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Professor: Lucas Aguiar Componente curricular: Língua inglesa Data: ____/____/______.

Série: 8º Ano.
Estudante: _______________________________________________________________


kg. The sculpture depicts two triumphant football
players holding a globe in their raised hands. The
01) Put the verbs into the correct form (future I simple). trophy is passed on to each winning team that gets to
Use will Coloque os verbos na forma correta (futuro keep an identical (but gold-plated) replica. The making
simples). Use will. of the statue cost about $50,000, today its value is
.Bob asked a fortuneteller about his future. Here is estimated to over $10,000,000.
what she told him: “Everybody (adore) will adore you.” 06) Qual é o assunto tratado no texto?
a) You (earn) ___________ a lot of money. a) O texto fala sobre a Copa do Mundo, em que ano
b) You (meet)___________ lots of interesting people. foi fundada, quem a fundou. Fala sobre o tamanho e
c) You (not / have)__________ any problems. peso da taça, somente.
d) Everything (be)___________perfect.
b) O texto fala somente da Copa do mundo e quando
02) Complete the sentences with will in negative form- ela foi fundada, não menciona o tamanho, nem o peso
Complete as frases com “will” na forma negativa: da taça.
a) I (answer) __________ the question. c) O texto fala sobre a Copa do Mundo. Quando ela foi
b) My brother (lock) __________ the door. fundada, quem a fundou. Relata sobre o troféu, sobre
c) The boy (catch) __________ the ball. a construção de uma estátua que custará 10.000.000
d) I (read) __________ that magazine. milhões de dólares.
03) What is the alternative that completes the sentence d) O texto fala sobre a Copa do Mundo, seu fundador.
correctly? -Qual é a alternativa que completa Descreve o tamanho da taça, seu peso. O que essa
corretamente a frase escultura retrata, seu valor estimado hoje que é
“I ____________ free time tomorrow” 10.000.000.
a) will to have. 07) Observe o verbo entre parênteses e complete a
b) have will. lacuna abaixo com a forma corretas de will .
c) will have. Sally thinks she _______________ next month. (to
d) have. travel).
04) Which alternative corresponds to the sentence 08) (UFRR-adaptada) Escolha a opção que completa
transformation“They don’t have the usual signs” to the corretamente a sentença. “Mary: "I am about to fall
Simple future? -Qual alternativa corresponde à asleep. I need to wake up!" Clare: "I ______ you some
transformação da frase “They don’t have the usual coffee."
signs” para o Simple Future?
a) 'll go
a) They won’t have the usual signs. b) am going to get
b) They will have the usual signs. c) will get
c) They have the usual signs. d) am going to get to
d) They having the usual signs.
09) Change into negative form,
05) Choose the correct one.
a) I will study hard this semester.
a) Para se formar frases negativas no Simple Future,
basta acrescentar a partícula de negação not no final ___________________________________________
da frase. b) They will buy a new house.
b) Para formar frases interrogativas, deve-se inverter a
posição do pronome (sujeito) com o verbo auxiliar will ___________________________________________
e incluir o ponto de interrogação no final da frase.
c) We will go out tonight.
c) O Simple Future é formado pelo verbo auxiliar
going to e pelo verbo principal no infinitivo, sem a ___________________________________________
partícula to.
d) They will arrive at night.
d) O Simple Future não é formado por o verbo auxiliar
will. __________________________________________
Read the text and answer the following questions. 10) Change into interrogative form.
The FIFA World Cup was founded in 1971. It was a)  I will tell you when I finish.
designed by Silvio Gazzanigi of Italy. Made of 18-carat
gold and malachite, the cup is 36,5 cm tall and weighs
b) I will make the dinner.
c) I will wait for you in front of the College.
d) They will help us when they have a time. 

Habilidade Questão Peso

(EF08LI14PE) Utilizar formas 01 1,0
verbais do futuro para descrever 02 1,0
03 1,0
planos e expectativas e fazer 04 1,0
previsões. 05 1,0
07 1,0
08 1,0
09 1,0

10 1,0

(EFO6LI24) Investigar no texto o uso da

06 1,0
língua inglesa.

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