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Repertory entries ordered by degree

From Boenninghausen (Boger’s edition, 50 remedies):
Ant-c., Ars., Bar-c., Fl-ac., Hep., Nat-c., Ph-ac., Rhus-t., Sars., Sep.
Am-c., Anac., Ferr-pic., Lyc., Nat-m., Petr., Pic-ac., Ruta, Sil., Staph.,
Ambr., Ars-i. Berb., Bor., Bov., Bufo, Carb-an., Carb-v., Chel., Colch.,
Cupr., Eupho., Graph., Kali-br., Kali-c., Lach., Merc-i-f., Nat-s., Phos., Ran-
b., Sabin., Spig., Sul-ac.

From Hering (35 remedies):


Bell., Ars., Kali-m., Lach., Mill., Nat-s.
Merc-i-r., Phyt., Sang.
Acet-ac., Alumn., ¤ Anac-oc., Ant-c., Arg-n., Bov., Chr-ac., Cund., Euphor., Euphr.,
Hep., Lyc., Nat-c., Nat-m., Ph-ac., Rhus-t., Sep., Sil., Staph., Sulph.,

From Jahr and his “dermatological diseases” (43 remedies):

Calc., Caus., Dulc., Natr., Nitr-ac., Rhus., Sep., Sulf., Thuja.

Ars., Baryt., Bell., Hep., Lyc., Natr-m., Phos-ac., Sil., Staph.
Amm., Euphorb., Euphr., Kal., Nitr-sp., Petr., Ruta.;
Ambr., Anac., Ant., Borax, Bov., Carb-an., Carb-veg., Chel., Cupr., Ferr-mg., Lach., Mgs-aus.,
Phosph., Ran., Sabin., Sass., Spig., Sulf-ac.

Differences between the two main repertories are:

• Boger: Aceticum acidum, Berberis, Chelidonium, Colchicum, Cuprum, Fluoricum acidum, Kali
bi., Kali carb., Petr., Phos., Ruta, Sars, Spigelia
• Hering: Argentum nitr., Baryta carb., Kali mur., Mercurius corrosivus, Millefolium, Phytolacca,

Belladonna is probably a mistake during edition because nowhere in the Materia Medica warts are
mentioned for Belladonna. Hence, I would infer that Belladonna will be used in a more generic way
for its great help in local inflammations for inflamed warts.

Warts are skin excrescences due to a papillomavirus, information which is of no clinical use in
homeopathy. They are mostly encountered in children and elder persons.
Warts can be categorized by shape, solitary or grouped, tendency to bleed or being painful, rarely
based on their relative localization (other than hands and feet which are regular locations), most
often concomitants symptoms are needed but in the case of children, constitutional remedies based
on mental and emotional trends are key.
They are considered both psoric and sycotic manifestations, which are part of constitutions
transmitted in a family through generations. We could say that any sycotic remedy could build wart
and wart-like eruptions on skin.

Igor SCERBO (France – Quebec)

Oriental medicine – Naturopathy – Classical Homeopathy
https://www.naturotherapies.fr – Facebook: m.me/102383001501855
Plantar warts, other than located in the edge of finger/toenails are often due to sweaty feet or
exposure to damp (see Sweat, moist or damp). This can be useful to consider as a concomitant (calc.,
caust., dulc., rhus tox, sulph.), more so that no classical repertory mentions feet soles as a probable

The most important remedies for warts, often reported in literature, but not always useful since they
need to be individualized, are:

• Baryta carbonica: Want of self-confidence; aversion to strangers, seeks solitude and child
refuses to play (Clarke). In dwarfish children who take cold easily.
• Calcarea carb.: sycotic, rather cold remedy with morning aggravation. People are fearsome
and indolent, but too often forgotten, children tend to be self-willed and even obstinate.
Warts are painful, with throbbing pain (Jahr), more often horny than flat, round, rough,
whitish (Hering) and also more often grouped in many little warts, black (Boger) or “almost
the color of skin” (Hering), with a stinging pain. They are generally located on arms or
forearms (Jahr). Can ulcerate, open (Clarke) and become hollow (Hering).
• Causticum: Sensitive individuals who are easily impressed and for whom justice is of utmost
importance. Children would not bear injustice of any kind, towards themselves or other
people (even animals). They would stand up against abusive authority. Seed warts (like
grains) are pedunculated, fleshy, broad, painful, easily suppurating and bleeding. Often
located on face and on fingers, about the eyes (Boger), also on eyelids, eyebrows (Jahr) and
in groups of many little warts (Clarke), it can appear on anywhere in the body (Sepia).
• Dulcamara: Are strong-willed personalities. Warts are mostly fleshy (Hering), flat and
smooth, broad. Often located on face.
• Nitricum ac.: Itching, painful, sticking, and pricking in, large, jagged, pedunculated, easily
bleeding (washing, Clarke), cauliflower-like (Clarke), sometimes inflamed (Jahr). On eyelids
(Jahr), arms, upper lip.
• Sulphur: Hard, horny, small (Boger), sometimes inflamed (Jahr), painful, throbbing warts
(Clarke), located about the eyes (Boger).
• Thuja: Itching, with excoriating pain (Jahr), pedunculated, bleeding and fissured warts, large,
seedy, sometimes oozing (Clarke). Often located on hands, very numerous esp. on dorsa, on
fingers, on eyelids, on scalp, nose, upper lip, upper limbs (hands) and lower limbs, anal or
genitals or any part of the body. After vaccination.

But many other remedies may be useful:

• Antimonium crudum: Soft and hard, smooth and horny warts.

• Arsenicum: Burning pain in ulcerating and suppurated warts (note: like for Belladonna, I
doubt Arsenicum has any use in real warts except aggravated ones).
• Ferrum magneticum: Small warts on the back of the hands, and on the wrist (Jahr)
• Fluoricum acidum: Are not warts per se but burgeoning blood vesicles resembling little warts
in shape.
• Hepar sulfur: Excoriating pain (Jahr), suppurating warts.
• Kalium muriaticum.: On hands (Clarke).

Igor SCERBO (France – Quebec)

Oriental medicine – Naturopathy – Classical Homeopathy
https://www.naturotherapies.fr – Facebook: m.me/102383001501855
• Lycopodium: Children are bossy, showing off but lacking confidence, too shy to confront his
errors. Warts are painful, with throbbing pain (Jahr), irregular, ragged, indented and
• Natrum muriaticum: The individual is reserved and refuses to answer. Often located on
palms (Hering, Clarke).
• Rhus tox.: Warts, especially on hands and fingers, large jagged, often pedunculated, exuding
moisture and bleeding readily (Hering), sometimes inflamed, burning pain (Jahr).
• Sepia: Gonorrheal warts on penis in crop, horny or flat warts (in the centre) on face, flat
warts on hands (dorsal) and fingers, on sides of fingers, on neck, large horny on abdomen or
anywhere else in the body (Clarke), painful with throbbing pain (Jahr).
• Silicea: Warts are hard. on arms, sometimes inflamed, painful with throbbing pain (Jahr).
• Staphysagria: Dry, large, seedy, pedunculated warts, sometimes inflamed (Jahr).

And also:

• Antimonium tartaricum (not mentioned): Warts behind glans penis (Hering, verified by
Clarke), coned (Boger).
• Berberis: Small warts in the fleshy part of the hand, under the thumb, flat small wart on the
• Cinnabaris: Warts on prepuce (Allen).
• Ruta: Flat, smooth, on inside of hands. Profile presenting problems of tendons and

Igor SCERBO (France – Quebec)

Oriental medicine – Naturopathy – Classical Homeopathy
https://www.naturotherapies.fr – Facebook: m.me/102383001501855

Flat and smooth Dulcamara, Lachesis
Hard and horny Antimonium crudum, Dulcamara, Sulphur
Borax, Graphites, Ranunculus, Thuja
Crested Nitricum acidum, Phosphoricum acidum, Rhus toxicodendron, Thuja
Calcarea, Euphrasia, Lycopodium, Sabina, Staphysagria
Pedunculated Nitricum acidum, Phosphoricum acidum, Rhus toxicodendron, Thuja.
Calcarea, Euphrasia, Lycopodium, Lycopodium, Sabina, Staphysagria
General pain Calcarea, Causticum, Petroleum, Phosphorus, Rhus.
Lycopodium, Nitricum acidum, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur.
Burning pain Arsenicum, Petroleum, Rhus
Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Sepia, Sulphur, Thuja.
Excoriating pain Hepar sulphur, Lachesis
Natrum muriaticum, Nitricum acidum, Sabina, Thuja.
Gnawing, Calcarea, Sulphur
pricking pain Antimonium crudum, Baryta carbonica, Causticum, Euphrasia, Hepar sulphur,
Lycopodium, Nitricum acidum, Rhus, Sepia, Silicea, Staphysagria, Thuja
Throbbing, Calcarea, Lycopodium, Nitricum acidum, Petroleum, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur
pulsating pain
Bleeding Natrum muriaticum, Nitricum acidum, Thuja.
Inflamed Causticum, Natrum muriaticum, Nitricum acidum, Silicea, Sulphur
Calcarea, Rhus, Sepia, Staphysagria.
Old warts Calcarea, Causticum, Nitricum acidum, Rhus, Sulphur
Ulcerated or Calcarea, Causticum, Hepar sulphur, Natrum muriaticum
suppurated Arsenicum album, Phosphorus, Silicea
Large Causticum
Dulcamara, Kalium muriaticum, Natrum muriaticum, Nitricum acidum, Sepia
Small Calcarea, Nitricum acidum, Rhus, Sepia, Sulphur
Dulcamara, Ferrum magneticum, Hepar sulphur, Lachesis
Face Causticum, Kalium muriaticum, Sepia
Dulcamara, Nitricum acidum, Sulphur
Eyebrows Causticum
Eyelids Nitricum acidum
Nose Causticum
Under the eyes Sulphur
Upper limbs, esp. Calcarea, Causticum, Sepia, Sulphur
arms Nitricum acidum
Forearms Calcarea
Hands Calcarea, Natrum muriaticum, Nitri Spiritus Dulcis, Rhus, Sepia, Sulphur, Thuja
Dulcamara, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Nitricum acidum
Anacardium, Berberis, Ferrum magneticum, Natrum muriaticum, Phosphorus
Fingers Rhus, Sepia, Sulphur, Thuja
Berberis, Ferrum magneticum, Lachesis

Igor SCERBO (France – Quebec)

Oriental medicine – Naturopathy – Classical Homeopathy
https://www.naturotherapies.fr – Facebook: m.me/102383001501855

A student, 17, had twenty-three on right hand and thirty-four on left, mainly on backs and fingers,
but a few on interior surface of fingers. In addition, redness and inflammation of eyelids. Cured in
seven weeks with Ant. c. 200x. Ant. crud. is specially suited to infants and children (with coated
moist white tongues) and also to elderly persons.

A cluster of small warts on the forehead of a boy which had lasted eighteen months and followed the
scratch of a cat. Thuja in fractional doses and Thuja painted on cured permanently in three weeks.

A gentleman, about 50, consulted me recently about a wart on the right side of his head. He was
bald, and the wart was black and unsightly. It had been growing some months, and he was somewhat
anxious about it as his father had had a similar wart develop in the same locality at the same age, and
it had never left him. My patient had been twice vaccinated. Thuja 30, twenty-eight powders, one in
seven medicated, one at bedtime. In one month, there was much reduction; Thuja was repeated, and
in little over two months the wart was gone.


The cure of a young woman whose hands were covered with warts. One 2 gr. tablet of Lyc. 6
trituration was given at bedtime. The warts soon began to shrivel, and in less than six weeks were all

(to be continued)

Igor SCERBO (France – Quebec)

Oriental medicine – Naturopathy – Classical Homeopathy
https://www.naturotherapies.fr – Facebook: m.me/102383001501855

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