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According to Vanalle et al.

(2017) Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is viewed by

organizations as a viable option for reduce and improve the environmental impact of operations
operating performance. Initially, the GSCM was on environmental degradation, declining raw
material resources and increasing contamination (Srivastava, 2007); is nowadays implementation
by organizations enables their performance.
The selection of the database was based on the fact that after a study by Chadegani et al. (2013),
Mongeon and Paul-Hus (2016), Vieira et al.Gomes (2009), Bar-Ilan (2010) and Abrizah et al.
(2013), website of Science and Scopus are the most commonly used database Literature search
tasks and most bibliometric analyzes use theirs Data. As described by De Oliveira et al. (2017)
study that the Web of Science and Scopus covered 95% of the articles examined, we decide
carefully on possible research sources including three other well-known databases: Taylor &
Francis, Science Direct and Ingenta Connect.
Importance of GSCM, b) environmentally friendly operations and c) others. Even although there
could be more categories like motivation, green Technologies, ecological materials, ecological
environmental management. After the operational deployment, etc., we follow the three branches
Context classification by Srivastava (2007), expanded Srivastava's third research sentence
"Green Design" an "Other": originally environmental awareness. When designing and evaluating
the product / process life cycle, we expanded the branch to take other issues such as green into
account Innovation and training, sustainability practices, etc.
Managing sustainable supply chains is a growing issue of interest in academic and professional
circles that focuses on the process. Improve, reduce waste and extend product life. Cycle quality
(Srivastava, 2007). There are several studies in this context done to explore the topic, related to
the meaning and Advantages of GSCM, obstacles and pressure to use this new method of
management and its economic impact. So 40% of the items analyzed in this study fit this
category. GSCM (Green Supply Chain Management) and SSCM (Sustainable Supply Chain
Management) are two different concepts. Settled down. In the literature, the GSCM is more
restricted and emphasizes environmental properties that are closely related to environmental
practices (Sarkis, 2012; Ahi and Searcy, 2013), while the SSCM is linked economic, social and
environmental characteristics related to Stakeholder Therefore SSCM can be understood as an
extension of GSCM.
Another factor analyzed was the benefit of a green supply chain, with Hasani et al. (2015)
propose a model for maximizing after-tax profits, while Li et al. (2016) analyzed the supply
chain to discuss. The best strategies to balance prices and sustainability. Get better
environmental and economic performance, Zhu et al. (2012b) indicate that there is a need to
coordinate GSCM external practices. Bojarski et al. (2009) also points out that better planning
and better supply chain supply can generate positive results. Environmental and economic
impacts. Based on this principle, Hazen et al. (2011), Green et al. (2012) and Shi et al. (2012)
developed mathematical models to assess the impacts of decisions made by actors in the supply
chain and their operational performance.
In addition, Liu et al. (2015) examine the correlation between Supplier selection and the
complexity of the business environment Administration. Dubey, Gunasekaran and Ali (2015) in
the same the study focused on the rubber industry and observed overall quality Management in
addition to environmental management. Khaksar et al. (2016) analyzed the cement industry and
strongly pointed it out Correlation between green suppliers and the development of green
Innovation. Teixeira et al. (2016) point out that GSCM practices are only effective if ecological
training is applied beforehand. In this context, Jabbour and Jabbour (2016) propose a new
approach Personnel management with incentives for GSCM. Reflects the topics covered by the
authors in the context of the importance of the GSCM and its percentage, in descending order.
The most common theme was the "benefit of GSCM implementation" at 38%, including steps
and various considerations on implementing green practices. So he the motivations and pressures
to implement the GSCM appear with 27%, and financial and economic impact with 24%.
Documents that GSCM's financial impact approach clarifies that profits are achievable long-term
only: costly implementation of GSCM practices they are often described as obstacles.
Due to increasing pressures on organizations, they are likely to adopt GSCM practices (Lee,
2008; Tian et al., 2014). Four five% of the total articles covered by this study were green
operations Zhu et al. (2008b) and Soda et al. (2015) found in their research that the level of use
of ecological practices varies according to the corporate industry sector. In this sense, Chan and
Wang et al. (2013), Tseng et al. (2014) and Malviya and Kant (2016) have developed models to
evaluate the most effective practices for each type from work.
The search context "Other" represented only 14% of the articles analyzed in this study. Dai,
Cantor and Montabon (2015) analyzed how a competitor and suppliers can encourage a company
to promote sustainable innovations Through a literature review, Tachizawa and Wong (2015)
evaluated whether corporate governance mechanisms also influence innovation within the
company, while Wu (2013) and Jayaram and Avittathur (2015) led his research on sustainable
innovation, examining how customers encourage companies to adopt green innovations. In
addressing the same topic, Zhu et al. (2012) evaluate whether companies they are likely to
innovate or imitate successful actions by other companies by adopting sustainable practices.
Consequently, the communication process between stakeholders becomes an important
mechanism for the competitiveness of companies. (Woo et al., 2016).
Analysis of supply chain practices Principles of sustainability (economic, social and ecological),
identify important factors such as advanced green technologies, green consumption, green
innovations and appropriate sustainable development business plans. Prajogo, Tang and Lai
(2014) testify how environmental management promotes adoption of GSCM practices.
Conclusion that companies that practice environmental management are more likely to produce
ecological products and processes. However, certain factors can affect environmental
performance, which is why Liou et al. (2016) formulates a model for Identify the cause of these
problems and have them approved later development of counter measures.
In addition, Liu et al. (2015) examine the correlation between Supplier selection and the
complexity of the business environment Administration. Dubey, Gunasekaran and Ali (2015) in
the same the study focused on the rubber industry and observed overall quality Management in
addition to environmental management. Khaksar et al. (2016) analyzed the cement industry and
strongly pointed it out Correlation between green suppliers and the development of green
Innovation. Teixeira et al. (2016) point out that GSCM practices are only effective if ecological
training is applied beforehand. In this context, Jabbour and Jabbour (2016) propose a new
approach Personnel management with incentives for GSCM.
Present the results of a cross-sectional survey Chinese power generation industry (chemical,
petroleum, electricity, etc.) where GSCM practices have been assessed, with information on
unequal capacities and incentives for Chinese industry to take environmentally friendly measures
in different contexts. Tsireme et al. (2013) adds that in some cases environmental legislation,
market regulation and regulatory incentives can play a key role Management decisions regarding
the adoption of GSCM practices while in other cases, these instruments have no influence on
management decisions. The power generation sector is described by Stefanelli et al. (2014),
Presentation of the results of a survey among Brazilian bioenergy companies (sugar cane and
ethanol) showing that GSCM practices Increase in environmental performance.

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