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MGM PUBLIC SCHOOL KANDANAD tae ANNUAL EXAMINATION (20192020) — SOCIAL SCIENCE Class Vi Matks 60 Time 3s (12020) |. Give answer tothe questions as directed 1 Murshid Qui Khan was the Nawab of ; ‘ 2) Bengal b)Awadh c) Deccan ) Hyderabad 2. Whose bronze statues were made using the ost wax technique 2) Cheras b) Cholas c) Mughals ¢)Palavas, 3. Which one o he flowing is famous ors eiamond mines? 8) Winnipeg b) Toronto.) Johannesburg.) Kimberly 4. The staple food inthe rain forest area of Amazon basins 2) Sweet Potato. b) Rice ¢) Wheat <) manic. 5, The fis Indian woman who wrote an autobiography was 2) Laxmiai) Rashsundan c) Ramebai d) Rokeya 6. Llathlakam deals with ®) Drama only. b) Drams and Posts c) Grammar and poetics <) poetic ony 7. Which ofthe felling isan example fr eedimontary rocko? ) Basalt 6) Granite c) Clay) Sandstone 8. The Sahara desert touches Counties, 9. Tha arrangement between the merchant and the weavers is an example of . 10. ‘wrote the story “Suttanas Dream 11. The story of shit begin with the production of 12. Thick mud walled houses with thatched roofs are very common in areas of Climate 13. Aurangzeb ded inthe year 14 The producers are not interested in seling us goods in smaller quantties (TE) False) 15. Advertsing a product in media costs less amount of money. (True / False) 16. Witng of saints tives are known as biography (correct the statement and rewrite). 17. range the following inte correct order. ‘2. Consumer b. producer , wholesaler d. weekly market 18. Define Transhumance 18. What do you understand by balanced report? 20. dently the famous temple situated at Puri (Odiss4) oN I. Short answer type questions. (ax8=24) 21. Give a brief description of fe of people in Ladakh. 22. Why do people go to weekly market? Give three reasons. 23, Elaborate on the revenue system of Awadh 26, Explain the rock cycle using a diagram, 25, Describe the a popular dance form of North Incia -kathiak 28.“Poor girls drop out of school because they are not interested in getting an education’ . Explain why this statement is not tue. 27. Explain the reasons why media i fr from independent. + 28. Briefly write about the flora and fauna ofthe Praiies: Ill. Long answer Questions (6x6 28, Describe Surat as a gate way tothe west 30. Write about the Nayanars and the Alva in brie. 3. How does the topography of Ganga ~ Brahmaputra basin affect the distribution ofits population? Explain 32 List the il effects and advantages of advertising, 38, "Buying and seling can take place without going to a market place". Explain tis statement with the help of examples. 34, State the main features of the Velds, IV. 380n the Outline map of India (tx 0) ‘2. locate and label the following "i. Kaziranga - National Park ' i Ladakh — Cold desert in India li Ganga Brahmaputra Basin Identify the folowing places and write their correct names |. Province which was under the control of Sa'adat Khan ii, Capital of Viayanagara Empire ii, State which considers Bharatanatyam as their classical dance. FoR ScHooL Use ONL

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