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Institución Educativa Nuestra Señora del Rosario

”Ciencia, Virtud y Trabajo”

Chaparral – Tolima: Nit.890.706.714-0

STUDENT: _________________________________________________ GRADE: 6th DATE:______

ENGLISH He is James Rodriguez. He is twenty

eight years old. He is from Colomibia.


1.Choose the row that groups occupations and He is a tall and strong man. His
professions only. occupation is a football player. He is
(Escoja la fila que solamente agrupe ocupaciones o playing in the Barcelona team in Spain
profesiones.) now. He is laughing because he is
happy. His duagther´s name is Salome. He knows Brazil
a. Student – teacher – table - house and The United stated.
b. Teacher – student - actor- doctor
c. Enginner- writer – I- he- we 8. Acording to the text James Rodriguez is: (acorde con el
d. Pilot – scientist – going –table texto James Rodriguez es)

2. Choose the row that grups the indefinite article a. a sad man
and it groups things of home only. b. a happy man
(Escoja la fila que agrupa solamente los articulos c. a brave man
indeterminado y que agrupa solamente cosas del hogar. d. a bored man

a. the teacher - a banker – an architect – the chef 9. he is _________ years old.

b. a house – a computer – an oven – a chair
c. a techer – an enginnner – an artist – a house a. 25
d. the books – the book – a friend – the bedroom b. 28
c. 26
3. Put the possessive adjective that corresponds and d. 27
that completes the following the sentence. ( Ponga el
adjetivo posesivo que corresponda y que complete la 10. he is in this moment in( El esta en este momento en)
siguiene oracion.)
a. Colombia
He is working in _______ office this morning. b. Spain
c. Brazil
a. my d. The United Stated
b. his
c. her
d. our Change the subject to a corresponding personal pronoun
of the following sentence. ( cambie el sujeto por el
What is the word for each description? Select an option pronombre personal correspondiente en la siguiente
for each case. (¿Cuál es la palabra para cada oracion)
descripción? escoja solo una para cada caso.) de la lista
de abajo. 11. Rafael is running in the park this morning.

4. He is playing an instrument in an orchestra. _________ a. We

b. I
5. He is writing novels and books. ________ c. He
d. She
6. She is working as an assistant in plane. _________
12. Juana is a good teacher.
7. He is teaching English in a school. _________
a. they
a. a Teacher b. he
b. a chef c. she
c. a Flight attendant d. it
d. an athlete
e. a write
f. an engineer
g. a musician
h. a singer

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