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Clin. Immunol. / Respiratory Dz. / Drug-induced Respiratory Dz. / Prof. Dr.

Batool Al-Haidary

Respiratory System terms

Rhin/o Nose Rhinitis, rhinorrhea (inflammation of and “runny”
Laryng/o Larynx, “voice box”* Laryngotomy, Laryngectomy (cutting into, surgically
removing the larynx)
Trache/o Trachea, “windpipe” Tracheotomy, tracheostomy (temporary and permanent
Bronch/o Lung air passageways Bronchoscopy (looking into the bronchi)
Pne/u, -pnea Breath, air, lung Tachypnea, dyspnea, apnea (accelerated,
difficult/painful, cessation of breathing)
Pulmo/o Lung Pulmonary artery
-ptysis Spitting (coughing) Hemoptysis (spitting or coughing up blood from lungs)
-plasty Reconstruction Rhinoplasty (surgical reconstruction of nose)

Some Definitions:
 Pneumoconiosis – literally, “an abnormal condition of dust in the lungs.” A
generic name for conditions where toxic particles become trapped in the lungs and
cause symptoms and disability such a “black lung” or “miner’s lung” disease.
Terms specific to the particulate matter may be given such as asbestosis.
 Epistaxis – want a fancier name for a “nosebleed?” You got it!
 Cystic fibrosis – an inheritable disease that affects not only the lungs but other
systems producing mucous such as the digestive system. Patients suffer frequent
lung infections that are hard to treat because mucous is thick and sluggish and
result in increased scarring (fibrosis) of the lungs. They also take multiple enzyme
pills because of digestive abnormalities related to abnormal mucous production.
 Emphysema (COPD) – Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, of which
emphysema is one of, results in progressive destruction of the air sacs in the lungs
and loss of respiratory membrane for oxygen exchange. The bane of long term
 Atelectasis – a collapsed lung. Literally, “an imperfect expansion” in Greek.

Types of Respiratory Diseases

Disorders of the respiratory system can be classified into four general
 Obstructive conditions (e.g., emphysema, bronchitis, asthma attacks)
 Restrictive conditions (e.g., fibrosis, sarcoidosis, alveolar damage,
pleural effusion)
 Vascular diseases (e.g., pulmonary edema, pulmonary embolism,
pulmonary hypertension)
 Infectious, environmental and other "diseases" (e.g., pneumonia,
tuberculosis, asbestosis, particulate pollutants): Coughing is of major
importance, as it is the body's main method to remove dust, mucus, saliva,
and other debris from the lungs. Inability to cough can lead to infection.
Deep breathing exercises may help keep finer structures of the lungs clear
from particulate matter, etc.

Clin. Immunol. / Respiratory Dz. / Drug-induced Respiratory Dz. / Prof. Dr. Batool Al-Haidary

 The respiratory tract is constantly exposed to microbes due to the

extensive surface area, which is why the respiratory system includes many
mechanisms to defend itself and prevent pathogens from entering the

It can be also classified into:

 Lung Diseases Affecting the Airways
 Lung Diseases Affecting the Air Sacs (Alveoli)
 Lung Diseases Affecting the Interstitium
 Lung Diseases Affecting Blood Vessels
 Lung Diseases Affecting the Pleura
 Lung Diseases Affecting the Chest Wall

Causes of Pulmonary Dz.

Types of lung problems or diseases that may be caused by medicines include:

1. Allergic reactions: asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, or
eosinophilic pneumonia
2. Bleeding into the lung air sacks, called alveoli (alveolar hemorrhage)
3. Bronchitis
4. Damage to lung tissue (interstitial fibrosis)
5. Drugs that cause the immune system to mistakenly attack and destroy
healthy body tissue, such as drug-induced lupus erythematosus
6. Granulomatous lung disease: a type of inflammation in the lungs
7. Inflammation of the lung air sacs (pneumonitis or infiltration)
8. Lung vasculitis (inflammation of lung blood vessels)
9. Lymph node swelling
10. Swelling and irritation (inflammation) of the chest area between the
lungs (mediastinitis)
11. Abnormal buildup of fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema)

Clin. Immunol. / Respiratory Dz. / Drug-induced Respiratory Dz. / Prof. Dr. Batool Al-Haidary

12. Buildup of fluid between the layers of tissue that line the lungs and chest
cavity (pleural effusion)

Many medicines are known to cause lung disease in some people. These include:

Clin. Immunol. / Respiratory Dz. / Drug-induced Respiratory Dz. / Prof. Dr. Batool Al-Haidary

Pulmonary toxicity
secondary to drugs may
be due to a variety of
mechanisms, which are
as follows:

 Oxidant injury
 Pulmonary vascular
 Deposition of
phospholipids within
 Immune system–
mediated injury
 Central nervous
system (CNS) depression
 Direct toxic effect

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