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Transportation worksheet Name ____________________________


Circle the vehicle that does not Put an ± on the vehicle that travels
travel on land. on land.

Underline the vehicles that travel Circle all of the vehicles that have
on water. wheels.

Sort the vehicles into the proper category.

car airplane truck sailboat helicopter
ferry bicycle submarine train trolley
kayak ship rocket bus

Land Air Water

Transportation Transportation Transportation
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Copyright ©2008 T. Smith Publishing. All rights reserved. www.tlsbooks.com
Graphics ©2008 JupiterImages Corp.
Transportation worksheet answer key


Circle the vehicle that does not Put an ± on the vehicle that travels
travel on land. on land.

Underline the vehicles that travel Circle all of the vehicles that have
on water. wheels.

Sort the vehicles into the proper category.

car airplane truck sailboat helicopter
ferry bicycle submarine train trolley
kayak ship rocket bus

Land Air Water

Transportation Transportation Transportation
car airplane ferry
bicycle rocket kayak
truck helicopter ship
train submarine
bus sailboat
Copyright ©2008 T. Smith Publishing. All rights reserved. www.tlsbooks.com
Graphics ©2008 JupiterImages Corp.

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