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A Genetic Algorithm in Scheduling Processes with Non – Permeability

Isra N. Alkallak Ruqaya Z. Sha’ban
Assistant lecturer Assistant lecturer
Department of Basic Sciences Computers Unit
College of Nursing College of Medicine
University of Mosul University of Mosul

The current paper tackles the combination of the genetic Algorithm with scheduling the
multiprocessor by browsing the two algorithms for dependent tasks and non preemptive.
The first algorithm is the highest level first estimated time (HLFET), and the second
algorithm is smallest co -level first with estimated time (SCFET). The genetic algorithm
proved to be powerful, efficient and appeared the feasible solution among many solutions;
that minimize the schedule length (execution time) to find the optimal scheduling. In this
research, it is proposed a genetic algorithm that finds a good combination of two list
algorithms to produce a schedule with shortest schedule length.
The results of the experiments showed that scheduling found with the proposed two list
scheduling genetic algorithms outperform those found with each one of the two lists
scheduling alone.

/ / ________________________________ / /
( ) / [ ]

Iintroduction -
Genetic Algorithm


.(Gold,1989, Hou et. al.,1994).

Scheduling Problem
Optimization Problem
(Auyeung et. al. ,2003 , Peng et .al. NP-Complete
. ,1997, Thiebaut,1995)

(Directed Acyclic Graph Model -


DAG Program
(Albala Cycle ( )
V G = (E,V) et. al.,1997, Gonzalez,1977)
Edge E Node

Weight (Collins,2001, Aronsson et. al.,2002)

. Computation Cost
Communication Cost Weight

.(Kowk et. al., 1999,Radulescu et. al., 2002)

[ ] ...

( ) Precedence Relation
.(Gonzalez,1977, Baskiyar, 2002, Radulescu et .al., 2002)

Basic Steps in Scheduling -

. .
. .
. .

(Arroyo,1996, Arbitrary ( )
.Kowk et .al.,1999)

Gantt Chart Model -

Gantt Chart

Idle Period ( ) (φ)
. (Arroyo,1996)

Dependent Tasks Scheduling -


Highest Level First With Estimated

Smallest Times (HLFET)
Co-Level First With Estimated Time (SCFET)
Critical Path

Co- .
.(Kowk et. al.,1999) Entry Node
( ) / [ ]

Create initial generation function

Find objective function

Parent selection function

Crossover Function

( )
Regeneration Process Mutation function

Find objective function

[ ] ...

Population -

Gen1 Gen2 --------------------- Gen n


(Auyeung et. al. 2003, Grajcar, 1999, Mahmood, n

Mitchell ,1998) 2000, Nossal, 2000,

Randomly Function

Encoding Solution -
Binary Encoding

Index (0-7) .

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

weight for HLFET weight for SCFET

Index 1 Index 2
( ) / [ ]

Fitness Function -

( )
. pr(n)
Index1 HLFET Whlfet
. Index2 SCFET Wscfet
HLFET level Phlfet
SCFET Co-level Pscfet

Selection -

.(Mitchell,1998) Selection Wheel Roulette


. .
.p .
. sumall .
. I=1 .
. 0<R<=sumall (R) randomly .
. I=I+1 .
.Ob .
. Slide=Slide+Ob .
. Partsum=Partsum+Slide
[ ] ...

. Partsum>R .
. .


ob1 ob2 ob3 ……obn


Crossover -

(Auyeung et. al, 2003) (Mahmood, 2000)

.( ) (Grajcar ,1999) (Nossal, 2000) (Mitchell ,1998)

Single Point Crossover

( ) / [ ]

Parent1 Child1

Parent2 Child2

Mutation -

(Mahmood, 1989)
.(Goldberg, 2000) (Nossal, 2000)
Bit Inversion
.((11001001) 10001001 1 0

Stop Criteria -

Classical Measures

(Goldberg ,1989;
(Nossal,2000 ;

Results -

( - ) ( - )
[ ] ...



Co_level Level
( ) / [ ]

0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0

weight for HLFET =0 weight for SCFET=12

TASK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
LEVEL 16 15 11 10 8 9 5 4 3 5 2
CO_LEVEL 1 6 3 9 10 7 14 12 11 10 16

1 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 9 11 11
φ 3 3 0 0 0 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 0 0

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Conclusions -
[ ] ...

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