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 How to protect your heart in winter?

Guess what- having a heat attack! This is something very common in winter.
The Heart Association- researchers have found that the rate of heart disease-
related deaths rises sharply between December 25 and January7. There is a
combination of factors that increase the heart attack risk in winter:

 Spasm Of Arteries: When a person gets exposed to cold weather, the

body’s automatic response is to narrow the blood vessels to the skin
so that heat is retained. But for people who already have arteries filled
with plaque, the narrowing of the blood vessels raises the risk that it
will become blocked, triggering a heart attack. The problem is higher
in India as we do not live in artificially regulated temperatures as in
the West.

 Increased blood pressure due to the narrowing leading to strain

on the heart: This has the effect of a double whammy- not only does
the heart have to work harder but its blood supply is reduced. While
this may be tolerated well by a normal heart, in a diseased heart it can
precipitate an attack.

 Thicker Blood: In cold weather, blood platelets appear to be more

active and stickier and, therefore, more likely to clot. In fact, even the
levels of cholesterol rise during winter.

 Holiday Feasting: People tend to eat and drink more and gain more
weight during the holiday season and winter months- all of which are
hard on the ticker.

 Unaccustomed Exercise: Every year on January1 millions of people

join gyms as part of their New Years resolution to get in shape, and
many may over-exert them selves too soon. There is no doubt that
exercise is good, but the exercise that the body is not prepared to
handle is not good. Start an exercise regimen under the supervision of
you doctor if you have heart disease risk factors. Beginning your new
routine gradually is not only less taxing on our body, but also but also
easier to stick to it.
 Increased Stress Hormones: During the winter months, there is a
change in the ratio of light hours to dark hours, which causes an
increase of stress hormones such as cortisol.

 Snow Shovelling: Believe it or not, studies form Shimla show that

heart attack rates jump dramatically in the first few days after a major
snowstorm, usually a result of snow shoveling. One of my patients- a
PT teacher at a boarding school in Shimla- suffered a heart attack as
he was showing his NCC students how to work in the snow.
Shovelling snow or any physical strenuous activity makes the heart
work harder and raises your blood pressure.

 Stressful Season: Depression is not uncommon in winter. The

holiday season for may people is a very stressful time due to family
issues or financial pressure, causing anxiety, loneliness and depression
and these are all linked to heart attacks. Seasonal affective disorder or
SAD is caused by the lack of exposure to sunlight during winter

 Less Daylight: Less of sunlight in winters not only adds to depression

by also lowers the levels of vitamin D (Which comes form sunlight
falling on the skin)- this by itself has been linked heart attacks.

 Flu (Influenza): Winter also raises your chances of getting the flu
due to low humidity brought on by cold weather and indoor heating.
A flu infection can cause blood pressure; stir up white blood cell
activity and change C-reactive protein and fibrinogen levels in the
blood- all bad news for your heart. Flu and other respiratory disease in
winter cause inflammation, which in turn make the plaque less stable
and may dislodge it, contributing to heart attacks. If you come down
with the flu, a cold or a cough, ask your doctor before taking any
over-the-counter decongestant. Those containing pseudoephedrine and
phenylephrine can raise blood pressure, which can increase your
chances of having a heart attack.

 Delay in Seeking Treatment: The risk is higher during the holidays

because people commonly delay seeking treatment for symptoms
during this time of the year. I vividly remember a polite elderly
patient in Sydney who apologized profusely for having “ disturbed”
me in holiday season with a heart attack. So, does this mean you have
to fear winter and huddle indoors all the time? Not at all! The message
is not to be afraid of the winter but to know that winter is a period of
increased risk and you have to look for ways to minimize that risk. So,
during the winter, try to keep your heart healthy by keeping the
following pointers in mind:

 Stick to your normal exercise plan.

 Avoid very early morning walks- wait for sunrise.

 Wear proper attire.

 Start Slow.

 Eat prudent diet, low in saturated fats and calories. Nuts and dry
fruits can be taken in moderation if one is not over-weight.
Avoid fatty, fried and non-vegetarian food.

 Avoid Tobacco, Coffee, Tea or Alcohol.

 Stop and smell the roses.

 Know and manage your blood pressure.

 “Let The Sunshine In” Sit in the Sun- this improves your levels
of Vitamin-D.

 Take your medication as recommended.

 Don not postpone doctor’s visits.

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