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As effect of USA style, psychoanalysis arrived in France in the Postwar period, resumed by
Jacques Lacan. He refreshed this current, but Sigmund Freud was the genuine creator of
psychoanalysis. Freud was interested but more courious about the healing methods of
nevroses. Advancing fast, his psychoanalysis with centrifugal orientation, has embedded
other areas, turning this concept into a sciene about humans. Psychoanalysis is the technique
of deeply descovering our unconscious, which is the source of all the psychical condition and
decrease then.

Born on 6th of May 1856 and died on 23th of September 1939, Freud studies medicine and is
attrected by psychopatology. After his father death, in 1895, Freud writers his interspection.
Freud's biography becomes his fight for introducing and defending psychoanalysis.

First significant creation of Freud is "Die Traumdeutung" (The Interpretation of Dreams)

appeared in 1899. In 1902 around Freud, is founded " Societatea Psihologică de Miercuri" six
years later, at Salzburg, first major international reunion takes place. In 1909, Freud prepares
a first retrospection over his discoveries "Five lessons of psychoanalysis" themes which will
be presented at conferences from USA. Not longer after this, Freud's attention is drawn by
didactic psychoanalysis, pedagogy being inspired from child psychoanalysis. A form of
therapy meant to cure mental disorders by looking into the relationship between the
conscious and the uncounscious mind are psychoanalysis. Human psyche contein the
"topographical" model of the mind, the division into there "regions": the unconscious, the
pre-conscious and the conscious: the division inti ID; EGO and SUPEREGO. The ID
governed by the "Plesure Principle". ID represent the irrational, instinctual part. But EGO, or
"I" is "that part of the ID which has been modified by the direct influence of the external
world". EGO is the predominantly rational, logical, orderly, conscious part. And the
SUPEREGO embodies the power exercised by external authority. Superego governs our
moral judgments, our willingness for sacrifices in the name of good causes.

In literature, psychoanalysis is found as "psychoanalitic critique". (Ovidiu Morar, pg. 17) He

wants to expose what is hidden behind the superficial layer of literature. Freud said that the
artist is a neurotic dreaner who's condition is between madness and normality, because the act
of creation releases the obsessions stored under his unconscious memory and sooner or later
his social success is provided. On the other hand, the artwork is born by some hidden wishes
this being designed for a public that shares same unconscious toughts. Therefor the reader has
to decode, with psychoanalysis ways of investigation, the content of the work. Some works
like "Oedipus the King" by Sofocle, "Hamlet" by Shakespeare or the novel "Karamazov
Brothers" by Dostoievski were seen as allegories of love and hated ingest. The tragedy
"Oedipus the King" suggested to Freud the name of psychic complex. This concept was the
centre of "The Interpretation of Dreams" publication. In this, Freud talks about unconscious,
the dream representing the fulfillment of unconscious wishes.

The Oedipus complex: the issue of infantile sexuality, the unconscious desire to displace the
parent of the same sex and secure the undivided affection of the parent of opposite sex. This
stage in the psychic evolution of the child is accompanied by a series of related fears and
wishes. The resolution of the Oedipus complex, the identification with same-sex parent.
Freud finds the illustration of this complex in Shakespare's play "Hamlet". In "Hamlet",
Hamlet's father was murdered by his owe brother, Claudius, who soon married Hamlet's
widowed mother. Freud explains Hamlet's constant delay in revenging his father's death by
his failure to overcome an Oedipal Complex. He is unable to kill Claudius because he is "the
man who shows him the repressed wishes of childhood realized. Thus the loathing which
should drive him on to revenge is replaced in him by self-reproaches, by scruples of
conscience, which remind him that he himself is literally no better than the sinner whom he is
to punish"

Dreams represent the "royal road" towards the unconscious, the symbolic fulfillment of
unconscious wishes. Dreams are symbolic "text" which need deciphering, precisely because
the EGO is censorious and watchful even in our sleep. The Interpretation of Dreams"
inaugurated a daring mode of reading. It inspired literary criticism with a new conception of
textuality literature and the creative act.

"Creative Writers and Daydreaming" Freud suggests the interest in the relationship between
the author and his work. Freud sees a piece of creative writing as a continuation or substitute
for the play of childhood. He also displays some aspects of his approach to the psychology of
the reader. Freud explains use in writing their works like psychological novels. Freud proceed
to compare a child to a creative writer. Children like some things if imagined in one's mind,
that is the reason one creates an imaginary world. In "Creative Writers and Daydreaming"
(1908) Freud said: "the poets and philosopher before me discovered the unconscious method
by which the unconscious can be studied". Freud's account of literature, and of art in general,
is closely connected with his explanation of neurosis.

The artist has the capacity to find a way back from the ilusion or fantasy, from the world of
the imagination, and to get again a firm foothold in reality. For Freud the activity of the
artistic is similar. The production of fantasis and to day-dreaming, a related strateegy of
avoiding the pressures of reality.


"Freud si psihanalizele", Dr. Adolf Fernandez-Zoïla, Editura Humanitas

"Curs de teoria literaturii", Ovidiu Morar, Editura Univeritătii Suceava, 2003


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