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The Soyuzist Journal

Written by “Soyuz”
Netherlands, Utrecht
SoyuCorp(™) industries

List of contents
⅗ Preface
6/7 Basics
8/9 implementation methods
10/11 Variations
12/13 end message


Ideologies clashing with one another day in day out. Communism

against capitalism, minarchism against authoritarianism, authoritarianism
against totalitarianism, anarcho-primitivism against
anarcho-transhumanism. Ideologies that pretend to have a
one-size-fits-all ideology, Trying to stay as far away as possible from the
ideologies they go against, avoiding the ability to combine certain
All this ideological infighting calls for an ideology, that can perform well in
practise, contains aspects that people from all ideologies can enjoy.
Giving workers the possibility to have their voice heard without harming
the company, and also giving the ability for people to run an individually
run company. entering democracy within the nation without causing
disorganisation within the nation.
Ideologies have become the basis for running nations.
A nation can’t function correctly without labeling their nation with an
ideology. Ideologies run our world, and even cause wars. This infighting
of ignorance towards others is what slows down progression at a global
level. I do believe in the theory of “Progression through discussion”, but
they way these infights happen is not “discussion”. It’s ridiculing with a
form of ignorance. A select few of talented individuals do have the ability
to uphold such discussions, and know the definition of what they are
fighting for. Because that is also an incredibly important factor in how
this infighting happens. People start to forget the definition of ideologies.
Nazi’s that accidentally fight for national bolchevikism, Communist that
fight for anarcho-communism, Minarchist that fight for authoritarianism,
etc. Such mishaps shouldn’t be treated as small mishaps. Incorrectly
defining your ideology leads to misinformation being spread.
This also leads to the wrongful labeling of ideologies. One of these is
Fascism. Fascism is an ideology of which the meaning has been spread

and stretched out so far, that to this day the definition of Fascism is a
fairly incoherent mess, containing parts of other ideology seemingly at
random. Another issue with such conversations is assumptions. Most
anarchist ideologies rely on the pretext that ,for example, humans won’t
show their worst. To give a more exact example, Anarcho-Capitalism,
has something called the NAP, which stands for the Non Aggression
It's a pact that you assign on at birth in an AnCap society. It's a moral
principle that basically says “murdering, stealing, and harming is bad and
should be avoided.”. This principle does not protect civilians, and since
they are a libertarian capitalist ideology, they believe in the armament of
citizens. This means that everyone should be allowed a firearm. Which
means that, If I gathered a group of skilled gunmen, or bought a banana
republic style Private Militia, There is physically nothing stopping me
from having a massive shootout against untrained but armed civilians.
Capitalism itself has some glaring issues. Without some amount of
regulation, companies can exploit their workers to the fullest extent,
while paying pennies in return. This can be fixed with partial government
interference, but companies seem to always find a way.
Communism seems to often find its way into economic issues, but also
with power vacuums, as seen in many former ancom nations.
Communism is in its essence noted as authoritarian, since it lies on the
upper left corner of the spectrum, which is the authoritarian, but
economically left part of the spectrum.
Authoritarianism regards that a singular entity of sort should run a nation,
regarding that democracy can ruin such stability, but removing the
human right of democracy cause issues with internal stability itself,
which is why many manarchists have been overthrown by revolutionists.
Monarchists can also not be questioned at many times, which causes
bad monarchs to come up.
Bad monarchs can utterly ruin a nation, since they cannot be voted out.
A bad monarch stays.A big issue is that some ideologies lose a focus on

realism. These Ideologies will from now on be further referred to as
“Utopian Ideologies”. Utopian Ideologies think that they have a
one-size-fits-all ideology that can perfect human society. The main issue
is that this is something socially un-feasible. This is mainly proven by the
sheer amount of opposing ideologies that exist.
Eco-Anarcho-communism is often seen as one of these. A stateless,
crimeless, warless, stateless, communified ideology, that forms a perfect
harmony with nature itself. Things that need to have been setup in the
past. An ideology where a surplus of all materials exist, food, water, and
building materials. In our current society such an ideology is also
partially un-feasible. arming everyone in a stateless, policeless society,
is often seen as a recipe for disaster. All these glaring issues is what
Soyuzism tries to avoid. By being an ideology that has been proven to
work partially, is seen as feasible by economists, is efficient, and fixes a
bunch of glaring issues. Soyuzism does not pretend to have the solution
to everything, as no ideologies should.
But Soyuzism does try to fix glaring issues with our current society.
Soyuzism isn’t utopian, but it is practical.
Soyuzism is still considered a niche ideology with its main focus being
on fixing economic and partial social issues.
The reason for this book to be written is to give a more well readable
explanation of this ideology.
So without any further ado,

Welcome to the Journal of Soyuzism…

Basics of Soyuzism

So now you must be wondering: “What is Soyuzism?”.

In a basic summary, Soyuzism believes in the addition of a
representative democracy within certain workplaces, where such ways of
work are largely absent. But this is just the basic versions of Soyuzism.
Soyuzism has 2 parts which each function differently. For now in this
part of the Journal, we will talk about the part known as Soyuzism 1a,
but the variations of Soyuzism will come in during the variation section.
So let’s talk about Soyuzism 1a. Soyuzism 1a believes in, just like the
other variations, that a representative democracy is needed within the
workplaces where such democracies are absent, mainly large
multinationals. Such a democracy would function mainly by having a
party system within each large corporation. This democracy, would still
cause the company to be stable, since these parties mainly exist out of
skilled professional business-men and -women. Such a party would be
voted in ones they reach a surplus vote by the workers. This feeling of
having your voice heard, might seem like a marginal improvement, but
actually, quite surprisingly, such a simple addition improves on many
factors. Boosting the morale of workers will result in a higher level of
efficiency when working, due to their higher enjoyment of their current
workplace. Such a democracy has internal rules however, such as the
banning of unlawful removal of workers, without a valid reason(out of
spite or out of anger due to not receiving the individuals vote for
example), also adding caps to such a workplace seems like the correct
option, making sure that equal wages appear that don't border poverty
laws but still allow for profit and improvements to be made to the
company, but not giving the leading party the biggest benefits.

As for smaller corporations and companies, they can be run under the
system of partially government regulated capitalism. Basically distancing
partially from Libertarianism, but not fully, causing for a stable amount of
economic growth, without monopolies popping in and out, since
governments will regulate this. Capitalism is often regarded to be fully
controlled by the companies themselves, but with such monopoly laws
existing, all that is needed to bump such a company out of the market
lead is to have an opposing company which sells the same or similar
substitute product, for a lower price. This would cause these markets to
not be ruled by the largest corporation, but by the consumers instead.
the democracy of our Soyuzist nation would be a representative
democracy. A representative democracy makes sure that democracy will
exist, but not that a direct democracy will take wrongful decisions, by
having parties vote as well. A system similar to the Dutch parliamentary
system. Such a simple system would cause an organized structure to
exist, but not for permanent power-monarchs to come in, or for a
singular entity to take control over a nation, possibly wrongfully, and
have a ruling hand at all times through a democratic vote. This has
shown in the past to be a robust system, capable of running under near
extreme situations.
Causing a level of democratic organisation to exist will help a nation
improve. By having these parties vote and talk, a form of progression will
be achieved through this level of formal discussion. Buying votes from
parties will be made illegal, since this is seen as a form of corruption as
The government's power will not be authoritarian in nature, but also not
necessarily fully minarchist, since they partially regulated many
companies and corporations.
The ideology does follow the rule of freedom of speech mostly, but
disregards it ones it infringes on the right of someone else.
This is this way due to the strong “progression with discussion” belief in
These are the basics of this ideology, But now we need to see
the possible implementations of this ideology…
Soyuzism as an ideology is fairly varied, this would obviously mean that
the ways the ideologies can be implemented are in a fairly large amount
of different strategies.
Let’s start with the basic way of how we can get a Soyuzist leader or
party member to come into the government.
Soyuzism is an ideology that caters to a wide variety of people. After
having conversations with people of many ideologies I noticed that the
types of people who particularly enjoy this ideology are, minarchists,
partial anarchist, communists, socialists, market socialists, democratic
socialist, capitalists, authoritarianists, and even libertarianists. So
Soyuzism has a pretty large possible follower list. Soyuzism can cater to
a large part of our current economic and social environment of
discussion. So to get a Soyuzist into the current governmental system
would be our first easy step. Now, many nations wouldn't allow their
political system to be changed, since often times it's part of their ground
rules or constitution. so Soyuzism would work best in nations that
already have such a party system. It’s time head to the main part of
implementing Soyuzism, Implementing Mondragon-like representative
democracy within large corporations and multinationals.
There are two main ways of implementing this within corporations and
multinationals that could in practise work.
we shall refer to these two as Enforcement and Subsidizing.
Enforcement is our first one.
Enforcement says that such a workplace should be implemented through
governmental laws, and to lawfully enforce a form of ticketing or
punishment for corporations and multinationals that do not follow such
This comes with the issues of corporations flat moving their departments
out of the nation. To avoid this form of Tax evasion and law avoidance,
laws should be implemented for the taxed departments to allow them to

not perform this form of law and tax evasion. Nations where such
companies often move are Chinese SEZs, the Netherlands, etcetera.
Companies will feel partially dissatisfied by this decision, which can
cause corporations to not cater to our nation, but this is a solid way of
implementing such a system.
Another way of doing this is by using the Subsidizing method.
To make sure companies enforce such a system, after the laws have
been implemented that make sure companies can’t perform law and tax
evasion within other nations, is by subsidizing certain sectors of the
company, in exchange for the addition of the Soyuzist work environment
within the corporation. this will make adding such an environment seem
as a more attractive solution for the corporation. although some people
see this as bad since it’s rewarding corporations for doing a basic
necessity, but it remains a valid possible implementation.
Now the basic way that a Representative parliamentary democracy can
be added within a nation that has ground rules against such a system,
would mainly be in the form of a change in the ground rules. OFten seen
as impossible, curiously, many countries have already added changes to
their constitution. Although this democratic system is not the most
important part of this ideology, it is a valid addition that would be useful
and remains an active part of the ideology.
The freedom of speech act of the ideology is already mostly part of the
current global status quo, but some nations do not fully believe in
progression through discussion, which means there are still countries
that need to transition from totalitarianism to a more democratic system.
this can only be done throw an overthrowing or massive change by the
leader themselves in the form of protest. As you can see, Soyuzism is a
pretty straightforward ideology, that mainly focuses on transition rather
than revolution, since if possible, transitions are the most useful way of
changing the nation.
So now we have mainly discussed the various methods of the way our
ideology can be implemented, now it's time to discuss the different
variations of our ideology…

Soyuzism, as an ideology that caters to a wide populus, would be
expected to have many variations of it, each having similarities in most
places, but a difference in others. If you made this assumption you would
be correct.
Soyuzism wants to cater to a wide audience, so to fix issues in nations
that have different goals and issues then others, Soyuzism splits into
mainly two versions of the ideology.
these are

-Soyuzism 1a

-Soyuzism 1b

1a is the ideology we have already discussed in the Basics of Soyuzism

section, but 1b we haven’t discussed at all. Soyuzism 1b has a major
change in the way the smaller companies run. Even though the big
corporations still run under the Soyuzist method(to keep the companies
democracy correctly run), the small companies, since they don’t have a
massive amount of different choices within their employees, will run
under the main system that companies run when running under Market
Socialism: Coops.
Coops are companies that run under a full direct democracy within, while
still competing in a Capitalist global market.
This means that countries can still run under an aspect of realism, while
having a good and healthy working environment. Caps will still be set on
companies so workers don’t give low loans to other workers that do
different jobs within their company.
these caps will include a form of minimum wage for certain jobs so
employees won’t get paid breadcrumbs for their purpose
in the company.

These Coops have a bunch of issues within, such as the main issue with
a direct democracy, which is mainly the human issue. Humans don’t
always make the correct decisions, which means that a direct
democracy can run badly as well.
So to keep such a way of running a company stable,
the government must add small regulations to keep human rights such
as payment in check.
of course interns are different, but those are an entirely different part of
the job market. Coops have been proven in the past to work in smaller
companies without much internal infighting(smaller amounts of people,
but with similar goals most of the time has this as an effect).
A bunch of examples of such companies would be

-coop Amba based in Denmark

-Enercoop based in France

of course Soyuzism 1a also allows the system of 1b to exist, as they are

in other regular capitalist nations.
But Soyuzism 1b will partially try to enforce such rules in a similar
fashion as they do with big corporations(I.E. Subsidize, enforce
Soyuzism 1b is the ideology most liked by more left political followers,
while 1a has more of a following of both but slightly more to the right.
Both ideologies have a set ground of realism in our current society.
Which is a main selling point of Soyuzism, the ground in reality in the
form of a robust and improved system for the people of tomorrow
So now that we have discussed the different variations of Soyuzism,
Now I think it would be time to move to the
Final statements...

Final statements
In summary Soyuzism is an ideology that has a ground in realism
that focuses on adding a stable form of representative democracy within
the workplace of big corporations and multinationals. Which would boost
morale in workers causing a more healthy work environment
and boosts the efficiency of work since workers can now have their voice
heard in an otherwise undemocratic workplace.
The system offers 2 variations which can both be implemented
depending on the needs of the people of tomorrow.
The political system that our future Soyuzist nation would work in is a
parliamentary representative democracy, since its a robust and simple
form of democracy, that has proven to work incredibly well.

The powers of the government would be in the middle of authoritarian

and minarchist, since the government does regulate partial things within
their current economic and political environment, but don’t have power
over much else except law enforcement.

Freedom of speech is mostly followed under the common pretence of

“free speech is free speech until it infringes on the speech of someone
this is mainly this way because Soyuzism believes in the philosophy of
Progression through Discussion, as it has been a staple in the
progression of humanity.
to reason with the unreasonable you must hear them out and note the
fallacies, until coming to a main agreement on both sides.

Soyuzism doesn’t pretend to be a be-all-end-all ideology, but instead,

hopes to be an ideology that tries to fix main issues in our current society
on the ground of realism
and our current status.

We believe our world is going in the right direction,
but with improvement, a different system is needed.
Soyuzism doesn’t pretend to be this system
or believe it is
or assume it is
Soyuzism tries to be this system.

The main issue Soyuzism is currently having is it’s nicheness.

Soyuzism is a fairly unknown ideology, as it hasn’t tried to advertise itself

quite wildly and is still a quite recent ideology.
The main we want to spread is by having conversations with one another
to progress. Use this book as a reference, a form of helpful tips, and a
conversation starter.

Healthy discussion is the start of progression.

So make sure to spread the knowledge and existence of Soyuzism.
Soyuzism is not a religion, or a cult, but a system. So we don’t need to
fully convert people to it.
Just the knowledge of its existence is enough.
Thank you for reading The Journal of Soyuzism.
and until then, discuss and prosper.

Netherlands, Utrecht
SoyuCorp Inc
spreading of this material is allowed by SoyuCorp but spreading of
misinformation is highly illegal on counts of unlawful slander.
The writer remains under the alias of “Soyuz”


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