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Tema: Código:
Teacher:Pedro López Riveros Grupo: 5c

Muy importante: -ING and to infinitive como Sujetos.

1. Podemos usar la forma –ING como sujeto. (es lo más común).


 Smoking is a terrible habit. =Fumar es un hábito terrible.

 Knowing how to drive a car is useful. =Saber cómo conducir un carro es útil.
 Playing tennis in England isn´t expensive. =Jugar tenis en Inglaterra no es caro.

2. También podemos usar el infinitivo. (pero su uso es raro).

 To know how to drive a car is useful. =Saber como conducir a car es útil.

Lea las siguientes oraciones y complételas con la forma apropiada del –ING usando los verbos en

1. ……Studying…… at Honorio Delgado Espinoza institute takes six semesters. (study)

2. ……Drinking……… 8 glasses of water a day is good for us. (drink)
3. ……Speaking……… English is good for interacting with people from other countries. (speak)
5. ……Smoking……… cigarettes is bad for our health.(smoke)
6. ……Joining…… the wires is done for safety purposes. (join)
7. ……Operating…. computers is not difficult at all. (operate)
8. ……Washing……… your hands before meals is important. (wash)

Une las dos oraciones para hacer un oración, empieza con el gerundio. Después traduce las oraciones al

 She is a technician. It is a hard work.
Being a technician is a hard work. = Ser un técnico es un trabajo difícil.

 The cleaner cleans the computers. It is very tiring.

Cleaning the computers is very tiring. =Limpiar las computadoras es muy cansado.

1. The boys share an apartment. This sometimes causes arguments.

Sharing an apartment sometimes causes arguments. =Compartir un departamente aveces causa
2. Ms Cáceda is a teacher. It requires a lot of patience.
Being a teacher requires a lot of patience.= Ser una profesora requiere mucha paciencia.
3. The students plan their vacation in advance. This is exciting.
Planning their vacation in advance is exciting. = Planear ir de vacaciones por adelantado es
4. The manager has a bad personality. This influences on their workers.
Having a bad personality influences on their workers. = Tiene una mala personalidad influye en sus

Une las dos oraciones para hacer una oración, empezando con un gerundio.

Ejemplo: She´s a nurse. It´s hard work.

= Being a nurse is hard work.
= Nursing is hard work.
 He is a football player. It needs much discipline.
 They share a flat. This sometimes causes argements.
 She´s a teacher. It requires a lot of patience.
 He is a programmer. It needs a lot of logic.
 They live in a small room. This always causes problems.

1. Being a football player need much discipline.

2. Sharing a flat sometimes causes arguments.

3. Being a teacher requires a lot of patience.

4. Programming need a lot of logic.

5. Living in a small room always causes problems.

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