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Peng Joon: ...session, we're going to be talking about how to make this your best year ever. I want
to start off by saying, this is such an important session. This is something that I do every
single year when it comes to planning every single goal that I want to accomplish. My
ambitions, my dreams. I believe that for those of you that's on this session right now, if
you go through this, you will be able to map out with total clarity, what it is you're going
to accomplish, and make this your best year ever.

[00:00:30] When it comes to goal setting, now, we all know that New Year Resolutions, everybody
make goals. The truth is, setting a goal is easy. It's easy to say, I want to lose probably
3kgs and get six pack abs by December 31st. Anybody can do that. Setting the goal is
easy, but the question is, is it being hit, and is it something that is realistic?

The thing is, goals doesn't need to be realistic. I'll come to that in a second, later in this
[00:01:00] presentation. Let's talk about goal setting. I believe that when it comes to goals, there
are just three rules. Whatever it is. As you are thinking about your goals, feel free to
write it down as you are doing this together with me. Let's talk about goal setting.

I believe that goals, we want to keep it simple. We want to be specific. A bad goal
example would be, I want to be happier in 2018. That's a bad goal. I want to be a better
[00:01:30] person. That is not specific. You can't really tell or measure if it's not specific. Number
three, it's all about just doing what you say you're going to do. In every single goal that
we might scope out in this session, I want you to remember, keep it simple, it needs to
be specific, or also measurable, and that you're going to do what you say you're going to
do. If not, don't do it. Don't say you're going to do it rather. That's goal setting.
To give you a brief intro, let me tell you this. I personally don't think I'm the most
productive person out there, but I do get a lot of stuff done. In 2017, I have spoken,
easily, well over 10 countries, close to 20 in 2017 alone. Been to Brazil, been all over
Europe, been in many countries here in Asia. Different city, traveling a ton, I launched a
[00:02:30] lot of new funnels. Online, launched new products. Managing my team. At the same
time, ranked competitively in one off my favorite computer games right now, which is
Overwatch, which is a FPS game.

At the same time, getting stuff done while I'm traveling, dealing with jet lag and travel
and constantly being on the road. At the same time, training at the gym, usually about
[00:03:00] five, six times a week, regardless of what city I am in. I get a ton of stuff done. I still get
eight hours of sleep every single day in. I do not sleep with an alarm clock. I do not
believe in hustling 16 hours a day. The reason why I can get all these stuff done and
have pretty balanced life, good sleep, is because I believe it's not about, it's about being
productive. It's about planning your year ahead, and then being productive and keeping
[00:03:30] your word.

How do I make that happen? These are the couple of things I believe that if you do this,
this will change your year. I believe that when it comes to productivity, a big chunk,
probably 80% of it is your mindset and how you do things and look at things. Now the
reason why you see a picture of cheerleaders over here is because I went on Google
[00:04:00] images and I typed in RaRa, and this was one of the results I got. I know that when I say

Productivity Secrets
productivity on mindset, there could be a small percentage of you that's thinking, okay
Peng Joon, I just want to know the strategy. In order for me to make 2018 my best year
ever, it's about strategy. Just giving me the tools, give me the how, give me the steps.

I can tell you that I could give you all of the steps, but without it being backed up by
[00:04:30] productivity or mindset, you're not going to do it. I understand that I know it sounds like
RaRa, and that's why I normally I don't really talk about productivity or mindset, but it's
crucial, especially at the start of year, in order to map out your entire year and what you
want to get done.

Let me talk about the different type of ways to look at things when it comes to
productivity and how I look at things. Okay? The first one I want to talk about is binary
[00:05:00] thinking. Which means, binary in computer programming is like 1 or 0. 01, 01, 01, that's
binary thinking. What does that mean? It means that when it comes to productivity, just
think in absolutes. What does that mean? It's either a Yes or a No. It's either black or
white. It's either you're growing or you're dying. It's either something is taking you
[00:05:30] closer to your goal, or it's taking you away from it. There's no mutual position. There is
no middle ground. Binary thinking.

why is this important? In everything that we do, in pretty much all areas, if you think
from binary angle, it means that every single task, how we spend our time, the people
that we mix with, it either helps us, or it doesn't. Every single thing we do. It either it
[00:06:00] helps us take us closer to our goal, or either it doesn't. There's no middle ground. Either
your customers, they're buying from you or they're not. It's either doing a certain task
will either energize you, or it drains you. There's no middle ground. They are either in or
they're out. Binary thinking.

If we take a look at everything that we do and cover an angle of binary, we'll be able to
[00:06:30] make decisions a whole lot better. Think about this. A question that I ask myself is, and
this is very, very big for me, which is this. And this is a question I want you to ask
yourself. If I keep up with these daily habits, where will I be in 10 years? Kind of just ask
yourself right now. If you did what you did on average for the last seven days, or last
one month, just think about that for a second. If you did what you did in the last seven
[00:07:00] days or a month, where do you think that is going to end up? What's going to happen to
you in 10 years in terms of, if you continue hanging out with your same groups of people
that you're hanging out with right now, where would you be in 10 years? If you continue
eating what you ate today, where do you think your health will be like in 10 years?

[00:07:30] If you continue spending your time like how you spent it today, or like on your last seven
days, 30 days on average, where would you be in 10 years. If you continue to work on
what you worked on today, where will you be in 10 years? If you continue being in this
relationship that you're in today, where will you be in 10 years?

This, obviously when I think about this, it doesn't mean that I don't go out and have a
good time. It doesn't meant that I don't have nights where I go to a nightclub and binge
[00:08:00] drink and drink like 10 shots of tequila and go crazy. Of course there are those nights.
I'm talking about on average. Right? If you had these daily habits, on average, where
would you be in 10 years? Only you and you yourself would know the answer to these

Productivity Secrets
questions. Ask yourself, Yes, does this ... Or tell yourself, Yes, this portion of my life
[00:08:30] needs to change if I want to change this specific result.

In other words, we need to understand this, when it comes to productivity, what

paralyzes most people is overwhelm. We need to recognize that in business, we only
really do just three things. These are the three things. We sell stuff. Right? Which is sales
related stuff. Sales, like there's do sales videos, e-mail customers, potential customers,
[00:09:00] talk on the phone, do webinars. At the same time, we have to deliver what we sold.
Sometimes we got to do coaching calls, we got to create the products, we got to write
up the e-mails, we'll do up the membership sites. Finally, we got to create the marketing
content. Pull up the blog post, post on social media, run the ads on Facebook.

If you really think about it, as online marketers, this is pretty much everything that we
[00:09:30] do. That is pretty much everything where everything else is a distraction. In order to
overcome overwhelm, right, which is something many people have, there's all these
things that needs to be done. We just need to remember that there's really just three
things. The first step to overcoming overwhelm is to realize that look, there's just three
things. If we can sort, sift and separate all of our tasks into these three things, and
[00:10:00] understand that everything else is a distraction, then we'll be good. Right? We'll be

When it comes to why people don't get shit done, here's why. Number one, there's no
clear cut objective. There's no why, there's no end result. They're not beginning with the
[00:10:30] end in mind. At the same time, they do not define by when. In a week a month, six
months. There's no planning as a result of that. And, here's the biggest one, it's because
they're into distraction. It's not that there's not enough time, but rather, they're into
distraction. The question is, are you into distraction? I'll talk about more about

This is the jest of why people don't get stuff done. The point I'm trying to make is, which
[00:11:00] is huge when it comes to planning this year, is I want you to remember, habits will
always outweigh talent. The reason why I'm bringing this up, you probably heard me say
this, is because far too many people use the convenient excuse of, I'm not good at, fill in
the blanks, therefore, I can't do it. Think about it. In fact, let me just exit this for a
second so that I can look at all of you for awhile.

[00:11:30] The most convenient used excuse that people normally say is, I want to do this, but I
don't know how. This being, it could be selling on Facebook, it could be writing, copying.
It could be doing a sales video. It could be handling a webinar. Right? I want you to
[00:12:00] know that every single skill in entrepreneurship is a learnable skill. That is, I think, when
it comes to mindset, that is one of the biggest things that helps me. I truly believe that.
Because of that, there's really no fear in anything that I do. Well of course there could
be fear if it's new, but I know that ultimately I can master it if I put enough time,
dedication and focus into it.

[00:12:30] Think about it. Nobody is every born with the talent of being an internet marketer.
Nobody's born with that. It's acquired. That skill is actually acquired. 10 years ago, I
didn't know how funnels worked. I didn't know how to sell. I didn't know how to process

Productivity Secrets
payments online. I didn't know how to do a live webinar. I can't speak in front of
camera. I didn't know all of that. All of that were all learnable, trainable skills.

[00:13:00] Rather than coming from overwhelm, come from an angle of Yes, I may not know this
right now, but this skill is a learnable, trainable skill. As basic as it sounds, some of you
could be like, but I'm not a copywriter. I'm not good at writing. Look, I didn't know how
to write. I didn't know how to sell. It comes through practice. Understand that to
[00:13:30] overcome overwhelm, come from the angle and remember that all skills can be
mastered. That's it.

Habits over talent. Okay. Every single skill is learnable. The results are the summation of
our daily actions. This could be one of the hardest truths for a lot of people to swallow.
Question is, can you handle the truth that the results, and all of our results, is the
[00:14:00] summation of our daily actions. I'm not talking about, don't twist this out of context and
say, Well, I got robbed last week and the result was not of my action. I'm not talking
about that. You know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the results in our bank
account, the results in our fitness level, the results of how we feel every single day.
That's the summations of our daily action.

[00:14:30] Think about it, when it comes to fitness, I think that's easy. Right? It's just what we eat
every day. Our action, or inaction, they all have consequences whether you choose to go
to the gym or you don't go to the gym, whether you choose to write a sales letter today,
or spend that one hour watching Game of Thrones. They all are a summation of our
daily actions. If we take control of that and truly believe that the results that we have
[00:15:00] today is purely based on our thoughts, which leads to our words, which leads to our
actions, then, that's when we can take control of the results in our life.

In this year, if you want to get results, you got to remember that your results are purely
based on your actions or inactions, that forms your daily habits. In other words, here's
[00:15:30] the thing. I know that this message here gets sent, because it's a sexy message.
Everyone is saying, Oh I'm going to hustle, you got to hustle. Hustle. Hustle. Hustle.
Right? Now, if you take a look at social media, there's a ton of people spreading this.
Here's the thing. I can tell you that, first of all, I've been through this phase where
working 16 hours a day, that kind of stuff, and I'm going to tell you, not only was I not as
[00:16:00] happy as I am now, but I can tell you I'm getting a lot more stuff done now than I was
back then when I was hustling 16 hours a day.

Let's face it. Let's really think about it. Is it really possible? Let me just ask you this
question okay? Do you think it is really possible to hustle 16 hours a day? To me,
[00:16:30] honestly, I can't really work productively more than four hours in a day, I really can't. I'm
talking about real, productive work. You know what I'm talking about. It is not about
spending 12 hours a day in front of the computer. It is about how productive can you be.
You know that one hour of pure focus, you can get a ton of stuff done.

I'm talking about how do we get in that zone of creating productive work consistently,
[00:17:00] every single day. That is where I'm going to reveal here. It is not being productive. How
do we be productive? Let me talk about these few things.

Productivity Secrets
Number one. Please write down Frameworks. In every thing that I do, I would have a
framework. Which means, I'm always thinking, for instance, that example over here, this
[00:17:30] is my framework if I want to create a product launch funnel. If I want to create a product
launch funnel, I know that video one, I'm going to be talking about the opportunity,
video two I'm going to talk about internal, video three I'm going to talk about external,
video four has my sales view. I would have a framework for things that I do. I would
have a framework for writing a sales letter. I would have a framework for my Facebook
post. I would have a framework for pretty much all of the major tasks that I do. That's
[00:18:00] number one, framework.

Now, it's no longer some big task, but rather, broken down into small little milestones.
Frameworks. That's number one. Number two is systems. This image that you see over
here is actually an image, in house, that my team uses as a result of a system that's
developed by my team. What is this? This is the same system that manages the process
[00:18:30] of my social media. You notice, step number one is I shoot a video. This thing is
proprietary by the way. You won't find this screenshot. Please do not share this
screenshot anywhere else. It's used in-house, it's not shared anywhere else. It's not
even part of a system that I sell, but it's our system. It my in-house system of how, step
number one, I shoot a video. Step number two, it gets uploaded into Google Drive. After
[00:19:00] that, we get it transcribed. We put in the subtitles, the quote cards, the long post, the
blog post. This is where I send to rev.com where it's republished in different formats.

After that, my designer adds the subtitles at the frames. Step number five, we post it on
Facebook. Step number six, about a month later, it goes on YouTube. My designer
create the quote cards in step number seven. Step number eight, two months later, it
goes to a blog post. Three months later, the long post is sent on Facebook and
[00:19:30] Instagram. That's a system. I created a system so that there is no overwhelm for me in
managing all these different social media platforms and content creation. All I'm really
doing is I'm shooting a video. You see that? What I really do from here is this. Okay?

[00:20:00] Notice, as a direct result of the system, just about two weeks ago, I flew my video guy
over, Ken [Okazaki 00:20:05] from Japan. He came here, we went to a bunch of different
places. We shot approximately 120+ videos in three days. That, all of those videos takes
care of all of my content creation until about April of this year. All my content creation,
[00:20:30] whether it goes on to my blog, my Facebook, my Instagram, all of that. That's all taken
care of, and that's why if you follow me on Facebook, you'll see a content, a piece of
content from me every single day. That's not because I'm overwhelmed. It is because
I've put a system into place whereby all I'm doing is this step, and the system takes care
of it.

Again you, wherever you are right now, I can guarantee you, if you put a system to what
[00:21:00] you're doing, it's going to save you a ton of time, frustration and also, figuring out what
to do, so often that people wake up in the morning saying, I want to be able to do all
this, but what do I do now? They get overwhelmed. Same thing. When it comes to going
to the gym. I have a system. My six times a week system is basically Mondays is legs day.
[00:21:30] Well sometimes chest. Then after that, if it's ... Let's just go with legs. After that, day
two, it's basically chest and triceps. Day three, it's back and biceps. Then after that, it is
shoulders. Then after that, it is chest and back again. On day six is some sort of cardio,

Productivity Secrets
and legs again.

There's a system. I just rotated with that system so that I don't go to the gym thinking,
[00:22:00] what should I do today. Same thing with everything else that I do. You want to put the
systems into the different things that you do.

Systems. The big picture. Same thing. I have systems on daily posts on my social media. I
don't overwhelm and react to, Oh, I got to queue this up. No. All of my social media
posts is all scheduled weeks in advance, and I don't do it. I've got somebody to help me,
[00:22:30] do it for me. There's a system. 10:00pm. Sometimes we mix these times of course. It's
not a hard and fast rule, but sometimes we mix things up just to test the algorithm out.
Rule of thumb is, these are the times. 8:00am, quote card goes up. Middle of the day,
Facebook video. Quote card 4:00pm. 7:00pm quote card, 10:00pm, long post.

[00:23:00] Alright. A system. No, that's number two. Number three, it's making important tasks
critical. What does this mean? What is this picture? How is this picture related to this?
As entrepreneurs, business owners, we all have a ton of important tasks, our to-do list.
The things that we want to accomplish. The truth is, whenever we have a ton of
[00:23:30] important tasks, what do we end up doing? Think about it. What do you normally end
up doing when you got a list of 20 important things? What do you do?

The answer, most of the time, would be what? Let me know guys. If you have a ton of
important things to do, normally what ends up happening? Let me tell you this. Most of
the time, if I have 20 important things to do, I end up doing nothing. That's very normal.
[00:24:00] We just get paralyzed with our to-do list. [inaudible 00:24:05] says, Easiest one first.
That's great. In fact, I like that because when you do the easiest one first, you kind of
check it off before going to the next one. That's good. Here's what I do. Whenever I have
important things done, what I normally do is I purposely try to make it critical by self
[00:24:30] imposing a deadline.

The picture that you saw earlier, which was a high-level event that I did last year called
implementation week. It was $10,000 US Dollars a person where they came in, shot
their videos, worked on their scripts and got everything done. That event, when that
event ended, I said, and I invited all of those applicants in the room that paid me
[00:25:00] $10,000, I said, Two weeks from now, I am going to invite all of you to my office where
you're goin to see behind the scenes to how I shoot my entire launch videos for proven
presentations. I told them, I'm going to shoot video one, video two, video three, plus the
Sales Video, so four videos in total. Whereby each video is about 45 minutes long.

[00:25:30] You know why I did that? I did that to change something that was important to critical. I
know that if it's two weeks away, first of all, I can't slack off, I can't postpone it. I'm
getting people flying in as well. When they come it, I have to shoot. It. I have to
complete it within the very same day. Guess what? When you do something like that, it
is going to be scary. It is going to be scary, but it leaves you no choice.

[00:26:00] I want you to ask yourself is how can you apply these steps? How can you self impose
deadlines so that you have no choice of backing up? This could be selling an item first.
Now, your customers are waiting for you to fulfill it. This could be doing a Live event.

Productivity Secrets
Selling the tickets and now you have to fulfill. This could be a promise to somebody else
[00:26:30] in one way, form or another. Think about that. When I did that, I got three-quarters,
most of them came over to my office that day. Guess what? When they came to my
office that day, we started at about 12:00, and we did the entire launch funnel by 7:00 I
think. I got it all professionally recorded. The entire product launch funnel was done.
[00:27:00] Video one, video two, video three. I could even debrief them in between. I even shot
the sales video. I did the entire funnel in a day.

I know that if I didn't do that ... Understand something. Not only did I give additional
bonus unannounced, whereby they got a ton of value seeing a whole day behind the
scenes that's not available anywhere else, or to meet the other people again. At the
[00:27:30] same time, it allowed me to do something that will, I don't know it was easy for me to
say, Yeah, this is important, but take months to actually get it done. Think about how we
can apply that and change something that is important to critical. That's what happened
here at this event.

How do you actually do this? Let me explain how do you actually do this. Now that you
understand the different mindset involved when it comes to productivity, how do you
[00:28:00] actually do this? Let me share with you the stuff most people do. Let's take a look at this
list. Most people, they wake up to check their e-mails. They look at their stats. This is
how much sales I made, this was the refunds, this was how much traffic I got. They look
at Facebook. They look at what their friends ate last night, the holidays, they're on the
rants. All of that. They post on social media. They talk about how their day is going to
[00:28:30] go, how do you feel. Then they talk on their phones, check WhatsApp, do all that kind of
stuff. They read forums, Facebook groups. They build funnels, they create content, and
they work on their products.

If you take a look at this entire list, I want you to ask yourself, how much time have you
focused on the last three. I can tell you right now that the only thing that matters is the
[00:29:00] last three. Everything else is a total waste of time. In fact, let me tell you something, I
actually wish, I truly believe that aside from these calls, which, I know it's crucial, I
believe that really there's, I would say that 99% of things that you're consuming online,
including myself, is a distraction. Only you yourself know if you can afford that

[00:29:30] I'm not saying that we got to be working 16 hours a day. What I'm saying is, can you
actually afford to have the distraction? Think about it. Distraction don't really give us
that entertainment value either. It's just a waste of time. If you want, like for me, I play
my over watched game, pretty much every day, every other day when I'm back in
[00:30:00] Malaysia. Why? When I'm working, I'm focused. When I'm at gym, I'm focused. But
when I'm playing, I'm also focused on playing my game.

Distraction on the other hand is different. Distraction means you're multi-tasking,

there's nine different tabs open. You're trying to build your funnel. Your other tab is
Facebook open. Your other tab is YouTube open. You try to do all these different things.
That is a distraction. If you're going to watch a YouTube video, then focus on watching
the YouTube video, without having it interrupting into your actual work time. That's
[00:30:30] what I'm saying. When it comes to distraction- No audio. Wait wait.

Productivity Secrets
Guys can you raise thumbs up, or thumbs down if no sound? Okay time's up. Great, okay
thank you.

[00:31:30] Anyway. The question is, what should you be focusing on? It is the only thing you should
be focusing on is the stuff that actually matters, which is building your funnels, creating
your content and creating your product. Eliminate distractions. You know what your
distractions are. Social media would probably be number one, if I were to guess, for
[00:32:00] most of you. Let me just go back to the slides.

Social media, unless. What is unless? Unless you're an influencer and that social media
actually makes you money. Unless you're using social media to post your ads. Unless
you're using social media to look at what your competitors are doing in terms of their
ads, it's a waste of time. Refreshing Likes, refreshing your page to see how many Likes
[00:32:30] you got on post, that's a total waste of time. Social media would be the main distraction
for many of you, unless you're using it as a marketing tool, unless you're using Instagram
as a way to market your products, unless you're using Facebook to reverse engineer
what your competitors are doing.

Number two. Netflix. Look, this is like watching TV. This is the new TV. I've said this in
[00:33:00] the past, but honestly, TV is for broke people. You don't see ads for Lamborghini's on TV
because the people that can afford it, they aren't watching TV. Netflix on the other
hand, look, I watch Netflix. I am not, it's not a daily. I'm not here to tell you what life to
live, but what I'm saying is, does your dreams match your actions? That's what I'm

[00:33:30] If you are saying, I want to have my business do this, I want to be able to accomplish my
goals to dreams and all of that, and that's really your goals and dreams, then just ask
yourself the question. Does my actions on a daily basis, reflect on the goals that I want
to achieve? That's all I'm asking. I'm not here to dictate how you should live your life. All
I'm saying is, if you're not happy at where you are at right now, then it's time to ask
[00:34:00] yourself, what areas of your life can you eliminate so that you have more time to work
on that dream? That's all I'm saying. Usually, Netflix is a huge distraction.

I watch Netflix when I am traveling in an airplane because it's tough for me to focus on
an airplane, so I watch Netflix. Or, when I'm on a treadmill. These are probably the only
two scenarios I'm watching Netflix. You decide. I'm not here to dictate how you should
[00:34:30] do things. Number three is also e-mail. Far too many people waste precious time on e-
mail. You've heard me talk about e-mail productivity. Let me just quickly share with you
e-mail productivity again okay?

E-mail productivity is really just this. E-mail productivity is just, number one, change
[00:35:00] your signature, please, of your e-mail, so that it says something like, Sent from my
Iphone or something, so that you can be direct and to the point with all of your e-mails.
When somebody replies you, and when you reply someone, it says just straight up, Yes,
No, Proceed, sent from my Iphone. That allows you to be direct, to the point without
the whole Hi Michelle, great to hear from you. How are the kids? Before you get the
point. That's number one, change your signature.

Productivity Secrets
[00:35:30] Number two is, use Boomerang for Gmail. Just download it, see how it works. It's
basically helps you with unresponsive people, and it just loops the thing if they don't
reply in a day or so. Just look it up. Number three, this is the one that I love most.
Number three is this Google Chrome add-on called Use Loom. Use Loom. Let me see. Let
[00:36:00] me just kind of show you how Use Loom looks like. On my-

Okay. Great, I'm currently recording this. Okay. I need to swap back out to my slides.
Anyway, it's fine. I don't want to risk crashing it. It's okay. I think you got the jest of it. In
[00:36:30] other words. Okay, this is the jest of this new thing. The jest of this meeting is this. The
summary of it all from today's call is to overcome overwhelm, we just need to
understand that in everything that we do, that there's three things. Placing our time on
marketing, which is basically posting on Facebook, writing the ads, creating the traffic,
[00:37:00] that's marketing. Spending our time building the funnels, which is selling, doing up the
webinar. If you have an offline business, picking up the phone. Selling related stuff.
Number three would be our time to deliver and fulfill why they paid us in the first place.
This could be the membership site, creating up the e-book, doing up their videos. If it's a
service, servicing the client, doing the calls, doing the events.

[00:37:30] In everything we do, there's just these three things. The question is, how much time do
you spend outside of these three things, which is a distraction. When it comes to
productivity, the mindset and how you look at things changes everything. Think in
binary. It's either black or white, yes or no. It's every single task, it either brings you
[00:38:00] closer to your goal, or it takes you further away. Every relationship that you're in, the
environment that you're in, either the people that you hang out with, they bring you,
they motivate you, or they'll constantly tell you that you're not good enough and you
know, that you can't do it.

Every single thing that you come from the angle, from binary, just ask yourself, if you did
that for the next 10 years, in every single thing, the food you ate, the environment
[00:38:30] you're in, the relationships you're at, your daily habits, and just ask yourself. If I did that
as a daily thing, where would I be in the next 10 years? You would know the answer,
roughly, and ask yourself, well, am I happy with the results if I continue through this? If
not, then change something. Finally, remember that every single skill in
[00:39:00] entrepreneurism, it's all a learnable, trainable skill. If you're struggling with a certain
skill, tell yourself that's normal. That's part of the journey. But, don't do what most
people do when they don't know something, which is, absolutely nothing.

Most people use the convenient excuse, or reason of, I don't know how to be the reason
[00:39:30] they do absolutely nothing. That's what I'm saying. In other words, the thing that I
always do at the end, or rather at the start of every single year, is, I would have these
cardboard boards out. I don't know if any of you bought them. Any one of you bought?
[00:40:00] Alright. We have a few of you. Okay. Very nice. That's amazing. Well done [Sylar
00:40:05]. That is so awesome. In fact, you've already done it. You're ahead of time
okay. Woohoo. That is nice Lisa.

Okay. Look. This I know to some people, this could appear again rara. It's like, Oh, it's
just one of those things kids do. To me, it's really not. To me, it is a reminder every

Productivity Secrets
[00:40:30] single day, every single day, on what the goals are and what it is that I want to
accomplish. Okay? Remember, one of the thing is, do what you say you're going to do. If
you're not going to do it, then just write it down. That is fine. It's okay to have a goal,
and it's okay not to hit a goal, but you got to do what you say you're going to do.

[00:41:00] Goals and action steps are very different. In other words, when we have a goal, we're
going to put an actions that associated to that goal. In our action steps, we got to do
what we say we're going to do. How does this work? Very nice Dennis, I see a lot of
images there as well.

Okay. Jason says, you did it in PowerPoint. That's great Jason. I would love for you to
[00:41:30] actually print it out because digital and seeing in print, every single day, would make a
rally big difference.

First thing's first. Before we actually design this, we need to write down the specific, the
goals, specifically, that is measurable to represent every single image. Okay? For me, the
[00:42:00] old one and all of my ones, I always put my family and relationships that important to
me in the middle over here. You decide how you want your layout to be. After that, I
would have all of different things that I would want to achieve in all aspects of life. It's
not just about money, it's not about business, it's not just about work, but also my
health levels, fitness goals, challenges.

[00:42:30] One of them, different ones, I'll put my Spartan ultra beast over here. Different things
right? Different challenges. It can be community. How do you intend to contribute and
give back? One thing that, one community that I'm very passionate about is MDDB,
Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better. I still have time and I contribute a lot of resources to
them because I really love dogs and I believe dogs are mistreated. I would put that into
[00:43:00] my vision board. Same thing for investments for my book. Here's the thing when it
comes to making it measurable and specific. I want it to be measurable and specific so
that when you look at it, you can actually tell, by 31st December 2017, if you actually did

[00:43:30] How do we make it measurable and specific? For example, you need to look for these
images. These could be from magazines, these could be from Google images, these
could be a personal image. You decide. My mix is everything. Sometimes I use Google
images, sometimes I use personal images and a mix of everything. It is just purely as a
representation of what that goal is.

For example, let's say Facebook. My goal this year is to get my Facebook fan page to 3
[00:44:00] million followers. That's the goal. So I'll put an image on my Facebook fan page. Then,
meets the necessary action steps. What is the necessary action steps that you're going
to take so that you hit that goal? For me, it would be to post consistently two to four
times each day. I'm being specific about it, two to four times each day of which it is one
video, one long forum post and two quote cards.

[00:44:30] On top of that, I am going to spend X amount posting it. I haven't figured out how much
yet. Okay. That is one of them, Facebook Fan Page. Another would be, let's say, my
book. I'm launching a book in about two and a half months from now called Platform

Productivity Secrets
Closing, teaching people how to close on different platforms. That's my book. In order to
get that book done, what is the necessary action steps. For me, my necessary action
[00:45:00] steps is I'm going to put the designs up, I am going to get my writer to do a few things,
but I know what the necessary steps are. I'm going to speak my book, I'm going to do all
of that.

Each different image, before you take random images from Google or from your
personal library, or before you get it off the internet, I want you to list it down first with
[00:45:30] a pen and paper. List down what are the different goals, again, specific and measurable.
Understand something, I didn't use the word realistic. I don't believe, people say, oh
goals, you got to have these smart goals. Are is actually realistic. I don't believe in
realistic goals. I believe that the best goals in the world that was ever set, they're all
unrealistic. Right? I could have unrealistic goals in there, but if I put an unrealistic goal in
[00:46:00] there because that sets the bar high, at least put in the necessary action steps. Don't
just put in an unrealistic goal with no action steps. Ask yourself, what are you going to
do about it, and then do what you say you're going to do.

Ultimately, what I want to help you condition you to do is, I would not use the word
[00:46:30] never, but it is extremely rare that I would not do something I said I would do. I've just
made it a habit that my word is law. Because I know I will always do what I say I'm going
to do, that's why if someone from my team hears me say that we are going to do
something, oh they know it's going to be done. Ultimately, how can we believe someone
[00:47:00] else to believe what we say, if we don't believe in what we say?

In order to make this happen, first, think about all of the different goals. Again, chunk it
down. Don't just say, I want to make $1 million this year. Break that down. Break that
down into, rather, I'm going to sell X amount of copies of what. That could generate $ 1
[00:47:30] million. For me, it's not just going to be a total income thing. I'm going to put in, I'm
going to sell X amount of this product. I am going to get X amount of leads for this.

Each different image represents a different thing. I'm going to put in the picture of the
Spartan ultra beast, which is completing the 42km run, with 50 obstacles. I ask myself,
[00:48:00] what is the necessary action steps? Train at the gym, at least five times a week if I'm
traveling, and six times a week if I'm not traveling. That's my necessary action steps.
Here's something I want you to understand. Just because I have it up here, it doesn't
mean that I will achieve it. That's because I have unrealistic goals too. What I will
[00:48:30] definitely do is I will do my necessary action steps. That's what I want you do. Put in
unrealistic goals, dream big, but do what you say you're going to do.

The takeaway is this. You'll be able to do this on your own time. I don't want you to be
waiting for me while I paste all these things over here, but this, this is huge. I know that
[00:49:00] for some of you, this could seem like it's a waste of time. I understand that. Especially if
you have not done this before. I really get it. I promise you, if you take that one hour off,
maybe two, I don't know if you're a perfectionist and you like things done a certain way,
your 2018 will be a lot more focused and productive that will pay for the two hours it
[00:49:30] takes you to do up this vision board, many, many, many, many times over.

All I'm asking of you is just have the discipline, take the two hours off. Again, here is

Productivity Secrets
your task. Here is your homework. Your homework is this. Your homework is, out of all
of the different areas, let me share with you the different areas that I mapped out for
[00:50:00] myself. Okay? For myself, I mapped out Facebook. Different areas, categories. You can
write this down if you want to. Facebook, business, the funnels, the different funnels,
that one I built, investments, book, travel, I list down the new countries that I want to go
to. Toys. This is like cars, gadgets, watches, that kind of stuff. Community, which
[00:50:30] community you intend to contribute to. Health. How are you doing something about.
Again, necessary action steps.

Health. Fitness, which is where I put in my Spartan ultra beast stuff, and crypto-
currency. That's my new one this year that was not there last year. Of course, my
relationships and family in the middle of all of that because we just ultimately, why we
[00:51:00] do what we do. Okay.

As you have now, again, your personal life and stuff, it could be a different category for
you. Those are basically my main areas. Okay. After you have all of that, you will ask
yourself, not just not what is goal now, but what is the necessary action steps? You are
just going to list down the necessary action step for each different goal. Then, you put a
[00:51:30] picture representing what that goal is, and show us the necessary action steps. From
there, you just do what you say you're going to do.

Now, the goal, let me say this again. The goal doesn't need to be realistic. The necessary
action steps needs to be. If you write down that is your necessary action steps, then you
[00:52:00] have to do what you say you're going to do, despite your thoughts, feelings and emotion
after that. What's going to happen is a week later, a month later, you're going to talk
yourself out of it. How we all do that. We will all talk ourselves out of why that goal or
that dream was really not that important to begin with.

If you write down, no more chocolate cakes 2018, that means no more chocolate cakes
[00:52:30] 2018. Again, I want it to be realistic for you. If you ask yourself what's necessary action
steps, you know, maximum 10 chocolate cakes in 2018. I don't know, right? You decide,
but you got to do what you say you are going to do.

Now, I hope that for those of you who do these steps, in fact, please share it to the
Facebook group. I would love to be able to see it when it's actually done. I will show you
[00:53:00] mine when mine's done. You have my word, I will definitely do it. The question is, are
you? Again, if you do this portion, I promise you, your 2018 focus and motivational
levels and productivity, will be way, way more. Again, I want to tell you this. I tell this to
my friends, but again, some friends, they don't listen to me. Oh, you're just joking

Productivity Secrets

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