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Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation

Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420, Philippines


Reporters: Aila Marie Bataan

Patricia Antonette Baniqued

I.Topic Sexuality
II.Learning Objective

 Laptop and Projector



Sexual / Gender Orientation-

Sexual Deviation- it refers to any form of sexual activity which a given social
group regards as unnatural and abnormal.

Types of Sexual Deviation

Homosexuality/Homoerotism -refers to sexual relations between individuals of the

same sex.

●“Homosexuality is as old as humanity itself and therefore considered natural.”

Early Greeks
➢Homosexual love affairs were socially approved.

➢Obsessive-compulsive need of an individual, mostly male, to wear clothes worn
by the opposite sex.

➢Homosexuality is the main root of transvestism that can be treated and cured.
Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation
Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420, Philippines

•Coined by Harry Benjamin, kind of sexual deviation in which an individual has an
obsessive-compulsive desire to belong to the opposite sex.

•A transsexual person does not only want to dress in the clothing of the other sex
but also wish to have his/her sex organ surgically changed.

➢Refers to obsessive-compulsive inclination to obtain sexual gratification by
public exposure of his/her body or sex organs.

➢Depends largely on the infliction of pain upon others.

➢The urge to be somewhat aggressive when one is having difficulty becoming

fully aroused or coming to orgasm requires intense sadistic or violent behavior for
arousal and satisfaction.

➢Named after Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch

➢If one is unable to achieve arousal or orgasm without having intense physical
pain or mental humiliation inflicted on oneself.

➢From the greek “nekros” means corpse and “philos” means love

➢Love of corpses or cadavers

➢One is aroused by the sight of a human corpse and tries to have sex relations
with it.
Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation
Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420, Philippines

➢Sexual stimulation and orgasm by mutilating corpses.

➢A necrosadist enjoys cutting up cadavers in order to arouse himself sexually to


➢Even worse than necrophilia

Sex Murder
➢Kills his partner solely in order to enhance his own arousal and sexual

➢Rapists or sex offenders , who kill their victims for fear of detection should not
be confused with real sex murderers.

➢Another state of extreme amentia or psychosis.

➢An individual becomes sexually aroused by the mere sight of a woman’s
underwear(bra or panty), hair, a shoe, a stocking, a blouse, girdle, etc.

➢Fetish is any object that is sexually stimulating to certain persons.

➢Obsessively-compulsively attracted to prepubescent youths.

➢A pedophile (pedophiliac) has sexual interest to young children

➢Originally called pederasty in the view of the anal-genital relations.

Sexual attachment to children

Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation
Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420, Philippines

➢Broader than pedophilia, sexual obsession with children includes both lesbian
and heterosexual fixations.

➢Some males are obsessively attracted to young girls, even to infants; and some
females too are sexually obsessed with small boys.

➢From greek gerontos “old folks” and philos “love,” means love of older persons.

➢Obsessed with older people.

Mixoscopia or voyeurism
➢Obsessively-exclusively derives sexual satisfaction from peeping adventures.

➢From French voir “to see,” a voyeur is one who is sexually gratified by looking
at sexual organs or acts

➢Need more than ordinary stimulation to provide any sexual arousal.

➢Obsessively-exclusively attracted to and aroused sexually by statues, especially

statues of nude women .

➢A pygmalionist may even masturbate before or defile such statues to give vent to
his sexual excitement.

➢From the latin bestialis “beast”

➢Refers to sexual intercourse between a human being and an animal of a different

Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation
Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420, Philippines

In the Medical Context

➢It is often not the kind of sex act that makes a person a deviate but the manner in
which the attitude with which he/she performs it.

➢Sexual neurotics can be helped by a psychotherapeutic process so that they can

be understand exactly why, how and what.

Preventive Measures of Sex Deviation

•A child should be raised with a healthy, thoroughly non-guilty attitude toward
human sexuality.

•A child should be thought that some laws are necessary for the governing of sex,
love and marital relationships

•Children should be given extensive and intensive sex education

•They should be strongly encouraged to have heterosexual experience and to be

thoroughly unguilty about their participation.

•They should be willing to take risks of sex love challenges.

➢From the greek pornographos “writing of prostitute” and graphien “to write”

➢Means obscene and prurient literature or art

➢If one becomes so addicted to pornography that he/she cannot get sexually
aroused without viewing pornographic or lascivious sex scenes such person
becomes sexually deviated.

➢Involves the selling of sexual services for a price.
Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation
Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420, Philippines

➢Originally, only a woman offered her body for hire purposes of sexual

➢There are also child prostitutes as well.

•Female prostitutes in the Philippines, locally known as “hospitally girls,” include

hostesses, ago-go dancers, pick-up girls and those in casas.
•High class call girls are composed of college students, models, promo girls, etc.

•Male prostitutes or “call boys” constitute university students, tour guides, and
•Low class male prostitutes are waiters, male hosts and stand-bys.

In the Moral Context

➢Sex is one of the greatest inspirations with which the Lord of creation has gifted
both man and woman.

➢Naked male and female is the greatest masterpiece or obra maestro, of the

➢Pornography is “sexploitation” in which man and woman robbed their dignity.

➢Equally worse is prostitution in which individual sells herself or himself for

sexual pleasure.

Sexual Anomalies and Ailments

•A number of these abnormal conditions may be voluntary in cause insofar as they
are the after-effects of willed acts.

➢Painful intercourse

➢Physical causes in females include: small vaginal entrance, inflammation of sex

organ, inelastic hymen, infected ovary or tube, shrinkage of the vagina, sagging of
the pelvic structure and poor sexual technique.
Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation
Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420, Philippines

➢Causes in males are: inflamed urinary opening, irritated foreskin, sensitivities of

the penis.

➢Psychological cause from both male and females are: fear of intercourse, fear of
pregnancy and bodily tensions.

➢Spasmodic contractions of the muscles at the entrance of the vagina result in the
blocking of penile-vaginal intromission.

➢Caused by extreme fears of sexual intercourse and poor personal relations

between sex mates.

➢Prolonged and persistent erection of penis or clitoris, usually without sexual
desire, which cannot be relieved by orgasm.

➢Results from certain injuries and diseases of spinal cord

➢Sometimes it causes leukemia, tularemia, sickle-cell anemia, syphilis and

multiple sclerosis.

➢Intense sexual craving that is not relieved by intercourse or orgasm and which
may drive her to near-madness.

➢A sexual desire in women

➢Can be cured through psychotherapy.

➢Intense desire on the part of a male generally results from severe
neuropsychiatric disease or disorder.
Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation
Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420, Philippines

➢Excessive and uncontrollable sexual desire in men.

➢An individual has both male and female sexual organs in which they are called

➢Can often be surgically and medical

➢From the greek kryptos “hidden”

➢Sex anomaly in which a male has one or two “hidden” or undescended testicles.

➢If both testicles are concealed they may fail to develop major masculine physical

➢Hormonal or surgical treatment is often required in serious cases if both testicles

fail to go down to their proper places.

Penis captivus
•The capture of the penis by the vagina in such a way that the male cannot release

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

➢Commonly known as Venereal Disease include syphilis, gonorrhea, and AIDS.

➢Almost always spread by direct sexual contact are syphilis and gonorrhea.

➢To avoid becoming infected with syphilis and gonorrhea , one should avoid
sexual contact with individuals who are likely to have diseases.

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

➢Destroys the body’s immune defense mechanism caused by a virus HIV
Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation
Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420, Philippines

➢Its milder form is called AIDS Related Complex (ARC)

Commandments of Safer Sex

•1. Always use a condom.
•2. Limit your sex partners to one.
•3. Stop using and shooting drugs. Do not share needles.
•4. Do not have sex with prople who have AIDS or who might have.
•5. Don’t let the semen from an infected person enter your mouth
•6. Don’t rent or buy works that have been used by someone else.
•7. Don’t leave your works around where others can pick them up and stick these
on themselves.

Application of Ethical Theories

•Natural Law Ethics
➢God created man and woman as sexual partners in order to “be fruitful,
multiply, and replenish on earth.”
➢What is morally evil, hence immoral, is the misuse and abuse of sex.

●Pornography and prostitution are sexual exploitations. They defile, debase and
desacralize sex insofar as the latter becomes a marketable item. In such a situation,
an individual loses his/her dignity as a human person.

•Kant’s Ethical principle

➢Always act as so as to treat humanity, either yourself or others, always as an end
and never as only a means.”

➢This can be taken to mean that masturbation or self-stimulation is one way of

treating oneself as a means only rather than as end.

➢To treat oneself as a means is to use, misuse, and abuse oneself. If it is as an end
it means respecting and protecting one’s personal dignity.
Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation
Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420, Philippines

For Example:
●A man or a woman in the nude, is used and manipulated for his/her commercial
value. They are being used and exploited by profit-oriented managers and
producers. In this case, they are degrading and dehumanizing themselves.

•Rawl’s Concept of Justice

➢Sexploitation is not legitimate.

➢Rawls stresses our duty to respect others as a persons, and never to take
advantage of them, not to use them for our own personal gains.

➢Any form of human exploitation is not morally legitimate.

•Fletcher’s situationism
➢An evil means does not always nullify a good end; it all depends upon a given

➢A mother with five children who have been abandoned by their own father who,
in turn, has married another woman, may be forced to work in a disco house. Her
loving concern for the well-being and survival of her young growing children may
compel her to accept financial offers in exchange for sexual favors. Survival is the
name of the game.
➢An act which is right in some circumstances may be wrong on others.

•Pragmatism➢The pragmatist would seem to regard the deserted wife’s decision

as the most realistic, practical, beneficial, and workable thing to do, if only for the
sake of survival of her children.

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