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Converting Sinners, Perfecting the Saints


It is one thing to hear one's testimony from a secondary source but it's all together different when
you hear it first hand from the very person. In 2012 a certain pastor asked me to hold a full week
teachings at his church, I spoke every evening and I finished with a Sunday service. One of the
teachings the Holy Spirit gave was the "I Am" claims of Jesus in the gospel of John. Am not sure
this church still remembers this teaching, but this was a great revelation to me which impacted
my life very much both in my preparation and teaching it to this day.

There are several claims of the Lord Jesus, recorded from His own mouth in the book of John
and a few others in the book of Revelations. I believe among the Apostles of Christ, John had a
really deep love for Jesus, in his gospel narration of the life of Jesus, He doesn't focus so much
on the works, miracles of Jesus as the other three writers, rather he centres more on the person of
this beautiful Son of God! So he gives us different accounts of the Lord Jesus revealing His
identity to us. Now we know that Jesus can't lie so His testimony is true, therefore it behooves us
to study and meditate on these claims. I have come to this conclusion, that Jesus is all He is for
our sake. All His offices are for our good, blessing, salvation; that we may be delivered from sin
and death, to come into His life, that we may Know God His FATHER intimately. Jesus' mission
is to reveal THE FATHER GOD, and bring us into the heavenly family.

This article is looking at the I AMs of Jesus and their implications to us. I pray that at the end of
this reading you may accept Jesus in your life in light of what He said He is to you, Amen.


John 8:58: Jesus said unto them, verily, verily I say unto you before Abraham was I AM. This
was a very staggering statement to the natural Jews, to hear a young man in his 30s claiming that
he is the Great IAM! They were very versed with the old testament, they knew that the Great I
AM revealed Himself to Moses in a burning bush (Exodus 3). They knew His wonders, signs and
miracles He wrought while delivering Israel out of Egypt then the greatest super power. How He
divided the Red Sea, gave them water from a rock, fed them with angels food for 40years,
provided a pillar of fire by night and a cloud to shade them from the scorching sun, defeated their
enemies, came down on Mt. Sinai to give them His covenant, gave them the land of the giants
and established them as a great nation in the middle east. Now a young man to claim to be that I
AM was too much for them to handle, but Hallelujah this Jesus Christ is the same Great I AM of
the old testament. He was before Abraham, He is the Yahweh, The Eternal One, One with The
FATHER and THE HOLY SPIRIT. God of gods, Creator of the heaven and earth. John chapter
1, describes Him as the Eternal WORD, who was in the beginning, one with God, creator of all
things, O the Blessed Incarnate - He put on flesh and dwelt among us, we beheld His glory as the
only Begotten of THE FATHER, full of grace and truth! He is my I AM, my everything! I have

Email: jaisersamuelministries17@gmail.com | Tel: +256-706-498736 | Facebook: Jaiser Samuel Ministries

from Him what I call Him to be to me! Hear Jesus say unto you that "I am your God, Creator,
Savior, Redeemer, Sustainer, your everything"

Who is Jesus to you? Is He your Great I AM? Oh that you chose Him as your I AM today! What
He did for the Jews in the past or what He did when He walked this Earth, in Healing the sick,
providing and multiplying food, calming the raging seas, raising the dead. In summary, Acts
10:38 says He went about doing good, healing all that were oppressed by the devil for God was
with Him! He hasn't changed, He still can and wills to do you good today. The Eternal One
changes not! Take Him then as your Great I AM!


John 6:33-35, 48-51. It seems to me there is a void in every man or woman that only God can
fill! The things of this world can't satisfy. I have come to the conclusion that even spiritual
Christian things do not necessarily satisfy either! The greatest men of God with all anointing,
fame and wealth could also be lonely and suicidal! O this Sweet Jesus called Himself the Bread
of Life, the Bread coming down from heaven, giving life to the world. When we live on Him we
never hunger or thirst again! Are you empty? Come and eat this Mighty Free Bread! Who is
Jesus to you? Is He your Bread of life? O taste and see that The Lord is good! Bread in the
ancient Middle East was their main food - wheat, so it speaks of nourishment, sustenance, health,
strength, life to the people; basically you couldn't survive without it.

We know that food is only for the body, but This Bread of Life - Jesus, is for the whole man:
spirit, soul and body. He imparts life to the whole you. He is relevant to you spiritually by giving
you eternal life, He is relevant to your soul by healing you from depressions, emotional and
psychological issues, fears, broken hearts, and so forth. He is still relevant to your body, by
healing your diseases, sicknesses, barrenness, broken bones et al. There is no incurables with
Jesus, even cancer, Aids and all fatal diseases are no match to Him. As long as you trust Him as
your Bread of life, His very life, the incorruptible life, the zoe life of God, pushes out the fallen,
adamic, degenerating life out of you. Come on, is Jesus your Bread of life? Accept Him Today!
He alone satisfies completely! I enjoy partaking of the Holy Communion. When I lift that little
piece of bread and a little cup of juice, it reminds me of my Savior when He was beaten for me,
for my sins and diseases! I can never be the same again every time I approach the Lord's table.
He said: "take and eat." Have you eaten of Him by faith taking Him as your nourishment? Is He
your Bread of Life? I partake of you Son of God and I never thirst again! Hallelujah!


John 8:12. In the beginning when there was chaos and darkness, our Creator said: "let there be
light." Out of this light came all order! This was not natural light for He created the stars, moon,
sun later on another day. What was this light then? We are told in the scriptures that God created
everything by Jesus Christ, out of Him came the substance that formed all the created order. He
is the light of the world. Now specifically Jesus wants to be your light, He wants to shine into
your darkness, confusion, marriage troubles etc. Oh if you can only let Jesus The Sun of

Email: jaisersamuelministries17@gmail.com | Tel: +256-706-498736 | Facebook: Jaiser Samuel Ministries

Righteousness to shine through your life, allowing the rays and beams of His pure uncreated
light to pierce through your darkness! When light comes however small, all darkness flees. The
Name of Jesus called upon in faith can fill a human soul that no darkness can stay, for light
shines and the darkness cannot contain it.

Who is Jesus to you? Is He your light? Light also speaks of knowledge, development,
enlightenment, illumination, understanding, insight, vision. You can depend on this Jesus in all
your endeavours. He can give you wisdom in your family life, in your academics, career,
business, etc. The word "impossible" only exists in the world of ignorance! But when the
Revealer of all truth is in you, all things are possible. You can face impossible situations with a
smile knowing that The Light of The world is your light. Therefore all darkness, confusion,
uncertainty about the future is all gone when He is shining in your soul. Have you looked unto
Jesus as your light? Why wait? Do it now! Jesus you're my Light and that is all I need!


John 10: 7-9. Sin separated man from a Holy God, man was driven out of the garden of God,
cherubims (great creatures that guard the holiness of God) with a flaming sword were put to keep
the way of the tree of life! (Genesis 3:24). So no one can access God by any means. But here
comes the Son of God claiming that He is The Door of the sheep! He is the access, entrance into
the presence of God, back into the garden of God, the kingdom of God filled with all things we
need for life. When we chose to come in by Him, we are saved, we go in and out and find pasture
- this speaks of enjoying all the blessings of God.

Without Jesus no man can come into the holiness of God, no man can have his prayers answered
by God, but by Jesus ' blood He becomes the door to everyone that believes on Him, free access
into the presence and the blessings of God. You don't have to try hard to please God, you
actually can't! God is only pleased by His perfect Son. Just come through the Name of Jesus, His
blood qualifies you into the presence of God and guarantees answers to your prayers. Have you
come to Jesus as your door to the Kingdom of God? Or you depend on your own good works,
your pastor prophet, or church or denomination? All these are not the door. There is only One
Door, Jesus Christ The Son of The Most High God. Who is Jesus to you? Is He your door into
the kingdom of God? Ask Him now to be your own door to THE FATHER. Amen.


John 10:11-14. The Lord Jesus calls Himself the Good shepherd of the sheep. A shepherd is a
pastor or a caretaker, he feeds, nourishes, protects, guides, cares for the wellbeing of the sheep.
This is what The Lord Jesus is to us when we believe in Him. He said He lays down His life for
us. Oh if you can only read that Isaiah 53 prophesy; He Himself took our sins, pains, sicknesses,
griefs. He gave Himself for me, He loved me with a self sacrificial love! O what a love! I didn't
deserve it, but He did it anyway. This is my Jesus, my Good Shepherd. He takes care of me,
spirit soul and body. He supplies all my needs. Psalms 23 is a great poem about this Good
Shepherd: leading me, helping me, caring for me, even in troubles He is ever there to save me. O

Email: jaisersamuelministries17@gmail.com | Tel: +256-706-498736 | Facebook: Jaiser Samuel Ministries

thank you Jesus, I take you as my shepherd. Hebrews 13:20 & 1 Peter 2:25, infer to Jesus as the
Great Shepherd, the Bishop or Custodian of our souls. Hallelujah Glory to God!

Do you see Jesus as the custodian of your life? Can then your marriage, health, business or
anything else of yours fail? HE can't fail in keeping you. He that keeps us neither sleeps nor
slumbers! Hallelujah! You can choose to worry yourself to death! Or trust in unreliable humans!
But I have chosen to cast my all to this Jesus as my Shepherd! The Lord Jesus is my shepherd,
great caretaker, I shall not want anything, my marriage can't fail, my kids will grow healthy and
spiritual, my business will succeed. My all to Jesus to manage. AMEN. Who is Jesus to you? Is
He your shepherd?


John 14:6. Jesus is The Way, The Truth, The Life. This means there is no other way, no other
truth, no other life. Outside of Him is death, confusion and utter darkness. All the best of the
world without Jesus is mere rubbish!

First, Jesus is The Way to God The FATHER, you can't access God through any other way but
CHRIST. 1 Timothy 2:5 says, Jesus is The One Mediator between God and man. Mary, prophets,
men of God dead or present in our day are not mediators, actually they all need Christ as we do!
Only Jesus is the way! The only way to God and all the blessings of God. My prayers and good
works are not the way but only Jesus and my faith in Him alone is the way to God.

Secondly, Jesus is The Truth. Today truth seems relative, man thinks he is smarter than God. But
I have chosen Jesus as my Only absolute Truth. His Word, the holy Bible is my truth. What His
Word says is my only truth and constitution, what He says about life, marriage, sexuality,
heaven, hell, and every other aspect of life is absolutely final to me. He created me, knows me,
died and rose again for me, He deserves my obedience so I take Him as my truth. I don't care
what the world, the church or preachers say, Jesus and His Word is my only Truth. I am not
moved by what I see or feel, I only believe God and His Word.

Lastly Jesus is The Life. There is no life outside The Lord Jesus; without Him is death. He
embodies the Very Life of God. 1 Corinthians 15:45 calls Him: The Life Giving Spirit. No other
life I have apart from Him. When I accept Him as my Savoir, He deposits His Holy Spirit in my
heart and I become alive, sin and death expelled. My soul lives when it contacts Christ, my body
also revives into health when it touches Jesus. Jesus is my life. I am in Him and He is in me. He
makes all I am to live and flourish. Is Jesus you way, truth, and life? Who is Jesus to you?


John 15. This is a very beautiful chapter showing our oneness with Jesus Christ. He called
Himself the True Vine. When I believe in Him, I get engrafted into this Vine and I become a
branch. So the life of Christ starts to flow from Him the trunk into my whole life as long as I
continue to abide in Him by faith. His life flows into me providing every resource I need to bear

Email: jaisersamuelministries17@gmail.com | Tel: +256-706-498736 | Facebook: Jaiser Samuel Ministries

fruit unto God. Jesus is the Head of the Church as a whole but also as an individual He is my
Head. Now as in the natural the head and the body are one, so I am one with Christ, He that is
joined with The Lord is one spirit with Him! Christ's life flows into my spirit, soul and body. His
Holiness, Righteousness, Goodness, Purity, Wisdom, Power, Glory; flow directly into my
marriage, business, career, academics.

Oh Glory to God, I can't fail in life, I was engrafted in Life Himself! I just need to need to grow
in the knowledge of my oneness with Him. I don't need to struggle to produce success by my
efforts, I simply depend and rest in my main Vine. Jesus loves me and wants me to succeed in
everything! So He will continually send all the necessary nutrients that I need to flourish and
bear fruit. But do I see Him as my only source? Who is Jesus to you? Is He your True Vine, your
Head? Only learn to abide in Him?


John 11:25. Without Jesus there is no life. Once all men die, only he that is in Jesus will raise
again unto life everlasting. So in a future sense Christ is my resurrection and life. Am saved now
by my faith in His blood, but on the last day He will raise me again and give me a new body that
is incorruptible, then will I live with Him and His FATHER by the power of The Holy Spirit
forever and ever. On the other hand sinners will be cast in the lake of fire with the devil and his
demons forever! Now there is also a present reality of His resurrection and life to me now.

Romans 8:11 says; The Spirit of Him that raised Christ from the dead dwells in me and He
quickens or gives life to my mortal body! The resurrection life of Christ by the power of The
Holy Spirit, gives life to my spirit, my heart, my emotions, my physical body. Ha! We live in the
Resurrected Savior! With His life is in us, our physical bodies can revive from sicknesses, the
barren woman can bare now! Aids, cancer or any other fatal disease can die out of your system
now! All by the power of the Resurrection and Life in us. Is Jesus your Resurrection and Life?
Why the allow the devil, death, sickness, depression reign in your life? Awake the Mighty Lion
of Judah to revive your spirit, soul and body.



Revelations 1:18. Jesus wants us to know that He is The Living One, The Living Word, The Life
Giving Spirit! He lives, and because He lives we live also and can boldly face tomorrow! Then
He said He was dead, Ha! Past tense! "Was dead" But no longer dead, He died to pay for my sin,
O when the penalty was finished, He rose again, Hallelujah!

Behold I AM alive forever more! My Jesus lives! All founders of the religions of the world are
dead, rotten and their spirits burning in hell waiting to be cast into the lake of fire with the devil!
Mohamed is dead, Buddha is dead, all philosophers and Atheists like Darwin are dead! But Jesus
is alive, for death could not contain Him! Glory to God! And I am in Him, therefore I am alive

Email: jaisersamuelministries17@gmail.com | Tel: +256-706-498736 | Facebook: Jaiser Samuel Ministries

too and not dead, my marriage is alive I don't care if the whole world suffers divorce! All I set
my hand to must live, ha! Barren woman, you can bare now, the Life Giving One is in you!

He holds the keys of death and hell, death has no dominion over me, what kills normal people
cannot kill me,. Why? I have accepted a Savoir, that has the keys of death and hell. He has
opened the gates of death, failure, misery, confusion, defeat, and I came out of it all. He set me
free from sin. Glory to God am alive and am experiencing the zoe life of God. Now your life
may seem to contradict this truth, but pay no attention to what you see or feel only believe! Faith
is the only channel through which we experience all the promises of God. Is Jesus The Living
One to you?


Revelations 22:16. My Jesus is the Root and the Offspring of David. The old testament prophets
prophesied a coming Eternal King whose descent is from the tribe of Judah, the family of Jesse
and the Son of David. This is the Man that was born of a Virgin, we know that both Mary and
Joseph (the earthly caretaker of Jesus) were all from the lineage of David. Jesus is the Eternal
King that David typified in his heroic reign over Israel. All David was in delivering Israel from
their enemies and consolidating them into a great kingdom, Jesus is to all that believe in Him.
We are secure in our Warrior King. He provides for all our needs, defeats our enemies of sin,
death, and all destructive works of the devil. Psalms 78:70-72, Describes David feeding Israel
according to the integrity of his heart and guiding them by the skillfulness of his hands. This is
also what Jesus is doing in our lives as the church. Do you see Christ as a literal King in your

The Bright and Morning Star. Oh this lovely King of glory, Jesus the Son of The FATHER, look
at Him shining brighter than a billion suns. He out shines all the heavenly stars put together, in
any case He is the Author of their limited created light. He alone dwells in light unapproachable,
whom no man has seen nor can see, yet by His grace He has chosen to reveal and share His glory
with us who come to Him in faith. I don't know who you consider as "stars" in your life? Is it
celebrities, political figures, great statesmen and achievers of all kinds, men of God,
denominational leaders? But I have chosen to have One Star, The bright and morning Star, Him
alone I celebrate, Him alone I honour, adore, reverence, He is above all, over all forever and ever
Amen. Who is Jesus to you?


Revelations 22:13. Jesus finally called Himself as The Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the
End, The First and The Last. We must see Jesus as the Author of all things we know and don't
know including TIME. He is out of time, He is not subject to time and space. He is the beginning
of all things, The Originator of all things and He is the End of it all. Apostle Paul said that "By
Christ all things consist." He created the heavens and the earth, angels of all kinds, other
heavenly beings, man on earth and the whole of the created order. He knows the end from the

Email: jaisersamuelministries17@gmail.com | Tel: +256-706-498736 | Facebook: Jaiser Samuel Ministries

beginning. Specifically Jesus is your beginning and the end, your first and the last, your Alpha
and the Omega.

If you are a sinner, Jesus created you in purity and innocence, but because of sin you are lost and
unless you repent and ask Him to wash away your sin, He has prepared hell and the lake of fire
for you forever. But to a believer who has put his trust in Christ, He becomes the Author of your
salvation. It begins now when you're born again and will end up in living for all eternity with
Him, His Father, The Holy Spirit, with all the Angels of God, and The Redeemed of all ages.
Still presently you can take Jesus as the Alpha and Omega of your all. Make Him the beginning
of your marriage and family life, run your life according to His Word - the Holy Bible. Make
Him the Lord of your finances by practicing tithing and offering to His work on earth, make Him
the main aim and focus of your life. If Jesus is at the center of it all in your life, you're only
going to experience heaven on earth!

In conclusion, we are talking about "Who is Jesus to you?" And this article is about the "What
He said He is" -The I AMs and their implications in our lives.

Take time to meditate on the scriptures given above on each identity of Christ.
I pray God that we all grow in the knowledge of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Paul Jaiser Samuel

He must increase but I Must decrease...John 3:30

Email: jaisersamuelministries17@gmail.com | Tel: +256-706-498736 | Facebook: Jaiser Samuel Ministries

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