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1. Introduction

2. History of Artificial Intelligence

3. Applications of Artificial Intelligence

4. Advantages of Artificial Intelligence

5. Future of Artificial Intelligence

6. Conclusion

In computer science, artificial intelligence (AI), sometimes called machine intelligence,

is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by
humans and other animals. Artificial Intelligence is an approach to make a computer, a robot,
or a product to think how smart human think. AI is a study of how human brain think, learn,
decide and work, when it tries to solve problems. And finally this study outputs intelligent
software systems .The aim of AI is to improve computer functions which are related to
human knowledge, for example, reasoning, learning, and problem-solving. The intelligence is
intangible. It is composed of Reasoning, Learning, Problem Solving, Perception, Linguistic
Intelligence .The objectives of AI research are reasoning, knowledge representation,
planning, learning, natural language processing, realization, and ability to move and
manipulate objects. There are long-term goals in the general intelligence sector.

History of Artificial Intelligence

In 1956, American computer scientist John McCarthy organised the Dartmouth Conference,
at which the term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ was first adopted. Research centres popped up
across the United States to explore the potential of AI. Researchers Allen Newell and Herbert
Simon were instrumental in promoting AI as a field of computer science that could transform
the world.

Getting Serious About AI Research

In 1951,an machine known as Ferranti Mark 1 successfully used an algorithm to master

checkers. Subsequently, Newell and Simon developed General Problem Solver algorithm to
solve mathematical problems. Also in the 50s John McCarthy, often known as the father of
AI, developed the LISP programming language which became important in machine learning.
In the 1960s, researchers emphasized developing algorithms to solve mathematical problems
and geometrical theorems. In the late 1960s, computer scientists worked on Machine Vision
Learning and developing machine learning in robots. WABOT-1, the first ‘intelligent’
humanoid robot, was built in Japan in 1972.

AI Winters

However, despite this well-funded global effort over several decades, computer scientists
found it incredibly difficult to create intelligence in machines. To be successful, AI
applications (such as vision learning) required the processing of enormous amount of data.
Computers were not well-developed enough to process such a large magnitude of data.
Governments and corporations were losing faith in AI. Therefore, from the mid1970s to the
mid1990s, computer scientists dealt with an acute shortage of funding for AI research. These
years became known as the ‘AI Winters’.

New Millennium, New Opportunities

In the late 1990s, American corporations once again became interested in AI. The Japanese
government unveiled plans to develop a fifth generation computer to advance of machine
learning. AI enthusiasts believed that soon computers would be able to carry on
conversations, translate languages, interpret pictures, and reason like people.In 1997, IBM’s
Deep Blue defeated became the first computer to beat a reigning world chess champion,
Garry Kasparov.

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence

Less Errors

As decisions are taken on previously gathered information and certain algorithms, without
the interference of humans, so errors are reduced and the chance of reaching accuracy with a
greater degree of precision is a possibility.

Faster Decisions

Using Artificial intelligence, decisions can be taken very fast. For example, we all have
played Chess game in Windows. It is nearly impossible to beat CPU in hard mode because of
the A.I. behind that game. Because it took the best possible step in very short time according
the algorithms used behind it.

Daily Applications

In today’s era, A.I. is used in many applications just like Apple’s Siri ,Window’s Cortana,
Google’s OK Google. Using these type of applications we can communicate with our device
using our voice. Which makes our work easy? For example, in recent android phones if we
want to search for a location then all we have to do is say “OK Google where is Agra”. It will
show you Agra’s location on Google map and best path between you and Agra.

No Emotions
The complete absence of emotions makes machines to think logically and take right decision
where in humans emotions are associated with moods that can affect human efficiency.
Complete absence of emotions make machines to take right decisions.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Companies are applying machine learning to make better and faster diagnoses than humans.
One of the best-known technologies is IBM’s Watson. It understands natural language and
can respond to questions asked of it. The system mines patient data and other available data
sources to form a hypothesis, which it then presents with a confidence scoring schema. AI is
a study realized to emulate human intelligence into computer technology that could assist
both, the doctor and the patients in the following ways By providing a laboratory for the
examination, representation and cataloguing medical information ,by devising novel tool to
support decision making and research, by integrating activities in medical, software and
cognitive sciences ,by offering a content rich discipline for the future scientific medical

Artificial Intelligence in business

Robotic process automation is being applied to highly repetitive tasks normally performed
by humans. Machine learning algorithms are being integrated into analytics and CRM
(Customer relationship management) platforms to uncover information on how to better serve
customers. Chat bots have already been incorporated into websites and e companies to
provide immediate service to customers. Automation of job positions has also become a
talking point among academics and IT consultancies.

AI in education

It automates grading, giving educators more time. It can also assess students and adapt to
their needs, helping them work at their own pace.

AI in Autonomous vehicles

Just like humans, self-driving cars need to have sensors to understand the world around them
and a brain to collect, processes and choose specific actions based on information gathered.
Autonomous vehicles are with advanced tool to gather information, including long range
radar, cameras, and LIDAR. Each of the technologies are used in different capacities and
each collects different information. This information is useless, unless it is processed and
some form of information is taken based on the gathered information. This is where artificial
intelligence comes into play and can be compared to human brain. AI has several applications
for these vehicles and among them the more immediate ones are as follows, Directing the car
to gas station or recharge station when it is running low on fuel. Adjust the trips directions
based on known traffic conditions to find the quickest route. Incorporate speech recognition
for advanced communication with passengers. Natural language interfaces and virtual
assistance technologies.

Future of Artificial Intelligence

Automated Transportation

We’re already seeing the beginnings of self-driving cars, though the vehicles are currently
required to have a driver present at the wheel for safety. Despite these exciting developments,
the technology isn’t perfect yet, and it will take a while for public acceptance to bring
automated cars into widespread use. Google began testing a self-driving car in 2012, and
since then, the U.S. Department of Transportation has released definitions of different levels
of automation, with Google’s car classified as the first level down from full automation.
Other transportation methods are closer to full automation, such as buses and trains.

Cyborg Technology

One of the main limitations of being human is simply our own bodies—and brains.
Researcher Shimon Whiteson thinks that in the future, we will be able to augment ourselves
with computers and enhance many of our own natural abilities. Though many of these
possible cyborg enhancements would be added for convenience, others might serve a more
practical purpose. Yoky Matsuka of Nest believes that AI will become useful for people with
amputated limbs, as the brain will be able to communicate with a robotic limb to give the
patient more control. This kind of cyborg technology would significantly reduce the
limitations that amputees deal with on a daily basis.

Taking over dangerous jobs

Robots are already taking over some of the most hazardous jobs available, including bomb
defusing. These robots aren’t quite robots yet, according to the BBC. They are technically
drones, being used as the physical counterpart for defusing bombs, but requiring a human to
control them, rather than using AI. Whatever their classification, they have saved thousands
of lives by taking over one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. As technology improves,
we will likely see more AI integration to help these machines function. Other jobs are also
being reconsidered for robot integration. Welding, well known for producing toxic
substances, intense heat, and earsplitting noise, can now be outsourced to robots in most
cases. Robot Worx explains that robotic welding cells are already in use, and have safety
features in place to help prevent human workers from fumes and other bodily harm.


AI is at the centre of a new enterprise to build computational models of intelligence. The

main assumption is that intelligence (human or otherwise) can be represented in terms of
symbol structures and symbolic operations which can be programmed in a digital computer.
There is much debate as to whether such an appropriately programmed computer would be a
mind, or would merely simulate one, but AI researchers need not wait for the conclusion to
that debate, nor for the hypothetical computer that could model all of human intelligence.
Aspects of intelligent behaviour, such as solving problems, making inferences, learning, and
understanding language, have already been coded as computer programs, and within very
limited domains, such as identifying diseases of soybean plants, AI programs can outperform
human experts. Now the great challenge of AI is to find ways of representing the
commonsense knowledge and experience that enable people to carry out everyday activities
such as holding a wide-ranging conversation, or finding their way along a busy street.
Conventional digital computers may be capable of running such programs, or we may
need to develop new machines that can support the complexity of human thought.

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