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Aurora or polar light is a natural phenomenon that resembles a radiant glow of light in the
ionosphere layer of a planet as a result of the interaction between the magnetic field owned by
the planet with charged particles emitted by the Sun (solar wind). The astronomer who first
discovered the aurora in the world and named it Galileo Galilei. He discovered the aurora in

On earth, auroras occur in the area around the North Pole and South Magnetic Pole. Aurora
which occurred in the northern area known as Aurora Borealis, which is named after the
goddess of the Morning Rom, Aurora, and the Greek name for the north wind, Boreas. This is
because in Europe, the aurora often looks reddish in the northern horizon as if the Sun will rise
from that direction. Aurora borealis always occurs between September and October and March
and April. The phenomenon of auroras in the south known as Aurora Australis has similar
characteristics. But sometimes auroras appear on mountaintops in tropical climates.

The aurora phenomenon is related to the envelope of the magnetic field or magnetosphere of
the Earth and the activity of the appearance of light from the Sun. The stronger and longer the
aurora's light, it can be predicted the stronger the interference from the Sun which is known as
solar storm (solar storm). Solar Storm is a cycle of devastating explosions from the peak of
sunspot activity, usually every 11 years will enter a period of solar storm activity. While the
interference that occurs in the Earth's magnetic field, is called a magnetic storm (magnetic
storm). The sudden change in the magnetic field causes charged particles in the atmosphere to
increase or change direction (for example in the ionosphere). Aurora can also arise if there is a
further phenomenon in the magnetosphere known as magnetic sub-storm. This event gave rise
to oval auroras at the Earth's poles that were symmetrical to each other.

The role of large magnetic fields in the occurrence of auroras causes auroras to occur most
frequently in the area around the north pole and magnetic south pole, and very rarely occurs in
the equatorial region. In addition to location, weather and pollution, light also affects the
quality of auroras. In Alaska, the best time to see aurora is in the months of March and
September to late October. At that time the sky was dark and the weather was very bright. In
summer, the night sky is not too dark. Conversely in winter, the air becomes too cold so that it
disturbs the comfort of people who want to observe it. Aurora appears in a variety of different
forms. The appearance is changing, the most beautiful stage is at midnight. Aurora also forms
bands of light with various colors, usually green, yellow, blue or dark red. The colors produced
are due to collisions of different particles and molecules or atoms. The colors seen depend on
the height and type of molecules in the atmosphere .

Aurora distance from Earth is only 90 kilometers from Earth, and can also be seen from space.
and it turns out that the aurora itself can make a sound, according to those who have heard it,
the sound of the aurora is very melodious like the sound of the waves and the splash of water.

the beauty of aurora does not only occur on Earth. But also on other planets in our solar
system, such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The appearance of auroras is certainly
slightly different from Earth because the atmosphere and poles are different. aurora also has
several types including :

a. Aurora Borealis
auroras that occur in the north. Aurora Borealis is common between September and
October, March and April. Aurora Borealis can be seen in the Antarctic region which is
the northern country of Canada, Alaskan, Russia and Scandinavia.
b. Aurora Australis
aurora phenomenon in the southern part which has properties similar to aurora
borealis. Same as the name, this aurora usually appears in the southern hemisphere. So
it does not surprise its name as if the country near the south pole, namely Australia. But
sometimes auroras appear on mountains in regions that have a tropical climate. This
type of aurora has also appeared on the highest mountains in Indonesia.
Aurora also always shows a different color every day. This color difference is caused by the
atomic content of Oxygen and Nitrogen in the air which is always changing. When Oxygen atom
levels are greater, the Aurora light will be dominant green or reddish. Meanwhile, if the levels
of Nitrogen atoms are more, then the Aurora light will be dominant orange or reddish. But
besides the colors above, sometimes there also appears blue light.

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