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-support group evolves from Dubuque Community School District

-voluntary & open
-8-week program that will last an hour once a week
-going through a process (meeting with us) to see if the individual would benefit from this group.
This is also a way to filter out any bullies who attend. The meeting time and place is kept secret.


Jess R- lesbian, has begun the process of accepting self. She is out to parents but not at school.
Jess M- thinks she identifies as demisexual but has a hard time figuring out if it fits her
Stacy- out but hasn’t told parents, (choose own identity)
Kayla- unsure of identity, has a small crush on Amanda H.
Bri- has no sexual or romantic feelings towards people, unsure what it means
Amanda H- bisexual, out but not accepting of self
Cesar- questioning, might be transgender
Roy- gay but refuses to accept it, comes from a home of toxic masculinity. Football player.

Possible issues
● relationships/boundaries
○ If anyone asks someone in the group out
■ Address that it crosses boundaries, and may break confidentiality if that
individual is not comfortable with being out
● Roy: aggressive, at home issues
○ Reflection of feeling
○ Ask him what is making him angry or aggressive, if home life, say that this is a
safe place and he can come to us if he ever doesn’t feel safe
○ Reminder of respect and 2 warning rule
○ Take a 5-minute break and take him aside if issue persists
● Jess M: Quiet or frustrated
○ Won’t talk at all or
○ Take out frustrations at group
○ Address it either way. get her to talk about where the frustration comes from
● Kayla: attraction to Amanda
○ may come on to Amanda or
○ feel too intimidated to talk to her
○ Mention boundaries cross if ask anyone out
● Jess R: quiet/embarrassed
○ Ask her questions that might help get her to talk
○ She may not feel comfortable telling other students her identity
● Stacy: at-home issues, possible projection, or quiet
○ Might constantly bring up questions on what to do
○ Bring it back to the group and see if anyone is comfortable sharing how it went
with them, say that it may not be applicable to
● Cesar: literally don’t know what he may do
● Bri: forever alone?
○ Clarify what means to her
○ Reflection of feeling
○ Still capable of love and being loved
● Amanda-projection
○ Reflection of feeling

Questions they may ask

● Will people still like me?
○ It depends on the person. To be blunt, not all people are accepting, and sadly
that’s how life is. If someone is genuinely a good person and/or an ally, they will
still accept you for who you are
● Am I being dishonest if I am not “out” to everyone?
○ No. not everyone knows every aspect that makes you, you. Being in the
community or questioning is just one of those aspects that not everyone needs to
● Can I be a student leader if I am gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered?
○ Yes. your identity does not determine what you are or are not capable of being.
You can be a leader at any time in your life.
● Should I make up a boyfriend/girlfriend so no one will suspect?
○ You don’t have to. Be aware of what outcomes there might be if you are caught in
a lie like that by bullies in the school. If it makes you feel comfortable, you can.
But know that it is you that you are hurting because you are denying who you are
● My teacher made a homophobic remark. Will he/she fail me if I confront him/her?
○ The hope is that they don’t. You can come to us and we can address the issue for
you without your name being involved.
● If I go to the student health center, should I “come out” to the doctor or will GAY be
written on all of my records? Will he/she treat me the same?
○ They will treat you the same, but if they don’t, let us know and we will take care
of it. Your sexual identity will not be written on your records.

1. Jocelyn: Master in School Social Work and has worked in school counseling for 7 years
2. Krystyna: Master of School Social Work with a specialization in the LGBTQ+
population. She has worked with LGBTQ+ community members for over 5 years. I’ve
facilitated support groups for young adults and high school students in the past, which
usually contain some members of the LGBTQ+ community
1. Respect
a. No judgment
b. No bullying (2 warning rule)
c. No talking over each other (raise hand)
d. Can’t ask someone how they identify, but you can ask about their pronouns
e. No slurs - how do people feel about the word queer because some individuals
don’t may not like it
2. Confidentiality
a. Cannot contact each other outside of the group, unless both parties are okay with
it and do not associate meeting each other with the group.
b. Do not out other group members
3. Informed consent
a. Anything said is confidential, unless fear of hurting self or others
4. No phones
5. (add any as want, allow a minute for them to sit and think)

Goals (written on the board)

1. to provide a safe environment
2. to help members feel supported and comfortable with their identity
3. to help those who are questioning or in the closet be able to come out to others

Have students introduce themselves

Name, pronouns, favorite hobby

Ice breaker
Pre-test → figure out where you are (what you identify as, how you feel)
If quiet, whip ‘em out and use as a way to start conversation
Two in a crowd→ groups of 2, find 2 similar interests, not based on identity and something
different from what they mentioned in the introduction, then share

(Cass identity model)
Explain how everyone’s process towards self-acceptance and pride is different
Not all identities are the same
(Gender Unicorn)
Hand it out and explain how it works. They can fill it in if they want to, but don’t have to discuss
what they filled in with the group unless they are comfortable.
(The ABC’s of LGBT+)
On the back will be a few definitions of identities

Questions for the group
● How many of you feel comfortable with your identity? This is not to out you for your
● How many of you are out?= Only raise hand if comfortable.
● Bullying
● So let’s discuss the little elephant in the room.
● How many have experienced bullying in general? Social media?
● Turn it more positive, make the conversation about them, and not you.

Closing, bring back around to rules and if want to add any

Topics for next week?

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