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‘Case: 1:09-cr-00383 Document #: 373-1 Filed: 01/14/15 Page 1 of 8 PagelD #:2274 ‘Summary of Recordings Made by the Flores Brothers Exhibit A, Toe | _PaRoears [tds Gurman Salar, iene doth 200 Oto hein 1 |pvowtos —_topm [argu es an ea oom \ Pure pal nverain [tio Gunman aaa: fr ean tne fc Msgs Frat gents and adn ase poo neon 2 hunsneos _fasaon [river Gs et gs eet nent ben as lites Garments [gris ave oo thePOKto Reon 2 _[umeecos fon __ [arginine [urerhetowing dey fire Sees opes wore — ADEE aE + hunans lcreterioe —_leransepeiupatne tein [wine Seana nena aT crng wih ener as sede Cunan- Star; fren scatld be leving [mo ria 5__funancos fron sto xe fey reer Sc as FETTER Jers Hues Lays; est adn ano NNon [Odo Han 6 _fuvnsatos fons _ [rts ani a ad evan and ifr Ata sto CusmanSlean inner gave Ret lo io hain 1 |runso0s fox [patois Ey sca in aaa Ali ge he stds Gunman fmborafedeenelipto oso Been e—_funsatos atom fate Hs Cina cobecen salts” [eane per esti cn aay Jet comers Gap na inh Junin sys that Oo Aria buen curnantiocas feviimachost ovine fares ¢_Iuurso0s_fisoum [pears now a be erat era sie vue ree as/2035 ‘Case: 1:09-cr-00383 Document #: 373-1 Filed: 01/14/15 Page 2 of 8 PagelD #:2275 DAE OF USAC GALT DATEOE | Tm PARTICIPANTS ‘SyNoPSis RELATED EVENT salty ofthe Flipe/Mayo heroin | {was bad; Margarito cays that be |Petive Cabrere-Sarabia; fala got heroin ftom Chape and it.ilo heroin 10 |rvasa00s _|UNK __|Margarito Flores was betce eciauve PETG Tes POPS TBP lwae only 40% pure, asks that letipe Cabrera-Sueabia: |futue shipments be at last 60- |&-ilo heroin a1 __frvsg00s funk _[Pedro Flo [sox eciure Pedro confirms that they will pay elipe despite the bad quality, |8-Kilo herein |Petine Cabrers-Sarabia; fasks for anumberfor Felipe's |scirur; $71 12__|rvise00g [unk _ [Pedro Flores ouvir to make payment money wall ar CRAPS CSOT price of 20-kilos of heroin by 85K irom original 855K; agree to star Jyoaquin Guzman-Loera; |x s0-kilo’month arrangement in J20ilo heroin 13__|1iom008 _|stspm _|Pedto Rares line future leizure ST TTENGES TOT to Chapo for 20ilos of heroin: |Chapothands che phono to« UM lwho gives Pedro instructions on [Joaquin Gusmen-Loera; [how to make payment for the 20 |20-Kilo heroin 14___[urrisiz00s__fostspm UM: Potro Flores ios \Senure [pedro tells Alfredo tt he just lapoke to Chapo and arranged for Atfredo GuzsnanrSalazar; [payment asks Alfedillofor 5 20-kilo heroin 15 __|uvnse00s__|o:topm_[Pedro Flores mare kilos ofthe ame heroin _[cizuro [Pedro calls the number uiven during ehe Chape cal to arrange |20-Kio heroin 16__[ursiz005__|ostspm | Peto Flores lor parment forthe 20-klos [Seizure \chapo courier and anys that he |téredo Guzman-Salazar; [wil make a $1 million payment 17__|uuves2008__ Junie _[Pedro Flores lo Chapa wr Page2 snaps ‘Case: 1:09-cr-00383 Document #: 373-1 Filed: 01/14/15 Page 3 of 8 PagelD #:2276 RELATED EVENT atte calls looking for Pero, |sgredo Guemen-Salazs; [tells Mangarito that a source is 18 __[rveezoos [un __|atargarito Pores waiting to recnive a payment Pedro tlle Alfredo that he wsea tho money fr something else an will put another $1 axlion |stredo Guman-Salazar; [together by tho following das to 20-ilo heroin 19 |rveiz00s [unk [Pedro Fores make the payment secure tangas es Foe aT courier thought he had a tail |.Kilo heroin Felipe Cabrera-Sarabia; while making payment ofthe fecizue; $715K 20 |irizzr2008 funk __[Mararito Flores risk rnoney wall Margavito Tals Folge that Re — [Eile Barer Felipe Cabrera-Sarabia; delivered $T15K to Flipe's _fecizure; $715K 1__frazzmo0e unk [Margarito Pores courier money wall [elipe cella Margarita that hia —[8-Kilo heroin Felipe CabreraSarabia: courier believed he was followed fesirre; $719K 22 fiuigneo0s funk __| Margarito Flores irom tho $718K money drop _|maney walk [Tuan reeronoeet SOOTaPT [Juan Guzman-Rocha; [Margarito asks if Juanchois with za _[rvgomo0s funk [Margarito Flores Iwan’ |Juancho answers, nde phone t| |W2N; Margarito tell VZN that the| |auaiy of the heroin fom Felipe Iwas bad; Margarito paid Pelipe Hor the heroin; Margarito found » |vincente Zambada- _feoliarto got 20-3Orocket _|8.Kilo heroin WNibla: Juan Guzmen- launchers, VEN agrees to accept feaizure; 8715 24 [rz0mo0s funk __|ftacha Margarito Florey _|in US at double oat money walk [Juan Guaman-Rocha; —_ |Pedeo confirms onde of 87 and 91 25 __frvex00s JUNK _|Pedro Foros ios of cocene from Juancho [L.A Seizures Mr Page 3 ysapzons (Case: 1:09-cr-00383 Document #: 373-1 Filed: OU/L4/15 Page 4 of & PagelD #:2277 USAOCAE] DAES" Tue | PARnCIPANTs ‘moras RELATED Event eousierin LA turn fe pone on Juan Gurman-Richa; foc the Twinn can roc 2 Live 25 |ivrano0s_|razpm_ [pedro More eorsine ud Sirus isco san Gurman-Recha; [Pero nak Juanchot have his s7__ [tuners Junk __ [recto Mone Jcwrorin LA tun hi phone [LA Seizwes Joan Guzen Rocha; [Marya tel Juancho that be 2s __|rvayn00s _|rrsipm [Marea Pares_foilsnd payment fra ant end [LA Seizures ésiver a load; Juancho save he Juan Guemas-Richa; [ya have 26 297 kr Mon oe 29 [ivzo2008_|owx _ [Pedro Moree ee A. Seinare aaa TRENT san Gueman-Richa; [oor picking up pment or s0_|ivan2008 funk _fvinvgartofiore {ene onde L.A Seisuce Rambo iin town oil 3 peel, etrenes ting with Chape Poco Pel Mansato|bargante ale Rambo tha his s1__|ruosa00s fon [Pires fing hin ney ava gt eee ood ion the wey, German kao 23K forthe lu Between Bay erman Ovares; Piro. [German eka about payment fx s2__lentdune 2008 fowk [Pare in Tin bi tiers sare that JR has boon sing to et nol ofthe Pi calcu payne Peo cage faeween Nay locrman Otvarer Piro. lina they mil delves 81.5 lion 35 [endJane 200s [unk [rte i Ovary eourer [poment was shorts Pedro says beeen Retmade etal peo 2 18 ros. Jerman tvares:Pdzo. [lion of whic $98 milion su hivaseoos osx __frtwe rae bound for Ova wr aces yaaja01s ‘Case: 1:09-cr-00383 Document #: 373-1 Filed: 01/14/15 Page 5 of 8 PagelD #:2278 TSAO Ca No. 36 DATE OF econo | TINE late October 2008, lun. PARTICIPANTS Manuel Fernandes: | Navarro Pedro Flores; Margarito Pores ‘SYNOPSIS [Pedro informe Puerea of Margaritas recent mountaintop meeting with Chapo, Mayo, V2N, [Olivares ts: Pedro and Pueren discuss the Twins running debt lwith Puorea- has climbed aa high| 2s $40 million, at the time was srosnd 816 milion; Pedro informa Pues that Chapo wanted the Twine to aet up Msi tobe led RELATED EVENT 1.04 ton cosine Jcizur in LA lLate October [2008 luxe [Manuel Fernandex- Navarre: Pedro Foros receiving a load of xenine from |AB-L on credit; Pstea references ene Sinloa-Beltran war and tlle lPedeo that he is afraid that. AB. HLAtusico will be mad that Pucra| Inns received loads from IcraperMayo. 1.04 ton eoeaine lsizure im LA a |unte October leary November 2008 tN Manuel Fernandes: INavusto Pedro Flores: Margarito Fores rther discussions of panning] load with AB-L, at time of al, oad ae big as 800-600 kos J-ontomplatod; Pedro aks to teade koe of cacaine in Mexico city for kilos in Guadalajara 1.04-ton cocine lcizurein LA November 2008 2:16pm [sianuet Pernandes- Navarro: Margarita Flores Margarito tolls Puerea the ABLL. od could be nc largo a 1 ton; Puereaeays chat he will agree to a 1 tom deal if they get 15 days to Jn payment to AB-L ara 500 iio lon if they ae given 10 days jo make payment 1.04-ton exaine esiure in wr ages syayja0is :09-cr-00383 Document #: 373-1 Filed: 01/14/15 Page 6 of 8 PagelD #:2279 (ee [ee racers = RELATED EVENT me kineeine ADL dope fen Nexsal toa; Pree lin (0 en Mca bianutternaniee: fence wilvnd wrtnehe—[10¢toncocie soho fics [Sree fei Fre [lig a ure int feos nA Pebvoand Pare, Manoa Ferander —|ancas how dey wtlmate” 104m cone 4o__unrmo0s luvs _[SsvamerteteRes_[payment wABLAIuazo [uremia Pero na Pure the cue onty AD Lafucoeorly hans: Fernanda asst Twin cunt with |.¢on cine __}uvnan00 funk __[Ravasor Prime Mos _|Punnessefrnc past aie [oir ina ant eraaner Pe ad Pars rr de] ea 2 __[ivsuncoe [osx [Novena team fixes [pain BUA Pere tat Past Fsmante otra Paro SGOT 1 |uesans fusion [iverer Parris [pune btaay sure ia LA Chap king fore acer lndxia name Te enue Tec wn fo Chao snc was Marga abe Josan Gurman-ocha; fea beau Tce reve a1__|ivon200e lows _impetoriowe_fim esse [abt hare toni cnn ein hough Paotnme Masco waccncerne tat Andy isnt xv, atsies, aremrened nanan wine |LO4ton cine 4s hrozyates _fovx _fitvetPs [eat fsa ini fot he eco ind win pian xv, ties; fen Cy andthe ober ats |L:04on cine Ltx__funsetos fox __[tentorone. "finda few int we pages yupos Case: 1:09-cr-00383 Document #: 373-1 Filed: 01/14/15 Page 7 of 8 PagelD #:2280 TSAO CAL DaTEOF ee apa me PARTICIPANTS ‘SYNOPSIS RELATED EVENT Pare 1 -3way communication bt Pee Ni oh i iota what eventually lecomes the 1 04a Toa; Puereal land Musico reference the war Jani thoirdevire forthe wilence part 1 - Manvel to end /Part2- Compadro comee |Peraandea-Navarro; over inperson; deus a 276-kilo [Manusl LNU, Musice; — floadon the way to Chicago via |pedro Floves: Margarito |train: Compadee explains Chapo'} [Flores /Part2- Alfredo fuse of cubmerines and 747s to \WasquesHernandes; [move dope into Meco: |siguel Bello; Juan |[Compadre discusses the JPabio-Bastidas; Nemo; mapending arrival ofa submarinePart 1 - 1.0¢ton JPedso Flares; Maegarito oad in which Compade and the leccaine seizure in at__|rvar00s fuse [Fores [rwins have invested lua [Pero aan Arvala ooo {Tomas Arevalo-Rentera: [pavment fora past shipment of 48 frormo0e _[esgpm [Pedro Flores 15 kilos of heroin Jovurior wil deliver payment fr the past shipment of 15 kilos at s:00 that dag: Pedro tlls Arevalo thatthe payment willbe bigger Jehan the $760k owed forthe 15- isos and tells Arevalo to apply [Tomas ArevaloRenteria: fthe extra money toe future 10 |ro222005 _fat6pm [Pedro Flores transaction vals passe TS HART OH [Tomas ArevaloRenteria; Jnumber af his courier, Turaco for|12Iilohersin 50 frrnwzo0s _fa24pm__|Pesio Flores ee 12 ein del sine [Tome Arevalo-Renteria; leustody to ack him to help them [oy geting full 1D for Musicoand| s1__|52009 [300m [Susncho wie Page? wny20is ‘Case: 1:09-cr-00383 Document #: 373-1 Filed: 01/14/15 Page 8 of 8 PagelD #:2281. TEASER | BawOr Parner Smorne RATED EVN omar Averlotenteri; fbn Hie al Arras tram Pee Foren Margate (uty wack or aeitanco s2__|unsa00 [som [rome ih hi cmperton oma Averaloteateri; [rhe tis ca reras tram Pero we arene estado ck orate sx__|irsn000 [astm [Rone ih hi coperton oma Averlo tester; [rhe tie ea Arora ram ero we rents [ado ck brane s__|ns2000 [4200 _|Fone ih hs coperton wr rows ysg/20as

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