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Duca Tudor Laurentiu

Istorie an II
Exemple pentru cele 4 sensuri pe care G.R. Berridge şi Alan James le au in
dictionarul lor „A Dictionary of Diplomacy,,

„(1) The conduct of relations between sovereign states through the medium
of officials based at home or abroad, the latter being either members of their
state’s diplomatic service or temporary diplomats. Thus diplomacy includes
the stationing of representatives at international organizations. But the
backbone of diplomacy has, for five centuries, been the dispatch of
diplomatic missions to foreign states, and it is still very much the norm. (…)
Diplomacy is therefore the principal means by which states communicate
with each other, enabling them to have regular and complex relations.


Prima definitie se refera la tot ce inseamna diplomatia in sine, de a intretine

relatii pasnice de comunicare si negociere intre state,indifferent daca aceste
relatii se stabilesc intr-un sediu stabil de acasa sau intr-un intr-un sediu aflat

Un exemplu poate fi Ambasada Romaniei de la Bulgaria sau Ambasade care

apartin altor tari care practica diplomatia cu tara in care se afla.

(2) The use of tact in dealing with people. Diplomacy in this sense is a skill
which is hugely important in the conduct of diplomacy


A doua definitie se refera la caracterul si comportamentul pe care un

diplomat este nevoit sa il aiba pentru a putea sa ii desfasoare diplomatia intr-
un mod corect si eficient pentru a putea satisface nevoile.

Un exemplu pentru aceasta definitie este Ion I.C Bratianu care a ajutat la
obtinerea Independentei de stat a Romaniei.
Duca Tudor Laurentiu
Istorie an II
(3) Any attempt to promote international negotiations, whether concerning
inter- or intra-state conflicts. (…)


A treia definitie se refera la capabilitatea de a promova negocieri

internationale,cu privire la conflicte interne sau externe ale statelor,ele
avand scopul de a evita izbucnirea conflictelor.

Un exemplu foarte bun este intalnirea pe care Donald Trump a avut-o cu

liderul nord coreean Kim Jong Un in 2019 la zona demilitarizata a Coreei.

(4) Foreign policy. The use of the word ‘diplomacy’ as a synonym for foreign
policy, which is especially common in the United States, can obscure the
important distinction between policy and the (non-violent) means by which it
is executed.


A patra definitie se refera la asocierea cuvantului diplomatie politici

externe,care este in special comun in Statele Unite ale Americi,diplomatia si
politica externa au multe diferente intre ele.

Un exemplu poate fi parteneriatul strategic al Romaniei cu SUA.

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