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a. What is the significance of flat-band voltage?

b. Define work function?

c. Explain the DIBL effect.

d. Explain each component of threshold voltage of a MOS transistor.

e. Given VGS=1.5V, VDS=2.5V. Find the region of operation for N-type Enhancement MOSFET?

f. The substrate bias coefficient  is ___________ in PMOS.

2. Consider a two terminal MOS structure on p-type substrate (With NA = 1016 cm-3). Calculate the flatband

voltage VFB of the structure, if it employs p+-poly gate (assume that the Fermi level is coincident with the

valence band). Assume that there are no oxide charges and electron affinity for Si is 4.15ev.

3. Consider a MOS technology for which tox = 8nm, VT = 0.7V and µn =450 cm2 /V-S. Find the value of VGS

required to cause the device to operate as a 1000Ω resistor for small value of VDS. Take W/L=10.

4. A particular enhancement MOSFET for which Vth=1V and kn' (W/L)=0.1mA/V2 is to be operated in the

saturation region. If Id is to be 0.2mA, find the VGS and minimum required VDS.

5. An pMOS has a gate oxide with a thickness of tox=120A0. The n-type bulk region is doped with ND =

8×1014 cm-3. Given that VTO=-0.55V and W/L=10. Find the device threshold voltage for V SB =2V.

6. Consider a MOS system with the following parameters: tox =2000A , ФGC= - 0.85 V, NA= 2.1015 cm-3, Q0X=

q ×2× 1011 C/cm2

(a) Determine the threshold voltage VTO under zero bias at room temperature (T = 300 K).

(b) Determine the type (p-type or n-type) and amount of channel implant required to

change the threshold voltage to 0.8V.

7. Determine the drain current for an enhancement type nMOS transistor for V G= 5V, VD = 4V, VS = 2V and

VB= 0V, if VTO=0.8V, |2F| = 0.58V, kn =20 µA/V2 and (W/L) = 8.

8. Find the drain current of an nMOS transistor for VGS= 2V and VDS=1.2V, if k n' = 25µA/V2, W/L=10 and

9. Write short notes on

a) Oxide capacitance

b) Velocity saturation

c) Mobility degradation.

10. For an nMOS transistor assume that k n' = 20µA/V2, W/L=5.0µm/0.5µm, VGS=5V and Vth=1V. For small

VDS, calculate RDS.

11. Calculate the threshold voltage for a pMOS transistor, if the substrate doping density N D = 1016 cm-3, gate

doping density ND = 1020 cm-3, Nox = 4×1010 cm-2, and gate oxide thickness tox = 0.1µm.

12. Calculate the required aspect ratios to achieve a transconductance of 1mA/V in an n-channel transistor with

saturation drain current of 200µA, if knʹ =120 µA/V2.

13. What is the concept of channel length modulation? What is the effect of this on the drain current of NMOS

transistor? Justify with proper output characteristic.

14. Calculate ID , for VG = 4V, VD = 4V ,VS = 2V and VB= 1V , for a n-channel MOS transistor which has

following parameters kn= 25 µA/V2, VT0 = 0.5V, λ= 0.05V-1 , γ = 0.2V1/2 and |2ΦF| =0.55V.

15. What are the short channel effects? Explain how it affects the threshold voltage of NMOS transistor.

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