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Agnes Liane Micah M.

Aton Rise of the Trolls|Social Documentary|Reel Truth Science

College of Nursing, UB June 4, 2020

Reflection Paper: Gregory’s Lawyer, Chris Murphy, “He is either communicating a political message
or he is defending himself against their slander. Those two things do not make you a troll. ”

“Communicating a political message.”

This matter is crucial not only to those people who have a strong way of expression with their
thoughts but also to the rest of the users of social media. Social media being a new virtual world in this
generation requires an individual to view at that manner but some people only have a one-sided
perception that creates an argument to the opposite party with a different one-sided perception on an
idea. I think that in expressing our thoughts in social media, we should not be selfish and only consider
our rights of freedom of speech but also the potential feedbacks of the viewers of our ideas to be posted.
In that way, we create balance from both ideas and could still create an argument but at the very least,
may result in a calmer manner rather than bombarding a one-sided thought.

“Defending himself against their slander.”

Gregory gambled his way through social media after posting his personal, honest opinion to
other people’s post. He did this act to stay on his principle and allowing others to view his perception
but unfortunately, most of the people saw it abusive that is why Gregory is being sued. I understand
Gregory’s side that he only spoken out what he believe is true and his right of freedom of speech should
not be rejected in legal matters just because these people can’t handle his opinion. It is a matter of
exercising emotional management to one another. In the social media world, it is inevitable to see and
read the ones in our liking and the ones who we find negatively affecting us emotionally. With that we
should be responsible users of social media and accept the fact that it exists whether virtually or in
physical reality. This negativity should be faced as a challenge to grow and develop to be better humans.
We know for a fact that negativity ruins the mood so we should not fight it with the same poles because
no goal is attained if we put fuel to the flame, instead we should shower it with positivity for it to bloom,
influenced with the same positivity we attracted it too.

“Those two things do not make you a troll.”

What does it mean to be a troll? In the video, a person that is part of a troll “organization” stated
that being a troll is making a “lulz cow” feel bad. They attack the “lulz cow” with words that are meant
for the “lulz cow” to counteract and make a stand. That drives the trolls to talk more trash about that
individual. Even though these trolls have the habit of trashing somebody into their worst state, they do
make it a goal for the “lulz cow” to commit a suicide. They just want a “lulz cow” to be used as
entertainment for many and make the “lulz cow” famous (not in a good way). These trolls appear to
have a psychologic instability called Schadenfreud effect. Schadenfreud effect is an individual’s
humorous response at the misfortune of others and has been suggested to be an empathic defense
mechanism(Lane, R., 2016). These people having such psychologic character united as an army to troll
other people, whether for money or for the trend, as long as they have voiced out their emotions towards
that individual; their acts are not being controlled by the government because of one reason: “Freedom
of speech”. Since freedom of speech is widely used and trolls are coming out from nowhere, they expect
every individual to be psychologically prepared for every acts of freedom they express in the internet
because in an indefinite time, one will be attacked by these trolls and its only legal as a form of freedom
of speech.
This act is truly a psychological challenge to many people, even though this freedom of speech is
rampant; there is also a “police system” that hunts down these trolls who take it beyond the limits that
violate human rights. Unfortunately, not all nations have this kind of system and if they do it won’t be
effective enough because of internet connection problem or lack of specialty in hunting down these
anonymous offenders. It may sound a little hopeless but as hopeless as it may seem there is still a silver
lining through it and that is become a better version of oneself. Taking this challenge seriously will
enhance an individual’s character that may influence positivity to the others and that could possibly take
down these trolls, little by little.

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