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Sumatran orangutans are not just endangered,

they are nom critically endangered. Currently,
only a little over 7,000 Sumatran orangutans can
be found. Loss of habitat, due to fire and forest
conversion, as well as illegal trafficking or
hunting are responsible for this. We have to make
efforts to prevent further decline. Orangutans play
an important role in seed dispersal in a vast area
because they are frugivores, or fruit – eaters.
If they were to become extinct, many tree species
would follow. So, for that reason, we have to take
action to prevent the extinction of Sumatran

TASK 1. Complete the following table.

What I already KNOW about analytical What I WANT to know about analytical
expositions in English expositions in English
How do you persuade someone that ______________________________________
something in the case in English? _______________________________________
____________________________________ _______________________________________
Let’s Learn English!

Every text has a purpose. An analytical exposition is written to convince the readers that a point
of view is valid. In order to do so, the writer has to provide arguments. Your arguments have to
be well-supported to be effective. Present your arguments with clear example, clear
explanations, or by referring to the opinion of expert or information by certain organizations.

TASK 2. Read the dialog, then answer the questions carefully.

Nia : Hey, what’s with the serious face?
Joni : Here, read this article. It says, “Kalimantan rainforests are being logged for timber and
palm oil, causing dangerous atmospheric smog. Forest fires in Sumatra are sending
smog northward, resulting in Singaporean and Malaysian officials requesting urgent
measure from the Indonesian government.”
Nia : Sorry to hear that. What do you think about deforestation in Indonesia?
Joni : I believe our government should just ban all logging in rainforests. Our rainforests are
Of vital importance for our planet. We would all be in trouble if it were to rapidly
Nia : I understand what you’re saying, but on the other hand, a ban on logging would limit
Kalimantan’s and the country’s economy. Also, if Kalimantan rainforests are so
important for the whole planet, why should our government alone be responsible for
protecting it? In my opinion, other countries ought to provide help. That way, we can all
save Kalimantan rainforests.
Joni : That’s a good point.

1. What does the conversation mainly talk about?

2. The article says that Singaporean and Malaysian officials have asked Indonesia to take urgent
measures. What does “urgent measures” mean?
3. What does Joni think about deforestation?
4. What does Nia think about deforestation?
5. What do you think about deforestation?
Things to Remember

An analytical exposition usually consists of three parts:

1. Thesis: introduces the topic and shows the speaker or writer’s position
2. Argument: states the main argument which consists of elaborations that support the
3. Reiteration: restates the writer’s position / conclusion (reiteration means restatement)
Analytical expositions may be found in scientific books, journals, and research reports.

TASK 3. Study the following analytical expositions. Find the thesis, argument, and
reiteration as well as an example, explanation, or reference by an expert or
organization, if any.

The expression “money can’t buy you happiness” sounds cliched for a reason.
Recent surveys have shown that happiness cannot be predicted by wealth. In 1957,
Americans earned only half as much as today, but the nasional opinion research center
found that 35% of them were happy, higher than today’s 29%. Even the extremely rich
people in the survey, who made it to the Forbes’s 100 wealthiest Americans, aren’t
much happier than the average citizen. Income increase doesn’t show increase in
happiness either. Income is only reflective of emotional well-being in poor countries.
Therefore, while money may buy luxurious things, happiness is a luxury it does not.

TASK 4. Reread the text in Task 3. Then answer the following questions.
1. Give a suitable title for the text.
2. What point does the writer make at the beginning of the paragraph?
3. What does the writer do to support his / her argument?
4. What does the writer say to support his / her argument?
5. “ … that 35% of them were happy . ..” What does the word “them” refer to?
6. “Income is only reflective of emotional well-being …” what does “reflective (of)” mean?
7. In which countries might money mean more happiness?
8. Do you agree with the writer’s idea that money can’t buy you happiness? Why or why


TASK 5. Read the following text and then summarize it by filling in the flow chart. Most
importantly, use your own words.

Cheating: An Academic Misconduct

Students are aware that cheating is against the rules, but many of them still do it on the
basis that it doesn’t really harm anyone. They are not aware of the seriousness and
wrongfulness of the act. Firstly, cheating is an act of injustice to honest students who work
hard for the same scores that that the cheaters achieve through deception. Secondly, cheating
undermines the trust in the school if people fin out about the act. More importantly, this act of
academic dishonesty distorts the mission of education. Education is not about understanding
theories or getting perfect scores, and those who perceive it as such cheat themselves of
education. Cheating is serious academic misconduct. It’s time that we stop seeing it as little
worse than a white lie.
Title: ___________________________________

Thesis statement: Cheating is wrong




Reiteration: _____________________________________________________________________

Visit http://utminers.utep.edu/omwilliamson/eng10310/summaryhints.htm to get more insight on

how to summarize a text.


Task 6. Link the arguments using the appropriate expressions in the following box.

For example for instance indeed a good example of this is

In fact of course firstly if this is the case

New statistics reveal that the worst drivers in the world are young people.
(1)___________,according to the local police station, that men ages 21-34 were responsible for
80 percent of driving incidents last year.
I strongly approve of the preservation of historical buildings and historical sites. Too many have
already been destroyed. (2)________,in my home town, one street of old buildings and
traditional markets were knocked down and replaced with one big department store.

Used cars markets were should be banned in the city. (3)__________,used cars, as we all know,
contribute more pollution to the street, which may cause illnesses such as bronchitis, lung
cancer, and trigger asthma. Secondly, the may break down and cause accidents.

Students used to only need book, pen, eraser, and ruler at school. However, today’s technology
is an integral part of lives. Students need to browse the internet for information.
(4)________technology comes at a cost, but it is worth the functions.

The chemical additives in fast food have been shown to result in weight issues and other
diseases. (5)_________,fast food does not contain any nutrition. It simply feeds hunger and
satisfies cravings.

Obesity is a known factor contributing to heart disease. It makes the hears overexert, which may
lead to a heart attack. Moreover, obesity often goes hand with excessive levels of blood sugar.
This may lead to diabetes and other serious diseases. (6)__________, it is clear that being
overweight is not good for your life.

Task 7. Find two short report texts from the internet, newspapers, and/or other sources.
Break them down in parts and then highlight the arguments.
Text 1
Thesis: _____________________________________________________________________
Arguments: _________________________________________________________________
Reiteration: _________________________________________________________________
Source: _____________________________________________________________________

Text 2
Thesis: ______________________________________________________________________
Arguments: ___________________________________________________________________
Source: ______________________________________________________________________


Task 8. Study the posters below and do the instructions that follow.
Poster A Poster B

In 12 weeks In 5 yearIn
your lungs regain Your risk of a stroke
the ability to clean Has dramatically

In 8 hours In 1 week
excess carbon Your sense of taste
monoxide is out and smell improve
of your body
In 3 months
In 5 days Your lung function
Most nicotine is Has increased 30%
out of your body
In 12 months
In 1 year Your risk of heart
A pack-a-day Desease has halved
smoke will save
over $4,000


1. Fill in the following chart with the similarities and differences between the two posters.
Poster A Poster B
Powerful adjective?
Highlighted features?

2. Complete the following statements.

I like poster … best because _______________________________________________
I believe a good poster should contain _______________________________________
3. Study posters A dan B. can you find the following characteristics of analytical
A) Thesis
B) Arguments
C) Reiteration
D) Examples
E) Explanation
F) References
4. Witch poster do you like better? Explain.
5. Find a poster from the internet or other sources that contain at least 3 characteristics of an
analytical exposition. Rewrite the content of the poster in the following space.
Source: ________________________________________________________________

Task 9. Make up arguments for the following thesis statements, minimum 3 arguments for
each thesis statement.
1. Smoking is bad
a. ____________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________
2. Reading has many benefits.
a. _____________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________
3. Watching too much TV has many disadvantages.
a. _____________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________
4. Corruption has become part of the culture in Indonesia.
a. _____________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________
5. English is the world’s most important language.
a. _____________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________

Task 10. Written an analytical exposition. Choose one of the following topics. Write it in
the space below.
- Say no to junk food
- Bullying is not cool.
- Endangered species should be protected.
- Celebrities should not be participating in politics.
Task 11. Reread the text you have written. Then answer the following questions.
1. Does your writing consist of a thesis, an argument, and a reiteration?
2. Write the things that you like about your writing.
3. Write things that you can do to improve your writing.

Writing Rubric Assessment (Analytical Exposition)

Student Name : ____________________________________
Class / No. : ____________________________________
No. Criteria
7 8 9
a. Content
b. Does it contain complete, relevant information commonly found in
1). Thesis
2). Argument
3). Reiteration
c. Grammar
d. Vocabulary
e. Punctuation
Total Score:
Final Score:

Nama Peserta Didik : Kelas :

Catatan Guru : Nilai :

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