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by D/C Russ


This is an informational manual that inspires you to take an honest and mature
look at your life and the world around you. Like everything I produce, it is not
copyrighted, so please feel free to share it as you will. I recognize that some of
the things I discuss are a bit controversial. Keep an open mind.

(this book was written in Dvorak)
author’s note

Just so you guys know...

You can actually prevent yourself, no matter how hard you try, from getting the
things that you want. There are endless examples of how this occurs on an
everyday basis and what it looks like on the ground level. I will cite a fair
number of these, just to give you some ideas to get your brain jogging.
Ultimately, though, it is up to you to take the journey within.

This should not be considered an all-encompassing synopsis of how the
manifestation process works. It’s not a process that you can “figure out”. When
it comes to manifestation, you gotta learn how to dance with the subjective and
highly personal energies involved.

One thing is for sure though: you don’t have to be a genius or a guru to start
using manifestation to your benefit; or, rather, to stop using it to your detriment.
Manifestation is a constant, ongoing process that can be consciously directed.
You’re always engaged in manifestation, whether you know/like it or not. The
process is highly sensitive to your state of mind; but you certainly don’t need to
be perfect in order to see enormous changes in your life.

Small changes now make a HUGE difference later.

My goal is to give you some new ideas as well as to inspire you to search for
ways that you might be preventing cool stuff from reaching you. I will offer you
actionable tactics and strategies that you can train with, all in the hopes that I can
make at least one of your dreams come to you easier. Just the idea of
accomplishing that literally sets me on fire.

My objective is to aide you and others in achieving their dreams, accomplishing
the impossible, and teaching others to do the same. My media of communication
are creative writing, experimentation, oration, and music. If you haven’t already,
check out my site for more inspiration, updated daily: www.alignmentality.com.
And download your free Ascension Cheat Sheet.

My mission is to contribute to the catalyzing of World Peace by aligning myself
with the Divine. I seek Enlightenment and comrades among whom to search for

My vision is that one day, everyone will kick ass. We will all respect and admire
each other’s passion and personality. Everyone will be contributing positively to
the world and everything in it. We will begin to unite in metaphysical ways. As
always, now is the right time to begin the quest.

other books by D/C

Check out my bookshelf for all the best books I’ve written.

D/C’s Bookshelf

- contents –
(Click to navigate. Then click on any chapter heading to go back to the contents.)

what is it
how does it work
how do i use it
what does god think about it

digging your own grave
verbal confirmation bias
“i am” vs “i feel”
“i can’t afford that” or “i’m poor”
negative contractions
nonverbal agreements with the devil
past/present/future verbs & time

worrying about the how
you gotta be realistic in life
you need experience for that
taking risks is irresponsible
you gotta know people first
the economy’s terrible

complaining & whining
trying too hard
misusing your emotions
feeling sorry for yourself
seven deadly sins
stroking the ego

being close to god
recognizing what’s really going on
accepting your shortcomings
meditation, emotion, repetition
the thought redirect
changing your perspective
bolstering your belief
focus on providing value
take action!
- manifestation -

what is manifestation?

To manifest something is to put it in plain view, or make it obvious. It’s the act
of taking something intangible – like an idea or visualization – and bringing it
into physical existence.

Manifestation should be seen as a loose term, describing everything from
manifesting a medical miracle through prayer/meditation to manifesting a good
grade by studying. In other words, manifestation is magical; but it’s also a really
down-to-earth process.

It’s important to understand manifestation through a practical lens. It’s like
gravity in the sense that it’s a force that’s always acting on you. Said another

You’re always manifesting whether you are consciously aware of it or not.

In fact, you are a living manifestation engine, constantly absorbing the world
around you, consciously assessing it, and then churning out a new reality that
awaits your assessment. Idiomatically, the serpent eats its tail.

This process is always happening and it leads to subconscious beliefs and
perceptions that are formed over time by your thoughts, reactions, judgments,
biases, and emotions. Once the conscious stuff takes root in your subconscious,
it blasts out in all directions creating the physical reality that you perceive with
your senses. Baam!

This means that manifestation is an unconscious process, but it can be directed
through conscious means. You have a great deal of control over the fuel you’re
putting into your manifestation engine. You will not always be able to decide
what gets put in front of you, but you’ll always have the prerogative to choose
what it means to you. This, my friend, is where your Power begins.

I want to point out that manifestation is less about controlling reality and more
about changing your mind about it. Accept what already is and know that it’s for
your own good. The stars do the rest.

Life, as you’ll see, is much easier when you simply allow it to flow over you.

Changing your manifestation habits is sometimes as simple as being aware of
what you’re saying and thinking. Words and thoughts have measurable energy
associated with them and can, cumulatively, have a huge effect on your reality.
Replacing negative thoughts and words with positive ones will give an enormous
benefit to your quality of life. We’ll take a look at some of these linguistic
“quick fixes” in the next section.

On the other hand, manifestation is a skill. And as a skill it must be practiced and
cultivated. Anything can be manifested, but some things are interpreted as harder
than others based on the individual’s belief, a wider social construct, or a
physical law. But these are all, of course, superficial limitations.

There is no degree of magnitude when it comes to miracles. One is not easier
than the other. But when there’s a great deal of thought and emotional energy
against the intended manifestation, the act of materializing it may seem more
difficult to achieve.

Here are a few examples of things that one could physically manifest:

-An object (car, house, coffee, etc.)
-Money or financial freedom
-A desired lifestyle or relationship
-A concept or an idea
-A new personality or identity

If what you’re trying to manifest appears to be impossible, remember that time is
not a factor in when a manifestation materializes. Manifestation occurs in a non-
physical dimension apart from the material realm of time and space.
Nonetheless, it’s just as real as anything you see with your eyes and touch with
your fingers. Especially when your manifestation becomes tangible.

An important feature of manifestation methods that doesn’t get discussed much
is the subjectivity. The process of manifestation can be broken down and
delineated into any number of steps or actions. Moreover, manifestation
techniques can differ from person to person and from situation to situation.
Where as one person likes to recite mantras for lifestyle design, that same person
might want to use visualization for manifesting their financial or career

In this manual, I will not delve into the process of manifestation itself. Instead, I
will cover the various ways that people actually prevent their manifestations
from occurring. In other words, even if you seem to be doing everything right in
the manifestation process, you can still push your desires far away from you,
sometimes without even knowing it.
how does manifestation work?

Manifestation works by declaring the desire and then understanding the true
fact that the path will be shown to you. Loosely: have faith and don’t doubt.

Easier said than done. “Just have faith,” they say. Faith, like manifestation, is a
skill that takes practice. It’s learned over time through cultivating an
understanding and acceptance of what’s True. And, manifestation is as True as

Faith is not so much an action as it is a habit--a way of life.

Consider for a moment what it means to create something. You can create a
village. You can create a work of art, physically and digitally. You can create an
ideological movement. You can create a thought...or an emotion. And you can
certainly create a belief. A belief that, once sufficiently rooted in the
subconscious, begins doing some creating of its own--reality! Whoa, this is
getting a little heavy here, isn’t it?

Imagine for a minute that you’re standing on a stage behind a curtain. The
audience is expecting a phenomenal speech from the speaker, who of course is
you. Take a few moments and picture yourself standing there as the curtain lifts.
You’re the star of this show. Everyone’s eyes are on you as you approach the
podium and they’re waiting to hear what you have to say. And, just as you begin
to open your mouth, you realize you cannot remember your speech.

Did you get a feeling of nervousness? Where did that emotion come from? You
created it out of nothing. You also created the scene that you imagined in your
mind. Now, does this mean that it will manifest physically? Probably not. Not
unless to put the sufficient amount of energy toward the visualization with the
intention and faith that it materializes.

Still, you created it with your mind and it became real, whether in this dimension
or the next. Certainly you created something that felt very real. I know that
sounds crazy but it’s true; and it lays the foundation for the rest of this course.
how do i use manifestation?

In one line: you are already using manifestation.

Think of it like making coffee. Once set up, the whole process handles itself,
thanks to gravity. Your job is trying to brew the best cup of mud for yourself by
ensuring that the coffee grounds you’re putting in are of the finest quality.

And just like the coffee grounds, your thoughts and emotions have a quality
associated with them, and it’s measured by frequency. The higher the frequency,
the better the feeling.

Manifestation is all about being aware of your thoughts and feelings and doing
everything you can to ensure they are of the highest quality. Other than that, it’s
really just a positive intention to gain coupled with a fair amount of patience in
the form of faith.

Even though manifestation is a real, scientific process, it works on a subjective
basis; this means that there are only general guidelines on how to do it. Most of
the process is left to your discovery and your own unique journey. It is you who
must get acquainted with yourself and your own desires, delving into the reasons
why you desire them.

This will require a sincere analysis of yourself and your situation. You must be
honest with yourself...do not try to fool the Higher Power that upholds
manifestation as Universal Law. It is a formula; but be careful not to be too
objective/formulaic in using it.

The object of manifesting is to access your subconscious mind and reprogram it
with positive beliefs and perceptions. It can be performed as a ritual and
mastered as a constant, ongoing process. You will want to incorporate both
models in your efforts.

As a ritual, sit down in a comfortable place where you will not be disturbed. You
should spend a minute or two relaxing your body, calming your breathing, and
setting the intention to relinquish all the limitations of your conscious mind.
From here it’s basically a 2-part process: ask and receive. The way you do this is
entirely up to you: visualization, prayer, mantras, etc. There are tons of online
methods and resources to get you started until you develop a ritual that’s
comfortable for you.

As an ongoing process, manifestation is a cycle that may leave you going back
to the drawing board several times before you’re even clear on what it is that you
want. Once you know what you want, then the hardest part comes: receiving it.
We humans all have the remarkable ability of destroying our dreams and foiling
our plans.

Your ability to remain open and let the desire manifest will waiver. You will
likely lose faith. You will question it. You will resist it. You might even hate it.
But, no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to deny it.
what does God think of manifestation?

In a few words: God wants you to win. He wants you to have everything your
heart desires, as long as you glorify Him with these gifts. This means not putting
anything above your loyalty to God and all of his creation. It means using your
abundance to somehow create abundance for others and for the world.

Abundance is for everyone. God does not want you to suffer from lack.
Suffering is only a means and a teaching device to achieve higher levels of
freedom, abundance, and creational ability. Look around you at the profound
level of creational capacity humans have been able to achieve in just the last 100
years. As we continue to evolve consciously, we gain increasingly higher levels
of free will, as a species and as individuals.

The goal of all human life is to evolve toward Godlikeness.

Life is supposed to be fun. Feel free to have your toys and play with them too.
Enjoy. Indulge. But always remain faithful to Him, ensuring He is paramount to
all material objects/desires. And continue to be grateful for all things you’ve
been given thus far. Get into the regular habit of glorifying God by praising even
the most mundane things you might take for granted on a day-to-day basis.
- linguistics -

One of the most powerful and obvious ways that manifestation resistance occurs
is through the use of our language.

There are many phrases that people often repeat that ensure that they remain
stuck in their undesirable life circumstances.

People generally take for granted the powerful emotional energy that’s
associated with the words they use, both through self-talk and spoken and
written words.

Never underestimate the power of language to create your reality.

For example, have you ever heard of a successful person who says over and
over, “I just can’t do it. I don’t believe in myself.”

If you are to be successful, your words must reflect self-confidence and belief in

There has never been a successful person who constantly tells themselves they
”can’t”, “won’t”, or “shouldn’t” be successful.

That’s not to say that successful people didn’t have their moments of doubt. The
power in using your language to support, not resist, your desires lies in your
ability to create long-term patterns.

If you constantly say, “I can’t do anything right,” then you will inevitably find
evidence to support this. Whenever you catch yourself saying this, change it to
“I can do some things very well.”

You will quickly begin to notice the many things that you do right, instead of all
the things that you don’t do right. At first, focus on changing this perception just
one out of ten times. Your efforts will snowball to the point where you will
actually become a more capable person, in addition to perceiving yourself as

Let’s check out some more examples of how people resist their intended
manifestations via the avenue of linguistics.
digging your own grave

It amazes me the extent to which we humans will go to damn ourselves. It’s
actually quite comical how insane it can be when you take a step back and look
at it. People too often act in ways that get them the exact opposite of what they

One of the most obvious ways we do this is through our language. Our language
reflects who we are. It can be the flower bursting through the fertile soil of the
subconscious or it can be the prickley thorn forcing its way through the dry,
parched rubble.

I heard a great quote from a sociologist whose name I can’t remember:

“Language is a play of unintended self-transformations.”

As a thoroughbred anthropology major, I never had a great passion for
sociology...but this quote has proven itself to be true over and over again. Gotta
give credit where credit is due I suppose.

When someone talks, they are transforming all kinds of information about
themselves. There is no escaping this. You can mask yourself through a creative
use of words but only for some time. Your tone will leak through. You will slip

There is always an underlying thought system that is shoving itself through your
psyche, waiting to hop on the next vehicle that is your language. As you delve
deep into yourself with probing, honest questions you will unveil these beliefs
that are at the root of your language. When you change these beliefs, your
language will automatically change.

But you can also attack the problem from the other direction: changing your
beliefs through a conscious effort to change your language. Be aware of what
you talk about, both aloud and your inner self-talk. Then, reframe the language
to reflect the thought system you wish to nourish most.
verbal confirmation bias

If someone is constantly talking about negative things, it’s quite senseless to
assume that they are truly happy inside. If someone is always mentioning
reasons why they’re unsafe and why they ought to worry, then it is preposterous
to suggest that this person is living a bold, fearless life. And if a person is always
telling their “victim story” about why they do not have what they want, they are
invariably pounding that belief into themselves.

These are the subtle but powerful ways we shape our subconscious minds. You
might think this is a small factor, and that you’re just “being realistic” about
your situation. But keep in mind that the long-term, cumulative effect of doing
this can be truly devastating.

Being aware of verbal confirmation bias is only half the battle. You still have to
wane yourself off of the desire to hold onto that belief. We can sometimes get
overly comfortable with a long-standing belief, but let’s just remind ourselves
that we can quite literally choose what we want to believe. Even though this is
definitely not as easy as it sounds.

Stop acknowledging and confirming the painful reality that you’re currently
experiencing. You’re only reinforcing the reality. Instead, accept what’s in front
of you and then reframe your language to begin to paint a more favorable reality.
“i am” vs. “i feel”

Along your journey to avoid manifestation resistance via your language patterns,
you will naturally develop a fair amount of emotional mastery. Understanding
the function of your emotions will help you to dissolve the compulsion to
despair about them. There is one big adjustment you can make when it comes to
your inevitable experience of negative emotion: do not identify with the
emotion, feel it and learn from it.

The way we think about our emotions is indicative of the language we
instinctively use. When anger arises, we say “I am angry.” Or when something
happens that leads to sadness, we say “I am sad.” This might seem like a trivial
example, but we’re not pulling any punches here. Change your language to
reflect your feelings as more of a temporary experience.

Start developing the habit of making small positive changes because the
cumulative effects are huge down the road. Something as simple as replacing “I
am” with “I feel” will help to put proper perspective to your emotional
experience and allows you to process them in a way that’s constructive.

This idea is a widely accepted concept in the fields of neuro-linguistic
programming (NLP) and non-violent communication (NVC). And as I’ve
learned from the great teacher, Dr. Wayne Dyer, you must be very careful when
using the phrase “I am” because it is a strong signal to your subconscious mind.
Only identify with those things that you wish to have, whether you appear to
physically possess them or not. E.g. “Even though sometimes I feel bad, I know
it is only a device to help me be even happier than I am now.”

This is not to say you should go around fooling yourself. If you’re upset,
repeating “I am happy! Yippee!!” will likely feel artificial and produce very little
positive results. You can’t fool your subconscious mind. Be real and use your
language to reshape your condition in a way that’s believable and that feels
good. Only you can be the judge of this. Trust your gut.
“i can’t afford that” & “i’m poor”

There is no better way to damn yourself on matters of the wallet than to repeat
these phrases with full gusto every time you consider making a purchase.

Most people make sure to verbally confirm exactly how poor they really are.
That way they can show themselves and others that their victimhood is really
true and that they’re not just complaining about having no money.

My advice to you: don’t do that, you will invariably prove yourself right.

Either change your language or avoid altogether making judgments about your
lack of financial abundance. Tell yourself instead that you’re choosing not to
purchase said thing. Tell yourself that you’re broke if you have to...just not
“poor”. Broke is more of a temporary situation. It can be fixed. You won’t be
broke forever. Poorness is a state of mind that’s focused on depravation.

You can have very little money and still be rich. Wealth is a state of mind
focused on abundance. To be broke is a matter of course and is often inevitable
at one point or another. Being poor is a state of lack that affects far more than
just your wallet.

There’s no shame in not having enough money to buy something. But never say
never and never say “can’t”. If you focus on your capital-making capacity as an
incapability, then it might start lookin’ like it. Like Henry Ford says, “Whether
you can or you can’t, either way you’re right.”

What I’m trying to get at here is avoiding those negative emotional vibes that are
so integral to shaping your subconscious mind. You might very well have no
problem saying “I can’t afford that.” And that’s fine. All I’m doing is trying to
look out for the people who might be really affected by using this phrase. It’s up
to you to determine for yourself what feels good and what feels bad. I’m just
offering you some suggestions to explore. But, ultimately the journey is solely

If you find that you have a poor or undesirable relationship with money, then I
urge you to read my other book: STOP!! Manifesting Money. It will help you to
understand how to attract more financial abundance in your life.

Remember to focus less on what you’re doing and more on how you feel while
you’re doing it. Maybe you’re one of those weird people (woot, woot) who gets
motivated and excited when you tell yourself you can’t afford something.
Which, in that case, spread it on man. Let’s dance.
negative contractions

Okay this one might seem a bit superstitious at first glance. But just knowing
about it can help you draw connections that might come in handy.

The use of negative contractions is something that’s talked about in NLP circles.
Basically the idea is that the subconscious mind does not notice when you say
the contraction “don’t”, for example.

Watch this:

Don’t think of an elephant.

Did you think of an elephant? Couldn’t help it, huh?

Now, obviously, you could apply this rule directly in a number of ways. For
example, if you want someone to comply with your wishes, tell them what to do
rather than what not to do (“don’t”).

Or you could use it directly to prevent resisting your desires. For example, “I
don’t want to be poor.” demonstrates a pretty glaring problem assuming that the
subconscious mind glosses over “don’t”.

However, this last example highlights an even more important point that you
should consider: the object of your focus is what you end up seeing. In other
words, you get what you want...but you also get what you really don’t want.
You’ll manifest whatever you’re putting the most attention (aka energy) toward.

Mother Teresa understood this principle very well. She always said, “Never
invite me to an anti-war rally; but if you’re holding a pro-peace campaign, I’m
already there!”

Even if the negative contraction theory might not paint the entire picture, it still
bears a lot of truth. Constantly saying “I don’t want X” makes it a hell of a lot
more likely that you’ll get X. Focus instead on an affirmative, like “I want to be
rich!” Just say them aloud and see if you can feel the difference. Which
one feels better?

It’s kind of a funny little thing about the Universe. But it’s there to teach us how
to effectively use our minds to attain or achieve the things we want. There are all
kinds of fun little tidbits that act as signs and symbols alerting us to profound
insights into how the Universe works. When you look at it this way, life
becomes entertaining like a movie or a fun video game.
nonverbal agreements with the devil

No...not the red dude with horns. I just don’t know what else to call it.
The devil is some type of force that drives us to make poor decisions. Some
people call it the reptilian part of the brain. Other, more Freudian, people refer to
it as the id.

Whatever you want to call it, wherever it comes from...it’s real. And you must
defend the sanctity of your holy temple from it.

This devil is always lurking in the shadows ready to leap out and attack. You
might be familiar with the devil in the context of close relationships with others.
It’s the voice that tempts you to do or say things that you later regret. Maybe
you’re familiar with the saying, “we often hurt the ones we love the most.”

It’s the same voice that gets you to confirm all the horrible convictions that go
through your monkey brain when you’re under the effect of negative emotion.

“She doesn’t love me.”

“He doesn’t care about my emotions.”

“I hate that [insert explicative].”

But, my friends, this devil is sneaky. He is a shapeshifter and a master of
disguise. This devil is not just the loud voice of rage and anger; it’s also the
quiet, venomous voice of depression, apathy, and guilt. It is the voice that tells
you you’re not good enough...or that you can’t do it--that you’ll fail and
everyone will laugh at you.

The devil is brilliant and crafty. He will reveal to you every piece of evidence
you need to make the conviction of yourself or others. If you want to see what
truth the devil is trying to paint for you, he’s always happy to pull out his easel.
And he’s a terribly convincing artist.

Your journey to Freedom will include lots of struggle with this destructive force.
It’s best to try to understand it as a scientist analyzes the results of an
experiment. Try not to get wrapped up in a negative relationship with this force.
It’s easy to hate the devil.

But if you hate the devil, then he’s won. The devil doesn’t care who you hate.
He’s happy to serve as the scapegoat for your self-destruction. The devil has an
agenda and he will stop at nothing to exploit your fragile emotional state.

Learn to see the devil’s attacks as his way of reaching out for you to see his
pain. Respond accordingly with Love.

Dine with the devil and have a sincere heart-to-heart. Your goal is to understand
and be compassionate to even his most wicked ploys. Jesus always taught
nonresistance to evil. “Turn the other cheek.” This does not mean you shouldn’t
defend yourself. It just means defending yourself without attack.

The efficacy of this strategy is indicative in the Civil Rights movement
organized by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as well as the many peaceful protests
against China led by the Dalai Lama.

Remember to always stand firm in your beliefs. But never let that come between
your priority of loving your enemy. Always love your neighbor as your love
yourself. And, like it or not, the devil is your neighbor. He’s there to help you
along your journey.

Rejoice at the devil’s teaching method because it is an essential dynamic to the
grand concept of yin-and-yang. Remember that the whole is greater than the sum
of the parts and, make no mistake, the devil is an integral part of the whole. He’s
part of God’s plan. And it’s all meant to serve your and the Universe’s highest
past/present/future verbs & time

The final way we resist our manifestations linguistically is through our profound
misunderstanding of how time works.

Our perception of time is very much reinforced by our language patterns. It
solidifies the notion that time moves in a linear fashion.

It actually does not. I won’t get into the many theories revolving around how
time works. All I will say is that if you were to remove yourself from the space-
time continuum, you’d find that all things are both simultaneously happening
and have all happened at once. Or, nothing happened at all. Both are true, but
either way, it can get pretty confusing and it’s territory best saved for a more
focused analysis in a separate book.

My friend and colleague Anthony Hernandez has written a book that I think does
this quite well. It’s called Through the Looking Glass and it’s available by
clicking here. This book is scientific in nature and covers the various theories of
time and the suspicious existence of matter and consciousness. I highly
recommend it if you’re interested in trippy, metaphysical stuff. You’ll learn
about all of the weird things that happen in our universe on a constant basis.

For this book, though, let’s stay within the confines of the spaciotemporal order,
our language does a great deal to resist our ability to create the lives that we
want. For our purposes (as physical beings existing within this order), let’s
assume that there is a past, a present, and a future.

The emphasis here is on the present, primarily because our experience of time is
nothing but the nebulous future funneling through the ongoing present and into
the past. The present is moment never exists, but at the same time it’s all that has
ever existed.

When we talk about the present, we never refer to it as an instantaneous, timeless

phenomenon. Usage of the words “I am” is about the closest we ever get to the
true nature of the present moment. ‘Am’ is considered a helper verb (or a
transitive verb), giving the unfavorable impression that to be fully present is
merely secondary in nature.

Moreover, the helper verbs can also be used to refer to the future. I.e.,
“Tomorrow I am going to the movies.” This further diminishes our perceived
emphasis on the importance of being fully present and living in the now.

According to Eckhart Tolle, being present greatly increases your capacity for
happiness and right-mindedness. Which, vibrationally speaking, makes it much
easier to manifest things into your present reality.

Worry always takes place in the future. If you’re worried or afraid of something,
chances are it hasn’t happened yet. And when you regret something, it’s always
something that happened in the past. To be fully present, your current state of
being must exist in its purest form, apart from notions of past and future. It’s the
difference between “I am happy” and “I am happy because ‘X’ happened. Or “I
am afraid” as opposed to “I am afraid of ‘X’ happening”.

Avoid this altogether with your negative emotions by choosing to say “I feel
angry”. In this sense, the focus is more on your current state of being rather than
a past or future conditional. Give the present the fair amount of attention it
deserves by experiencing your emotion in relation to only the present moment.
- beliefs -

This section describes how some commonly held beliefs can greatly reduce your
ability to manifest what you desire.

I will discuss a few of the most common beliefs that the majority of people have
been programmed with. These beliefs are not only untrue, but they create an
enormous amount of resistance to the life that you want to live.

Keep in mind that this is not an all-encompassing list and you can very easily
decide whether or not a particular belief is serving you.

Your entire existence is dependent on the beliefs that you nourish. I hope this
section inspires to you take a look inside yourself to see what other beliefs you
may be harboring that are holding you back in life.

It has been demonstrated over and over again that it is quite possible to not only
eliminate unhelpful beliefs, but to create new ones.

You can quite literally reprogram your mind to believe whatever you want to
believe. You should choose beliefs that empower you, make you feel good,
and/or are helpful in moving you closer to the life you want.

For a more detailed analysis on beliefs, including proven methods for
identifying and removing beliefs that do not meet the above goals, please refer to
my book Manifest NOW. It will teach you exactly how to retrain your mind to
begin meeting the ends that you truly desire.
worrying about the how

A strange compulsion we humans have is an obsessive, insatiable need to be
life’s pilot. We want to control every last variable, in attempts to ensure our
safety and protect the ego.

Merchants who try to sell you “The Dream” take full advantage of this by
constantly reminding us of all the dangers that exist in a human life and how to
best avoid them. They’ll tell you that you’re going to get sick, be loveless, or
lose your fortune. “Invest here, invest there...” And by doing so, you can take
matters into your own hands, preventing all tragedy.

This is a very shallow and low vibration way to live and it eventually leads to an
addiction to fear and worry.

Don’t toil over the details when it comes to avoiding the undesirable. Doing so
only means that you’re investing tons of energy into unwanted things. The more
energy you put toward something, the more fuel you’re adding to the fire.

Now obviously we humans are not invincible, so we have to strike a balance
between not worrying and taking necessary precautions. The difference between
worrying and being prudent is all emotional. Refrain from making decisions
when your mind is frantic. Listen instead to the quiet, intuitive voice of reason.

On the flip side of this avoidance model, is a pursuit model. In both of these
cases, worrying about the how is unfavorable to your success and happiness.
Members of the Global Information Network will tell you that one of the most
basic concepts regarding goal setting and achievement references the rule of
focusing on the ‘what’, not the ‘how’.

You see, when you focus on the ‘how’, what you’re effectively doing is
relinquishing your trust in the Infinite. You’re in effect telling God that you
either know better than him or that you somehow don’t believe that he will help
you. So what do you do? You rely on your puny monkey brain, taking matters
into your own hands.

Little do you know that you can move mountains with faith the size of a
mustard seed.

A healthy, aligned mind recognizes this and, when manifesting, will state the
desire notwithstanding any potential limitations. The ill, uncreative mind almost
immediately resorts to the countless number of ways that something will or will
not work.

It’s easy to over-complicate this stuff but it’s actually pretty simple. The hardest
part is trusting in the physically unseen forces that are hard at work bringing
your manifestation to you. All you have to do is state your desire (your mission)
and then wait for the first quest to be delivered to you.

But be aware that what pops up in front of you might be seemingly completely
unrelated to your stated desire. This again plays into the level of trust that you
have that the Universe hears you and really wants to grant you your wish.

In other words, if you want to be a martial artist, you might have to catch a few
flies first.
you gotta be realistic in life

Being realistic is a great thing if you’re talking about how the Universe works.
Because the Laws of Attraction and Manifestation are, in fact, very real.

However, the context that is more widely accepted refers to “being realistic” on
the level of the ego, which is limited by the capacity of the brain. This leads to
the compulsion to focus on and toil over the “how”.

The truth is that what’s “realistic” is completely arbitrary and differs widely
from person to person. Everyone has their unique parameters that define what is
real. These opinions are based on the individual’s own belief system about
themselves and humanity.

It’s true that the heart has far more magnetic activity associated with it than does
the brain. Magnetic activity?? Law of Attraction, anyone?

The heart is way smarter than the brain when it comes to manifestation.

Being realistic means you are focused on a limited scope of what’s real. It means
acknowledging all the stuff that’s currently around you. This perspective
severely limits your creative power because it doesn’t take innovation into

Where would we be if people like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, or the Wright
brothers decided to just be realistic?

It is because of people doing the impossible that we’ve had the advances in
science, technology, and medicine that you see all around you.

There is no dream too big, they say...

So why do we routinely set such small goals? And why does it seem that some
people don’t even set goals at all?

To Infinite Abundance, the difference between $100 and $1,000,000 is quite
inconsequential when it comes to the ability to manifest the amount physically.

Why not declare your dream with detailed definition? Don’t settle for anything
less than perfect when it comes to your desires or your destiny.

Being realistic inherently blocks you from the realm of infinite possibility. When
you’re realistic, it’s hard to imagine the fact that all of space-time exists of a
malleable consciousness web consisting of energy that can be manipulated and
harnessed by the power of the human mind. But that’s exactly what you’re doing
every second of every day on a subconscious level.
you need experience for that

This limiting belief is tricky because it’s true in many ways. There are a lot of
people out there who, when they want to hire someone, go straight for the
credentials. If you’re someone who’s starting out, you might find that you don’t
have the experience to effortlessly gain clients. Well, there’s just one piece of
advice I have in this case:

If you don’t have experience...

...then go get experience.

Your experience will help you out no matter what your chosen field is. However,
it is not necessary to have it while starting out. For example, there are ways to
leverage your skills in a way that does not pose a risk to the prospect.

You could offer a free trial for your product or service. You could offer a
separate product or service that demonstrates your skill/knowledge for free. If
they like your stuff, they’re more likely to take a risk on the investment.

This is one of those cases where focusing on making money will be problematic.
Your goal when starting out is to demonstrate your value. When you’re
designing your products or methods, when you’re pitching to prospects, or even
when you’re making initial contact with someone through email...provide

People are naturally wired to want to reciprocate favors. But only if you
give them freely, without expecting reciprocation.

Ask yourself at every point along your path where your attention is: making
money or helping others. I don’t know about you but when someone is helping
me out or giving me free stuff I’m not going to ask for their credentials first.
This is because there is zero risk for me, the guy receiving your free value.

One of the most popular ways to remove risk is to offer a 100% no-questions-
asked money back guarantee. Again, you want to show that you’re serious about
your mission and that you are confident in your ability to create things and fill

So the second part to this limiting belief has to do with what society thinks
“experience” is. Usually when people tell you that you need experience, they
mean formal experience. They’ll tell you that you need a degree. They’ll tell you
to wait around in a job, gaining the knowledge and financial backing to pursue
your dream. While there’s nothing wrong with doing it this way, you don’t have
to if you don’t want to.

Get your own experience. Blaze your own trail. Waiting to get a degree or a
certification is like waiting on mommy to sign your permission slip to pursue
your dreams. It’s your life and there is no one quite like you. No one who has
your exact ambitions. Don’t try to cram yourself into the small boxes offered as
majors in our 4-year, credentialed universities. Only spend time doing things that
relate directly to your dreams and goals.

Listen not to the hordes of men who are afraid to be their own authority.

You will eventually (faster than you think) provide enough value that you will
be perceived as valuable. All you need is food, water, and shelter. Not classes.
Not professors. Not corporations.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Don’t worry about saving enough money in order to start on your passion. The
resources will be there. Trust that you’re safe and that the Universe wants you to
pursue your passion. Sylvester Stallone was homeless, living under a bus shelter,
while he wrote his script for Rocky at the public library. He pitched it to just
about every agent in NYC. That’s a lot of agents!

They gave him a series of offers, all the way up to several hundred thousand
dollars. He didn’t accept because the deal didn’t include him being the main star.
Whoever this funny-looking homeless guy is, he’s not an actor...

Well, we all know what happened next. Sylvester Stallone became Rocky. Then
Rambo. Persistence and conviction is a powerful combo.

But you don’t need to be homeless. You could search the web for caretaking
positions to keep you afloat. There are tons of people with extra, unused rooms
who would love to shelter a person with passion. You could offer a work
exchange, cooking, cleaning, or even just your friendly company. Move back
home. Stay with a friend. Couch surf. Anything. There are tons of ways to
subsist without selling your soul to a life-draining 9-to-5. Try to not be in a
position where you’re giving only 60% for 8 hours everyday.

Life, sir, does not reward 60%. Or even 90%. And, I’m sorry to say, it doesn’t
even reward 100%.

Life rewards those who give 110%.

Follow your heart no matter how scary it seems. God’s got your back, man.
Trust it. Playing it safe is lame.

Take the leap. Take the risk.

You must risk rejection in order to gain acceptance.
taking risks is irresponsible

If you think about it, everything is technically a risk. You’re taking a risk by not
looking out your window, poised to dodge a heat-seeking missile. Alright, that
may be a little extreme. But what isn’t extreme is that your life is on the line
every time you enter a motor vehicle.

What people mean when they say this is that you should only take necessary
risks and avoid unnecessary risks at all costs. But this, again, is based on
arbitrary standards that make people feel like they’re being intelligent, prudent
or responsible. Well, if these people demonstrated True Intelligence, they’d see
that the Universe doesn’t reward cowardice, which is another way to look at the
prospect of “playing it safe”.

Returning to a more moderate stance, you should only take informed, calculated
risks. Don’t take a risk just to take a risk. Follow your heart. If you truly believe
in something, not even death should stop you from pursuing it. Trust your
intuition but also use your brain to explore possible, logical routes to achieving
your dream.

You might find that you’ve taken a risk and failed. But look deeper and you’ll
see that the failure is propelling you toward a successful completion of the goal.
Failure is a good thing: it is not the end of the journey, but the beginning. So
what are you really risking? Money? Time? Energy?

None of the above.

Besides, you’ll spend that time and energy no matter what you do. God gave you
a certain number of heartbeats to apply to whatever ends you desire. If you use
your energy to chase after insipid things that don’t make you come alive....well
then you’re killing yourself. You’re dying.

Tomorrow you will be one day closer to your death. And in a year, you’ll be one
year older.

The real risk at play here is your living a quiet, safe, and lame life.

So what about the money you might risk? Well, in short, who the hell cares? If
you’re clutching your wallet with a death grip, then you’ll be stuck doing that
your whole life. You’re ingraining beliefs in yourself that money is hard to come
by and that you have to exert overwhelming control to hang on to your money.

You should let money flow with your life—both in it and out of it. Use money
as a tool to pursue your dreams and live an amazing life.

Besides, happiness in life happens along the journey; not at the destination.

Most people in life regret the things they did not do more than the things
they did do. When you’re on your deathbed, what are you going to be more
distressed about: not taking a risk to follow your heart and touch countless lives
or not having that money you spent doing so?

It’s often better to ask for forgiveness than to wait for permission.

When you die, you can’t take that money with you. When you die, no one is
going to talk about your money at your funeral. When your body is deceased, the
world will quickly forget about your financial prowess. All that’s gonna matter
is whether or not you were a good person and if you helped people.

I haven’t even mentioned the most fundamental truth about taking risks, which is
the fact that they are necessary to your fullest potential to gain. Look at the most
successful entrepreneurs: they’ve lost more money than the average person
makes in a lifetime. The stats are out there. There are real-world success stories
all the time about risk-taking people.

Answer this question honestly: have you ever heard about the wildly successful
guy who just wanted to play it safe?


But you’ve heard a ton of stories about the employee who worked at the same
company for 20 years, diligently contributing to his 401k/pension, who got laid
off, lost his pension, and realized he didn’t actually develop skills that are
marketable to other employers.

Let’s face it: the Universe does not reward people who play it safe.

So do a cost-benefit analysis to determine if your risk is worth taking. Don’t
look at what you can stand to gain, look at what you CAN’T stand NOT to gain.

And then go gain it. Take the leap and jump off the bridge. Head first.

I believe in you.

The Universe believes in you.
you gotta know people first

This is just an excuse that prevents people from pursuing their own freedom,
usually financial freedom. It makes them feel like the power is out of their hands
in attempt to assuage their feelings and cater to their own limiting beliefs. “Well
this is out of reach for me so I don’t have to feel guilty about not reaching for it.”

What people see are the countless examples of someone making it big by
connecting with a well-placed person within their niche. What they don’t see is
the months and years that person spent attracting that help into their lives...the
enormous time and effort that was spent putting them in a position to earn the
attention of that person.

Luck is just the crossroads between preparedness and opportunity.

It is the external effort to prepare you as well as the internal faith you have to see
and jump on that opportunity.

Knowing people helps a lot but it comes later down the road, not “first”. There’s
a ton of stuff you should be doing (internally and externally) before meeting the
right people. You don’t go out and meet people empty-handed with the
expectation that they’ll help you. You have to have done

People help those who first help themselves.

As you pursue your dreams, you will inevitably grapple with a lot of your
limiting beliefs. You will be doing a lot of work to align your belief system to be
more conducive to your success.

As you do this, you are literally transforming the thought and emotional energy
you’re constantly transmitting. This will effectively change what you’re
vibrating, putting you into a new vibrational realm.

In this new realm, you’ll be experiencing things differently. New doors will
open. And you will begin to attract the right people because they too are within
your same vibrational realm. In other words, you will resonate with these

Besides, with the advent of the internet, you can meet inspirational people easier
than ever. Even if you cannot engage with some of these people one-on-one,
technology has made it exponentially easier to find mentors and role-models.

You can publish your own book now, you can record your own music, and you
can now raise money through crowd-funding platforms.

Everything you need to succeed is in your hands. Nowadays you don’t have to
wait for that “right person” to come along because you can make your big break
through something as small as submitting just one really awesome article that
gets seen by thousands and thousands of people.

Not only that but all the information you need is out there, right at your

Let’s not forget, either, the timeless adage of “the answers are within you”.
the economy’s terrible

The economy does not govern the amount of value you provide to people. And
where there’s perceived value, there are riches following closely behind.

There are jobs out there. There are great jobs out there. The unemployment rate
should only elicit feelings of sympathy and compassion for those who don’t
think they’re worth it.

A 20% unemployment rate is terrible. This is a reflection of the fiscal state of the
Union. But doesn’t this perception kinda seem like the glass is half empty?
Because in this case there are still 80% of people with jobs. Most people
nonetheless believe that they somehow succumb to the 20% of unemployed

Even in a terrible economy, there are people crushing it. They’re not bitching
about the economy primarily because they’re too busy adapting to it.

How do you make money in a bad economy? Create massive value and then sell
that value cheaply to a lot of people.

It doesn’t really matter if the unemployment rate is 100%, you don’t need a job.
As long as there are people, you can bet that there will be resources (food, water,
shelter, etc.). And if there are resources, you will always be able to provide value
to obtain them. This is the bottom line. This truth is timeless.

What isn’t timeless is governmental stability. Corporations aren’t timeless. Put
even one ounce of your dependency into an entity that isn’t timeless and you’re
voluntarily relinquishing your power.

This type of dependency sets you up for failure by establishing an expectation.
Because, really, the only person you can depend on is you. You cannot expect
others (especially systemic entities) to act in a way that’s congruent with your
beliefs. This is why you must be the Warden of your time and space: be the
prudent keeper of all your wares and affairs, including your energy, your space,
and the company you keep.

To sum it all up:

Why do you even care what the economy is doing?
- actions -

There are certain forces that act against, and can prohibit, even your best efforts.
But if you tailor the efforts you make from an actionable standpoint, it can have
a dramatic effect on your subconscious mind.

There are two ways of correcting or enhancing an area of your life: from the
inside-out and the outside-in. Both of these are absolutely critical, and where one
fails to solve the problem, the other succeeds. The best is a customized blend of
the two.

In this section we are going to cover the outside-in approach: changing your
actions in order to alter your beliefs.
complaining & whining

This is probably the #1 subtle way that people push their dreams away. It can
often feel like you’re doing everything right and your goal still isn’t manifesting.
This is likely due to a phenomenon where individuals focus too much on their
dissatisfaction with people, events, or situations.

There is a highly technical term for this type of behavior:


And it ain’t no good.

The Buddha says that if you hold onto anger against someone it’s like holding a
hot coal in your hands, but expecting the other person to get burned.

The same is true for related emotions that are associated with complaining.
When you’re complaining about something, you begin to feel bad. It’s upsetting.
You may become frustrated, angry, or enraged.

Bitching is sometimes hard to catch until it’s too late and you already feel like
hell. It sneaks in, pretending to be normal conversation. It will pose as intelligent
discussion about the current state of affairs.

But if you can manage to notice soon after you start, you have an enormous
advantage. Doing this is incredibly powerful because you’ll be able to identify
the moment you start bitching by feeling your emotional state slowly lessen in
quality. You can actually feel, real-time, when you’re crossing into the realm of
bitching. It’s pretty neat.

Two people can say the same exact thing and one could be bitching and the other
could be observing. That’s why it’s important to identify bitching through the
lens of your emotional state: how do you feel when you’re doing it?

For example you could say, “Wow, this company doesn’t understand the value
of good customer service.”

In one case you’re making a nonchalant, personal observation. You’re simply
stating your opinion that good customer service is important and that this value
doesn’t appear evident in the company. Here, there isn’t a terribly negative
emotion associated with the statement, and because of this isn’t considered
bitching or complaining.

But take a moment to imagine in your mind what that same exact statement
would sound like coming from someone experiencing a great deal of frustration
at the situation. I will now attempt to simulate this effect using text styling:

“WOW, this company doesn’t understand the value of good customer service.”

Doesn’t it just look more ‘upset’?

Say...you remember that good old prayer grandma taught you?

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the
courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

This is a perfect quote for this section but it leaves out an important feature:
whether you can or can’t change something, it doesn’t mean you should
complain about it. In fact, I would argue that you cannot possibly complain
about something by day and expect to change it by night.

When you’re whining and complaining, you’re giving away your power.
And, conveniently, you’re giving it away to the entity you’re whining and
complaining about!

When you bitch about something you’re declaring yourself “at-effect” to the
entity, rather than being “at-cause”. You want to be at-cause to things. That’s
where you’re the most powerful. When you’re at-effect, you are absolutely
powerless. You are, in effect, a prisoner to your ‘reality’.

And like the above prayer implies, there are in fact some things that you simply
cannot change. Not that you should really want to. But that’s why it’s in your
best interest to form and develop the habit of acceptance.

Acceptance will set you free from the urge to whine and complain. It will propel
you into a whole new era of manifestation prowess.

Because when you complain about something, you’re not only surrendering your
power to change that particular thing, but you’re also surrendering your power to
be at-cause in other areas of your life.

“Accept and Forgive”

I know you’ve heard that phrase a few times. But it’s absolutely true. Moreover,
accepting and forgiving is extremely powerful when it comes to avoiding
manifestation resistance.

Forgiveness will break the karmic cycle that oscillates between creating your
reality and perceiving that reality.

So it is very important that you develop the habit of forgiveness. All you have to
do is give it a shot every time you think about it. It just takes a little bit of

And the cool thing about forgiveness is that it’s efficacious. This means that it
works no matter what.

A stop sign, for example, is not efficacious. It does not stop the car for you.
You’re the one who stops the car.

With forgiveness, you don’t even have to mean it. Just say it. In your head or

Now that’s cake, man!
trying too hard

“You gotta pay your dues, mister.”

How many people do you know in life that work hard but never seem to get
anywhere? And then they proceed to tell you that “in this world you’ve gotta
bust your ass just to make it”.

Look, life takes work. But if you’re really doing what you love to do, it won’t
feel like work. And you’ll get great results.

The only hard thing is training your mind to getting around to doing the work
and then actually committing to it. That actually is pretty hard and it requires, at
times, an enormous amount of willpower.

But always remember that it takes a lot of initial effort to get the boulder in
motion. That’s because you’re battling with all the demons that tell you that you
can’t, shouldn’t, or won’t. Once you get momentum, though, no one will be able
to stop you.

Life is meant to be a joyful dance where you spend your time doing one
enjoyable activity after the next.

When it comes to a successful manifestation, you’ve got to relax and allow.
Attract things in your life by opening a space for them to enter. Then you’ve got
to detach from the desire.

Excess desire is the active and continuous recognition that you do not have
the element of your desire.

Retire your desire. Don’t hold onto this lustful craving to manifest something. It
will only hinder or prevent its materializing. State your desire confidently and
then open yourself up to receiving. Then drop it. Let it alone and be patient.

Ask and you shall receive.

Receiving something isn’t just waiting around. The act of receiving incorporates
elements of preparation and faith. Receiving can be a highly active process if
you have resistance to receiving.

Wow I just said “receiving” a lot.

Look, if you’re trying too hard to get something, try taking a step back and
approaching the desire from a relaxed mode. Put all that effort to better use by
doing internal work that will allow you to be more open to receiving.

Explore your inner beliefs that are preventing you from manifesting your desire.
Pay special attention to your feelings of deservingness. Do you deserve to
physically receive your desire? Why or why not? Keep asking this question,
digging deeper and deeper each time.

When you’re having difficulty manifesting it doesn’t make much sense to go and
do the same thing you were doing, only harder. Reroute. Step back. Focus on the
inside: what you’re feeling as opposed to what you’re doing.

Your goal is to feel as good as possible. Don’t do things that make you feel
bad just because you think you have to.

For example, you don’t have to work all day, every day to get what you want. In
fact, this is actually counter productive. The belief that you have to stop living
your life to pursue your dreams is a myth. God wants you to flow—to be free
and happy while you’re creating the exact life you want.

Studies show the most productive length of time to work is anywhere from 30-
90 minutes. After that, you’re spinning your wheels, exhausting yourself, and
then making it harder to put in quality work during the next session.

To God, you’ve already deserved it.

You don’t work hard so that you can show God that you’ve earned it. You work
hard because you’re trying to prove to yourself that you deserve it. Do what you
gotta do, just don’t try too hard.

The best time to go to work is when you feel great and you’re flooded with
inspiration. When these times come, take full advantage of them. Drop whatever
you’re doing and follow your intuition.

The worst time to go to work is when you feel absolutely awful. Rest is very
important to success. If you are having a terrible day or you just had a fight with
a loved one, your primary goal then is to deal with your emotion. Don’t worry
about anything except getting yourself back into your ease.

And on the seventh day, God rested.

Your creative abilities are greatly enhanced when you’re working from a relaxed
state of power and faith.

Let your passion guide you. But don’t always expect it to be vibrant and
obvious. Sometimes you have to poke at your inspiration. Do this by
commanding your physical body to get off its ass and into your work.

Sometimes the hardest part is just getting started.

So get that part out of the way as soon as you can. From there, it takes hard work
to kick yourself into high gear and stay there until your goal manifests. But,
remember, you’re a ninja...strike with full force when the time is just right. Go in
deep for 45 minutes or so. Then back off.
misusing your emotions

Emotion is power. It has real energy associated with it. In fact, it’s actually
measurable. You can measure the frequency and intensity of a thought and an

You’re always feeling emotion. As a matter of fact you’re feeling many
emotions at any given time. What emotions are you feeling right now? Try to
label as many of them as you can. You might find that, just as you’re observing
your emotions, they are changing and morphing right before your eyes.

Different emotions have different intensities associated with them. You can have
intensely positive emotions or you can have intensely negative emotions.
However, at the end of the day, all emotions should be construed as positive. All
emotions should be seen as for your own good. Because they are. Every last one
of them.

Even though emotions can feel bad, they can always be turned into a positive
light. This not only depends on how you see your negative emotion, but also
what you decide to do with your emotion. You just need to come to terms with
the fact that you are here (on this planet) to have an emotional experience. It
is supposed to happen. So accept it. And then do your best to act constructively.

So many people let their emotions go to total waste. When they feel good, they
don’t live and breathe in appreciation. They don’t try to prolong or intensify
their emotion. And when they feel bad, they either become victims to their
emotion or they try to resist it altogether.

Resisting an emotion is directly correlated to resisting your manifestation. Your
manifestation does not exist independently of your emotional state. Mastery of
your emotions will allow your desire to fly toward you at light speed.

Instead, embrace the emotion. Observe it. “Oww, that hurts...haha!” Honor your
negative emotions and take time to be with them. Invite them in to dine with
them at the table of justice. This advice is especially relevant for the debilitating
emotions—those feelings that are so intensely negative that you can’t even bring
yourself to think about your desires.

When this happens, STOP! Don’t force yourself to do anything when you feel
this way. Take time for yourself to honor your pain. Doing anything while in this
state can actually hinder and reverse your progress.

Your emotional health is essential in manifesting your dreams.

Emotions can also be used as fuel for your manifestations. What do I mean by
fuel? Well, remember that emotions have energy associated with them. This
energy can be harnessed and utilized for your manifestation’s benefit.

In order from most-to-least effective:
1. positive emotion
2. negative emotion
3. no emotion

When you feel good, take full advantage of it. Go to work on your dreams when
you’re excited or especially sure in your work. Joy, faith, and love are the most
powerful emotions out there. When you feel these, start thinking about your

Couple these intensely energetic emotions with your visualizations, meditations,
and mantras. Allow these emotions to blossom so that they nourish your goals.
Stack other positive emotions on top of your good feelings and earn massive
combo points for your manifestation.

The same goes for negative emotions. Fear and anger are really powerful and
intensely negative emotions. And if you’re just starting off down your path of
enlightenment, you may find that these emotions are far more readily available
to you than you might have thought. Use them. Wear them. Understand them.

Fear is a powerful motivator. See fear as your friend. Don’t allow yourself to be
crippled by fear. Remind yourself that F.E.A.R. stands for False Evidence
Appearing Real. Listen to your fear. Disarm your fear. Then invite the fear to
join you on the quest for amazing things. Your fear does not want to be afraid.
He’s not trying to plague you...he’s asking for your help and leadership.

Anger is another really common emotional response associated with the will to
gain. Anger can be vile and counterproductive if tossed around and spewed ill-
masterfully. But if it’s harnessed appropriately, it can thrust you forward in ways
that you could never do in a more passive state of mind.

How do you harness this energy? You can feel it man! Feel the anger in you
wanting to escape from the nearest exit. Inhale deeply and employ breath control
to keep the anger swirling tightly in an orb in your chest. Visualize the anger
pooling and glowing in your chest. Then let it consume you. Allow the anger to
enter into your bloodstream and work its way throughout your entire body. You
now have power.

It is important that you only let the anger out in a controlled and directed
fashion. Imagine a pure, white stream or beam of light blasting forth from your
chest. You can be angry without being tense. You can be angry and calm at the
same time. That’s how you know that you’re truly harnessing and directing the
anger constructively. You’re able to assert your power with love and

Finally, what if your emotional state is largely neutral? Well, use this time to rest
and take a breather. Just chill. Daydream.

Daydreaming is important and you can really do some effective stuff with it.
Take an opportunity to do some light visualization. Imagine yourself already in
possession of your desire. What does it feel like? Where are you? Who’s
around? Try to put yourself in the picture as much as you can. Incorporate all of
your senses.

You might find that you’re starting to get really excited. Or maybe you get afraid
or depressed that you might not actually manifest your dream. That’s okay too.
Because what you’re doing by visualizing is employing a very powerful
technology that all humans have:

Did you know that it’s possible to generate your own emotions out of thin

Learning to generate your own emotions is a highly advanced technique that you
can learn along your manifestation journey. This can be done through practice
and repetition. Generating your own emotions will give you a huge advantage in
mastering your life force.

Definitely feel free to use external means to generate your emotions. Put on your
favorite song that matches the emotion you wish to generate. What kinds of
things do you like to do that make you feel good?

Whenever I’m about to work toward my dream, I’ll often put on a good Rocky
montage or two. Once I do, I become inspired and empowered. And then I come
out swinging.
feeling sorry for yourself

Self-pity is one of the most destructive places to be when it comes to summoning
your dreams. It’s also one of the lowest vibrations that people experience. Do a
search for “emotional scale” and notice where self-pity ranks in.

There are lots of renditions of this scale out there but they all pretty much boil
down to the same core. The idea is that different emotions carry with them
different intensities and energy levels.

It’s actually quite easy to detect the quality and intensity of your emotions. Just
ask yourself, whenever you think about it, what your current emotional state is.
For example, notice what it feels like to feel sorry for yourself. It is a very low,
depressed, and defeatist feeling.

You don’t have to go crazy with knowing the details. Just ask yourself whether
your emotion is generally more in the positive or negative realm. The higher
frequency emotions (love, faith, joy, and peace) are far more powerful than the
lower ones (hate, fear, jealousy, boredom, and powerlessness).

When you’re feeling sorry for yourself, essentially it’s an experience of
powerlessness. You’re imagining that you’re being victimized by things like
fate, luck, reality, the world, etc. This effectively puts you at-effect to the
universe, making you feel like you do not control your own reality. Which, of
course, is an ill-minded perspective to have.

A surrendering of your power in any area of life will mean increased
resistance against all of your manifestations.

When it comes down to it, the number one most important ingredient to a
successful manifestation is positive belief (faith). And when you’re pitying
yourself, it means that you have little faith that you can change your situation
from that of a victim to an empowered person who is at-cause to the universe.

In order to feel sorry for yourself, you must first harbor a belief that you’re
not capable of getting what you want.
seven deadly sins

Moderation is the key. Proper alignment means following the middle way.
Actions of personal excess, spiritual inactivity, and harm to others are all
represented in these sins.

First, let’s get clear on what exactly is meant by “sin”.

God does not punish you or “teach you a lesson”. This is a vestige from the past
that has gotten mis-communicated over the generations. To sin means to be
without. People look at sins as badness when in reality sinning is just a lack of
goodness. It symbolizes a disconnect from God and the mindset of abundance.

The proposed distinction might at first seem trivial. But upon closer inspection,
it reveals an entirely different outlook on God’s intentions. You see God wants
all people to be free and happy and abundant. The way you do this directly
correlates to your connection to God. He knows more than you, including what’s
in your best interests.

God isn’t up there waiting for you to sin so that he can punish you. God gives
you free will to do as you please. All he’s saying is, “hey guys you can sin if you
want but it’s going to make it harder for you to be happy.” In other words, he’s
looking out for you and trying to help you, not disciplining you for being ‘bad’.

While you shouldn’t worry about being punished for your sins, per se, it’s still a
good idea to avoid committing them. Living with sin (aka without connection
God) will greatly inhibit your manifestation power.

The seven deadly sins are lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and

Each of these actions correlates to a negative emotional state. When you’re
vibrating negative emotions too much of the time, your creative capacity is
severely diminished, as is your propensity to feel free and happy.

lust - imbalanced, overly intense desire
gluttony - over-indulgence & -consumption
greed - rapacious desire for materiality
sloth - spiritual inactivity & lack of growth
wrath - unchecked expression of anger
envy - intense jealousy of others
pride - excessive self-importance; hubris

You can see that each of these sins demonstrates an evident and profound
misunderstanding of Universal Law. They place material things above God.
They deny the interconnectedness of mankind. And they neglect altogether the
point of human existence: to grow in Love for the development of

Whenever you catch yourself engaging in these sins, recognize it and be honest
with yourself. If you take the time to feel what each of these sins feels like,
you’ll realize that it feels really bad to engage in these actions. Jealousy (envy)
and hatred (wrath), for example, are terrible feelings that no one likes

But you might find, in a weird way, that it feels good to hate. Anger is a
vibrationally intense emotion compared to the less intense sadness/depression.
This might make you feel powerful relative to any underlying, less energetic
emotions. But True Power lies in happiness, faith, and love.

People easily become addicted, even to things that make them feel bad.

This results from habits formed that actually carve grooves (neuropathways) in
the brain. Also, when your body is used to firing certain chemicals in response to
your emotions, you body will eventually crave those chemicals.

If you find you’re stuck in a loop of negative feelings associated with these sins,
your remedy is to forgive. Forgiveness will break the karmic cycle. Recognize
how you’re feeling and ask yourself if you’d rather be happy. The answer might
surprise you. If your response is ‘No’, it means you’re addicted to feeling bad.
We all are, in some ways.

The number one rule is to not toil or worry. Train yourself to relax and
forgive. Healing happens on its own.
stroking the ego

Hey there’s nothing wrong with being proud of your accomplishments. Go on
now, give yourself a good pat on the back.

But when pride turns into hubris, you’ve got yourself a problem. Too much pride
and you’re identifying with the ego. And when you identify with the ego, it
limits your manifestation power.

In addition, an excessive amount of focus on yourself automatically reduces the
amount of focus that you can have on others.

Hubris also distances you from other people. It has the side effect of seeing
others as less valuable. No one wants to be around people who are self-centered.

Because of this side effect, you will likely have a hard time listening. You’ll feel
compelled to talk only about yourself. And you won’t be in a giving mindset.

Dark worker = self-centered, receives energy, turns energy inward

Light worker = others/world-centered, gives energy, turns energy outward

As you proceed down your path of consciousness evolution, you will
increasingly find that you’re far more concerned about helping others.

Just how much pride is too much?

Well, my friend, I wish I could answer that for you. But it’s part of your journey.
- solutions -

Ah, finally: some ways to remedy manifestation resistance!

This section will discuss a handful of ways that you can begin removing the
barriers to getting what you want in life.

It is meant to uplift you and to give you hope.

If resistance is dark, then the solution is often just turning on a light. The
darkness will run away automatically once the light comes on.
being close to god

Who the heck is God and how do I get close to him?

Being close to God means listening for him as well as offering your experience
to him.

It’s just as much about praying as it is conversing with him.

Being close to God also means keeping his universal laws close to your heart.

On your journey to manifesting your dreams, you are going to need to make lots
of little adjustments. The rate at which you do so depends on how honest you are
with yourself as well as how open and willing you are to change.

The more connected you are to God, the easier it is to identify and make these
changes. Once you sincerely ask God to show you the way, you might find out
just how little you thought you knew about manifesting your dreams.

This might invoke feelings of hopelessness in you. It’s at this point where most
people give up and assume that God’s abandoning them. Not true though. That
hopelessness serves a positive purpose for you. Emotional pain breaks your ego
down so that you can give yourself more fully to your dreams and to God’s

When you pray for something, he’s giving it to you. If it doesn’t appear to serve
your best interests, then open your mind up a little more.

Everything that happens to you is ultimately in your, and the world’s, best

You’d do yourself a great service by committing this to memory. Whenever
something bad happens, start looking for the benefits. When you feel bad, know
that it’s shaping you to be a better person. I know this isn’t easy.

When you start to see the magic of God unfold in your life, you will be further
inclined to connect with him.

All it comes down to is forming a habit that you believe is worthy. Every time
you think about it just give God a little “hey man”. Maybe pretend he’s an old
friend that you’re giving a quick update to.

God wants you to know him and share with him. It is your job to go forth, learn,
experience, and then bring all things back to him.

The lord is close to those in pain.

Now, I want to really quickly address the fact that I interpret ‘god’ most closely
with the Christian faith. This is because I was brought up in the Catholic

But you’re welcome to conceive of the Infinite in any way that you desire. You
can refer to it in any way that you want. Never let anyone convince you of
something about God that just doesn’t feel right to you.

At the end of the day, everyone’s talking about the same omniscient,
omnipotent, and omniloving consciousness. But it’s weird...

...because even though ‘god’ is a perfectly universal [entity?], the experience
of [him?] is highly personal.

If there are seven billion people on Earth, then there are at least seven billion
specific conceptions of the Infinite.

Be aware that everything is aware of itself. Everything is made of energy that is

When your consciousness is focused on God, you’re giving more energy to God.
When you give more energy to God, guess what?

You’re giving more energy to infinite power!

Your attention is like investing stock. Do you want to invest more money into
broken ideologies or into limitless potential?

Reap what you sow, comrade.
recognizing what’s really going on

Look, this isn’t hard stuff. All you really gotta do is take an honest, holistic look
at what’s going on. Once you do that, then you have to look past your limiting
beliefs; and don’t let your ego get a hold of you in the process.

I’ll just lay down a few premises to help clarify what’s really going on here:

At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and
you know what you want.
-Lao Tzu

You and I are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is
continuous with the ocean.
-Alan Watts

An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.
-Mahatma Gandhi

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it
at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot
drive out hate; only love can do that.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.
-Dr. Wayne Dyer

These people weren’t kidding! They don’t sit around and think of poetic niceties
designed to bamboozle you...

Basically, in every situation, responding with Love is always in your best

Your ego will come up with ways to separate you from Universal Truths like

All the answers are within you. So spend your time delving inward. And don’t
worry if, in doing so, you experience pain from this journey. Just apply more

Like the fact that you are supposed to have an emotional experience. And that
pain is a constructive teaching device. And also that everything is in your (and
the planet’s) highest interest and to your greatest benefit.

Oh, and my favorite one: nothing can really harm you because your Spirit is the
Truest of realities. Your bodily experience is merely a temporary illusion.

So make an effort to really recognize what’s going on the next time someone or
something upsets you: the event was designed and digitalized in perfect
synchronicity and timing in order to lead you to increased happiness and
abundance so that the entire planet can evolve into complete global

Phew, that’s epic. Life is totally a video game...
accepting your shortcomings

You’ve got to be honest with yourself in this new journey. Taking an honest
look at yourself can really hurt. But do what you can to embrace the pain.

I use a few personal methods to do this. You’ll probably find your own. But one
of the methods that works for me is the tough guy method.

You know when you walk out in the cold with no shirt? It’s kinda like that.

You allow yourself to fully feel every part of the negative emotion.
“Yeah...bring the pain!” I let it wash all over me and still stand tall. I really enjoy
experimenting with pain. I like it when I feel crushed, down, and worthless while
I’m among other people. Even though I’m experiencing a great deal of pain, I
spread as much joy and happiness to others as I possibly can. In a strange way,
the pain actually makes me come alive.

I also use the pain as a mind-altering experience to see a different angle in life.
Intense emotions are connected with massive chemical releases in the brain.
Enough to alter your perception and color your world. The craziest thing is that
even though we know we hurt, we see it as somehow separate from the rest of
our lives...like it’s just something that’s there.

Everybody has shortcomings. When I see just how much I’m doing wrong, it’s
easy to get upset and depressed. Just know that you’re not alone. There are seven
billion others just like you. Embrace it. Don’t take it personally: just know that
your imperfections are a hallmark of humanity, not just yourself. And your
imperfections in no way outnumber or outweigh the imperfections of anyone

I do everything I can to change my mindset from, “Aww damn” to,

Start looking at your life as you’re playing a video game or living in a movie.
You’ll find that your shortcomings are much easier to accept when you view
yourself (your ego) as a character.

And whenever someone critiques you or says something negative about you,
know that they’re transforming their own inner beliefs onto you...but look
closely to see if there’s truth to their assertion.

Don’t be that “nuh uh” guy. Nobody likes him. Be the person to own up to your
own mistakes, imperfections, feelings, actions, beliefs, biases, and fears.

And whatever happens, don’t freak out.

Never freak out...


meditation, emotion, repetition

These three things are the key to unlocking your manifestations. They are your
friends when it comes to getting what you want in life.

You see, manifestation occurs on the level of the subconscious mind. And your
subconscious mind does not think like your conscious mind. Whereas your
conscious mind thinks largely in thoughts and words (self-talk), your
subconscious mind deals with feelings and images.

Your conscious mind is responsible for everything you’re doing knowingly. And
your subconscious does all the background stuff that you aren’t aware of.

Breathing, for example, exists in both. It’s usually handled by your
subconscious. But your breath can also be consciously directed. Breath is also
the essence of life. Without it, you cannot survive for more than a few minutes.

Breath is a sign that’s built into the design to indicate the divine link
between levels of the mind.

Hmm...maybe this has something to do with the importance of breathing during

Meditation is one of the top most effective methods for communicating with
your subconscious. Once you’ve got access to the subconscious, it’s easier to
plant new beliefs for your manifestations.

You can direct your conscious mind by physically moving your body into a dark,
quiet place, sitting down in the lotus position, and focusing on your breath.
Eventually, with perhaps a bit of practice, you will learn to access your

There are countless ways to meditate though, and in no way am I pretending to
be the authority on what’s meditation and what’s not.

Your conscious mind, therefore, is the gatekeeper to your subconscious

As the gatekeeper, the conscious mind can choose what thoughts get by, and
which ones are cast out of the kingdom.

The subconscious mind is the wizard of creativity. He has given special orders to
the gatekeeper to allow thoughts that are repetitive and/or emotionally-charged.

You can consciously direct your thoughts and your emotions. Mastering these
skills might take a long time, but it’s worth every bit of progress you can make.

Emotions are not innately bad or good. It is you who perceives the
experience as positive or negative.

When you’ve got a bad feeling come up, get into the habit of allowing it,
understanding it, and then using it. Use it by focusing your mind onto the
outcome that you want.

First, let the emotion have you...whether it’s fear, guilt, or anger. Stare the pain
right in its eyes.

Second, observe it. Know it. Realize that an emotional experience has no
meaning other than what you choose to give it. The pain is your friend, welcome

Third, invite your new comrade along with you on your journey to freedom.
Explain to him that he is well on his way to healing, and that you understood his
concerns. Then direct your and his attention to your goals.

Strong emotions are manifestation fuel. You don’t wanna waste this stuff. It’s

In order of most to least effective: 1) positive emotion, 2) negative emotion, 3)
no emotion.

When you mix emotion with repetitious thoughts, you’ve got yourself a
powerful concoction. And the cool thing is, this fuel is highly concentrated. Just
a little bit of willingness, if employed consistently, will really start bringing
your dreams and goals to life.

Just know that a lot of times this process is going to be WAY easier said than
done. If your emotion is especially debilitating, you’d probably be better off
sticking to step one: allowing, accepting, and experiencing it.

The best way to combine emotion and repetition is through the use of images.
That’s why dreamboards are so incredibly effective. Images are like VIP guests
to see the wizard. The gatekeeper let’s ‘em right in because they’re on the list.

You want to pick images that best match the feeling of your goal or desire. Then
place these images where you can’t help but see them multiple times a day.

If you work at a desk, put them where you can see them with your peripheral
vision because even if you’re focused on your work, your subconscious is still
aware of the images. But also do take time to observe them consciously. Really
allow yourself to become absorbed in the feeling they give you.

Try, as much as you can, to visualize yourself in the picture, already in
possession of the desire. Utilize all of your senses in the visualization, not just
the five you know of. Declare your desire aloud. Do whatever feels the best to
you. But try to generate the most feeling and emotion you can.

Then, breathe a confident sigh of relief. Because you know your manifestation is
well on its way. Go on with your day and let your subconscious do the work.
the thought redirect

Where’s your attention, comrade? What are you feeling?

Please take a moment now to consider your present state.

I have to ask you some very important questions:

1) What do you think about most of the time?

2) What are you thinking about right when you wake up and right before you

3) What is running through your mind when you’re angry at someone for

4) What about when you’re feeling down on yourself?

Knowing the answers to these questions means you’ve spent some time
considering how your thoughts interface with your emotions.

Often times, even though your feelings seem to come on suddenly, there was a
conscious thought or an agreement (with the belief) made between the time of
the thought and the emotion it produced.

You may wonder, then, why do you feel like you had so little control over the

When you have an ingrained belief about something, it can trigger an immediate
reaction. These beliefs can be deep. And you may have never questioned them
before. You might not even realize your reaction is due to a belief or thought
system. But your entire world is colored by them.

Your goal with directing your thoughts is not to avoid emotion. Or even to
control it. Emotions are inevitable, even the bad ones. They are there to teach
you. Use your conscious faculties to allow, understand, and master your
emotions. Redirect your mind in a way that’s healthy and feels good.

Here are a few directions you could take your mind when you feel bad:

-your dreams & goals (my favorite)
-[clear your thoughts (meditation)]
-things you’re grateful for
-people and things you love
-the wind blowing in the trees
-talking to your emotion/higher self/god
-how painful the emotion is / what is pain?
-”all things are in your highest benefit”
-”the lord is close to those in pain”

What you want to do is set your mind to the goal that you’re going to recognize
your negative emotion right when it sets in. Then, immediately ask yourself,
“where should I redirect my thoughts”. Think of something that makes you
happy, excited, or inspired.

Using this method will help you relax the emotion and make you feel more in
control of yourself. The benefit of this is that you’re replacing the negative
vibrations with positive ones. By doing so, you’re literally retraining your mind
to nourish the seeds of positivity. Let in the light and there’s no need to banish
the darkness; it leaves on its own.

Plus, by doing this exercise, you’re learning to identify, accept, understand, and
welcome your emotions as a result. You’re practicing mastery over your
emotions and eventually you’ll be a pro. Like, I’m talkin’ max points in the
skilltree, bro.

Just know that it’s not going to work every time and sometimes you won’t care
to do it. No worries. This is only one of many ways to master and understand
your emotions. As always, do what feels best...even if it’s nothing.
changing your perspective

This technique is also about directing your attention. Only this time you can do it
pretty much anytime, not just when you’re experiencing negative emotion.

I’ll open this chapter up with a brief story.

I went out and had a scotch with a guy. We went to a restaurant that was closing
in a half hour. We told the lady we were just here for drinks and she let us in.

As they were closing, the guy asked the lady for the bill. And she said, “Oh, let
me get your server. I’m just the one who let you in.”

Immediately the guy started steaming and mumbling under his breath, clearly
distressed. He started getting increasingly upset as his thoughts continued to
focus on the meaning he was choosing to give to the situation.

He was under the impression that the stewardess meant she let us in. As in, we
were at the mercy of her discretion. And this really offended him.

“Excuse me? You LET me in? Let me tell ya something lady, I don’t have to be
LET in. I’m [John Smith] and nobody just decides to let me in. I chose to come
in here and you should be blessed that I would even give this establishment two
minutes of my time...”

He proceeded to carry on while I watched in calm fascination. To me, the waiter
was simply telling us that she was not affiliated with our tab and that she would
go and find the right person to help us. But to him, she was power-tripping and
asserting her authority over him.

And this, my friends, is a perfect example of the power of perspective. I won’t
even get into the debate over whose perspective was right. I’ll go ahead and say
we were both right. But which person would you rather be in that particular
exchange? The one who felt terrible and hurt like hell or the one who was chill
and relaxed, calmly observing. Would you rather be right...or happy?

Shape your perspective in such a way that it matches your desired outcome
or the feeling of your desired outcome.

For example, if you think raising a baby is expensive, you will unconsciously do
and see things that match your perspective. I know people who spend thousands
of dollars on new clothes and toys instead of a couple hundred bucks on used
ones. Why buy something new when it’s only used for a few months at best?

Instead of walking through life looking down at the ground staring at the
cigarette butts and chewed bubble gum, look up and out at the magnificence of
your surroundings and the larger perspective.

The ‘look up’ method is something that I’ve been doing for a while and it works
great in cities, where so much of what’s available to view is above your natural
line of sight. You can also do this in nature and it can be quite enjoyable. You’ll
get closer looks at things you may have never noticed before. And it’s a fantastic
way to change or retrain your perspective on life in general.

Do you ever notice when you buy a new car you can’t stop seeing other cars just
like yours? It’s like you didn’t realize just how popular that car was.

When something gets you down, just realize that it’s super easy to see all of the
things that get you down. Understand that your reality is now colored to match
your perspective.

Here’s a cool quote by Albert Einstein: “We can’t solve problems by using the
same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

You can easily change your thoughts about things/events by putting things back
into proper perspective. Here are a few quick techniques to help you do this:

-Ask yourself how said event could be interpreted as positive.

-Will it matter in 5 years from now?

-How does this fit in with the Divine Plan?

-Make an effort to see things from the other person’s perspective. Give them the
benefit of the doubt.

-Go for a walk or a drive. Change your surroundings.

-Stretch, smile, or dance. Change your physiology.

-Or keep asking “why” your perspective or feelings are a certain way. Keep
asking why until you get to the bottom.

Realize that you might feel absolutely committed to a certain perspective. Even
if you know it’s not a godlike perspective, you somehow can still manage to
convince yourself of it...that somehow, this time it’s different. It’s real. And
you’ve no power to escape it.

Many times people will fail to change their perspective because they’re so used
to living with it. It can be quite uncomfortable, or even painful, to abandon
destructive thought systems.

This is because our thinking patterns are actually physically mapped out in our
brains. We carve literal grooves in our brain called neuropathways. As we age,
the thoughts and perspectives we regularly run through our minds become
engraved deeper and deeper.

The best perspective in life is to believe that all things are for the highest benefit
and that everything is made out of love. By training your mind to focus on this
truth, everything else will all seem to fall in line.

Could you imagine how good that would feel? And how powerful it would be?
Nothing in life would phase you. You would be blessed to experience all
feelings. You’d finally be free.
bolstering your belief

Belief is everything when it comes to a successful manifestation. “Ask and you
shall receive” is the truth. It’s up to you whether or not you believe that.

We’ve all been conditioned by society, regrettably. But that’s okay because it’s
our mission to restore right-mindedness to this planet.

We can do so by bolstering our own belief in manifestation and then the world’s
belief in it. Eventually we’ll reach a tipping point where the belief becomes
mainstream and we accept it like we accept gravity.

There are lots of ways to bolster your belief in yourself and the ability to
manifest your dreams. You should employ as many of them as you’re
comfortable with. Basically, the idea is two-fold: you want to pick something
that’s relatively within your current realm of belief and you want to hammer in
that belief.

Now you can pick any goal you’d like. But it might take a while to reach it. And
if you’re just starting out, this could discourage you. So I recommend picking a
goal that you believe in. That way, manifestation is a breeze.

For example, I’ll use the idea of money. Do you believe you can make $1000
dollars in the next 24 hours? Probably not.

What about going out tomorrow with the intention of making just ONE dollar.
You might say, “Hey that’s pretty easy to do.”

But when you actually accomplish this goal, don’t take it lightly...even though
you only made one dollar. Because, to the Universe, there is an imperceptibly
small difference between one penny and a billion dollars. So, if you can manifest
$1, you can manifest millions of them. The amount of time this happens in is
solely due to your own belief system.

I must say though that most, if not all people, spent years manifesting their
millions. Generally speaking, it takes time. And it’s likely going to take time for
you to retrain your belief system to the point where you make millions of

That’s why it’s so important to see success in small steps. It will keep you going.
So when you actually do make that dollar, rejoice at your successful

Thank the Universe and tell it to keep it comin’. Once you manifest $1, shoot for
$10. Then $50. Then $100. Once you’ve manifested $100 dollars in one day,
you’re not doing too bad. Now consider manifesting a passive income stream of
$5 dollars a month. Then $100. Then $1000. You can choose whatever
increments you want. Isn’t this fun?

So that’s the first part of bolstering your belief. You want to meet your belief
halfway. It’s way easier to believe in a million dollars once you’ve made
hundreds of thousands. So start small. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t set goals
that are sky high. Dream HUGE! Just focus on getting there step by step, one
day at a time. You’ll be surprised how fast it actually goes.

Alright now onto some techniques for increasing your existing level of belief.
Remember that your beliefs exist in your subconscious mind. So you’re going to
want to access your subconscious through emotion and repetition.

If you charge at your dreams over and over again, the Universe gets out of
your way.

You want to attack on multiple fronts. Let’s start with bolstering your belief in
yourself. There’s a great prayer from Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich:

“I ask not, oh Divine Providence, for more riches, but for the Wisdom to accept
and use wisely the riches I already possess in the form of directing and
controlling my mind to whatever ends that I desire.”

Put that on your mirror and recite it every morning after brushing your teeth.

You will have higher belief in yourself if you’re disciplined and focused. This
means, of course, early to bed and early to rise. Be thankful for a brand new day
and think about what you’ll get done that day. Get a jump on the morning by
being productive right when you wake up. It always helps to stretch first thing in
the morning.

If you make a night time and a morning routine for yourself, not only are you
going to be productive but you’ll be building discipline. If you want to enhance
and refine your discipline even further, I recommend taking my WEEK OF

Try to keep your routine simple at first. And never hesitate to refine it. Which
brings me to the next point to believing in yourself: planning.

Planning helps you to clarify your dreams and goals. When most people think of
planning, they think of an activity that happens before anything else. This is
simply not true.

Sometimes you just have to start somewhere to even know how to go about
planning. Not only this, but planning is also a continuous process. Your plans
will always be evolving and morphing.

A “perfect” plan always has a hidden, fatal flaw.

If you don’t remain flexible in your planning, you’re going to end up wasting a
lot of time running your head against the wall. Your plans should be like water:

“You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put it in a teapot, it
becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or creep or drip or crash. Be water,
my friend.”
-Bruce Lee

There is a certain magic that happens when you put pen to paper and begin the
planning process. It declares to yourself and to the universe what your focus is.
Write your plans in blue ink. For some reason, blue ink is more readily picked
up by the subconscious mind.

It’s important not to plan too much or put unnecessary details in. Don’t really
focus too much on the details in general. Doing so limits you. A few ideas and
general trains of progression are fine for your first few plans. Above all, do not
pretend to know how something’s going to work out. And don’t expect anything
to go according to plan.

When manifesting, the main thing you should be concerned about is the
“what”, not the “how”. In other words, focus on where you’re going...not
how you’re going to get there. Let the Universe do that part.

Since we’re on the topic of writing, you should make it a habit to write down
your goal each night in your dream book. If you don’t have a dream book, get
one. And then each morning when you wake up, jot down a few items for your
daily plan. Write down the goal that you want to manifest and put it everywhere
so you can see it all the time. Take time to visualize yourself having obtained the
goal. Even just 1-2 minutes here and there will help you stay excited and focused
on your goal.

Mantras can also be a powerful supplement to bolstering your belief. Write
down and recite a few mantras that feel good to you. They can be anything, and I
encourage you to customize your own. Again, take just a few moments
throughout the day to glance at a notecard or something.

It’s important not to have the mindset of “is it working? I can’t tell...” Just relax
and do it. It’s not a huge commitment. And it will do wonders for your helping
you to believe you can achieve your goals.

Associate as much as you can with people who believe in you or your goals.
Even if it’s watching inspirational music videos on the internet.

Do anything you can think of to associate yourself with your dream and positive
belief. Then take actionable steps toward the dream. Be patient and learn to see
progress in small steps. With persistence, you’ll be able to manifest anything.
focus on providing value

People get so worried about making money that they often forget about the
bigger picture. What’s really the point of doing something if it isn’t going to
help anyone else out? I don’t know about you but if I made a bunch of money
without helping anyone, I’d hardly be able to enjoy it.

On the flip side of this, focusing on providing value will actually earn you more
money. There are a lot of reasons for this. The first and obvious one is that it will
raise your belief that you deserve the money.

I find that most people carry around huge misconceptions when it comes to
earning more money. That’s why I wrote STOP!! Manifesting Money. It will
help you understand money as an accessible energy, not as an elusive physical

Most people really value helping others. It’s almost like it’s part of humans’
nature to be of service. It feels amazing to change people’s lives. Just consider
for a moment all of the people whose life you changed, perhaps without knowing

And what about all the people who have changed your life? Recall all those
times that you would have gone down route A instead of route B. How vastly
different would your life be without the interjection of somebody who cares
about you?

At the end of your life, one of the metrics you’ll use to determine if you were
successful is the amount of service you’ve given to mankind. Helping others is
one of the most powerful ways you can glorify your Creator.

It comes with the recognition that there is no separation. Unconditionally helping
others demonstrates the Universal Law of Oneness and Interconnectivity.

“If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if
you help enough other people get what they want.”
-Zig Ziglar

There are Karmic Laws in place that will reward you for benefiting others.
However, this should not necessarily be seen as a formula. You must have an
honest desire to give simply out of the goodness of your heart. If you give with
the expectation that you will receive, then you’re not giving from the heart.

You must give to receive. But your gift must be free. Now we all know of
wicked people who appear to have profited without any clear value having been
provided to others.

I’ll just go ahead and assume that I do not know all the glory of God’s plan. I
will admit ignorance in not being able to grasp the full picture. But there’s a
reason why people can be rich without helping others. People like this, whether
knowingly or not, are serving as an example to facilitate learning on this planet.
Otherwise, it wouldn’t even exist as a possibility. But generally speaking, you
will be way more savvy to being wealthy if you focus on offering free value to
people. And, when you do make money, you will be better able to enjoy it.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t eventually ask for money. You should. It just
means that you should help selflessly right out of the starting gates. If people
want more value from you, it’s at that point that they can look into your paid
products and services.

On the flip side, we all know of those people who give and give but never seem
to receive. It’s, in fact, the opposite: they almost seem to get taken advantage of.
When you’re first trying to manifest your desires, there’s a healthy degree of
selfishness that you must have. When it comes time to get paid, pay yourself

It’s like when you’re on an airplane, you’re supposed to put on your oxygen
mask first. This will ensure that you’re in a good position to then help others.

So step one is to provide free value to people. Step two is to provide more value,
only this time ask for money. Step three is, when you get paid, reward yourself

The more money you’re making, the more free you can be with your time and
energy. So, essentially, the more resources you have, the more stuff you can give
away for free.

You want to offer all of your best information for free. Don’t hold back any of
your best material. But when it comes to products and services that take more of
your time and energy, you’re definitely in the right to ask for money. Just as
long as you’re not expecting it.

Hey, you have to make a living too! There’s no shame in asking for money, or
even in being rich. After all, the more resources you have, the more resources
you can use to create things that help other people.
take action!

Alright, you made it through the book. But you do realize that this is only the
beginning, right?

Now comes the hard part: starting. Or stopping, as it is in the case of resistance.

The hardest part of any goal is persistence. The second hardest is starting. From
this point forward, your manifestations will begin to really take off. Your only
job is to live a pure life without limitations.

Because, really, manifestation resistance comes down to either damning yourself
or damning others. At the end of the day, all you really want to do is be happy
and free. And it’s hard to do this when you are chained up by your beliefs,
whether about others or about yourself.

Remember that God wants you to succeed and be happy and free. Remember
that it is your duty to spread love and peace to others during your short stay on
this planet. And remember that you’re already equipped with all the tools to
accomplish anything you set your mind to.

So don’t be afraid to be imperfect. Don’t be afraid to take risks.

Just get out there and get your hands dirty. Even if your “plan” isn’t finished.
Even if you don’t have the “experience”.


Even if your goal is “impossible”.

Because impossible doesn’t exist.


be bold. stay strong.

alignmentality – bringing the Universe a little closer to home

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