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A method of recording electronic anaesthetic monitor data for research

Article  in  Anaesthesia · February 2017

DOI: 10.1111/anae.13794


2 74

2 authors, including:

John Pateman
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust


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Correspondence Anaesthesia 2017, 72, 262–273

reduce medication errors in anaesthesia. primary outcome was achieved in systems, they do not mandate them
Anaesthesia 2016; 71: 1186–90.
2. Webster CS, Mason KP, Shafer SL. Threats
100% of the intervention group (yet), on the grounds of cost [5].
to safety during sedation outside of the compared with 36% of the control We have previously argued that the
operating room and the death of Michael group, the 95% confidence intervals AAGBI should insist on automated
Jackson. Current Opinion in Anesthesiol-
ogy 2016; 29: S36–S47. showed a potential compliance fail- electronic data capture in the next
3. Wachter R. The Digital Doctor - Hope, ure rate of ~4% for the sample size iteration of the guidelines to stimu-
Hype, and Harm at the Dawn of Medi-
cine’s Computer Age. New York:
we selected, which we acknowl- late manufacturers’ interest, and
McGraw Hill, 2015. edged as a limitation in our paper. encourage hospitals’ investment in
4. Merry AF, Webster CS, Hannam J, et al. such systems for medicolegal and
Multimodal system designed to reduce
errors in recording and administration of S. A. Khan research purposes [6].
drugs in anaesthesia: a prospective ran- S. Khan At the AAGBI Annual Confer-
domised clinical evaluation. British Med- H. Kothandan
ical Journal 2011; 343: d5543.
ence in Birmingham, September
5. Houliston B, Parry D, Webster CS, Merry
Singapore General Hospital, 2016, SW asked Draeger and GE
AF. Interference with the operation of Singapore
Healthcare whether they made
medical devices resulting from the use Email:
of radio frequency identification tech- shariq.ali.khan@singhealth.com.sg small, inexpensive hardware devices
nology. New Zealand Medical Journal that recorded anaesthesia monitor
2009; 122: 9–16.
data and converted it for spread-
No external founding or competing sheet/research analysis. Neither
interests declared. Previously posted produced devices commercially
on the Anaesthesia correspondence (although they were used for equip-
website: www.anaesthesiacorrespon ment diagnostics and theatre net-
Forcing functions and their dence.com work connectivity [7]), so we
consequences – a reply identified our own strategy for
Reference recording and storing data, which
1. Khan SA, Khan S, Kothandan H. Simu-
We thank Webster and Merry for lator evaluation of a prototype device we would like to share with
their interest in our prototype device. to reduce medication errors in ana- research colleagues.
We acknowledge that it is possible esthesia. Anaesthesia 2016; 71:
The following, easily available
many anaesthetists will not appreciate hardware is required: a laptop com-
being forced to follow a set of actions, doi:10.1111/anae.13807 puter, connected to a Keyspan
even if these actions were perceived (Tripp Lite, Newbury, UK) RS-232/
to increase patient safety. In the next DB9 (male) USB high-speed
stage of device development, there- A method of recording (230 kbps) PC/Mac serial adapter,
fore, we are planning to introduce electronic anaesthetic connected to a StarTech (North-
and test a number of features that will monitor data for research ampton, UK) DB9 RS232 serial null
reduce workload and increase end- modem adapter (female/female),
user motivation for the system. Several recent ‘big data’ observa- connected to an ATEN (ATEN
We agree that the likelihood of tional studies have found a correla- Technology, Irvine, CA, USA)
system failure increases with its tion between intra-operative UC232A USB to serial converter
complexity, but would like to hypotension and poor outcome (male/USB), connected to USB port
remind readers that the system [1–3]. 4 of the anaesthetic monitor
described in our paper is a proof- However, although the 5th Edi- (Fig. 3), the total cost of which is
of-concept prototype, and requires tion of the AAGBI: Recommenda- ~£50 (US$62, €58). The Keyspan
further refinement. tions for standards of monitoring adapter needs to be configured via
Concerning Webster and during anaesthesia and recovery [4] https://www.tripplite.com/support/
Merry’s final comment about our recommended the use of automated USA19HS; any recognised serial to
power analysis, although the electronic anaesthetic record USB adapter should work provided

© 2017 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland 267

Anaesthesia 2017, 72, 262–273 Correspondence

(delirium, acute coronary syndrome,

acute kidney injury) in research stud-

S. M. White
J. Pateman
Brighton and Sussex University
Hospitals NHS Trust,
Haywards Heath,
Brighton, UK
Email: stuart.white@bsuh.nhs.uk

SW is an Editor of Anaesthesia, and

Figure 3 Hardware setup, enabling monitor data transfer to laptop this letter has been reviewed exter-
computer. nally. Neither SW nor JP has any
financial interest in either the soft-
ware or hardware mentioned in this
the appropriate drivers are installed analysis, saved as a password-pro-
letter. No external funding or com-
on the host computer. The total tected, encrypted file.
peting interests declared.
one-off cost of these adapters is Monitor2 requires the user to
around ~£50 (US$62, €58). conform the serial port connected
Two free software programs per- to the laptop. The default settings 1. Walsh M, Devereaux PJ, Garg AX, et al.
mit data capture onto Apple (Cuper- of 19200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop Relationship between intraoperative
mean arterial pressure and clinical out-
tino, CA, USA) MacBook Air or Pro bit and Even parity are correct for
comes after noncardiac surgery: toward
devices – Monitor2 (James Derrick, GE Healthcare (Little Chalfont, UK) an empirical definition of hypotension.
2014, iTunes, free) and Vital Signs AS3 based anaesthetic monitors. Anesthesiology 2013; 119: 507–15.
2. Sessler DI, Sigl JC, Kelley SD, et al.
Capture (VSCapture, www.source- Recording frequency can be set in Hospital stay and mortality are
forge.net). The former provides a the preferences as low as 0.5 s increased in patients having a ‘‘triple
low’’ of low blood pressure, low bispec-
polished graphical interface and per- (maximum 120 s, default 5 s).
tral index, and low minimum alveolar
mits the recording of drugs, inter- VSCapture uses the same hard- concentration of volatile anesthesia.
ventions and production of a ware setup and prompts the user to Anesthesiology 2012; 116: 1195–203.
3. White SM, Moppett IK, Griffiths R, et al.
customisable chart as well as allow- select the port in use. It then allows Secondary analysis of outcomes after
ing the record to be saved in an the user to select the logging interval 11,085 hip fracture operations from the
prospective UK Anaesthesia Sprint Audit
encrypted format. The latter pro- (≥ 5s) before generating a log file.
of Practice (ASAP 2). Anaesthesia 2016;
gram provides a more basic com- From a research perspective, 71: 506–14.
mand line interface and needs to be automated recording of haemody- 4. Checketts MR, Alladi R, Ferguson K,
et al. AAGBI: recommendations for stan-
compiled either using the ‘Mono’ namic data reduces measurement bias dards of monitoring during anaesthesia
framework (www.mono-project. [8], provides much greater informa- and recovery 2015. Anaesthesia 2016;
71: 85–93.
com) or Xamarin Studio (www.xam tion than intermittently recorded data
5. White SM. Automated electronic anaes-
arin.com). It allows direct capture of or pre-induction vs. intra-operative thesia records. Anaesthesia 2016; 71:
the data to a comma separated value nadir values [1–3], and should enable 850–1.
6. Checketts MR. Electronic anaesthesia
(.csv) file at a frequency chosen by further insight into which aspects of records – a reply. Anaesthesia 2016; 71:
the user. Both programs allow the hypotension (absolute/relative values, 850–1.
7. GE Healthcare. Capsule supported con-
captured data to be easily imported rate of change, duration, or combina-
nectivity for the perioperative care area.
into an Excel (Microsoft, Redmond, tions of these) are most correlated http://www3.gehealthcare.com/~/me
WA, USA) spreadsheet for onward with ‘ischaemic’ end-organ outcomes dia/documents/us-global/products/

268 © 2017 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland

Correspondence Anaesthesia 2017, 72, 262–273

patient-monitoring/productspecsheet/ artery. Change in practice amongst References

networking/ge%20capsule%20connect 1. Plummer MP, Lavinio A. Stroke following
exclusively ultrasound-trained clini-
inadvertent carotid artery catheterisa-
1404371.pdf (accessed 23/11/2016). cians is corroborated by a recent tion. Anaesthesia 2016; 71: 1370.
8. Mengden T, Asmar R, Kandra A, Di Gio- observational study by Shelton et al. 2. Shelton CL, Mort MM, Smith AF. Tech-
vanni R, Brudi P, Parati G. Use of auto- niques, advantages, and pitfalls of
mated blood pressure measurements in [3].
ultrasound-guided internal jugular can-
clinical trials and registration studies: We believe that more needs to nulation: a qualitative study. Journal of
data from the VALTOP Study. Blood Pres- the Association for Vascular Access
sure Monitoring 2010; 15: 188–94.
be done to emphasise the following
2016; 21: 149–56.
safety points to the wider anaes- 3. Bodenham A, Babu S, Bennett J, et al.
doi:10.1111/anae.13794 thetic community. Ultrasound use AAGBI: Safe vascular access 2016.
Anaesthesia 2016; 71: 573–85.
should be combined with an
anatomical approach to puncturing
Inadvertent carotid the vein, by needling at a shallow,
catheterisation lateral angle whilst aiming for the
ipsilateral nipple. Operators should
Murphy’s law states that ‘anything be aware that they will not be able
Epidural pump malfunction
that can go wrong, will go wrong’. to see the needle tip with an out-
The consequences of things ‘going We would like to report the mal-
of-plane technique and should
wrong’ in anaesthesia can be disas- function of an epidural pump
therefore always note the colour
trous, as illustrated in the letter by (CADDâ-Solis Model #2110 CE;
and pulsatility of blood from the
Plummer and Lavinio [1]. Despite Smiths Medical ASD Inc., Oakdale,
needle. The neck should be thor-
the widespread reporting of devas- MN, USA) that led us to question
oughly scanned to note the place-
tating complications, incidents, for epidural placement in two obstetric
ment of the wire in the correct
example, such as flushing an arterial patients, in the absence of any
vessel. Finally, checks should
line with dextrose or the injection of error message being displayed on
always be performed before using
thiopentone into an artery, continue the pump.
any central venous line, such as a
to occur in our hospitals. Alas, we Following initial epidural pain
combination of pressure transduc-
anticipate that this will likely not be relief during labour, breakthrough
ing (prior to dilation, if there are
the last time that a carotid artery is pain after one hour required top-up
concerns) and venous gas sampling,
inadvertently catheterised. administration of 10 ml ropivacaine
to check the PaO2. Despite this,
As such, we wish to comment 0.2%, despite apparent continuous
arterial puncture always remains a
on certain safety-related aspects of epidural infusion. After a further
possibility and there is no perfect
Plummer and Lavinio’s letter, in hour, this process repeated itself after
technique or test to prevent its
light of the AAGBI: Safe vascular a lack of sensory level to cold was
absolute occurrence.
access guidelines 2016 [2]. There is noted. The patient opted to have
no mention of whether ultrasound epidural replacement, obtained rea-
M. Charlesworth sonable pain relief, and delivered
was used to site the line. It is com- A. D. Ashworth
monly accepted that ultrasound within another hour. A second patient
University Hospital South
reduces the risk of arterial puncture, Manchester, admitted to the same labour room
yet it does not eliminate it. From Manchester, UK experienced similar problems with a
Email: mda05mc@gmail.com non-functioning epidural. On this
our own clinical practice, we have
observed the use of dangerous occasion, we discovered that the
No external funding or competing epidural infusion bag was not empty-
puncture techniques amongst ultra-
interests declared. Previously posted ing, and the pump, while appearing to
sound-trained clinicians for central
on the Anaesthesia correspondence be functional, was not delivering the
venous line insertion, such as steep
website: www.anaesthesiacorrespon set dosage. We promptly removed the
or medial angulation of the needle
dence.com pump and replaced it with another
or transfixing the vein against the

© 2017 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland 269

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