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5 June 2020

Dear Parent/Carer,

Year 11 Update – Summer Term 2

The final telephone calls have taken place between Year 11 students and staff and I do hope that
you feel that your son/ward has received some great support since the closure of school and the
cancelling of this summer’s GCSEs.

I would like to pay credit to the teachers, pastoral team and support staff for their continued work
and commitment to the students. I am very aware that many schools did not continue with the
level of support that we have provided, rather leaving Year 11 students to their own means.

Year 11 Teams Page

Whilst we will not be setting any further work or tasks, help is still available should this be needed.
Your son/ward can still access this through the Year 11 Teams page, which will be monitored by
members of staff until the end of term. Please do encourage him to use this facility should they
be unsure of anything or require some further support.

Final Assembly – Live Streamed

Mr Gaskell will be running our traditional celebration to mark the end of Year 11. This will be live-
streamed and will look back over the past five years and we will also wish our leavers well as
they move onto the next stage of their lives. Please do join us for what will, hopefully, be an
inspiring first!

The assembly will take place on Friday 12 June at 11.00am, via the Year 11 Teams page.

Sixth Form Transition Work

Congratulations to those students who have completed the EtonX course entitled 'Resilience’
and the subject transition work set over the last half-term. Completing both are requirements to
progress to Year 12 as the work will prepare students for challenges you will meet in Sixth Form.

GCSE Results Day & Sixth Form Enrolment

These events take place on Thursday 20 August 2020.

We are unsure whether this will be a virtual issuing of results and enrolment, or whether these
can take place in school. Further details will be issued nearer the time, so please do keep
watching the school’s Twitter feed and website.

Continued on next page…

What to Do Ahead of September?

It is important to make sure that plans are in place for next academic year. Please do engage
with your son/ward, if you have not done this already, to be assured that they know what the next
steps are for continuing education, apprenticeships or the workplace.

For those staying with us and for the remainder of term, students are being advised to undertake
wider reading to further prepare for Key Stage 5 courses. Outstanding Sixth Form students will
read widely around their subject areas and not just focus on the set textbooks. Our specialist staff
have put together a list of suggested reading material for their subjects, which can be accessed

Should your son/ward require some careers support, there are a number of websites that can
provide support. For example, visit Target Careers at www.targetcareers.co.uk. Additional
independent careers guidance can also be accessed through Hounslow Connexions here. The
school Careers Leader (Mr Adams) continues to place exciting opportunities for virtual work
experiences on to the Year 11 Teams page.

For those students thinking about going to university after Sixth Form, time could be spent
thinking about what course they might want study. UCAS (the Universities and Colleges
Admissions Service) is a great place to search for higher education opportunities. Their site can
be accessed at www.ucas.com.

For those students looking for some mind-enriching activities, our ‘Isleworth & Syon Way
Enrichment Programme’ is still available on the school website here.

Free School Meals

Finally, students in Year 11 remain eligible for free school meals until the end of term. If you think
that your son/ward has become eligible, please do apply by completing the form here. New
applications are being processed quickly.

Do enjoy the summer and I very much look forward to seeing your son/ward on Results Day or
back in the Sixth Form in September.

I hope that you and your families remain well.

Yours sincerely,

Euan Ferguson

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