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Armel R.

Collantes, SMM

Introduction to Scriptures

1. From what you have seen from the documentary film, name at least 3 Old Testament and 4 New
Testament Apocryphal writings and describe each in a paragraph of not more than 6 sentences.

Old Testament

A. The Life of Adam and Eve

This apocryphal writing tries to tell a more detailed story of creation. It is said that is a
backstory of the Genesis story account. It tells also more of the temptation of Eve by
Satan disguised as an angel which is contrary to that of Genesis which Eve was tempted
by a serpent. It was also said in this apocryphal that when Adam was created by God,
the angel named Satan was told by God to bow down at Adam. Satan could not accept
and with other angels they rebel from God and was expelled from heaven.

B. The Book of Jubilees

This book tries to answers many unanswered questions of the past and for this reason, it
was termed to be a fundamentalist. This also tells us that Adam and Eve have sons and
daughters. One of the debated question was about how Cain took his wife. It was in this
book that was written that Cain took his sister Awan to be his wife and bore him Enoch.
It said to be an incest marriage between Cain and his sister Awan which many could not
take or accept. This was preserved in Ethiopia and was included in the Ethopian Bible.

C. The Book of Enoch

It was said to be an ancient writing that us filled with divine secrets. It has 108 chapters.
It tries to tell us the understanding of the end of times where there are the towns of
heaven and hell. It tells us the fall of the fallen disobedient angels to the depths of the
earth. God tells Enoch that all life on earth will be destroyed by a violent flood.

New Testament
A. The Infancy Gospel of Thomas

This gospel portrays the disturbing stories of Jesus as a boy at around 5 to 12 years old. It was on the 2 nd
century that people started to ask of how was Jesus as a child since in the gospels there were no
mention of the stories of Jesus as a boy. This book was written by an unknown author and since it was
written during the 2nd century, it was too late for a genuine consideration as part of our gospel. Jesus
here was portrayed as a curious boy of his power and uses his power to raise a friend who was dead
after falling from a roof. Jesus was not only a powerful boy but was also portrayed as a malevolent boy
with his unusual miracles. This gospel was also found in the Muslim Bible, Koran.

B. The Gospel of James

This gospel tells us the detailed story of the birth of Mary. In the gospels that we have, there are no
mention of the birth of Mary. This gospel of James was said to be the first document that focuses on
Mary and her personhood. It is also called as the protoevangelium of James which begins with Mary’s
middle aged parents, Joachim and Anne. The prayers of the couple were answered by the Lord though it
was said that Anne is barren by the Annunciation to Anne that she is to conceive a baby girl. This gospel
reinforces the idea of Mary’s immaculate conception and perpetual virginity which is later brought to

C. The Gospel According to Mary

This gospel according to Mary portrays a different image of Mary Magdalene. Here, Mary is independent
woman, an apostle and a visionary; not as a prostitute. It also depicts the very close relationship
between Mary Magdalene and Jesus. Peter in this gospel was a kind of suspicious of the close
relationship of Jesus and Mary when he said that she is the most important woman and beloved of
Jesus. One of the apostles told Peter that who are they to question Jesus on how she regards Mary. This
gospel tries also to depict the role of men and especially the special role of women in the Church which
leads to serious debates.

D. The Gospel of Nicodemus

This is a writing that describes Jesus’ trial and execution and his descent into hell. This was believed to
be written personally by Nicodemus. Jesus here was portrayed as a man who is afraid of death and was
an illegitimate son of Mary. It was also in this gospel that a part of the old stations of the Cross on which
Jesus meets His mother on the way to Calvary. The second part of this gospel was that of the descent of
Jesus into hell which hell here is not the idea we have today but as a destination for everyone who dies.
This gospel was said to be too speculative and disturbing.

2. Which of these apocryphal writings do you wish to read in the future? Why?

Among these apocryphal writings, I am interested to read on the Life of Adam and Eve and the Gospel of
James. I want to have another view of these writings apart from what I have learned and believed in our
faith for me to have also a good understanding of cultural contexts and views of other author. It is just
interesting for me to know how these were written and what these writings were trying to imply to us.
The book of the Life of Adam and Eve is very catchy for me as it tries to open to me another view of the
life of our first parents and the Gospel of James would somehow open me to possibilities of the true
story of the childhood of the Blessed Mother Mary.

3. Do you agree with these writings should not be in our canon of Scriptures?

I personally agree that these were not included in our canon of Scriptures. After I have watched this
documentary film, I have felt its danger of creating confusion to the faith especially to our brothers and
sisters who have not been oriented with the proper approach with our Scriptures. I am afraid that if this
confusion that may brought about upon exposing these to them, they may not be able to handle them
and may lead to disorientation and misinterpretations of our faith.

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