organic personal Merkabic Circulatory System through
which consciousness manifests into space-time-matter and by which embodied consciousness receives a
continual supply of Life Force energy, "Stream of Multidimensional Consciousness” and open personal
relationship to God-Source while ensconced within manifestation. When functioning naturally, the
microcosmic personal Merkaba Field interconnects with the larger, macrocosmic Planetary, Galactic,
Universal and Cosmic Merkaba Field Anatomy, the Cosmic Merkabic Circulatory System, and through this

macrocosmic interconnection the infinite worlds of microcosmic existence perpetually cycle into and out of
manifestation via a personal, INTERNAL connection to an Eternally Living God-Source. Everyone and everything
manifest HAS a personal Merkaba Field, whether or not one chooses to acknowledge the existence of this natural
part of personal anatomy. If the personal Merkaba Field is damaged, (as the Merkaba Fields of ALL Earth life forms
have been since 208,216BC), the natural open connection to the “Eternal Life Stream” and the living God-Source
also becomes damaged, as the damaged personal Merkaba Field cannot fully synthesize the natural Life Force
Currents perpetually emanating through the Cosmic Merkabic Circulatory System. A damaged personal Merkaba
Field Is utterly incapable of activating the natural Merkaba VEHICLE through which the Divine Freedoms of self-
directed space-time transit, natural Star Gate passage, genuine Spiritual Identity Integration and real “Ascension” are
possible. Understanding of Christos Merkaba Mechanics provides the technical knowledge through which one can
SELF-HEAL the damaged Merkabic Circulatory System, thus providing the tools through which one can reclaim the
natural heritage of genuine personal Merkaba VEHICLE activation.

The Natural Christiac Merkabic Circulatory System and the Merkaba Vehicle

If one knew basic precepts of Christiac Merkaba Mechanics, one would know that EVERYTHING MANIFEST
has a specifically ordered, organic 15-Dimensional Merkaba Field. The Manifestation Template or “Shield" for a
singular 15-Dimensional lime Matrix is composed of the Blueprints for 5 separate but inter-connected, 3-
dimensional Density Radial Bodies or 'Energy Capsule Manifestation Arenas" that collectively form the 5
Harmonic Universes of one 15-Dimensional Time Matrix. Each of the 5 Harmonic Universe Radial Bodies is
characterized by a specific Matter Density Level, station of Consciousness and Level of Spiritual Identity, that
enters manifestation via the Scalar-standing-wave Blueprint held within the Time Matrix Shield; thus there are 5
Density Radial Bodies that form 5 (3-dimensional) Matter Density Levels and 5 corresponding stations of
consciousness and Spiritual Identity in one 15-Dimensional Time Matrix. The 5 Harmonic Universe Density
Radial Bodies of a singular Time Matrix are the 5 3-dimensional "Manifestation Arenas" in which the
experiential hologram of space-time-matter and linear passage through time come into manifestation. The 5
Density Radial Body manifestation fields of a Time Matrix are CREATED BY, within and through the macrocosmic
15-Dimensional Universal Merkaba Field structure, which is composed of Interconnected COUNTER-Rotating
Universal Merkaba SPIRAL SETS. Density Radial Bodies naturally form within the center of each Counter-rotating
Merkaba Spiral Set, and the transformation of Primal Life Force Currents into the sub-atomic particle units of
which matter is composed takes place WITHIN each Density Radial Body through the dynamics inherent to the
Universal Merkabic Circulatory System.

Every personal Merkaba Field reflects Universal Merkaba Field structure, forming a 3-dimensional Density Radial
Body within the center of each of 5 personal Density Merkaba Spiral Sets, which together form the tangible
electromagnetic structure of an individual's personal 15-Dimensional Anatomy through which the Spiritual
Conscious Identity embodies to experience manifestation. The 15-Dimensional Universal Merkaba Field is the
organic structure or "Universal Merkabic Circulatory System" by and through which Primal Life Force
Currents/Consciousness perpetually flow from God-Source into and out of manifestation, perpetually
creating the 5 Density Radial Bodies that form the 5 Harmonic Universes in every 15-Dimensional Time
Matrix, via activation and de-activation of the corresponding Dimensional frequencies within the Time
Matrix Shield. (Note: Earth, our Solar System and perceivable Galaxies in "outer space" are ALL presently in
Harmonic Universe-1/ Density-1/Dimensions-1-2-3 of one 15-Dimensional Time Matrix). The 15-
Dimensional Merkaba Field and the 15-Dimensional Merkabic Circulatory System of this Time Matrix to
which all natural personal Christiac Merkaba Fields are connected, have a very specific structure. Each of the
specific 15 Dimensional Frequency Bands of a Time Matrix forms one smaller set of 2 COUNTER-ROTATING
Dimensional Merkaba Spirals that when fully activated represent one Dimensional Merkaba Field; thus

there are 15 smaller Dimensional Merkaba Fields in one 15-Dimensional Time Matrix. Each of the 5 specific
3-dimensional Harmonic Universe Density Radial Bodies forms through a larger set of 2 COUNTER-ROTATING
Density Merkaba Spirals that when fully activated represent one Density Merkaba Field; thus there are 5
larger Density Merkaba Fields, each containing 3 smaller Dimensional Merkaba Fields in one 15-Dimensional
Time Matrix. ALL natural, ORGANIC Christiac Merkaba Fields possess this intrinsic structure, including the
natural personal Merkaba Field.

The personal Merkaba Field becomes the personal Merkaba VEHICLE through activation of corresponding
dimensional frequencies within the personal Shield Manifestation Template. Activation of specific natural
frequency sequences within the personal Shield Template causes each of the 3 smaller personal Dimensional
Merkaba Fields in one larger personal Density Merkaba Field to activate synchronistically, allowing the frequencies
of the 3 smaller Dimensional Merkaba Fields to merge together and expand into the corresponding larger Density
Merkaba Field. When at least two larger personal Density Merkaba Fields (each with their inherent 3 smaller
Dimensional Merkaba Fields) synchronistically activate, through corresponding Shield Template activation, the 2
larger Density Merkaba Fields merge to form a Trans-Harmonic Merkaba VEHICLE, which allows for the atomic
structural integrity of the matter form within the Vehicle to be maintained during Star Gate passage through
the "Voids" (Magnetic Repulsion Zones) that exist between Harmonic Universe Radial Bodies. Activation of
the Trans-Harmonic Merkaba Vehicle causes the organic personal Density Radial Bodies within each personal
Density Merkaba Field to release their electromagnetic barriers, enabling the separate Density Radial Body
“Manifestation Arenas" of more than one Matter Density Level and space-time vector to "open into”- and
merge with each other. Activation of the Trans-harmonic Merkaba Vehicle in biological life forms creates an
intricate reciprocal set of activations within the chemical DNA, hormones and neuro-networks, which allows
for atoms in one space-time-vector to release Atomic Vector Phase-lock to shift their spin axis into the natural
spin axis characteristic to another lime-vector. Release of biological Atomic Phase-lock allows the atomic form to
"turn to light-sound particle units" within the spiralling Merkaba Vehicle wave form, shift the Merkaba Vehicle
axis to the new space-time coordinate and instantaneously re-emerge and re-manifest the atomic form within
the new space-time vector through de-activation of the Trans-Harmonic Merkaba Vehicle.

The activated Trans-Harmonic Merkaba Vehicle creates at its center a natural, multi-layer, inter-
dimensional "Transient Radial Body Structure” called the "Trans-Harmonic FORM CONSTANT ATOMIC
Window” which is an elliptical-sphere-standing-wave-field that forms INSIDE of the COUNTER-ROTATING
electromagnetic Merkaba Spirals around the physical matter form; the Form Constant Atomic Window
also forms simultaneously within the physical matter form around and within the manifest
atoms. It Is the Trans-Harmonic Form Constant Atomic Window wave-field Transient Radial Body
“energy capsule” that "holds the blueprint of atomic structure together” during natural "Void
Transit", "Space-Time Travel”, Star Gate passage or "Ascension". The natural Christiac Merkaba
Vehicle structure can form only through specific activation of the personal Shield Template and
related energy structures inherent to the natural Christiac Merkabic Circulatory System, which is
built upon the natural order of COUNTER-Rotating Merkaba Spiral Sets. COUNTER-ROTATION of
the 2 corresponding Merkaba Spirals in a spiral set means that the “top" Merkaba Spiral spins in
one direction, while the “bottom" Merkaba Spiral spins in the OPPOSITE direction. THIS is
the natural CHRISTOS INTERNAL Merkaba Field spin relationship upon which organic
"Eternal Life”, Perpetual Motion, Cosmic, Universal and Microcosmic structure is built.

If one knew all of the above in relation to Christos Merkaba mechanics, one would also
understand how it is through the COUNTER-ROTATION of the 2 Merkaba Spirals that compose a
larger 3-Dimensional Density Merkaba Field, and synchronized COUNTER-ROTATION of the 2
Merkaba Spirals that form each of the corresponding 3 smaller Dimensional Merkaba Fields, that

the natural organic structure of the non-transient 3-Dimensional Density Radial Body or
HARMONIC FORM CONSTANT spherical-standing-wave-field within which all manifestation takes
place, is formed. The natural Harmonic Form Constant is the organic Density Radial Body “energy
capsule” within which atomic manifestation of matter form occurs through the specific
“holographic projection” of living, conscious, Primal Life Force Currents.

The "Internal Divine Trinity" and the "Inner Christ"

All things within manifest creation SHARE a COMMON SHIELD or Manifestation Template,
called the COSMIC SHIELD scalar-standing-wave template, that Is composed of De-polarized
"OMNI-POLAR" (Tri-polar) positive-negative-neutral-electrical charge PARTIKI units (elliptical-
sphere-scalar-standing-particulate-waves) that serve as the underlying “Creation Fabric” or
COSMIC UNIFIED FIELD within and through which Bi-Polarity, electro-magnetism and many sets of
Parallel Universes and Parallel Time Matrices can simultaneously co-exist. The living
consciousness of the Cosmic Shield represents the first perpetually individuating expression of
God-Source identity as God-Force or LIFE FORCE expression; this first expression of eternal, living
God-Force/Life Force is known as the ManU Force, often known as the "HOLY SPIRIT" or "Great
Spirit". From and within the unified ManU expression of God-Source emerge simultaneously the 2
smaller, polarized “Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine” ManA and EirA God-Force Life Force
expressions; together these first 3 expressions of God-Source AS God-Force/Life Force create the
TRUE "Divine Trinity" of Cosmic Creation. The ManU, ManA and EirA God-Force Life Forces are
NOT external "Creator Gods” demanding “worship"; they represent the first three levels of living
God-Source consciousness expressing as conscious, sentient, intelligent Life Force energy, existing
WITHIN God-Source; God-Source created a portion of ITSELF as this Divine Trinity Life Force FIELD
OF CONSCIOUSNESS, to serve as the Unified Field of Living Consciousness WITHIN WHICH the
experience of all manifest creation and identity individuation could take place. ALL energy,
consciousness and manifestation emerge WITHIN and are COMPOSED OF the Life Force energies of
the God-Force Trinity; separation from God-Source is only an Illusion we can create for ourselves while within
individuated manifestation, when we forget the OMNIPOTENT nature of Creation through the OMNIPRESENT
God-Force Divine Trinity.

Through the ManU-ManA-EIrA God-Force Divine Trinity the “Divine Child" of the Cosmic KRIST (known on
the smaller UNIVERSAL level as the “CHRIST") is perpetually born. The Cosmic Krist is the living God-Force
consciousness field created through the specific combining of the ManU-ManA-EirA God-Forces within a very
specific "DIVINE DESIGN”, by which the First Creation of Manifest Expression could occur, was enabled to
remain perpetually in motion, and through which God-Source and its many manifestations of SELF can retain
an Eternal, Perpetual OPEN Inter-relationship. The Cosmic Shield of ManU-Holy Spirit consciousness serves as
the Cosmic STILL POINT of Creation, and holds within itself the smaller Cosmic Templates of Divine Masculine-
ManA and Divine Feminine-EirA consciousness, called the POLARITY SHIELDS, through which sets of negative-
electrical charge Particum Universes and positive-electrical charge Parallel PartikA Universes characterized by
the experience of space-time-matter-movement, perpetually circulate into and out of manifestation through
the Cosmic Shield and the inherent KRIST CODE DESIGN of the Cosmic-Kristiac and Universal-Christiac
Merkabic Circulatory System. Through the Sacred KRIST CODE “mathematical-geometrical" PROGRAM FOR
MANIFEST CREATION, the CHRISTOS SEED ATOM and the Divine Blueprint for Eternal Life and At-ONE-ment
with God-Source are perpetually created, as the FIRST CREATION is perpetually renewed via continual
circulation of the ManU-ManA-EirA Divine Trinity through the Cosmic-Universal-Galactic-Planetary and
PERSONAL INTERNAL Krist/Christ Code and Merkabic Circulatory System.

The Christos Seed Atom, Divine Will, Free Will and the Natural Laws of Energy

Through the First KRISTOS Seed Atom, which exists as a LIVING Spark of God-Source Consciousness expressing
in the form of Omni-polar "Standing-wave" energy, the Natural Divine Order through which dimensional
structure, time-cycle rhythm and synchronization, Merkaba Field structure and spin rates, particle/anti-
particle and electrical/magnetic polarity balances and the expansion and contraction rhythm of Primal Life
Force Currents into and out of a Time Matrix are set and perpetually re-created. ALL Macrocosmic Manifest
expression (universes, galaxies, planets, beings, atoms etc.) emerges through and initially carries the Natural
Divine Order of the First Kristos Seed Atom, and EVERY Microcosmic Manifestation of individuated expression
also emerges through and initially carries the Natural Divine Order of the First Kristos Seed Atom. The first
Cosmic Kristos Seed Atom, the “Living Eternal Cosmic Kristos", exists within the portion of the Cosmic Shield
known as the KRIST or "Krist Template". The Krist is a specifically arranged Living Manifestation Template,
existing with the "Divine Trinity” ManU-ManA-EirA God-Force Consciousness Field, which perpetually holds
the Divine Blueprint or precise “Technical Specifications of DIVINE ORDER" upon and through which Eternal
Life Cosmic Creation is created. The Cosmic Kristos Seed Atom is the Living, Sentient Consciousness Field,
formed by the intermingling of the Divine Trinity God-Forces, which emerges as an elliptical-sphere-standing-
wave-body within the Center Point of the Cosmic Krist Template, allowing the unified ManU-"Holy Spirit"
God-Force to emerge within the Kristos Seed Atom center as the “Eternal INTERNAL Flame" of God-
Consciousness, or “open two-way-swinging door” between God-Source and manifestation fields within IT.
The Eternal INTERNAL Flame of ManU-Holy Spirit energy at the center of the Cosmic Kristos Seed Atom is often
called the “Amoraea Flame”, which means “Eternal Flame of Divine Love”. The Cosmic Kristos Seed Atom is
formally known as the AZUR-A, which means the “Center Point of Eternal Creation”. Fuelled eternally by God-
Source via the “Eternal INTERNAL Amoraea Flame” at its center, the Cosmic Krist Seed Atom perpetually creates
smaller "Replicas" of Itself to serve as the “Living Seeds" and Divine Blueprint from and within which Time
Matrices, Universes and their inherent matter systems are perpetually born. The smaller Replicas of the Cosmic
Kristos Seed Atom are called “Universal Christos Seed Atoms". Each Universal Christos Seed Atom carries within
itself a smaller replica of the Eternal Internal Amoraea Flame "2-way-swinging door to God-Source”, and
EXPANDS outward FROM itself a smaller replica of the Living Cosmic Krist Template, called the “Universal Christ
Template” or “Universal Christ Divine Blueprint". The Universal Christ Template serves as the Blueprint for
Divine Order of consciousness and energy through which manifest Universes and their contents perpetually
emerge and can perpetually RETURN to the De-manifest state of At-ONE-ment with God-Source.

Each 15-Dimensional Time Matrix Is seeded by God-Source and the Cosmic Kristos Seed Atom with only
ONE Universal Christos Seed Atom. This FIRST Universal Christos Seed Atom perpetually exists within and
MANIFESTS AS the D-12 "Universal Christos" Pre-matter Liquid Light (elliptical) spherical-standing-wave-field;
the “Universal Christos Field" IS A CONSCIOUS IDENTITY IN BEING, a Living aspect of God-Source, sentient,
intelligent, UNCONDITIONALLY LOVING, ALLOWING and AWARE. As in its own individuated creation, the
singular Universal Christos Seed Atom of a Time Matrix creates many smaller, individuated replicas of Itself
called GOD SEED Atoms or PERSONAL God-sparks, each imbued the potentiality for individuated expression
while retaining the God-Source attributes of the Krist Divine Blueprint, Free Will, Eternal Life and the Power of
Co-Creation at their core. ALL individual manifest beings within a Time Matrix and its Universes come into
being through initial embodiment of the God-spark, which exits as a living standing-wave of tangible,
quantifiable RADIATION within the core Divine Blueprint Shield Manifestation Template upon and through
which a matter-form or individuated consciousness manifests. As Manifest Creation was set in motion upon
the God-Source Original Divine Intention of Perpetual Motion, Eternal Life, Love Based, Co-creative, FREE Will
expression, (a direct reflection of the nature of God-Source), the Universal Christos Seed Atom and its D-12
Universal Christos Consciousness Unified Field, embody this intention and thus Love Unconditionally while

ALLOWING the Right of Free Will Choice, even if that choice leads to the Choice of OPPOSITE EXPRESSION to
the Original Intention and Divine Will of God-Source.

However, as God-Source Divine Original Intention includes the characteristics of PERPETUAL MOTION and
ETERNAL LIFE expression, as well as the characteristic of Free Will Choice, (through which the Original Divine
intention could potentially be destroyed through Free Will Choice of Opposite Expression), the Cosmic Kristos
Seed Atom and its Universal Christos reflections ALSO EMBODY the characteristic of CONSERVATION of Original
Divine Intention, which expresses in terms of NATURAL PHYSICS LAW as the dynamic of “CAUSE AND EFFECT"
or “Action and Reciprocal Reaction". In terms of Natural Spiritual Law the dynamic of Conservation of Original
Divine Intention expresses as the LAW OF RECIPROCITY, also known as “You will REAP what you Sow” or
"What Goes Around Comes Around”, which is the dynamic of CONSEQUENCE TO CHOSEN ACTION as the
temperance to Free Will Choice. Neither God-Source, the Cosmic Kristos, nor the Universal Christos
consciousness pass Judgment upon individuated manifestations of themselves that choose to embody the
Opposite Expression of God-Source Will, BUT the MECHANICS OF PHYSICS that God-Source created as the
mechanics of Cosmic Order are themselves imbued with the God-Source Original Divine Intention of
PERPETUAL MOTION, ETERNAL LIFE expression AND Conservation of these attributes of creation. Cosmic
Order is DESIGNED TO BE A SELF-SUSTAINING, SELF RE-BALANCING SYSTEM. If through the excessive misuse
of Free Will Choice, the Choice of Opposite Expression of Divine intention reaches a point at which it jeopardizes
the Perpetual Motion, Eternal Life expression and continued existence of Cosmic Order, the Cosmos itself will
restore order and balance through Re-Creation of the Divine Blueprint via the dynamics of "cause and effect"
energy interrelationships inherent to the design of Cosmic Creation Physics Mechanics. This implies that there
are, indeed ordered, intelligent, NATURAL LAWS OF ENERGY AND CONSCIOUSNESS upon which the Cosmos
functions in perpetual expression of the Divine Original Intention of the God-Source that created them.
Manifest Creation was given the GIFT of Free Will expression within the greater context of DIVINE WILL
EXPRESSION. As the Natural Laws of Energy and Consciousness are created as an expression of DIVINE WILL
intention, the Free Will Choice of Opposite Expression will unavoidably have its CONSEQUENCE within the
organic God-Source created framework of the Natural Laws of Energy and Consciousness. Individual Manifest
identities can teach themselves some very difficult Lessons of Love and Cooperative Co-Creation in this regard,
as many “Fallen Angelics" utilizing External Anti-Christiac Reversed Merkaba technologies have discovered.

The Universal Christos D-12 Density Divine Blueprint Pre-matter Living Liquid Light Field represents a direct
expression of Divine Will Original Intention and the embodiment of the Natural Physics Laws of Energy and
Consciousness through which that intention is perpetually expressed. The FIRST Christos Seed Atom that each
birthing 15-Dimensional Time Matrix receives renews this Universal Christos Expression eternally. Everything
must initially pass through the Cosmic Kristos Seed Atom and Universal Christos Seed Atom Divine Blueprints in
order to enter the Manifestation Arena, and everything, without exception, must pass back through the
Universal Christos and Cosmic Kristos to RETURN to full de-manifest At-ONE-ment with God-Source. When
manifest beings use their gift of Free Will Choice within Cooperative Co-creative relationship to the intrinsic
Natural Laws of Energy and the Original Divine Intention the state of At-ONE-ment with God-Source can be
known and embodied while within the manifest experience. Being both a sentient Individual manifest AND
simultaneously KNOWING Oneself as a direct, embodied expression of Christiac God-Source is known as the
state of "God-Actualization"; this state creates the experience of FULLY ENGAGED NON-ATTACHMENT, (not DIS-
ENGAGED DETACHMENT) accompanied by perpetual Unconditional Love, Peace, Spiritual and Material
Mastery and Ecstatic Joy within the manifest arena.

Manifest beings are enabled to experience this state of 'God-Actualization" due to the “two-way-
swinging door to God”, the living Eternal Internal Amoraea Flame standing-wave of ManU-Holy
Spirit that resides within the center of the personal Christos Seed Atom Azur-A at the Center Point

of the personal Inner Christ Divine Blueprint. The Holy Spirit Eternal Internal Flame is NOT just a
"spiritual concept"; it is a tangible, quantifiable standing-wave of living ManU- God-Force
consciousness expressing in the form of a standing-wave of Energy Radiation, within the
Universal Christos Seed Atom AND within the embodied Personal God-Spark Seed Atoms
of every living manifest form. The Personal God-Spark Seed Atom within the Shield
Manifestation Template of an individual exists as the portion of PERSONAL ANATOMY
through which the natural energy conduits between the manifest Self, Universal Christos,
Cosmic Kristos and the Cosmic Divine Trinity ManU-ManA-EirA God-Force PRIMAL LIFE

The natural energy conduits by and through which the Primal Life Force Currents/ Eternal LIFE
FORCE of the Divine Trinity God-Force circulate from God-Source, through the Cosmic Kristos,
Universal Christos and Personal God-Spark Seed Atoms and back to God-Source again ARE the
many Interconnected sets of COUNTER-ROTATING Kristiac/Christiac Merkaba Fields. The
Kristiac/Christiac Merkaba Fields, inherent to the FIRST Creation Divine Design, connect each
individual manifestation, every atom and molecule of manifest matter and every unit of
consciousness to God-Source and to the Eternal Limitless Supply of living Consciousness AS
Energy that God-Source perpetually provides. However, due to the inclusion of Free Will Choice
within the Original Divine Intention and Cosmic Krist Divine Blueprint, the Perpetual GIFT of
the Universal Christiac Seed Atom or Personal God-Spark Seed Atom can be cut off or severed
within the manifest systems of Time Matrices and Universes, through excessive application of
Opposite Expression Free Will Choice and the CONSEQUENCE of energy and action such Choice
can bring.

The natural function of the Kristiac/Christiac Merkabic Circulatory System is designed to operate
interdependently with the Cosmic Kristos Seed Atom and smaller Universal Christos and God-Spark
Seed Atoms. Without the perpetual supply of renewed energy radiation expanded and contracted into
manifestation via the ManU-Holy Spirit Eternal Amoraea Flame “2-way-swinging door to God” at the
Kristos/Christos Seed Atom Center, and the Clockwise and Counter-clockwise Rotating Merkaba Spiral
sets that perpetually expand and contract this energy simultaneously into and out of manifestation,
the First Creation would be a FINITE CREATION, as the original Energy-consciousness used to set
Creation in motion would eventually SELF-CONSUME and expend its Life Force energy following the
“closing of the door to God-Source”. Just as the Cosmic Merkabic Circulatory System depends upon the
Kristos/Christos Seed Atom and Eternal Amoraea Flame to provide it with continuous function, the
Kristos/Christos and God-Spark Seed Atoms depend upon the natural function of the Merkabic
Circulatory System to circulate their Eternal Life Force energy perpetually into and out of manifestation.
The Cosmic Kristos Seed Atom and its corresponding Cosmic Merkaba Field Spirals are designed to
function in perfect balance eternally, ensuring that the Eternal Life Creation Framework itself remains
intact and perpetually self-sustaining. The smaller Universal Christos and God-Spark Seed Atoms are also self-
sustaining, but the Merkabic Circulatory Systems of Time Matrices, Universes and individual manifestations ARE
SUBJECT TO THE INFLUENCE OF FREE WILL CHOICE, which means that the Merkaba Fields of singular Time
Matrices, and the universes, galaxies, solar systems, stars, planets and individual life forms residing in them can
become damaged or dysfunctional through the use of Opposite Expression Free Will Choice.

The characteristic of apparent "Vulnerability" of the smaller Universal Merkabic Circulatory System, and the
counter-balance of the “Divine Invincibility” of the Cosmic Merkabic Circulatory System was intentionally
created by God-Source as an intrinsic aspect of the Cosmic Krist Divine Blueprint and Kristos Seed Atom, as the
means by which the “Paradox of Free Will" could be successfully managed within the Original Divine Intention of

Eternal Life, Perpetual Motion Kristiac/Christiac Creation. As Original Divine Intention set Creation in motion upon
a premise of Free Will Choice, God-Source recognized that the undesirable potential for Opposite Expression
existed inherently within the desired expression of Free Will Creation Itself. Though creation of Opposite
Expression was NOT the intention of God-Source, nor was the “Creation of Evil" as a “counter-force" a DESIRED
EXPLORATION upon which God-Source chose to embark, God-Source recognized that the potential for Opposite
Expression or "Evil" must be ALLOWED in order to fulfil the Original Divine Intention of individuated Free Will
Kristiac/Christiac Expression. Understanding this paradox, God-Source thus imbued the Divine Design of Original
Creation with the LAW OF ALLOWANCE and its unavoidable translation into Cosmic Physics Mechanics of the
"Law of Tolerances” or the LAW OF DIVINE BALANCE.

The Divine Blueprint for the Law of Allowance provides for full range of Free Will Choice, even that of direct
Opposite Expression to Divine Christiac (Eternal Life) Intention, or “Anti-Christiac Expression”, WITHIN THE
CONTEXT of the Law of Divine Balance through which ALLOWANCE exists within a greater structure of
Harmonious Balance between Kristiac/Christiac and Anti-Christiac Expression. At the point where ALLOWANCE
of Free Will Choice of Opposite Expression overly stresses the inherent Tolerances of energetic interrelationship
within the Original Divine Design, and thus threatens continued expression of the Original Divine Intention of
Eternal Life-Perpetual Motion Creation, the Spiritual Law of Reciprocity and its Natural Physics Law translation
of Cause, Effect and CONSEQUENCE TO ACTION will RESTORE BALANCE to the Manifest Creation. Cosmic
Order was designed to express the Original Kristiac-Christiac Divine Intention of Perpetual Motion, Eternal Life,
Love-based, Free Will Creation. Both the Original Divine Intention and the gift of Free Will Choice regarding
Opposite Expression are provided for within the Laws of Allowance and Balance; both are allowed expression,
within the natural energy Tolerances required to ensure Conservation of the Original Divine Intention and the
Eternal Life Manifestation Framework which both Divine Expression and Opposite Expression require in order to
exist. The Law of Balance applies to the relationships between "Force, Counter-force and a natural balance
between the two”, by and through which both Christiac Eternal Life Creation AND the potential for Anti-Christiac
Opposite Expression can co-exist within a greater balanced order that ensures the Preservation of the Original
Creation Framework that both depend upon.

Through these Natural Laws of Allowance, Balance and Reciprocity imbued within the Cosmic Krist Divine
Blueprint for Cosmic Creation, each individuated manifestation of God-Source is ACCOUNTABLE for applied use
of Free Will Choice and will experience the CONSEQUENCE of REACTION in direct proportion to Chosen Action,
through the Spiritual Law of Reciprocity and the Natural Physics Law of Cause, Effect and Consequence. This
framework for creation allows for the potential of Free Will Choice of Opposite Expression in the manifest
arenas of Time Matrices and their Universes, within the greater context of Perpetual Balance Restoration through
the Omnipresent Divine Will Expression as held within the Cosmic Krist Design. God-Source did not "create
evil" or Anti-Christiac Opposite Expression as a DESIRED INTENTION, but rather allowed for the POTENTIAL of
its creation in order to FULFIL the Original Divine Intention of Kristiac/Christiac Eternal Life Free Will Creation.
This implies that God-Source DOES HAVE A PREFERENCE between "Good and Evil" and that Cosmic Order Is
designed to express this preference for Kristiac/Christiac Creation. This also implies that there ARE fixed
"Cosmic Laws" or “rules" by which the intricate mechanics of Creation perpetually unfold, and that these rules
can be explored through Opposite Expression within a specific set of limitations before the Natural Laws of
Balance and Reciprocity restore Divine Order through the physics dynamics of Cause, Effect and Consequence.

Use of Free Will choice in Co-Creation with the Original Divine intention of the Kristiac/Christiac ideal produces
Eternal Life, Freedom and unlimited experiences of manifest expression, fuelled by an unlimited supply of energy
provided through a perpetually open, personal, INTERNAL relationship with God-Source. Use of Free Will Choice
within the allowance of Anti-Christiac Opposite Expression produces Finite Life, Self-imprisonment and a
progressively self-limiting experience of manifest expression, fuelled by the limited supply of energy originally

given by God-Source through the first Kristiac/Christiac Creation, a supply of Life Force energy that will be
progressively expended and self-consume if it is not renewed through Chosen Reconnection to the Cosmic
Kristiac Eternal Life framework. In relation to the function of the Merkabic Circulatory System, Free Will used in
Co-creation with Divine Will retains the Original Divine Design of the personal God-Spark Seed Atom, its open
connection to the Universal Christos Seed Atom and thus an open conduit of perpetual Primal Life Force energy
circulation between God-Source and the manifest, that continually self-balances and self-replenishes through
the specific Divine Design of Christiac COUNTER-Rotating Merkaba Spiral Sets. Use of Free Will in Opposite
Expression to Divine Will progressively influences the natural function of the Merkabic Circulatory System
inherent to Time Matrices, their Universes and the life forms there within. Progressive Free Will choice of Anti-
Christiac expression creates a reciprocal reflection of REVERSAL OF SPIN of the natural Merkaba Spirals, which
in turn progressively lessens the ability of the reversing personal Merkaba Spirals to draw Life Force energy
from the naturally rotating planetary, galactic and universal Merkaba Spirals.

Reverse-Merkaba, the Anti-Christiac Seed Atom & Path of Diminishing Return

The dynamic of Merkaba Field “Vulnerability” to Free Will Choice allows manifest beings the
opportunity to explore Free Will Opposite Expression through “life lessons” brought about by Cause,
Effect and Consequence, in which the experiential illusions of “Limited Supply" and “separation from
God-Source" can be explored, ideally leading one to look inward toward rediscovery of the natural Path
of Joy that exists through Christiac Divine Will expression. The “Invincibility" of the Cosmic Merkaba
Fields allows for this Vulnerability of the smaller Time Matrix and Universal Merkaba Fields to exist
without threatening the Conservation of Eternal Original Creation. In Time Matrix and Universal Order,
if exploration of Opposite Expression becomes excessive, the personal Merkabic Circulatory System
becomes progressively damaged until a “point of critical mass distortion” is reached, causing the
personal Merkaba Spirals to COMPLETELY REVERSE SPIN, which creates complete separation from the
natural Cosmic and Universal Kristiac/Christiac Merkabic Circulatory System; this is a condition called
"Monadic Reversal”. In the condition of Monadic Reversal, the Reverse-spin Merkaba Fields overpower
the natural Shield Manifestation Template causing the Shield to reverse spin, which in turn causes
reverse-spin of the "Azur-A" God-Spark Seed Atom at the Shield Center. Reverse-Spin of the Seed
Atom causes the ManU-Holy Spirit "Eternal Internal Flame" “2-way-swinging door to God" at the Seed
Atom center to PERMANENTLY CLOSE; the Seed Atom becomes an Anti-Christiac Seed Atom.

The Reverse-spin Anti-Christiac Seed Atom can no longer circulate Life Force energy from the naturally
rotating Universal Merkabic Circulatory System and thus becomes a FINITE LIFE Seed Atom fuelled by the
LIMITED SUPPLY of energy that remained within its own Shield Template and personal Merkabic
Circulatory System when Monadic Reversal occurred. Confined to its own “energetic quarantine”, the
Reverse-spin Anti-Christiac Seed Atom "turns in on itself`”, becoming an “internal Black Hole" that
progressively “self-consumes” as it first expands all of the limited energy of its Reversed Shield and
Merkaba Fields outward into manifest expression, then reverses polarity and progressively draws the
expanded energy back into its center, growing progressively denser at the core, as the Merkaba Field and
its “Form Constant” manifestation arena reciprocally become Compacted, manifesting a condition called
MOLECULAR COMPACTION. As the reversed Anti-Christiac Seed Atom and Merkaba Field reach critical
mass density compaction, the Anti-Christiac Seed Atom finally implodes under its “own weight” as
particles and anti-particles at its core progressively undergo internal fusion, "annihilate” each other, then
transmute through internal fission, causing the Shield Template to shatter and the Merkaba Field to
collapse. This unfortunate transition is the real meaning behind the statement of "Ashes to Ashes, Dust to
Dust”, as the units of conscious energy that once composed the form and individuated identity undergo

compacted internal atomic fusion, atomic annihilation and atomic fission in their “return to space dust"
pre-particle/anti-particle units, following which the pre-units, as undifferentiated units of conscious energy,
return to the original area of the Time Matrix from which the Monadic Reversal “fall" occurred. This is NOT
the natural God-Source Intention and applies only to beings who have used Free Will Choice in fulfilment of
Opposite Expression, by which the permanent condition of full Merkaba, Shield and Monadic Reversal
occurs. Christiac manifestations DO NOT experience the self-annihilation inherent to the "Return to Dust”
that is characteristic only of the path of Anti-Christiac expression.

Joy, Sorrow, Replenishing & Diminishing Return and the Path of the Christos

God-Source expresses ALL Creation WITHIN ITSELF; the framework for manifestation of Time
Matrices and Universes is NOT EXTERNAL to God-Source, it is INTERNAL. ALL Creation resides
WITHIN God-Source and God-Source resides WITHIN ALL Creation. Knowing this, God-Source
understands that NOTHING BUT OPPORTUNITY FOR JOY IS EVER LOST; individuated aspects of
God-Source that chose excess of Opposite Expression to experience the consequence of self-
termination through Monadic Reversal, return to units of space-dust that are contained
WITHIN the manifest fields of Time Matrices, which are themselves contained WITHIN God-
Source. Though original individuality and the potential for Eternal Life Co-creative expression
ends with the "return to dust" for those fulfilling the intention of Opposite Expression, the units
of God-Source consciousness of which such individualities were composed ARE eternal and
return to God-Source as part of the Primal Life Currents that recycle perpetually through the
eternal Merkabic Circulatory System. God-Source has a PREFERENCE of Christiac use of Free
Will Choice, for through this choice great Joy and limitless Co-creative endeavor can be
experienced by individuals manifest and shared with God-Source eternally. “Christed" beings
perpetually interact with God-Source, both within manifestation and when they chose to return
to the de-manifest state of At-ONE-ment; they embody a quality of consciousness that is
known as KNOWING INNOCENCE. In the Choice of Opposite Expression the opportunity for
individuals to experience such Joy is lost to them, yet there is mercy within the process, as such
individuals do not remember that such Joy exists and thus do not fully experience the reality of
what opportunity they have lost. Beings fulfilling the Choice of Opposite Expression return to a
state of undifferentiated identity that is known as UNKNOWING INNOCENCE.

The process by which Reverse-Merkaba Anti-Christiac Seed Atoms cause self-annihilation of the
cohesive matter form and consciousness that compose them is a natural process ONLY in that it
represents expression of the "Law of Balance" as eternally programmed into the Cosmic Krist and
Universal Christ Divine Blueprint. Anti-Christiac Self-annihilation caused by Merkaba Reversal is NOT
the Original Divine Intention of God-Source, nor is it a preference of desire of God-Source, but it is
rather the “by-product” or consequence of the necessary "Law of Balance that God-Source imbued
into the Physics Mechanics of First Creation in order to ensure Conservation of the Original First
Creation while allowing for the gift of Free Will Choice. The Original Divine Intention of God-Source Is
Creation of a self-sustaining, Love-based, Perpetual Motion, Eternal Life "Manifestation Arena”, an
intention that is imbued within the Cosmic Physics Creation Mechanics of the Cosmic Krist Divine
Blueprint and fully reflected within the Natural Laws of Reciprocity, Allowance and Balance. God-
Source is the Original ONE-Source out of which ALL individuation emerges. God-Source has no
conflict within ITSELF regarding the issue of Free Will and the potential of Opposite Expression. Upon
projecting portions of its own identity into individuation within the Manifestation Arena of Time
Matrices and Universes, God-Source fully agrees to the Natural Laws and Conditions that IT set for

ITSELF regarding balanced use of Free Will Creation Power and ACCOUNTABILITY FOR CHOSEN
ACTIONS. The Natural Laws of Kristiac/Christiac Creation and the RESPONSIBILITY for
ACCOUNTABILITY In the use of Free Will are fully understood by each individuating aspect of God-Source
upon ITs original projection into manifestation.

If individuated aspects of God-Source choose to go against the Original Divine Intention and Divine Will once
entering manifestation, to embark exploration of the Path of Opposite Expression, they are allowed to make
this choice, but the choice is made while knowing of the potential Cause, Effect and Consequence to Action
that will be set in motion through the Natural Laws of Reciprocity and Balance. Those choosing as their
manifest experience the Path of Opposite Expression, which is known as the "Path of Diminishing Return" or
the 'Path of Sorrow", are allowed and encouraged to MAKE A BETTER, more FULFILLING CHOICE, but the
decision and the responsibility for its consequence belong to the individual and God-Source will not violate the
personal Free Will of ITs manifest aspects to impose the Kristiac/Christiac Intention. God-Source does not
"assign" portions of its manifest individuality to mandatory experience of the Path of Sorrow. This path simply
exists as the necessary counter-balance to the gift of Free Will Choice in the application of Creation Power.
Individuals and collectives choosing the Path of Opposite Expression will inevitably reach a point of
confrontation with the Sorrowful Path of Diminishing Return and final Self-consumption through Self-
annihilation of the Anti-Christiac Seed Atom, IF they choose to ignore the lessons offered by the Natural Laws of
Reciprocity, Allowance and Balance, which are collectively known as the “Laws of Divine LOVE”. God-Source
does not experience guilt, nor will God-Source accept blame for the consequence of Free Will Choices made by
individuals manifest. If the "Life Lessons of Divine Love' are honored BEFORE Monadic Reversal occurs, ANY
being, regardless of how “Opposite” to Divine Will its expression had been, can MAKE A BETTER CHOICE, and
re-choose to honor the Path of Joy in the Christos, through which its consciousness, AND the natural function
of its Merkabic Circulatory System and Christos God-Spark Seed Atom can be restored. The path of Eternal Life
and continual At-ONE-ment with God-Source, which is made possible through the INTERNAL
Kristos/Christos/God-Spark Seed Atom and Krist/Christ Divine Blueprint, is known as the “Path of Replenishing
Return", the “Path of Joy” or the “Path of the Christos".

The Path of the God-Seed, the Path of the Host and the "Trial Cycle"

God-Source does not judge, but only LOVES Unconditionally. God-Source does not render punishment or
retribution against those returning from the Anti-Christiac Path of Sorrow. The PATH ITSELF IS THE
"PUNISHMENT” in this regard, due to the restorative Healing Work required. For one to return to the Christiac
Path of Joy from the Anti-Christiac Path of Sorrow, the Natural Laws of Physics imbued within the Cosmic Krist
Blueprint will themselves provide the necessary Re-education in Christiac expression. Inherent to the Law of
Reciprocity, and its manifestation through the natural attributes of Cause, Effect and Consequence, is the
necessity of a being to progressively restore each set of damaged dimensional frequencies within its own
Merkaba Spirals and Shield Template, until the Merkabic Circulatory System and Shield Manifestation Template
are restored to their original, natural Divine Blueprint, by which the organic Christos God-Spark Seed Atom and
its inherent Eternal Internal Flame of ManU-Holy Spirit can reawaken within the personal manifestation. In
terms of experience, this restoration of the Merkaba and Shield can often be accomplished rapidly in a single
lifetime, through Conscious Evolution, by which REAL Divine Creation Mechanics are used consciously and
directly to restore the D-12 Divine Blueprint within the Shield Template and Merkaba Field,
thereby allowing the natural Christos God-Spark Seed Atom and Eternal Internal Flame "2-way-
swinging door to God” to RESET within the personal Shield.

The path of Conscious Evolution allows for the most rapid restoration of the Merkabic
Circulatory System, through which the natural flow of Primal Life Force Currents, integration of

their corresponding Christiac Attributes of Consciousness, Christiac Eternal Life Potential and the
direct, OPEN personal connection to God-Source are most easily restored. The path of Conscious
Evolution is often referred to as "The Path of the God-Seed", an evolutionary option that is
available to beings who have experienced a lesser degree of Shield/Merkaba Field damage and
who have not come near the "critical mass damage point” of Monadic Reversal.

For beings who have come close to the "critical mass damage point" of Monadic Reversal and have
entered the last phase of Merkaba/Shield reversal through excessive Free Will Choice of Anti-Christiac
Opposite Expression, the Law of Reciprocity necessitates that restoration of the Shield and Merkabic
Circulatory System to Christiac status be rendered more slowly than the rapid Healing available
through Conscious Evolution on the Path of the God Seed. In this slower path of evolutionary healing,
known as the "Path of the (“Heavenly") Host", sometimes called the “Path of Redemption", a being
will "retrace its steps" and “set right" whatever it had "set wrong" through making "Christiac Free Will
Choices” as it moves back through the spiralling cycles of space-time-event that are held within its own
reversed Merkaba fields. Experientially, the "Path of the Host" translates into the experience of
numerous Finite-life incarnational time cycles through which an individual (or collective, planet, galaxy
or universe) passes, following the Christiac "Opposite Expression" of the original Anti-Christiac
“Opposite Expression" path it initially chose. This implies that if one “played the victimizer” while upon
the Anti-Christiac Path of Opposite Expression, one will return to “play the victim” through
manifestation of the reversed energy patterns held in one's own Shield, Merkaba and DNA, in order to
“feel directly the consequence of one’s previous actions", so that one can begin to comprehend the
importance, necessity and benefit of genuine Christiac Free Will Choice while learning the eternal
lessons of the “Natural Laws of Divine Love," through which Free Will, Divine Will and Creation Power
are eternally balanced. The Path of the Host also includes tempered lessons for those who have played
exaggerated “Victim" roles within the path of Anti-Christiac expression, in which "perpetual victims"
often find themselves as playing covert victimizing roles through which they have opportunity to discover
that "playing victim", like "playing victimizer", is also a role of relinquishing personal power to outside
sources and serves as a means of covert victimization through which power, resources, attention,
validation etc. can be drained from others. When "victims and victimizers" both learn to "own their
dramas" and turn INWARD toward the Christos Within in order to rediscover the reality of unlimited
power, the lessons of “Opposite Expression" upon the Path of the Host become reciprocally and
progressively easier. The Path of the Host, also known as the “Path of Unconscious Evolution", is a
“last resort” for beings who have become ensnared within the Anti-Christiac illusions of the Path of
Sorrow, and who have failed to embrace the Path of the God-Seed and Conscious Evolution before
entering the last phase of Shield/Merkaba Field reversal. Experientially, the last phase of
Shield/Merkaba Field Reversal that directly precedes full Monadic Reversal, permanent conversion
to the Anti-Christiac Seed Atom and one-way entry to the Path of Diminishing Return, is characterized
by an incarnational cycle that is known as the “Trial Cycle", through which Free Will Choice is
progressively tested against the "Universal Lessons of Divine Love”, allowing an opportunity for accelerated
learning of the Natural Laws of Divine Love. If the “Trial Cycle” produces a sufficient degree of learning and the
being becomes genuinely committed to the unconditional practice of Christiac Free Will Choice, the Path of the Host
becomes the Path of Mercy, in which the final-phase of Monadic Reversal is averted through the assistance of a HOST
MATRIX direct from the Universal Christos Field. Through the Christos Host Matrix, the damaged personal Shield/
Merkaba Fields are temporarily suspended within the "Host" Shield and Merkaba Field of the Universal Christos Divine
Blueprint, for a rapid evolutionary cycle through which the natural Divine Blueprint and God-Spark Seed Atom are
personally restored. In order for a being to remain upon the Path of the Host, the personal Shield and Merkaba Field
must be able to “anchor” a critical mass of D-12 frequency from the Universal Christos Seed Atom at the specific point in
time when the "Trial Cycle" ends. If this is accomplished successfully, the being will remain upon the Path of the Host

within a set of evolutionary cycles known as an "Ascension Cycle”, in which the personal Shields and Merkaba Fields
progressively heal until the Christiac Divine Blueprint, Christiac Merkabic Circulatory System and Christos God-Spark Seed
Atom are fully restored to their original form. Following successful completion of the Ascension Cycle, the being returns to
its organic Christiac Status and re-enters the natural Eternal Life Cycles of Co-Creative Christed Mastery from which it
originally “fell”.

The "11th Hour Tribulation Cycle", "Judgement Day" and the He-Thar-O/He-Thal-on/Reusha-TA

If a being upon the Path of the Host does not successfully embody a sufficient degree of the "Lessons of Divine Love",
and the corresponding “critical mass” frequency accretion, during the Final Phase Trial Cycle of the Path of the Host, the
Trial Cycle will naturally lead to the FINAL stage of Monadic Reversal, sometimes called the "11th Hour", which is
characterized by a short "sub-cycle” of time that is known as the TRIBULATION CYCLE. Experientially, during the
Tribulation Cycle, the “forces of the Christ and the Anti-Christ" emerge in full expression, in a "Final Conflict Drama”
experienced as the “Battle between Good and Evil". In the reality of natural Physics Mechanics, this experientially
externalized “Battle of Forces” represents the organic God-Spark Seed Atom's final electromagnetic resistance to the
magnetic "pull" of the Reversed Anti-Christiac Shield and Merkaba Field. The Tribulation Cycle begins when the
Merkaba Field and Shield Template reach critical mass reversal, in which their reverse-spin, and the counter-forces of
electromagnetic energy generated by the spin reversals enter an internal “Battle for Shield Control". If a being (or planet,
galaxy, universe) does not anchor sufficient critical mass D-12 Divine Blueprint frequency to remain upon the Path of the
Host when the Trail Cycles ends, the Tribulation Cycle is set automatically in motion, placing the being within a rapid
evolutionary cycle culminating in an event often referred to as “Judgment Day". “Judgment Day" is not an event of
"God passing judgment upon the good and evil, casting the evil-doers into Hell and selecting those fit for ascension to
Heaven''. Judgment Day is an event of natural Physics Laws that takes place when the internal electromagnetic battle
between the Christos Seed Atom and Merkaba/Shield Reversal reaches its final critical mass expression or "out-picturing"
into manifestation.

When the Tribulation Cycle brings all of the internal energy of power-struggle out into expression within the manifest
arena, the evolutionary cycle that began with the Trial Cycle Period comes to an end and the Christos Seed Atom is re-set in
the Shields through the process of He-Thar-O/HE-Thal-on Reusha-TA and finally Doreadeshi or Ecka-Shi, a set of
interrelated events of Christiac Creation Physics collectively known as the “Great Cleansing and Renewal”.
“Judgment Day” occurs as the rapid He-Thar-0 and He-Thal-on stages of the “Great Cleansing” initiate and fulfill
within the Shields. During He-Thar-0, the Electrical Merkaba Spiral Peak (electrical spiral peak spin speed), the
7 Outer Cells of the 15-Cell natural Christiac Seed Atom are transmitted into the template through a series of
intense frequency infusions. Portions of the Shield that are capable of anchoring (receiving and holding) the
progressive Base-12 frequency infusions of the He-Thar-0 receive Regenesis of the Outer 7 Christos Seed
Atom Cells, which allows the Electrical Overtones of the Shield and Merkaba Field to begin rapid restoration
and healing of reversals, through which passage to into the He-Thal-on Magnetic Merkaba Spiral Peak
(magnetic spiral peak spin speed) stage of the Great Cleansing and Renewal is gained. If a being (planet, galaxy,
universe) has less than 31-33% of Base-12 Christiac Divine Blueprint Coding remaining in the Shields upon the
He-Thar-0 Peak, the Shield will be unable to anchor critical mass Base-12 frequency to receive restoration of
the 7 Outer Cells of the Christiac Seed Atom, and the electrical Overtone remnants of the Seed Atom, Shields
and Merkaba Field will completely reverse to Anti-Christiac Spin as the Seed Atom enters Electrical Molecular
Compaction and transforms to a finite-life, 7-Compacted-Cell Anti-Christos Seed Atom. This unfortunate
process associated with He-Thar-0 Renewal is somewhat tempered if the Inner ARC OF THE COVENANT
PASSAGE is opened within the Shields, as the “Golden Fleece” frequencies generated through the Arc can serve
as a "Base-6 Half-step Host Matrix" buffer field, carrying the being and its template through the "Judgment
Day” of He-Thar-0 and into He-Thal-on, providing more time and frequency support for the Shield to reach
minimum 31-33% Base-12 Coding.

When the He-Thal-on stage initiates following a Stasis Period called the HE-esta, which begins as the He-
Thar-0 completes, the Magnetic Merkaba Spiral receives its progression of Base-12 frequency infusions

through which the final 8 Inner Cells of the 15-Cell Christos Seed Atom receive Regenesis. Beings successfully
passing through the He-Thar-0 Electrical Peak receive full Regenesis of the 15-Cell Christos Seed Atom when the
He-Thal-on Magnetic Peak arrives, which enables them to pass into the next Reusha-TA stage of the Great
Cleansing and Renewal. During the Reusha-TA stage of the Great Cleansing and Renewal, the 12 Cosmic Reuche
Pillars of the "Cosmic Clock" sequentially reset within the Regenerated Christos Seed Atom, progressively
healing Shield, Merkabic, DNA and Consciousness distortions, culminating in the final full reset of the D-12
Christiac Divine Blueprint during the Doreadeshi or Ecka-Shi Great Cleansing End Cycle/Renewal Cycle
Beginning. Beings who experienced Electrical Monadic Reversal during the He-Thar-0 Peak experience full
Monadic Reversal during the He-thal-on, during which the 7-Compacted-Cell Anti-Christos Seed Atom causes
both electrical and magnetic Merkaba Spirals to temporarily STOP SPINNING, then PHASE-LOCK into the
Reverse-spin Anti-Christos Seed Atom and adopt a Reversed Same-Spin-Direction Rotation to become a
Compacted Reverse-spin Anti-Christos Merkaba Field, with a permanently "closed-circuit" finite-life Seed
Atom at its core. The Reverse Spin Phase-Locked Merkaba Field causes the Shield template to completely
reverse spin and the being enters a self-quarantined de-evolutionary cycle of degeneration, unable to receive
renewal of Primal Life Force Currents from the Christiac Universal Merkabic Circulatory System, until final self-
consumption of its remaining energies and black-hole implosion of its template and Seed Atom return the being
to “Space Dust" units.

The “Judgment Day” of the natural He-Thar-O/He-thal-on Cycle occurs within a set of fixed vibrational
parameters within the Universal Shield Template, which represent an eternal fixed cycle of Universal Time
with which beings and systems in manifest densities will inevitably enter co-resonant vibration as they move
through the Time Cycles inherent to density evolution. If the Shields are functioning naturally on an organic Base-12
Christiac Code, the He-Thar-O/He-Thal-on Cycle is not a “Judgment Day” but rather a celebration of Eternal Life
Renewal through which the Universal Christos renews the supply of Core Primal Life Force for continued, self-
sustained Perpetual Motion Christiac Co-creation. If a system reaches critical mass Shield distortion and fall to full
Monadic Reversal is imminent, the remnants of the Christos Seed Atom of the Shield will activate a specific set of
frequencies that cause the Shield to “jump time pulses” and rapidly align with the fixed vibrational co-ordinate
point of the Universal He-Thar-O/HE-Thal-on. Crisis-passage through this Eternal Universal Point of Perpetual First
Creation turns the natural He-Thar-o/He-thal-on Cycle into a “Judgment Day" drama, through which portions of the
Shields that can hold Christos Seed Atom Regenesis are naturally separated from critical mass reversed Shield
portions that threaten further existence of the remaining Base-12 Shield. This "Shield Separation Under Duress”
during a Crisis-passage through He-Thar-o/He-Thal-on, is the "last resort healing” Cosmic Override System by
which the continuation of the Perpetual Motion, Eternal Life First Creation Infinitely insured. Beings and systems
capable of anchoring sufficient Base-12 Christos frequencies during the He-Thar-0/He-Thal-on passage will know the
healing of the Great Cleansing and the celebration of the Universal Christos Renewal as they re-enter the original
First Creation Christos evolutionary cycle upon the Path of Replenishing Return. Beings and systems that undergo
Anti-Christiac alignment to "FALL" during the He-Thar-o/He-thal-on passage, will progressively move into a type of
evolutionary cycle through which they will eventually return to God-Source as undifferentiated "Space Dust” units
following the “Path of Diminishing Return”.

Earth and our 15-Dimensional Time Matrix entered the Path of the Host and the "last phase" of Shield/Merkaba
Field reversal in 22,326BC Atlantis when Earth races failed to embrace the Conscious Evolution “Path of the God-
Seed", and we are now, between 2000-2012 AD, within the FINAL PHASE and FINAL DRAMA, through which the
FINAL"DESTINY OF JOY” or "DESTINY OF SORROW” of this Time Matrix and its contents will be permanently
determined. Earth's TRIAL CYCLE began following the 22,326 BC Atlantian Eieyani Massacre Drama, and Earth's Trial
Cycle and the Path of the Host ended on November 24, 2002. It is important for the knowledge of the Universal He-
Thar-o/He-Thal-on to be returned to Earth at this time because Earth has passed through its "11th Hour Trial Cycle” and
has unfortunately entered the Tribulation Cycle that inevitably leads to He-Thar-o/He-Thal-on Crisis-passage. Once the
Tribulation Cycle is triggered into activation, the He-Thar-o/He-Thal-on alignment cannot be averted. The Tribulation
Cycle was triggered into activation between March 23, 2002-November 24, 2002, due to the actions of the Fallen
Angelic Intruder Races and their activation of the "BeaST Machine", "Blue Fire Sword" and "Spear of Destiny"
technologies; it is for this reason, and a critical mass of humanity's corresponding indifference to and denial of the

Universal-Galactic-Planetary "Big Picture Drama” that is now unfolding, that Earth has failed to remain on the Path of
the Host and has officially entered the Cycle of Great Cleansing and Renewal. Earth's Tribulation Cycle will culminate in
the May 27, 2003 He-Thar-o and August 12, 2003 He-Thal-on alignments, as the Ecka-Shi Universal Divine Blueprint
Reset Cycle unfolds to its completion on December 21, 2012.

Full-spectrum Christiac Merkaba Teachings are being returned to Earth NOW so that humanity can effectively
prepare for these coming events. Our personal Free Will Choices will determine which of the 2 evolutionary paths we
will personally experience. Fortunately, due to the severity of the present Universal Drama, Level-6 Evacuation (of the
universal template itself, not just the "people") was triggered within the Cosmic Shield due to Wesedrak activation of the
Anti-Christiac "Spear of Destiny” technology on November 24, 2002. This "dark cloud has a silver lining" in that the Spear
of Destiny frequencies have set the “Cosmic Override System" in motion, sparking the opening of the Base-6 "Half-step"
Arc of the Covenant Ecka-Interface Star Gate system, through which many more systems and life forms within this
Universe will be spared Anti-Christiac Black Hole fall to the Arc of the Covenant "Golden Fleece" Host Matrix Buffer Field,
which is available only with Universal Level-6 Evacuation and full Opening of the Arc of the Covenant Star Gates. Earth's
Great Cleansing and Renewal Tribulation Cycle has begun and we rapidly approach the “Judgment Day" of the May-
August 2003 He-Thar-o/He-thal-on cycle. Following this time of transition, Earth will function as "two Earths" within the
same space-time, until the final separation of the two Time Lines and reality fields during the December 2012 Ecka-Shi
Cycle End. The event of a full He-Thar-O/He-Thal-on/Reusha-TA/Ecka-shi Cycle has not transpired in this 15-Dimensional
Time Matrix for over 250 Billion Years (Earth time); we are presently living Cosmic-History-In-the-Making. One of our
greatest tools through this time of unprecedented Universal-Galactic-Planetary change is the knowledge of Christiac
Merkaba Mechanics through which we can become Conscious Co-creators in the path of our chosen destiny.


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