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Evolving to Divinity

Session 3-Comprehend the Cosmos

Participants will be able to describe how the universe developed and its
bonding Truths.
Key Points

 Participants will explain the creation of the Cosmos.

 Participants will discuss similar scientific explanations of creation.
 Participants will know the fundamental Universal Truths of the Cosmos.


 Cosmos
 Solar Energy
 Photon
 Universe
 Domain
 Tehuti
 Universal Truths
 Principle
 Law
 The Truth of Mentalism
 The Truth of Correspondence
 The Truth of Vibration
 The Truth of Polarity
 The Truth of Gender
 The Truth of Rhythm
 The Truth of Cause and Effect
"The Cosmos is all that is or ever was or ever will be."― Carl Sagan

The Cosmos is all time, space, and their contents, including the planets,
stars galaxies, enormous clouds of gas, and Spirit/Energy. It is all
gravitational, heat, light, chemical, electrical, nuclear, and sound forces.

Mythological tradition holds that during the time before the flood, the great
Kemetian sage, Tehuti, was born. Tehuti, known to the Greeks as Hermes
Trismegistus/Thoth, became the principal lawgiver of Kemet (Egypt). His
Truths provide humanity with a comprehensive analysis of the Cosmos and

Because Western influence dominates at present, we have fallen victim to

ancient history with a poor understanding of the past. This compromised
approach to olden times considers what happened before the flood of Noah
pure myth. How much of myth that may be true is yet undetermined.

Unfortunately, a full discussion of the Cosmos and Man is beyond this

content so we will limit our focus to five topics:

 Understand the Creation of the Cosmos

 Identify Similar Creation Explanations
 Know the Universal Truths
 The Universal Desires of Man
 The Tree of Life

Understand the Creation of the Cosmos

If there is no Spirit/Energy in Consciousness, and a segment of separated
Spirit/Energy is what creations transform from, then it makes sense that
God's Consciousness Willed Spirit/Energy to construct the Cosmos and all
of its forms.

Before creation, what the ancient Eastern elders call, before the first day,
the power of Spirit/Energy was inactive and had not separated into any
form. The Will of Consciousness was also idle.

God's Consciousness was all alone in the Void of the Imperceptible World. It
had no things to perceive. There were no things around for God to increase
awareness and gain experience.

Therefore, God Willed It's dormant, unseparated Spirit/Energy into separate
active segments where It could project itself and get experience. Gaining the
ability to dwell in the world It had created.

Just as different colored screens can extract distinct colors out of the same
white light, segments of dormant Spirit/Energy was extracted into active
Spirit/Energy and manifested creations. One creation, Man, serves as a
vessel in the Material World, where God can project Itself and through
experiences increase Its awareness.

Identify Similar Creation Explanations

The current scientific explanation of creation parallels what ancient Eastern
Savants taught about the origin of the Cosmos:

Wikipedia says the Cosmos began as a boiling, small, and dense super force
(a mix of gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear, and strong nuclear
forces), with no stars, atoms, form, or structure. Then, about 13.7
billion years ago, space aggressively expanded (thus the name "Big Bang").
The Big Bang started (Willed) atom formation, which led to star and galaxy
(Cosmos) creation.

This explanation is significant because it shows that scientists and the

ancient Eastern elders agree the “bang” or noise or sound or the word, (all
rapid vibrational motion of tiny subatomic electromagnetic particles) was
the power that led to matter, what the ancient Eastern elders called “RA”

They taught that Spirit/Energy created the sun which produces sunlight
that comes to earth sustaining all creations and events: scientists call it
"solar energy” that reaches earth in waves of photon packets. Both scientists
and ancient Eastern sages agree Spirit/Energy or (streams of photon
packets) are what sustain the form of all things on our planet.

Know the Universal Truths

Universal Truths are laws, principles, or propositions inherent and eternal.
They represent reality and fact, not made by Man.

Universal Truths are binding existing conditions, applicable and present
everywhere that are unchanging and relating to the Cosmos and all things.

Know that a Truth expresses an objective, inherent, unchanging

relationship between a cause and its effect. Universal Truth governs
Spirit/Energy (cause) that shapes the Cosmos (effect) and structures its

Regardless of how you feel, Universal Truths are in effect and do not care
about you. Whether you agree with or know of them, their boundaries bind
all of us. Just like building an airplane, you must follow the Truths of
aerodynamics, mechanics, electronics, etc. If you want to use the powers of
your Spirit/Energy, you must do it with Universal Truths within the context
of Ma'at.

Universal Truths dictate the results of our thoughts and actions. When we
put out an idea, we try to control the results. However, there are too many
Truths working at too many levels for Consciousness to manage. The best
we can do is to behave with good intentions and leave the consequences up
to Universal Truths.

For example, only a fool would stand in front of a moving train and put out
thoughts demanding Spirit/Energy to save him or her. Universal Truth state
that the impact of a moving train on the human body will smash it.

Neither the world nor life would be if Universal Truths did not govern the
forces and chemical interactions that makeup events in the world. Whether
or not we agree with them, they bind all of us. God developed a program
that put these conditions in effect for the optimal operation of the world.
Our violation or compliance with God’s Program of Universal Truths dictate
our outcomes.

Successful outcomes are not controlled by prayer, meditation, invoking

Spirit/Energy, and worshiping God or Gods. Free Will, which functions
according to a person's environmental programming, determines our
relationship with Universal Truths. However, remember if you want to build
a fast car, then use the Truths of physics, thermodynamics, and heat and
mass transfer, and so on. Likewise, if you want to be strong Spiritually and
prosper, then observe the Universal Truths.

The ancient Eastern sages penned Universal Truths for both the Cosmos
and Man. However, for thousands of years the Western world has
suppressed the Universal of Man. We will start our discussion with the
Universal Truths of the Cosmos and pick up the other later.

Universal Truths of the Cosmos

The Universal Truths of the Cosmos are a set of propositions that govern the
Cosmos and provide a context for the Universal Truths of Man. The primary
Cosmos Truths comprise seven fundamental propositions plus an eighth
Axiom that binds the other seven together:

1. Mentalism
2. Correspondence
3. Vibration
4. Polarity
5. Gender
6. Rhythm
7. Cause and Effect
8. Attraction

Glyph of Universal Truths of the Cosmos

The Truth of Mentalism

The Truth of Mentalism is the first of the seven Universal Truths of the
Cosmos. It tells us that all is Mind. Everything we see and experience in the
physical, Material World has its origin in the unseen, mental, Spiritual,
Immaterial World. That lets us know there is a single universal
Consciousness from which all things manifest. Remember your
Consciousness is part of the Consciousness of God-the only difference being
one of degree.

The Cosmos is mental. Thoughts cause things and events to manifest. They
create your state of existence and the quality of your experience here on

Everything is a vibration that the Neo Cortex interprets as frequencies and

puts ideas of solidity in your Mind. Nothing is stable. Therefore, be
accountable for everything you think and know the Cosmos is mental.

The Truth of Correspondence

The Truth of Correspondence is the second Universal Truth of the Cosmos.

It states that which is above (unseen, mental, Spiritual, and immaterial) is
like that which is below (seen, physical, mundane, and material) and vice
versa. The very large and the tiny are reflections of each other.

The Cosmos is similar across all scales. That means that there is harmony,
agreement, and correspondence between the Immaterial and Material

Knowledge of self reveals how the Cosmos operates, and knowledge of the
Cosmos reveals knowledge of self. As the saying goes, "As above, so below;
as below, so above."

There is no separation since everything in the Cosmos, including you,

originates from God through the Immaterial World. From the smallest
subatomic electromagnetic particle to the biggest galaxy and vice versa, the
same pattern exists, "all is one". That saying refers to the great Truth of

The Truth of Vibration

The Truth of Vibration is the third Universal Truth of the Cosmos. It tells us
that, at the most basic level, the Cosmos, and everything in it, is vibrating,
Spirit/Energy manifesting itself. The world has no solidity. Matter is
Spirit/Energy in a state of oscillation.

Nothing rests. Everything moves. All things vibrate. Science has confirmed
that everything in the Cosmos, including you, is pure Spirit/Energy
vibrating at different frequencies. Whatever Spirit/Energy projects out into
the world connects (or attracts to) other Spirit/Energy of an equal or
harmonious frequency or vibration.

The statement that says, "In the Immaterial World, energy attracts like
energy", is the basis for the Truth of Attraction. Vibrations transmit
everything that our five physical senses experience. Your thoughts are
vibrations. Your emotions are also vibrations where "unconditional love" (in
the spirit of love for another) is the highest and most subtle of the emotional
vibrations, and "hate" is the densest and basest.

You can learn to control your mental vibrations at Will. To use a metaphor,
suppose you like rhythm and blues music. If you set your radio dial to R&B,
you will not hear classical or jazz music. If you vibrate at a peaceful level,
you will most likely not experience violent situations.

The Truth of Polarity

The Truth of Polarity is the fourth Universal Truth of the Cosmos. It says all
is dual. Everything has its pair of opposites-extremes that are identical but
different in degree. For example, temperature has the opposites; hot and

This Truth tells us that the struggle between opposites forms all things in
the world. The battle between opposites provides differentiation, dynamics,
or life experience, giving God the experience to observe.

Things that appear as opposites are two extremes of the same thing. Look at
black (a mix of all colors), and white (absence of any color) for instance.
They may seem to be opposites at first glance, but in fact, they are varying
degrees of the same thing, color. Other examples include:

 Awareness and Will
 Power and matter
 Love and hate
 Fear and courage
 Peace and war
 Benevolent and malevolent
 Positive and negative
 Good and evil
 Yes and no
 Light and darkness

You can transform your thoughts from hate to love, from fear to courage by
raising your vibration (changing the way you think about something). For
example, instead of feeling depressed after a car accident, look at the
incident as an opportunity to get a new vehicle.

The Truth of Gender

The Truth of Gender is the fifth Universal Truth of the Cosmos. It states;
Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine (assertive) and
feminine (receptive) characteristics. This Truth appears in not only in
opposite genders of people but also in other things, see the table below:

Masculine (assertive) Feminine (receptive)

Consciousness Spirit/Energy
Carnivore Herbivore

Left brain hemisphere Right brain hemisphere

Warm Cool
Electron Positron

Everything and everyone contains both masculine and feminine elements.

Additional expressions of feminine qualities are love, patience, intuition, and
gentleness, while other masculine qualities include self-reliance, logic, and
intellect. Within every woman lay underlying masculine qualities, and
within every Man lay underlying feminine qualities. When you know this,
you will understand what it means to be complete.

Mental Gender is the state of co-existence between masculine and feminine
qualities in the human Mind. The left brain hemisphere assists the male
character of the Mind. The right brain hemisphere supports the feminine

In critical thinking, we have analysis (masculine) mental gender and

synthesis (feminine) mental gender:

Analysis Mental Gender

Analysis Mental Gender is the left brain's ability to see internal differences
in things that look similar on the outside. The process finds differences in
forms. For example, the class of canine contains different sub-classes, such
as German Sheppard, Collie, Doberman pincher, etc.

Synthesis Mental Gender

Synthesis Mental Gender is the right brain's ability to see internal

similarities in things that appear different on the outside. The process finds
similarities in forms: for example, the act of smoking near non-smokers
being the same as pouring kerosene down their throat. Both activities harm
the throat of the non-smokers.

The Truth of Rhythm

The Truth of Rhythm is the sixth Universal Truth of the Cosmos. It tells us
everything flows in and out, all things have tides, and everything rises and
falls. The pendulum swing manifests in all things. The swing to the right is
the same as the swing to the left. Rhythm compensates.

For example:

 The waves in the ocean moving

 The rise and fall of the greatest empires
 Business cycles
 Your thoughts swinging from positive to negative
 Your successes and failures

The Truth of Rhythm says when anything reaches its zenith, a backward
swing begins until all backward movement reverses, and then the forward
motion starts again and repeats.

When we observe a person who is hype and becomes very excited, we realize
the Truth of Rhythm. This same person can become very bored.
The correction to the dilemma is clear, avoid being very thrilled or anxious,
exercise moderation in all things.

The Truth of Cause and Effect

The Truth of Cause and Effect is the seventh Universal Truth of the Cosmos.
It states", "Every cause has its effect, and every effect has its cause"
any action produces an outcome in exact proportion to the cause that
originated it.

The state of reality is the effect caused by the Universal Truths of God's
Program. Consequences occur when you violate or comply with God’s
Program of Universal Truths.

Using that proposition, every effect you see in the Material World has a
particular cause, which has its origin in the Immaterial World. Such is the
relationship of Spiritual power.

Every one of your thoughts, words, or actions sets a specific effect in motion
that will come to materialize. Evolution to Divinity requires your mastery of
your Mind because everything that exists is a mental creation. Know that
chance or luck is not real.

Cause and effect apply in both the Immaterial and Material Worlds. The
difference is that in the Immaterial World, cause and effect are
instantaneous: they appear united, whereas, in the Material World, the
dimensions of time and space create a sequential time lag between the
initial cause and its future effect.

When you concentrate on your goals in the Immaterial World, you manifest
your desire in the Material World automatically. Manifestation occurs based
on conviction applied, determination, practice, and continued concentrated

The Truth of Attraction

The Truth of Attraction is the primary Truth that holds the other Universal
Truths together. It is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we desire.
The Truth of Attraction uses the power of the Mind to translate your desires
into reality.

In the Material World, opposites attract, and likes repel. In the Immaterial
(unseen, mental, Spiritual) World, where subatomic electromagnetic
particles exist, likes attract and opposites repel. Simply put, Immaterial
World thought vibrations will attract Immaterial World desired vibrations.
Focus on negative doom and gloom will keep you under that cloud. If you
focus on positive thoughts and have goals, you will achieve them.

There is no mention of the Truth of Attraction as one of the primary

Universal Truths of the Cosmos. That is so it can be highlighted as the
fundamental Universal Truth. The Truth of Attraction runs through all the
other Universal Truths. It holds everything together. Thorough knowledge of
the Truth of Attraction will enable a better understanding of the Universal

Regardless of age, ethnicity, or religious belief, we are all subject to the

Truth of Attraction.

The Universal Desires of Man

The Universal Desires of Man are generic needs of all men and women, such
as the need for happiness, for peace, to unite with others, for justice,
freedom, etc. They create the need for regulation by Universal Truths of

Each Universal Desire is connected in a (hierarchal, complementary,

supplementary, or opposing) relationship to the other desires and the whole.
The outcome of regulation between Desires and Truths dictate
consequences for the individual.

In hierarchical and numerical order of priority, the eleven Universal Desires

of Man are:

Universal Desire 0-Inner Peace

All healthy people want Inner Peace to have freedom from stress, anxiety,
guilt, sadness, worry, fear, etc. No one wants aggravation. Without Inner
Peace, there can be no happiness.

Inner Peace is also needed to gain Spiritual power and wisdom. Universal
Desires 1 through 10 are an organized network of influences that summon
the associated Universal Truths of Man to manifest Inner Peace.

You can describe Inner Peace as a consistent state of contentment, where

your emotions fluctuate between joy when things go your way and peace
when they do not. Either you win, or you learn.

The balance between Universal Desire 0-Inner Peace and Universal Truth of
Man 0-Inner Peace governs Man's behavior. In order of priority, this
equilibrium is the most important of all Universal Desire/Truth of Man
interactions. It expresses the balance of all ten other interactions. This
stability must be in place before achieving Inner Peace. Instead of chasing
after worldly illusions that cause stress, pain, and unhappiness, we should
strive to reclaim and manifest our original peaceful state.

However, worldly illusions, social engineering, religion, mass media,

education, family, workplace, etc. cause people to seek Inner Peace in ways
other than Universal Truth of Man 0-Inner Peace. These contrary methods
generate different mental and bodily characteristics in people. As a result, a
person's particular balance of Universal Desires defines their personality.

It is your task in life to satisfy the desire for Inner Peace using the Universal
Truths of Man.

Universal 1 Desire-Unity

All healthy people want Unity with others and their environment.

The Universal Desire 1-Unity originates from the first Universal Desire, Inner
Peace. An enormous part of that is the urge for happiness. We do not
engage in the host of life pursuits for their sake alone. There has to be
satisfaction in marriage, careers, going to the club, or whatever. Universal
Truth of Man 1-Unity regulates this Desire.

Universal Desire 2-Infallible Guidance and Certainty

All healthy people want Infallible Guidance and Certainty regarding their

They want to know the real and have the knowledge to identify correct
choices in life. Universal Truth of Man 2-Infallible Guidance and Certainty
regulates this Desire.

Universal Desire 3-Empowerment

All healthy people want Empowerment. We all want to feel we can achieve
our objectives in life. Universal Truth of Man 3-Empowerment regulates this

Universal Desire 4-Order

All healthy people want Order in their life, for efficient organization and
operation. Universal Truth of Man 4-Order regulates this Desire.

Universal Desire 5-Justice and Protection

All healthy people seek righteousness, security, and want Justice and
Protection. Universal Truth of Man 5-Justice and Protection regulates this

Universal Desire 6-Freedom and Self Reliance

All healthy people want Freedom and Self Reliance to have independence
and self-sufficiency. Universal Truth of Man 6-Freedom and Self Reliance
regulates this Desire.

Universal Desire 7-Pleasure and Creativity

All healthy people want Pleasure and Creativity and enjoy delight and
Imagination. Universal Truth of Man 7-Pleasure and Creativity regulates this

Universal Desire 8-Precedents to Guide and Expedite

All healthy people want Precedents to Guide and Expedite their endeavors
and examples that help them achieve their goals. Universal Truth of Man 8-
Precedents to Guide and Expedite regulates this Desire.

Universal Desire 9-Transcendence

All healthy people want Transcendence from undesirable, dysfunctional, and

unnecessary conditions; to learn and to unlearn; to rise above unwanted
and unnecessary conditionings. Universal Truth of Man 9-Transcendence
regulates this Desire.

Particular to Man is the growth stages of life:

 Infancy
 Childhood
 Adolescence
 Early adulthood
 Mid adulthood
 Late adulthood

What was acceptable for an earlier stage is not for the later stages. We must
learn to see the wrong in the world that comes from the survival of the child
in the adult stage. People will:

 Marry and want to live a single life

 Become adults and still want children-like care
 Become elders and want to present themselves at the club as sexy
spring chickens, and so on

Besides adjusting to meet changing growth stages of life, people must be

able to replace habits that are no longer useful with new practices.
Transcendence is the ability to surpass the old and give birth to the new.

Universal Desire 10-Proof

All healthy people want Proof of the worthiness of their endeavors, beliefs,
etc. to have Proof of the worthiness of their efforts, ideas, etc. Universal
Truth of Man10-Proof regulates this Desire.

Satisfying the Desires

How we use our Free Will to satisfy the eleven Universal Desires is one of
the most crucial things in life. Only by living the Universal Truths of Man,
can people appropriately govern their Universal Desires to advance their
Spiritual evolution.

Generic Desires drive us, and we attempt to satisfy them. People and society
develop all kinds of strategies to fulfill them. The unenlightened seek
fulfillment outside of themselves in worldly resources (money, weapons,
education, personality, celebrity, etc.).

However, as history has shown, all strategies that do not produce Inner
Peace and regulate our Universal Desires will fail. Often people first attempt
to satisfy the ever-present Universal Desire for Inner Peace through worldly
ways; avoiding and running away from situations, destroying people
believed to be the source of their problems, escapism, and so on. All these
methods fail.

The eleven Universal Desires of Man manifest their regulators, the eleven
Universal Truths of Man. Therefore, know that the key to Inner Peace is to
use the Universal Truths of Man to govern Universal Desires. Your life
depends on it.

The Universal Truths of Man

The eleven Universal Truths of Man direct the activities of Man's
Spirit/Energy by regulating the eleven Universal Desires. They also
comprise the only premises Man should use in his or her reasoning.

The Universal Truths of Man bear no resemblance to Man's beliefs. The

Universal Truths of Man are not commandments requiring obedience, not
rules, not prohibitions, or policy specifying how to manage Man's behavior.
They are not protocols established by ancient Eastern sages. The Universal
Truths of Man are the conditions of one ethic-Ma'at the authoritative and
everlasting Right, desired attitude.

Right and Wrong

Choose Ma'at, the Right over the wrong action.

As one of the oldest and most influential systems of thinking, Universal

Truths and Ma'at expand horizons, broaden possibilities, and assist
individuals in their evolution to Divinity. Think of Truth and Ma’at as a
winding highway enabling you to travel from point A to point B. On this
highway, you may drive slow or fast, near the centerline or the outer edge.
However, the road with its straightaway's and curves will govern your path
from point A to point B.

The Universal Truths of Man do not appeal to belief, faith, or understanding

through some "higher Spiritual" sense. They call on Man's reasoning power
and everyday experiences. The Universal Truths of Man influence and form
the strength and harmony of Spirit/Energy. The value of each Truth
depends on its relationship to the other Truths and the whole.

Memorize, analyze, and use the Universal Truths of Man as premises for
reasoning about all aspects of your life. They should be the only reasons
you give yourself for whatever you do in life. The following diagram
illustrates why:

Universal Truth of Man 0-Inner Peace

You are the likeness of God when you respond with peace to a situation of
challenge, knowing that peace is the natural response that will preserve the
integrity of the Lifeforce, which is in charge of the functions of Spirit/Energy,
Mind, and Physical Body.

Universal Truth of Man 1-Unity

You look like God when you respond with the understanding that no one or
nothing can ever be against you because you are one with all.

Universal Truth of Man 2-Infallible Guidance and Certainty

You look like God when:

 You base your life on the life optimizing discoveries of science.

 You use science to prove and celebrate the existence of Divine Law and
 You seek for others what you ask for yourself.
 What you want for yourself does no harm to others; instead, it is of
significant benefit to them.

 You live by the word of God knowing that God has provided you with
the means of intuiting all that you want to know to meet challenges that
are a part of your destiny.

Universal Truth of Man 3-Empowerment

You look like God when you take the time to live according to the destiny God
has provided you in peace and joy, knowing that God has provided you the
means of acquiring the power to succeed in all endeavors that are a part of
your destiny.

Universal Truth of Man 4-Order

You look like God when your dealings with God, others, animals, and the
environment adhere to the reciprocal relationship between all things knowing
reciprocity and interdependence is the foundation of God's Program.

Universal Truth of Man 5-Justice and Protection

You look like God when you allow the principle of reaping what you sow to
automatically restore the balance that has been disturbed when you hold
thoughts of seeking vengeance in Mind instead of redemption of the

Universal Truth of Man 6-Freedom and Reliance

You look like God when you choose, out of a conviction based on
understanding, to live according to the Truths of the Cosmos and Man,
instead of your opinions or feelings.

Universal Truth of Man 7-Pleasure and Creativity

You look like God when you use your Imagination as a tool to transcend your
lower nature and attain success as a Divine being in the world instead of
relying on material resources and using your Imagination as a tool for sensual

Universal Truth of Man 8-Precedents to Guide and Expedite

You look like God when you use your verbal expression to affirm your Divine
attributes and to glorify God as the source of success in your life. Instead of
using verbal expression to nourish a belief that circumstances are controllers
of your life or glorifying your human talents as the source of your success.

Universal Truth of Man 9-Transcendence

You look like God when you cultivate a devotion to realize your divinity by all
necessary, righteous means and at any cost-your life included, knowing
devotion is one of the most powerful inducers of the state of trance.

Universal Truth of Man 10-Proof

You look like God when you conduct your life on earth to develop your divinity
through the mastery of earthly circumstances.

The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is a blueprint of the flow of influences necessary for
Spirit/Energy to manifest into material forms. It is also a means to regulate
the external behavior of material things by adjusting their internal factors.

Each influence also represents a Universal Desire and Universal Truth of

Man combination. Their position on the Tree of Life portrays their
relationship with each other and the whole. The diagram is used the way
chemists use the Periodical Table of Elements to study elements in
chemistry research.

According to the ancient sages of the East, influences 0 and 10 represent

heaven and earth. Influences 1 through 9 portray the influences God uses
to create and administrate the world. The influences are also "organ
systems" within the Spirit/Energy components of all living things.

Life follows the path of the nine influences in the Immaterial World. They
are shaping factors and carry the force of Universal Truth. For example,
people will not add hay to their diet because the functions that regulate
their digestion could not digest it. In the same manner, we associate these
nine immaterial influences with Universal Truths governing Man's life on
earth. Observance of these Truths, allow the influences to bring their power
into your being.

According to age, health, level of Spiritual development, the expressions of

these influences will range from the basest urges to evolved mental abilities:
to psychic abilities held by so few. Manifestation of these powers can result
in Man's Divinity while alive on earth.


1. What is the Cosmos?

___ Consciousness
___ Awareness / Will
___ Bodiless intelligence
___ Spirit / Energy
___ All of time, space, and their contents
___ None of the above

2. A Truth expresses an inherent relationship between a cause and its

effect that is universal, objective, and unchanging. (True or False)

___ True ___ False

3. ________, known to the Greeks as Hermes/Thoth, became the

principal lawgiver of Kemet (Egypt). His Truths provide humanity with
a comprehensive analysis of the Cosmos and creation. (Fill in the

___ Tehuti
___ Jesus
___ Allah
___ Imhotep
___ Zeus
___ None of the above

4. Scientist and the elders say noise or the rapid vibrational motion of
tiny sub-atomic electromagnetic particles produces what the ancients
called, "RA" (Spirit/Energy)
(True or False)

___ True ___ False

5. Creations manifest in the world after God's Consciousness Wills

separates dormant Spirit/Energy. (True or False)

___ True ___ False

6. What are the seven Universal Truths of the Cosmos? (Fill in the

1. ______________
2. ______________
3. ______________
4. ______________
5. ______________
6. ______________
7. ______________

7. In the Immaterial World, Cause and Effect are sequential. (True or


___ True ___ False

8. The Truth of ___________ is the fundamental Truth that holds the other
seven Truths together. (Fill in the blank).

9. The Tree of Life is a blueprint of the flow of _______ necessary for

Spirit/Energy to manifest into matter or material forms. (Fill in the

___ Spirit/Energy
___ Consciousness
___ Factors
___ Influences
___ Expressions
___ None of the above

10. The ____________ are generic needs of all men and women, such as
the need for happiness, for peace, to unite with others, for
guarantees, for justice, freedom, etc. (Fill in the blank)

___ Universal Truths of Man

___ Angels
___ Factors
___ Influences
___ Universal Desires of Man
___ None of the above

11. The Universal Truths of Man do not appeal to belief, faith, or
understanding through some "higher Spiritual" sense. They call on
Man's reasoning power and everyday experiences. (True or False)

___ True ___ False

12. What are the eleven Universal Truths of Man? (Fill in the blanks)

0. ______________
1. ______________
2. ______________
3. ______________
4. ______________
5. ______________
6. ______________
7. ______________
8. ______________
9. ______________
10. ______________


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