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10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 4-21 MR. BIGLEY: Isn't it true that the reason the Joint Staff were seeking to stand up net assessment capabilities is that ONA wasn't doing its job? MR. BAKER: That is incorrect. The Chairman has -- MR. BIGLEY: I'm sorry, sir, I just asked a yes or no question. MR. BAKER: No. MR. BIGLEY: Well, you just testified that the Office of Net Assessment's primary job is to conduct net assessments and you agreed that those are also important for forming U.S. national security strategy. And, yet, as of today, or as of yesterday, according to your testimony, ONA has not conducted a single net assessment for the entirety of your three years as director and, in fact, hasn't conducted a net assessment in over a decade, isn't that correct? MR. BAKER: That is incorrect. I don't equate the publication, the formal publication of a net assessment with conducting net assessments, as I think I made clear yesterday. MR. BIGLEY: Well, I believe you testified specifically yesterday that ONA did not complete -~ has not completed a net assessment in the entirety of your NEAL R. GROSS. ‘COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS. “1523 RHODE ISLAND AVE,, NW. (202) 234-4433, WASHINGTON, D.C, 20008-3701 wovw.neairgrs.com 10 a 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ai 22 23 24 25 three years as director. So, when was the last time ONA did complete a net assessment? MR. BAKER: 2007 perhaps. MR. BIGLEY: So, that would be precisely what 1 just said, which is at least a decade, the office hasn't completed a net assessment. MR. BAKER: If I -- may I have some leeway to explain, Your Honor? ADMIN. JUDGE FOREMAN: Up to counsel. MR. BIGLEY: Yes, I'm sorry, Your Honor, I just asked a yes or no question. So, wouldn't you call that not doing your job then if ONA hasn't done a net assessment since 2007? MR. BAKER: I would not. MR. BIGLEY: Mr. Baker, I assume that as director of net assessment, you didn't learn to conduct net assessments on the job, did you? Let me rephrase that, you didn't learn to conduct net assessments after you became director of net assessment, I assume, correct? MR. BAKER: The conducting net assessments ~~ MR. BIGLEY: Sir, it's just a yes or no question. NEAL R. GROSS (COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS W353 RHODE ISLAND AVE, NW. (202) 234-4439 WASHINGTON, OC. 20008-3707 ‘wen. nealrgross.com

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