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 Speeches should be entertaining and informative. I’m not saying you

should act like a dancing monkey when giving a serious presentation. But
unlike an e-mail or article, people expect some appeal to their emotions.
Simply reciting dry facts without any passion or humor will make people less
likely to pay attention.
 Nervous and inexperienced speakers tend to talk way too fast. Consciously,
slow your speech down and add pauses for emphasis.
 Nothing is worse than a speaker you can’t hear. Even in the high-tech world
of microphones and amplifiers, you need to be heard. Projecting your voice
doesn’t mean yelling, rather standing up straight and letting your voice
resonate on the air in your lungs rather than in the throat to produce a clearer
 Feeling the urge to use presentation killers like ‘um,’ ‘ah,’ or ‘you know’?
Replace those with a pause taking a short breath in. The pause may seem a bit
awkward, but the audience will barely notice it.
 With a little practice you can inject your passion for a subject into your
presentations. Enthusiasm is contagious, so are good moods and confident
 Don’t practice every single part of your presentation, allow yourself to be
spontaneous and chilled.
 Play with your pace throughout the presentation. Talk faster, slower, fill it
with emotion, keep it more serious, be playful and enjoy it all. You can show
different emotions with different speeches (yes, in a foreign language too).
 Your presentation should be built around what your audience is going to get
out of the presentation.
As you prepare the presentation, you always need to bear in mind what the
audience needs and wants to know, not what you can tell them.
While you’re giving the presentation, you also need to remain focused on
your audience’s response, and react to that.
 The beginning of your presentation is crucial. You need to grab your
audience’s attention and hold it.
 They will give you a few minutes of grace in which you should try to attract
them, before they start to switch off if you’re dull.
 It has been estimated that more than three quarters of communication is
That means that as well as your tone of voice, your body language is crucial
to getting your message across. Make sure that you are giving the right
messages: body language to avoid includes crossed arms, hands held behind
your back or in your pockets, and pacing the stage.
 If you find presenting difficult, it can be hard to be calm and relaxed about
doing it.
An option is to start by concentrating on your breathing. Slow it down, and
make sure that you’re breathing fully. Make sure that you continue to pause
for breath occasionally during your presentation too.


 https://www.skillsyouneed.com/present/presentation-nerves.html
 https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ps/stress-tips.html

*Actually, this site https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ is one of my faves when

it comes to classes, presentations, my job, etcetera. Feel free to give it an eye
whenever you want to.


 Oral presentations | Must Do’s and Don'ts | Speech delivery

By Lisa's Study Guides

 Tips on Giving Oral Presentations

By Josh Brewer

 6 consejos Para Enganchar a Cualquier Audiencia

By Charisma and Command

 Good Presentation VS Bad Presentation *

By Project IDEA

 Be a More Confident Public Speaker

By watchwellcast

 The 7 secrets of the greatest speakers in history | Richard Greene |

By TEDxTalks

 How to NOT Get Nervous Speaking in Front of People

By Clark Kegley - Refusing to Settle

 Julian Treasure: Cómo hablar de forma que la gente te quiera oír


La información entregada a ustedes es una recopilación que hice hace un

tiempo tomando en cuenta los requerimientos de la actividad y lo que podría
gustarles/funcionarles a largo plazo.
Recuerden que la práctica hace al maestro. La oratoria es algo que, en la
mayoría de los casos, debe ser pulido hasta conseguir el resultado deseado y,
claramente, involucra tiempo, dedicación y entrega.
Si bien la evaluación no es sobre qué tan pulcra sea su oratoria frente al
público, todo lo que se encuentra en este documento les ayudará a sentirse
cómodos en el terreno de hablar frente a las masas y amenizará el desarrollo
de la evaluación, para ponentes y espectadores.

“Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you
know, and capable of more than you imagine.” - Roy T. Bennett
Alessia Bernardi ♡

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